Recently, the advent of Internet of Things (IOT) has only got bigger, more complex, and less well managed. It is very much mandatory to understand how the network is used. An interesting trend contributing to the growth of the IOT is the shift from the consumer-based IPv4 Internet of tablets and laptops, that is, Information Technology (IT), to an Operational Technology (OT)-based IPv6 Internet of Machine-to- Machine interactions. This includes sensors, smart objects and clustered systems (for example, Smart Grid). However, the IoT opens a completely new dimension to security. The IoT is where the Internet meets the physical world. The term "Industry 4.0" originates from a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the computerization of manufacturing. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is reshaping various industrial sectors, such as manufacturing, logistics, transportation, healthcare, energy and utilities. IIoT consists of various smart objects distributed throughout the whole industrial system to collect massive ambient data, which can be used to identify performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot faults and detect malicious behaviors consequently enforcing effective control to the physical world. This has some serious implications on security as the attack threat moves from manipulating information to controlling actuation (in other words, moving from the digital to the physical world). Consequently, it drastically expands the attack surface from known threats and known devices, to additional security threats of new devices, protocols, and workflows. Many operational systems are moving from closed systems (for example: SCADA, Modbus, CIP) into Intrusion prevention based systems which further expands the attack surface.
We propose to secure the Industrial IoT infrastructure using blockchain technology. The blockchain technology is transforming industries by enabling anonymous and trustful transactions in decentralized and trustless environment. As a result, blockchains help to reduce system risks, mitigate financial fraud and cut down operational cost. The convergence of IIoT and blockchains can potentially overcome the deficiencies of IIoT consequently resulting in the realization of IIoT in industrial sectors. Both industry practitioners and academic researchers aim at realizing general, scalable and deployable blockchain-based IIoT platforms in various application domains while there are a number of challenges like distributed consensus algorithms and data analytics with privacy-preservation in IIoT systems. We secure the transactions by adding the own minted coins in the system. The coins added have a certain value which gets increased after the transaction is validated. For every Illegal transaction, the other coin which bets more than this malicious coin wins thereby securing the system.
The solution will definitely be useful to the mankind in the future. By using blockchain technology, we can prevent various attacks on the decision boundaries on the network system. Various attacks like Man in the middle, denial of service, false data injection in system, and other protocol attacks which tamper and disrupt the system can be eliminated by the blockchain technology. Blockchains which are useful for financial need, can also effectively secure the transactions on large basis in the Industrial Protocols.