TWREEC Dedicated Third World CCM & CCA
Organization: Third World Resources, Energy and Environment Center – TWREEC
Year of Establishment: 1990
Status: Private
Permanent Address: TWREEC Building, Nawan Pind Arian, Sialkot – Pakistan
Spheres of Activity: Onshore/Offshore Oil & Gas, Climate Change Mitigation - CCM and Adaptation - CCA , 17SDG2030 PA2015.
Founder Director: Mr. Rashid Ahmed born on November 26, 1949 Sialkot-Pakistan. B.Sc. Chemical Engineering, UET – Lahore (1972), M.E. Environmental Engineering, AIT – Bangkok (1980), PAT – Canada, USA, and France. International employment and consulting: oil & gas, seawater desalination, environmental engineering projects – Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe and North America. Companies worked with/served for: OGDC – Pakistan, KOC – Kuwait, VEBA Oil – Germany/PETROCANADA – Libya, Exploration Consultants Ltd. – USA/RPS Energy – UK/PETROBANGLA – Bangladesh. Author of several national award winner world class engineering books in oil, gas, environment and SDG spheres, and is originator of several CCM-CCA projects.
1. Problems committed to solving: Socioeconomic system of humanity has already started feeling upsets of dynamic activities at approximately occurred global warming around 1o C, would be imbalanced at 1.5o C, and out of order at and above 2o C. Scientific projections of earth life struggle tend to continue up to 8o C albeit shifted to present polar regions but national scale migrations to Greenland and future livable Antarctica won’t be too feasible.
2. Proposed Projects: Letting not global temperature exceed 2o C is the prime goal at the earth planet with below itemized CCM & CCA projects proposed under TWREEC mission.
- CCM upgrading of fossil/bio based industrial facilities.
- Climate re-interpretation of air pollution control, water treatment, wastewater handling, and SWM.
- CCA below and above 2o C global warming.
3. How TWREEC projects could elevate humanity?
The above listed projects directly and indirectly contribute to 17SDG2030 UN Agenda of PA2015.
Specific problem of climate change is extraordinary from any angle of projection. Unfortunately GHG emission timeline is forgotten in governmental CCM-CCA policy making and public response. Climate scientist say CO2 the mother of global warming has first time crossed 400 ppm level in the atmosphere in last 800,000 years set causing mass extinctions mere in decades which previously took hundreds of years, Humanity is new target because it was not present on earth during past-mishap of 400 ppm CO2.
TWREEC establishment during the year 1990 was primarily saving Pakistan from this natural-cum-anthropogenic climate consequence but homeland was not willing to expect a threat out of immediate five senses. Within 3 decades climate adversity has become visible and inflated from 200 million national population to billions international inhabitant of the earth.
Factors contributing to CCM are of course CO2 emissions exceeding natural photosynthesis part of universal life support cycles. Previously, international intervention and massive inland across the border migrations were part of solution to occasionally occurring disasters which is not the case of climate calamity. GHG target is only glacier melting. In-between CCA problems can hardly be listed ranging from extinction under thirst and coastal floating due to sea level rise.
TWREEC has attempted affordable techno-economic reinterpretation of multi-trillion dollar CCM-CCA projects of advanced world for equitable handling by developing countries.
As listed under ‘‘Presentation of the Project’’ TWREEC has touched almost every aspect of CCM and CCA ignorance of which can result in national failure of compliance to mandatory PA2015 sustainable development goals. Despite obligatory under 17SDG2030 selectively listed TWREEC projects are national life saving under voluntary undertakings as part of ENV.20 and ENV.21 alike. ENV.20 is reminder of outright pending actions while ENV.21 has no exemption for delayed actions. Unfortunately listed projects are deviant from contemporary developmental and environmental ventures and thus can hardly be re-aligned to CCM-CCA without grassroots revision of national policies and action plans. Sorrowfully CAPEX/OPEX outlay of CCA projects in general and CCM projects in particular is so prohibitively high that many otherwise protectable countries would be deserted because of lacking budgetary funds. GCF and other climate financing international programs are as or perhaps more hard to be availed for CCM-CCA than for ordinary socioeconomic projects.
TWREEC projects have been simplified so that even poorest of the poor nations of the world may avail these for deserved survival and civilization of humanity within respective responsibility.
The project is aimed at modestly serving basic human needs. Climate change does not discriminate communities for harming because collapse of most deprived junk falls on the privileged within a country and collapse of a nation on the entire international community. 21st century distinction is its turbulence caused by past centuries accomplished, leftover and ignored parameters. As such neither a silver bullet can shoot down GHG immediately nor a speedy uplift of natural ecological environment – NEE. Meaningfully improving a served community for CCM-CCA breakthrough is a slow and steady task because NEE deformation through superimposed manmade environment – MME and social system environment – SSE has 440 years deforming history ranging from first commercial coal mining during the year 1575 up to signing Paris Climate Accord year 2015. Climate change needs got not be understood from affected or affecting communities because of sensitive science wall curtain in between. For instances why coastal communities destroyed mangroves does not have to be understood from their explanations. These communities need wood for their sustenance and governments cannot provided alternatives better than self-grown mangroves. As such vitality of mangrove ecosystems is as vital to be taught to poor coastal communities as to governments.
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
TWREEC project elevates randomly fallen issues of CCM and CCA especially when these are not windfall from national achievements. For instance let us take up CCM-CCA case of Pakistan in the following directions of what and how of multiple ifs singled out below;
- How glacier melting rate can be slowed down?
- Where melted valley glacier freshwater resourced shall head to?
- How bulk melted ice can be stored?
- How agro-forestry would be sustained under freshwater scarcity?
- How portable water supplies can be ensured sustainable under groundwater scarcity, inability to treat surface water, or launching renewable energy supported seawater desalination facilities.
- etc.
Frankly speaking after 30 years struggle at huge loss of personal belongings it is being felt as a hard luck but not wastage of professional life to start the initiative. TWREEC - a global rescue undertaker is fundamentally moral debt payback to my motherland where probably one out of 100 can hardly read or write his/her name properly gifted me a lot of inland and overseas higher educational and career opportunities (despite hailing from a helpless rural farming family) coincidently in academic/professional field spheres which are penetrative to 21st century CCM and CCA preparedness.
TWREEC idea initially began in I990 when after 16 years inland and overseas professional service to oil & gas upstream onshore/offshore, the ‘’ Third World Resources, Energy & Environment centre was established in Pakistan at native village. Till the year 2010 TWREEC emphasis was on quality water supply, groundwater conservation, wastewater resource efficiency, forestation, solid waste management, petroleum industry affairs, industrial waste recycling, marine pollution control, terrestrial ecosystems, manmade forestation etc. During the period international consulting assignments like brackish/seawater desalination and radical re-development of petroleum and natural gas fields were also carried out in Africa and Asia with TWREEC functions at forehead and back of mind.
Saving the earth planet is not as passionate to TWREEC founder director as a Pakistan or global citizen as to his multidisciplinary engineering profession. International schools of climate thought are not unified on CCM –CCA resolutions while aftermath is common. After university qualifying in two opposite disciplines of engineering one promoting GHG (Chemical Engineering) and the other capable of combating global warming (Environmental Engineering) and having PAT equipped and served hydrocarbon and environmental sectors in as diverse geographic divisions of the globe as minus 30 degrees to plus 50 degrees centigrade locations of frozen rivers, single weather per year, zero rain or daily annual rain, and naval exercised offshore petroleum operations of Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America and Europe, it was realized that either engineering is doing the same task of global warming. As such personal global connection developed.
Sea level rise has compelled European climate thinkers to propose land reclaiming the North Sea for safety and security of more than a score of regional countries. Drained aquifers, drying surface water bodies, and sea level rise are set to teach an environmental lesson to relevant countries not past part of academic syllabi or field practices anywhere in the world.
TWREEC is uniquely positioned to handle CCM-CCA project which actually is a compound of scores of sub-project each having interactions with 17 SDG 2030 UN Agenda Goals. CCM and CCA aspects of the overall project are check-listed below;
1. Industrial CCM:
1.1 Source mitigation of GHG emission from by low carbon core process selection.
1.2 Source mitigation of GHG emission by CCM optimized facility engineering.
1.3 Pre-atmosheric entry CCS by CCM upgrading of flaring and stationary venting systems.
1.4 Acid gas treatments based CCS and DAC.
1.5 Renewable energy promotion.
2. Biological CCM:
2.1 Process engineering modifications for avoiding bio-degradation GHG emissions from water and wastewater treatment systems
2.2 Revision of sewerage systems
2.3 Upgrading modern sanitary landfills.
2.4 Agro-forestry waste recycling
3. Natural CCM:
3.1 Forestation
3.2 REDD+ actions.
3.3 Restoration of terrestrial and marine ecosystems.
4. Compound CCM-CCA
4.1 Human behavior change .
4.1 ESIA for new developmental projects and for site reclamation post abandonment.
5. CCA
5.1 Non-GHG air pollution control for averting acid/soot rain and for HSEQ.
5.2 Freshwater security - surface/ground resources, potable/commercial/industrial supply, seawater desalination.
5.3 Food security.
5.4 Energy security.
5.5 Wastewater treatment and recycling.
5.6 SWM and resource recovery
5.7 Reduction of LULUC negative impacts.
5.8 Coastal resilience against sea level rise.
5.9 Marine pollution control.
5.10 Engineered rainwater harvesting - ERWH
5.11 Minor to mega scale aquifer storage and recovery - ASR.
5.12 Raised bed agro-forestry on non-cultivable land.
5.13 CCM-CCA engineering reforms in urban planning, rural integrity, and tribal settings.
For the last 30 years TWREEC functions are being exclusively supported by Founder Director’ own financing which has constantly depleted from above average to below average level at Pakistani scale miserably mismatching the global scale. As such difficult situations were not instant or momentary but has occurred permanent feature occurred due to misunderstandings stemming out of repeated reminders to governmental and state rulers that TWREEC needs their support. Each reminder to almost a score of gone by rulers single without a positive footprint left behind resulted in new troubles to TWREEC simply because governments never understood theme of the work and always redirected to hurdle-creating national techno-scientific institutions and departments for collaboration. As such TWREEC has been left at its own and we continue serve persistently unaided. Even this much national kindness is more than enough for TWREEC. So no setback has negatively affected TWREEC functions so far.
We have demonstrated ability to preserve and transform obstacles in to unique R&D confronting challenges but do not consider any failure encountered so far except prompt scaling up our projects at national or international scale. CCM-CCA is first universal challenge to which almost 200 countries parties to PA2015 cannot face jointly.
Past experiences such as arranging potable water supply for deprived community, saving freshwater resources from industrial community, getting mangrove forest protected by/and from vicinity inhabitation, Being a role model in small community is past story of success in assorted parts of the world geography. Past experiences such as arranging potable water supply for deprived community, saving freshwater resources from industrial community, getting mangrove forest protected by/and from vicinity inhabitation, relocating a human settlement from a hazardous spot, etc are typical parts of socioeconomic/ordinary environmental actions.
Explored CCM-CCA solutions are for resolving magnifying global conflict between NEE, MME and SSE. GHG emissions reported to cut by 17% during COVID19 lockdown are reported suddenly rising above 417 ppm within days of re-opening. As such capturing hearts-minds of global community is secondary theme of carbon capturing to which TWREEC is specifically devoted to. Almost all international competitors to TWREEC are ex-leaders of super-powers, or billions of dollars funded per year and each maintain 100s of hectors climate research experimentation stations in USA and Europe while TWREEC commencing with an office and 10 acre outstation has been forced to research systems of 17SDG2030 vitality within less than an acre layout without funding support.
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Private R&D organization
TWREEC CCM –CCA work is a compound of multiple projects vitally linked to 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goal. Schedule of PA2015 is very tight while GHG concentration in the atmosphere is too rapidly increasing. Our projects are innovative in the sense that these chase GHG from source to sink. Address CCM actions in full range from source of emission to ultimate CO2 capture as CCS and DAC. Even full identification of GHG emission from combustion, and bio-degradation is largely pending. Overall CCM-CCA project of TWREEC requires international partnership for carrying out the below listed specialized projects worldwide.
A.1 - Assessment of residual CH4 and CO2 emissions from globally located abandoned E&P sites.
A.2 -Assessment of coal bed CH4 emissions from globally located mining sites.
A.3 - Facility survey of outdated and new industrial installations.
A.4 - ESIA for new projects.
A.5 - National surveys of bio-degradable GHG emissions covering large dam reservoirs, anaerobic stationary water bodies, bio-industry, landfills, stray decay biomass etc.
A.6 - Relevant national scale CCM projects in individual countries worldwide.
B. - Joint CCM-CCA
B.1- Restoration and strengthening of terrestrial ecosystems especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
B.2 – Marine pollution control and acid control. Development and strengthening of mangrove forests.
C. - CCA
C.1 – Water projects including mega ASR for glacier melt, ENRWH, renewable energy based seawater desalination.
C.2 – Wastewater projects of entirely different significance than state of the art projects.
C.3 – LULUC negative impact reduction on NEE and LULUC transformation.
TWREEC initiated CCM-CCA project is not merely expectation but surety that our work has impact on humanity in alignment to Paris Agreement. Though possible to avoid consequentially PA2015 is that mandate without which humanity cannot survive sustainably. Immediate output and longer-term outcomes for the Pakistan Community currently comprising of 220 million population ranges from inhabitation to glacier mountain Young Rivers to River Mouth to Arabian Sea. In-between of more than 2000 km long and 300 – 400 km wide national territorial spread is odd relationship of NEE, MME, SSE and Humanity all four living on each other. This spectacular impact situation involves socioeconomic depletive mode of wonderfully diverse landscapes and LULUC. Third party evidence of rapid deterioration of Pakistan NEE is perhaps surpassing the national investigations because international environmental agencies speak more than what is governmentally known. However, national hue and cry is also not inadequate. For instances, hosting largest count of valley glaciers in the world Pakistan is suffering melting of thousands without in national notice while Switzerland losing ice cover on scores out of total 100s has become restless. River water from all five national rivers is no more reaching Indus Delta miserably deteriorating coastal ecosystems. Best canal irrigation system of Pakistan in the world has placed the country in worst situation of water logging. Desertification is on rise, cities losing groundwater depletion, SWM concern getting out of control, coastal communities vulnerable to inland relocation, etc. This situation is representative of most of the Third World countries be it Indonesia of Asia, Nigeria of Africa or Brazil of South America or several others in each region.
20th century was originator of environmental SET which till 1980 was not well known for its global practicality of air, water and land pollution except to university professors and post-graduate students. Within a decade air pollution from its environmentally controlled form emerged as GHG emission but never paid attention in advanced countries. Developing countries did attempt non-GHG portion of environment for only for basic needs of water treatment for selective urban supply, wastewater sewerage, and solid waste management in deficient duplicated practices.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
Population statistics of the number of people served by TWREEC projects is exactly comparable of how many are served by CCM-CCA projects of international organizations like; Climate Reality, Green Cross, Water Keeper, and ICE911. Current count is perhaps unaltered with real time passage and sums up the same 7 to 8 billion total global population. CCA is more direct than CCM in impacts while both are independent of each other. Suppose global warming does not increase further even then 220 million population of Pakistan shall continue creating new streets to be overcrowded with new children irrespective of what they eat for growth and what they will do when able to do productively. Global warming stopping without strong CCM is wrong hypothesis but tends to be environmentally causing compatible regional socioeconomic extinction to several developing countries as if it had never taken place. IPCC projections of global population inflation and GHG emission intensification at 1.5 C and 2 C pathways leave no doubt that even minor CCM actions can be saving millions of lives.
Although Pakistan aboriginal, TWREEC CCM-CCA project is world specific due to spread of singular global climate change challenge. It is fallacy that 17SDG2030 is aimed at elevating the entire humanity to advanced world QOL mark. Rather downward re-adjustment of advanced QOL is quite expected for sustainability. Rich has no history of aiding poor for equalization of living standards because doing so can eradicate global dynamism of progress which is based on differentials of possession at all levels.
For CCM-CCA communities can hardly mobilized like that for combating localized disasters like flood control, famine response, epidemic because combat measures can be nationally or internationally organized or fetched. Singular TWREEC CCM-CCA is consisted of scores sector projects at various stages ranging from conception to scale-up. Governments are the most effective engines for CCM and CCA projects but cannot be inspired so easily unless needs arise out of matured calamities. Loss preventive economic opportunity of climate change is only acceptable in highly advanced countries from where science, engineering and technology – SET evolves and has proven its developmental and ecological ability for national progress. As such we do have ambitious plans but not requisite support for scheduled achievements. TWREEC work does proclaim elevating humanity but simultaneously acknowledges limitations of humanity especially when it is hand to mouth needy and not caring about the climate change related devastation.
Impact goals of TWREEC CCM-CCA projects are venture specific which again vary from country to country. For instance recondition Indus River Delta is immensely different from the same CCM-CCA requirement of Niger Delta of Africa. Indus Delta is not confronted with oil & gas interactions while Niger Delta plight is hydrocarbon linked. Indonesian surface water resources are so immensely netted with deforestation, LULUC, coal and petroleum exploitation activities it is hard to catch a lead for CCM or CCA lead. Plastic wastes export trade is actually global GHG emission shifting illegal activity along with causing severe LULUC deformations at the delivery end.
For the last 30 years TWREEC CCM-CCA project has steadfast advanced through extreme national barriers simply because of unfounded suspicion that how an aboriginal Pakistani can launch such a future-tech project without international backup. It is hard to pinpoint whether time favored TWREEC juxtaposition or it was timely SSE action for mediating national MME to NEE for global follow up. PA2015 is just ultimatum of environmental tragic consequence otherwise mishap is already in the pipeline. Pakistan being naturally so beautiful in landscape has created more enemies exclusively due to this reason than because of border disputes. Once glaciers are gone due to global warming, natural beauty shall stand as dry skeleton in deserted downstream stretches. Expressing techno-economic barriers to engineering projects is never dared like this but it is CCM-CCA project compulsion of expression.
Prime financial and technical barrier of TWREEC project is its unprecedented SCOW. Project SCOW is so huge and related schedule so tight that nationally and internationally CCM projects are considered beyond of economy reach no matter how strong it may be independently or as a collaborative deployment. Legal and cultural bonds of CCM in general and CCA in particular are not as luring as surprising a local/provincial government and vicinity populations by undertaking a gold mining in certain area so that concerned government and society start day dreaming of door knocking hay-days. It is survival of future generations rather than immediate marketing game of produced goods and services over 1 to 5 years timeline of project.
Since TWREEC project is not only for one country, we do not consider national barriers can discourage our breakthrough. If humanity finds these as vital solution we are at disposal of the needy as a global contribution to 17SDG2030 UN Agenda goals. TWREEC within its radius of performance which of course is earth planet radius has multiple plans to overcome these barriers erected by brown economy in every country as listed below;
- Rationalize SSE as an unbiased mediator between NNE and MME within a national jurisdiction.
- Review and recommend national policy/action plan restrictions of an involved project.
- Conduct functional ESIA of the venture.
- Conduct feasibility as nationally affordable.
- Project engineer a sector project within manageable SCOW.
- Attempt bearable CAPEX/OPEX.
- Prioritize CCA in vulnerability context.
- Prioritize natural CCM over industrial counterpart if feasible.
- Incorporate bio-CCM in addition to inorganic.
- Explore new opportunities within the CCA sphere.
- Promotion of behavioral CCM-CCA.
- Educational, PAT and consulting services at different levels.
NEE-SSE-MME cause of CCM-CCA barriers have around 200 years longer than industrial history of the world. Developed and developing governments and societies utilize these differently for avoiding CCM-CCA because they are preoccupied in more immediate activities for continuation of national BAO. SSE is thus more promotional to MME than NEE.
Consolidation of existing SET knowledge and know-how as CCM-CCA innovation is a daunting task. Scientific and techno-engineering instruments and tools are over-scattered and their project SCOW constitution for practical deployment to a national situation is nerve breaking commitment which requires SDG-17 international cooperation.
For the
last 30 years TWREEC is operating independently with a deserved hope that it
would find national and international partners sooner or later. However,
CCM-CCA issue is so tangled that hopes continue as hope not field partnership.
International response to TWREEC proposals has throughout been highly
encouraging but project awards are awaited. If this much liaison is entitled to
be termed as partnership then our list is quite long covering or touching
almost every national or international institution, donor or initiative linked to
CCMC- CCA. Techno-economic challenge ranging from key super-complex hydrocarbon
GHG emission sourcing control OGCI to seemingly super-simple trillion tree plantation natural carbon sink is so severe that between the extremes scores
or hundreds dollar CAPEX/OPEX is almost common parameter.
At regional scale CCA related CAPEX/OPEX is hardly much different. For instance recent idea of closing the European Strait and filling North Sea with sand and rock for protecting the regional countries from sea level rise alone is approximately 0.5 trillion dollar cost venture. If similar regional cooperation is exercised on other Straits located throughout the world, multi-trillion dollars would be required. Freshwater CCA can be downward scoped from regional to national scale provided regional streams and aquifers are not shared.
Combined CCM-CCA obligation of oversized SCOW and yet CCM outcome without warrantees makes international investments shy but requirement can neither be ignored/delayed for averting extinctions of global socioeconomic ingredients and supported life. So, we respond to ‘partners’ as we can under such an international uncertainty.
A multidisciplinary knowledge and know-how challenge like CCM – CCA can hardly be traced in the human history. Humanity has been forced by climate change to choose within remainder period of the 21st century one out of sustainable survival or extinction options because both cannot be selected any more. Science and humanities inter-disciplinary wedlock required for CCM and CCA technologies and engineering projects despite stemming from developmental and environmental practices need new dimensions to previous SET performance. Out-dating technologies is not CCM-CCA attitude which factually encourages selective reverting.
Reluctant key beneficiary of TWREEC project is Pakistani populations immensely stuck by daily life challenges TWREEC program attempts adjusting national community into framework of 17SDG2030 through the products and services through the following technologies which are already practiced somehow but at great socioeconomic and environmental loss in known and unknown directions..
- Water resources realignment of surface and groundwater resources.
- Terrestrial ecological awareness and field response from young river to river mouth.
- Probability fate analysis of planned, being constructed and operating hydro-dams under climate change.
- Wastewater management scheme revisions for CCM and CCA.
- Compensating the already occurred forestation loss and promoting national cover.
- Food security through LULUC upgrading to LULUCCF.
- Bio economy emphasis and REDD+ actions for survival under hot climate.
- Renewable energy production.
- Coastal CCM-CCA enforcement
- ERWH where fresh water cannot reach by mechanized systems.
- ASR especially as a competitor to mega hydro-dams.
- Assistance to governments for upgrading national/provincial policies and action plans because environmental ministries and departments do not have capacity.
Ongoing Covid19 crisis is incidentally an advanced reminder about GHG emission consequence above 2 C IPCC projected to landslide occur after the year 2050. Global economy is currently under intensive care but with a hope that pandemic would be soon over. GHG pandemic does not has any resemblance to mysterious sudden deaths but pre-warned fatality and disability caused by massive poverty and hunger with international unrests imaginable how poor and hungry deal with governments when adequate in street gathering count.
Revenue model for TWREEC CCM-CCA emerges from the above intensive-care economy situations of Third World. For project kick-off or take off we need partnership or financial assistance. In the past a few international invitations were received for climate investor meeting from as esteemed global institutions like World Bank but TWREEC could not avail due to valid reasons.
Almost all modes of Common Revenue Models ranging and inclusive of Entrepreneur support to Organizational support directly or indirectly apply to TWREEC CCM-CCA path of financing sustainability.
Not applicable so far.
Requirement of TWREEC funding preferably in grants is tremendous because all sub-projects are huge and mostly of parallel vitality. Sought after amount signifies millions of dollars per venturing.
Hard to specify firm estimate.
CCM-CCA has 17SDG2030 purpose behind and in front. Accordingly, it is exceptionally complex undertaking. Apparently multiple SD goals of PA2015 are already achieved in developed countries rendering UN Agenda as elevating the developing countries but it is largely Brown Economy differential without global warming and allied climate change. Challenge tends to be unified under GHG opposed Green Economy and sea level rise resisted Blue Economy transitions.
TWREEC needs national and international partnership and The Elevate Prize looks like a relevant forum for the purpose. Barriers mentioned earlier are not Pakistan specific but prevail in every country confronted with socioeconomic and environmental hardships. However, the referred country being native and luckily representative of all ingredients of 17SDG2030 because of A to Z ranged NEE, MME and SSE characteristics available within its territorial boundaries. Unlike past experienced developmental and ecological experience, CCM and CCA cannot be helpfully availed from abroad under established practices of techno-economic assistance. Nations have to struggle for survival through greater national-reliance because too few donors and lenders are in a position to offer CCM-CCA technology and funds or loans. Once-through development is past feature of the modern world while circular economy the next remnant option.
Barrier to our project detailed earlier are not true reflection of TWREEC support deficiency but more reflective of brown economy struggle of an impoverished country. Though never audited before impacts of national interactions between atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere are on the same pathway of NEE deterioration by MME and SSE as anywhere else.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
CCM-CCA partnership goals of TWREEC can briefly be explained that our project primarily needs partners with global outreach in project financing and management. Though painted as unique multi-trillion dollar economic opportunity climate economics is not handy to serve BAO with investment payback in 3 to 5 years with subsequent profitability over field economic life of the venture. CCM economics is national/universal loss preventive bid while CCA being relatively confined within national jurisdictions may range from millions to billions dollar per sector/venture. Partnership is not unilateral affair and each party engaged for joint TWREEC project must have its own TORs which go to be cross-referred for due commitments. TWREEC considers itself proficient in unique techno-engineering know-how but international coordination is welcome on all above listed spheres of partnership even if not selected right now here. CCA projects under UNFCCC/IPCC guidelines got to be simultaneously CCM. However, it is ideal case.
Any international organization operating in any spheres of TWREEC CCM-CCA Project at mutually promoting terms and conditions of partnership.

Founder Director - TWREEC, Pakistan