Ø Veteran in the entire value chain of the LEATHER SECTOR since 1978 after graduating from the University of Malawi and backed by POST GRADUATE production oriented qualifications 0f FOOTWEAR and LEATHER MANUFACTURE,SUPERVISION, WORK STUDY, PLANT MAINTENANCE, PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT,SALES AND MARKETING, CLEANER PRODUCTION, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT for SMEs,
Ø Entrepreneur since 2002 after Footwear and Leather Manufacture management jobs in Malawi legally trading as Masi Leather Enterprise.
Ø Currently a consultant for skill provision in Cottage Tanning with ALLPI in Addis having made
Homebased trials with LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FUND in 2006 which culminated in registration of
Ø Currently the founding interim chairman and LEADER of LLEPDEC as is of now since legal registration of 2010
Ø Currently interim chairman of LIAMA TRUST ( Leather Industries Association of Malawi) representing artisans requiring enhancement in their entrepreneurial activities.
Having had trials done in 2006, LLEPDEC had support within COMESA jurisdiction through ALLPI in ADDIS ABABA to pilot in Modern Shoemaking.
There emanated a need which was apparent of not having leather to be purchased within reach, which culminated into skill provision requirement to nurture production of leather at close vicinity for the artisans in the Leather Value.
The trials in LEATHER MANUFACTURE using appropriate technology to supply the desperate artisans at local level in 2006, led to the need to PILOT and offer capacity building in knowledge acquisition to ENSURE that leather becomes available to the trained artisans and and other product manufacturers.
The resultant effect enables comfortable livelihood realised by the vulnerable groups and at the same time ushering in socio-economic activities in value addition resulting into a culture of self suffiency.
LLEPDEC vies initially to provide awareness to keep the animals healthy and safe as these ensure the by-product of the skin is yielded without blemishes.
LLEPDEC seeks to provide hands-on skills in specially devised appropriate technology in ECOTANNING . As a result of using Cleaner production technics the communities engaged in the work are protected for a healthy life at work at all times unlike in the big industries.
LLEPDEC seeks to ensure that the little knowledge in Product manufacture procedures is enhanced among the artisans for a wholesome competitive advantage in the trade by providing the necessary extra pertinent skills and intricate knowledge whereby the passionate persons can eventually upgrade themselves into scalable ventures
In so doing increased earnings are realised resulting into improved livelihood of the communities at large.
The fact that artisans have been all along crying to have leather to produce more income generating new products, they are eventually hungry free when this project dishes out its fruits from the leather locally produced.
In so doing the service of know how in Leather Manufacture benefits the vulnerable communities from this unique Leather Sector which empowers them not to depend on handouts where in essence they have Natural Resource at their doorstep day in day out.
With the preceding productive oriented activities in place the butcher-men and other animal keepers who used to throw away the skins to dogs and hyenas if not at least roasted by the road side would begin to rip some extra rewards from the value addition which gets implemented.
In general, the communities embarking in this unique trade is served with creation of pertinent side ventures therby uplifting the standards of the entire community at large.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
The fact that artisans have been all along crying to have leather to produce more income generating new products, they are eventually hungry free when this project dishes out its fruits from the leather locally produced.
In so doing the service of know how in Leather Manufacture benefits the vulnerable communities from this unique Leather Sector which empowers them not to depend on handouts where in essence they have Natural Resource at their doorstep day in day out.
With the preceding productive oriented activities in place the butcher-men and other animal keepers who used to throw away the skins to dogs and hyenas if not at least roasted by the road side would begin to rip some extra rewards from the value addition which gets implemented.
In general, the communities embarking in this unique trade is served with creation of pertinent side ventures therby uplifting the standards of the entire community at large.
Ø Qualfied as a technical educator coupled with engineering acumen as facilitates my vocational mentorship effectively.
Ø Qualified as a Leather Producer and a Modern shoemaker backed by experience at industrial level with renowned international shoe organisation which presently ensures my endurance for survival of the fittest when tracking along this present bumpy but promising road.
Ø Seasoned entreprenuer ready to take risks with positive attitude knowing that I do practice what I know to the born with the intricacies of this unique Leather Sector which I have tried out, Piloted not only Nationally but Regionally with more than 90% overall results scalable for possible business venture with a touch of socio-economics incorporated.
Ø Having collaboration with renowned developemental organisations like UNIDO and COMESA/ALLPI whose Mission are compatible with LLEPDEC on one hand and also addresses the nurturing of businesses for SMEs on the other.
Ø Headed the back born of the footwear production (cutting) where strict procedures of cutting had to be maintained at high level due to the magnitude of value of the leather as the main cost item in Shoemaking.
Ø Understudied a flip flop project in Thailand for 3 months and commisioned in Malawi, Zambia and Burundi and Madagascar in 1981-82.
Ø First production supervisor at only local tannery in Malawi rising to the position of Acting Tannery Manager till 1994.
Ø ACTING MAINTENANCE MANAGER at Bata from 1994 to 2002.
Ø Led skill provision in cottage tanning in 2006 with sponsorship from LOCAL DEVELOPEMENT FUND
Ø Entreprenuer as MASI LEATHER ENTERPRISE producing safety and security boots for renowned organisations such as G4s.
Ø One time Secretary of Refrigeration Association of Malawi
Ø Headed the back born of the footwear production (cutting) where strict procedures of cutting had to be maintained at high level due to the magnitude of value of the leather as the main cost item in Shoemaking.
Ø Understudied a flip flop project in Thailand for 3 months and commisioned in Malawi, Zambia and Burundi and Madagascar in 1981-82.
Ø First production supervisor at only local tannery in Malawi rising to the position of Acting Tannery Manager till 1994.
Ø ACTING MAINTENANCE MANAGER at Bata from 1994 to 2002.
Ø Led skill provision in cottage tanning in 2006 with sponsorship from LOCAL DEVELOPEMENT FUND
Ø Entreprenuer as MASI LEATHER ENTERPRISE producing safety and security boots for renowned organisations such as G4s.
Ø One time Secretary of Refrigeration Association of Malawi
Ø Headed the back born of the footwear production (cutting) where strict procedures of cutting had to be maintained at high level due to the magnitude of value of the leather as the main cost item in Shoemaking.
Ø Understudied a flip flop project in Thailand for 3 months and commisioned in Malawi, Zambia and Burundi and Madagascar in 1981-82.
Ø First production supervisor at only local tannery in Malawi rising to the position of Acting Tannery Manager till 1994.
Ø ACTING MAINTENANCE MANAGER at Bata from 1994 to 2002.
Ø Led skill provision in cottage tanning in 2006 with sponsorship from LOCAL DEVELOPEMENT FUND
Ø Entreprenuer as MASI LEATHER ENTERPRISE producing safety and security boots for renowned organisations such as G4s.
Ø One time Secretary of Refrigeration Association of Malawi
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
LLEPDEC'S innovativeness stems out of the realisation that INDUSTRIALISTS in the Leather Sector do not assist in giving back to custodians of the natural resource who look after the domesticated animals o8from which they reap wealth and in some cases by leaving the waste created with the vulnerable communities and export the cream for further value addition where profitability is very inviting.
LLEPDEC having been scaled up from own Masi Leather Enterprise deliberately improvised the technology by making it safer to the immediate worker by using less hazardous ingredients and also by employing Cleaner Production Concept of Reuse, Reduce, Replace and Renovate to come up with ecofriendly leather equally comparable for supply to hungry artisans who at the moment are being groomed to think out of their leg-room vicinity to become competitive regionally
Our ancestors have used the skins time immemorial but it has not been looked at from commercial point of view. Hence from home based trials and auntheticated regional Pilots in 5 Comesa member countries, rightly nurture the possibility to produce leather employing Appropriate Technology ( self devised) by mere communities in a few months time allowing availability of the unique imputrescible leather from domesticated goat skins to be easily and locally sourced thereby enabling poverty alleviation among vulnerable and hardworking citizens. throughout the Leather Value Addition operations from Skin Preservation through Ecotanning up to Product manufacturing adding value from USD 0.75 up to a whooping 40USD after production of at least2 pairs of size 5 school shoes.
LLEPDEC mission is to ensure that while Cottage ecotanning provides the leather long overdue, the engaged vulnerable groups are literary moved off poverty status and become self reliant on their livelihood. In so doing they migrate from being destitute to employability for life where scalability to rural and periurban industrialization is capable of being instituted within a few months of capacity building.
The artisans themselves being at the end of the Leather Value Chain enable to be qualitatively become competitive in producing unique leather products capable to be exported for better money for value.
The involvement of ALLPI under Comesa is a clear testimony that we are literally wasting sustainable natural resource requiring value addition which can earnestly benefit Africa a great amount of income which can socially move our communities out of poverty levels within a short period of time and if deliberate interventions are scaled up they can usher in wealth for a good majority of communities trickling upwards to the whole Nation.
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Malawi
- Zambia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Eswatini
- Uganda
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
2020-2021. 500
2021-5. 2500
Product manufacturing being the main end use of the leather is an essential division which needs nurturing because in addition to shoemakers, a number of ladies and girls can embark in this value addition to make sandals, bags, rags, carpets, wall decorations, ballerinas when oriented and empowered by LLEPDEC this would add at least 4 groups to each recipient member countries for a start thereby requiring extra financial support to beef up that avenue in terms of logistics, facilitation empowerment of trainees and pertinent overheads initially at LLEPDECs base where as a center looks forward to scaling up to a residential training center in LEATHER AND LEATHER DEVELOPMENT for Southern Africa in the long run with reference to our Vision for Africa and Southern Africa in particular.
1. Establish 10 groups to add value to goat skins thereby yielding 2000 minimum goat leather pieces per month and in turn enabling production of 4000 pairs of school shoes giving a gross income of USD 80,000. Thus realized after a period of hands on skill training of 2-3 months per group needing funding as already been requested here through SOLVE.
In conjunction with UNICEF and any other NGOs These school shoes could be available to vulnerable who are up to this day going to school barefooted both in the rural and periurban villages and townships.
The same goat leather can dress up teachers and hospital nurses who normally are dismally paid in LDCs and can't afford durable shoes and yet we have sustainable Gold Mine of DOMESTIC ANIMALS reared by them though indirectly which give us nutrional meat yielding skins currently being wasted day in dai out
It has been the FUNDS in reality to enable skill provision and subsequent establishment of target groups among the vulnerable communities in rural and periurban poor at a rate of 6 groups per annum in 6 country members.
In five years it is expected to establish 30 groups thereby giving at least 5 groups eventually for a Country member to tackle the activities of LEATHER VALUE CHAIN of
Goat skin preservation
Cottage ecotanning
Product manufacture of primarily school shoes.
Apparently, deliberate funding from government funding has been dismal looking at the way the countries have been responding to the request by Comesa for the same cause.
Legality issues are already entrusted to LLEPDEC in 2010 awaiting affiliation to NGO BOARD upon funding injection as requested in this application.
Technically the homebased trials backed by already accomplished Pilots are an added score for envisaged 5 year Leather Value Addition endeavors giving multiple benefits to communities as well as currently deprived vulnerable groups of all status which includes refugees and prisoners in addition to the hard working population in most LDCs.
The apparent requisite due to the difficulties faced locally emanating from retrogressive concerned government offices is the provision of a donation/ grant to act as a springboard.
When groups start especially the eco tanning, earnings from the proceeds of goat leather sales locally and regionally would start to compliment on revenues essential for longterm technical and administrative expenses. By the end of 5 year period the scalability operations will in essence be sufficient to provide autonomy in financial requirement thereafter and the Vision to creat jobs and wealth would usher in income generating activities by the population masses themselves moving away from handouts which are not sustainable and do not eject societies out of poverty levels. This would eventually revolutionalise self sufficiency in basic needs of different levels of societies allowing pressurised government to concentrate on avenues of infrastructure, Health Education and indeed scalable vocational endeavours in which LLEPDEC is advancing in this scenario at hand now.
ALLPI in Addis
has been our collaborator regionally in this PILOT PHASE of MODERN SHOEMAKING and ECO TANNING.
LLEPDEC will be happy to have ALLPI in Addis to come in for regional arrangements otherwise UNIDO and UNDP can play a monitoring role on the periphery
However due to government retrogressive go in between it is our hope that MIT SOLVE does put trust in us as we have been passionate enough to be responsible and truly accountable. Hence the LLEPDEC TRUSTEES of Crispin Amasi Technical
Bonny Zamadunga
Bus Admin
Yusuf Slide
Elizabeth Chingakule
Aaron Amasi
gives a high calibre of knowledgeable experts to drive LLEPDEC as intended with provisional experienced individuals on standby for any emerging tasks and activities in the very first 2 years of operations
We are aware that for long-term sustainability, identifiable young person already engaged in the Leather Value Addition will constantly be groomed for continuation and make LLEPDEC glide through all future endeavors for lifelong benefits to all concerned citizens.
The Leather Value Chain sources skins from domestic animals which are well nourished for ultimate quality of Tanned leather. As such the general upkeep of the animal emanating from consistent care ensure the general health of the skin in quest for a nourished skin guaranteeing very good meat upon slaughter.
The skill attained through LLepdec as well ensures attaining correct way of flaying without cutting holes As a result the buyer pays maximum price having been preserved properly ensuring storage of up to 12 months storage before TANNING.
In making use of Appropriate technology in conjunction with Cleaner production concept allows eco friendly processing becoming popular and in inviting worldwide as leather is tanned with vegetable tannin.
Artisans would indeed have leather near their work place as they would be able to one piece of leather and add value for money from 10USD to about 40USD when the artisan sells his 2 produced school shoes from that eco tanned piece of goat leather.
For citizens nurtured/ mentored from LLEPDECs SKILL PROVISION, they have all the power to advance their entrepreneurship right in RURAL and PERIURBAN dwellings to upscale to small to medium scale windustrialization near their homes
The Community at large improves in its income generation and because of having the day to day buying power ensure the whole community to embark on economic activities propelling them off the poverty line since jobs are created within the community.
The springboard is non other than the funding grant which I have been toiling to get and rightly availed through MIT SOLVE in this case.
It has been shear coincidence that ALLPI in ADDIS took the proposal of cottage tanning to come on board their plans having noticed that the modern shoemaking upgrading skill provision had a major challenge of getting leather in the LDCs for the artisans in member countries.
It is imperative though that the Value Addition purported here final my compliments generation of funds to cater for technical and administrative expensive for longterm needs after 5 years plan as is in this application.
No revenue generated from LLEPDEC as its operations await boost funds in form of grants/donations due to unreachable logistical expenses in the provision of the skills prior to Value Additon during the first 3 months of " SOWING THE SEEDS"
No funding has come to LLEPDEC apart from individualistic engagement for expertise provided to COMESA for PILOTING the SKILL PROVISION component in mainly ECOTANNING and FOOTWEAR Sections of the LEATHER VALUE CHAIN.
Doors have remained closed in Malawi due to retrogressive attitude by supporting govt offices.
This is the reason I began looking outside my beloved Malawi for a funding per annum of USD360,000
Through Scholarshub, it has been a blessing to come across MIT SOLVE where the funding is rightly possible and befitting.
It has been a blessing to have grants stipulated befitting a project like LLEPDEC which should have taken off 2010. I guess the Pilot era has actually consolidate the capability.
In addition, with consolidated trials and Pilots done in the aforementioned member countries, it has given me courage to hunt for grants and donors knowing the ground work is well treaded to give authenticated and doable project with tangible benefits.
TRAINING. 120,000
MOBILITY. 100,000
RENTALS. 20,000
SALARIES. 100,000
WAGES. 2,000
USD 360,000
THE financial resource is so critical especially to take off smoothly for a perfect and sustainable path where knowledge and pertinent qualifications backed by the abundant natural resource and plentiful labour is unquestionable.
Each target group needs to be nurtured at least for 2-3 months to ensure the operational time is accomplished without hitches.
During the 4th month it is envisaged to start bringing in earnings especially a the section of Ecotanning since market to sell the goat leather is tired of waiting to produce fancy and ethnic ptoduct.
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Other
My individual engagement with ALLPI has enabled micro/small business endeavours to be advanced on National Platforms which gives a better execution of undisturbed plans emanating from our Proposals as they are fast moving to obtain tangible results as observed from past engagements.
We are therefore strongly recommending that ALLPI would work with us as intended as long as we can apportion in the yearly budget the Monitoring and Evaluation expense line accordingly for operationalization of the target groups who would continue to work and add value for mutual benefit.
We are mindful though that when too many stakeholders get involved who are not technically oriented confusion arises and therefore do hope that when funds are availed directly to LLEPDEC as entrusted legally we have all the reason to make our donor partners proud which includes MIT SOLVE TEAM.
Will be able to provide necessary scalable assets probably with additional assets especially machines though its possible to to source preferrably from Torrieli for Leather Products Manufacture.
