Open and tolerant Poland
28 years old. 2 years ago I was attacked in a public place because of my orientation. The reason for the attack was also my scientific and social involvement for minority groups. Thesis of my doctoral dissertation was seeking answers, what affects the level of our tolerance and acceptance of socially excluded people. I also run trainings for teachers and future medical. I organized in my city first LGBT Film Festival. Over the past three years I have participated in 40 scientific conferences, where I presented information about problems of minority groups. In the city where I live, I have also created a place of cultural education -friendly for everyone. I am also active in movements protecting women's rights, I work with people with disabilities. I took part in several youth projects where diversity and equality were the theme. I am the vice-chairman of the Bydgoszcz Council for Equal Treatment.
Poland is one of the most intolerant countries in Europe. In 2020, we proved to be the most homophobic country in the European Union. Local governments in Poland pass anti-homosexual laws. There are many things in the country for people of a different ethnic origin. Women's rights are violated. My project aimed at social education on the importance of acceptance and tolerance of social minorities in our country. Thanks to financing, it could allow the organization of integration, intergenerational workshops. It would also create a safe place for excluded people.
- Poland is the most homophobic country of the European Union (ILGA Europe 2020)
- 70% of LGBT youth in Poland have suicidal thoughts, 30% have at least one suicide attempt (own research published in 2019)
- limiting women's rights, lack of sex education
-education through diversity (no education in Poland)
-intergroup and intergenerational integration
-counteracting violence and hate crimes (in Poland only 4% of victims of hate crimes report to the police)
The project would involve several days of integration meetings in various cities in the country. Such meetings would include lectures on minority groups, their problems, information on the quality of their life in the country. Integration classes would also be taken that would provide an opportunity to meet project participants. There would also be a debate with specialists in the fields of law, social work, social policy and educators. Examples of good practical integration will also be presented, which can be used to counteract discrimination in the workplace, school or in your town or village.
The end result would be a small educational project that participants must complete in their local communities in the field of equality education and social inclusion.
For many years, he has been working with disabled people, LGBT people, the elderly, immigrants, the blind and difficult youth. What I have noticed over the years of my work is a big problem in social integration between persons from minority groups and the general public. In my country, the lack of equality education in schools and a large number of hate crimes do not help. There is no legal protection for such people in the country. I see a lot of strength in grass roots help. It involves changing beliefs about minority groups, reducing social distance and responding to the fear that often accompanies such people.
My project would not only help minority groups, but would also have a positive impact on the entire Polish society. Integration projects are not financed in Poland, according to politicians the problem of racism, homophobia and xenophobia does not occur in the country
- Elevating understanding of and between people through changing people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
My projects fits 2 dimensions: 1.Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind and second which i chose. My project concerns minority groups that do not have equal opportunities in education or looking for a job. They often do not have equal rights in our country. On the other hand, the project concerns the whole of society, changing attitudes towards socially excluded groups.
I took part in several international equality projects, including in Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, France and Unanda. It showed me that there are many people all over Europe who are fighting for social integration and minority rights. I am also a young PhD who in my PhD thesis focused on factors influencing our openness and tolerance towards minority groups. I would like to use the acquired knowledge and experience in my country. The idea of this project has been in me for a long time. However, there is a lack of financial resources. In Poland, such projects are considered unnecessary by the government.
I myself come from a poor family who couldn't afford my education. From 18 I had to work to be able to graduate. He also belongs to a sexual minority who has no rights in Poland. Two years ago I was attacked by the Nazis because of my orientation and anti-discrimination activities. All these experiences have shown how much I lacked knowledge about where to look for help and what rights I have. I would like my project to show anyone who feels excluded that it is valuable. And for people who exclude how much harm can be done through discretion and hate.
-I am the vice-chairman of the Bydgoszcz Council for Equal Treatment.
-academic teacher with 5 years internship
- took part in several international equality projects, including in Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Germany, France and Unanda
-I ran many anti-discrimination workshops for pupils, students, teachers and medical services
- over 10 years of volunteering at a foundation working with people with disabilities
-organization of conferences, festivals on equality issues
-scientific work about minority groups in Poland, participation in conferences, writing scientific articles
-public response to discrimination in the workplace, place of residence
-participation in intergenerational projects
-medical education, work with various patients
-creation of the first LGBT organization in the city
-creating a place of culture and education in Bydgoszcz (2017-2019)
-support for hospitals during the Covid 19 pandemic
The biggest problem now is the lack of funds to create a large project. Despite this, I took part in 40 scientific conferences, organized the first LGBT film festival, educational exhibitions. I never give up, I am looking for people or companies that can help me achieve my goals. When organizing workshops in schools, I often paid for transport with my own money. I have never collected money for my anti-discrimination workshops. When it comes to social problems, I'm a strong person who doesn't care about the bad people I meet in my life. Based on bad experiences I gather knowledge about working with intolerant people.
I have had the characteristics of a leader since I was a child. I have always tried to integrate classmates at school, later on in college. I have been the leader of the Polish group on European projects many times. I organized scientific conferences, art exhibitions, and film festivals. I always use the strength and best qualities of my colleagues in my work. Very often people choose me as a leader and like to work with me. I am an idea for the LGBT association in my city. Despite my young age (28 years), I was elected to the city council for equal treatment as vice president. (Our city has 400,000 inhabitants). However, the greatest leader in my life was during the fight in court. I was attacked by a neo-slave because of my sexual orientation. The fight lasted for 2 years. I was fighting for all LGBT people in my country at the time. I had to provide my name in the media. Never before has there been such a case that would be prosecuted ex officio. Today, my win is the basis for changing the penal code in Poland.
- Nonprofit
The innovation in my project is to show the problems of social minorities in my country. The government of my country believes that we have no problems with homophobia, discrimination or razism. The state prohibits sex education, and equality education is lacking. My project is an alternative to these shortcomings. It is an opportunity to gain reliable knowledge and development in the field of soft skills. Another plus is the narrowing of social distance, the inclusion of minorities and overcoming the intergenerational gap.
Many scientific studies prove that our openness to minority groups is influenced by: having in our close surroundings people from a minority group, level of knowledge about the minority group, views of your family and friends that are promoted in it.
In my project, tools are used to broaden knowledge about minority groups. It is also possible to verify prejudices and stereotypes by contacting representatives of minority groups and learning their experience.
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Poland
- Belgium
- Germany
500 people have participated in my equality education. Next year I would like to train another 500. I would also like to create tutors in other big cities.
I would like to create a network of teachers who would educate the public about social minorities. I would like their work to integrate majority and excluded groups. The biggest dream is to create international leaders who will exchange experiences and present the development of good practices.
I had a place to integrate, but it was taken from us by the owner of the place. I currently don't have any funding to create a tolerant space. There is also a lack of money for transport to smaller towns in the country and promotional materials for our project.
I usually devote my own money to training and education. I also try to participate in projects, write applications for funding.
An open and tolerant space affects the quality of work of each person. In an intolerant country or city, the quality of life of people from minorities affects the quality of health and life. This, in turn, causes problems in the health sector that are estimated at tens of millions of zlotys. Fighting such aspects as homophobia, minority stress, social exclusion can improve the quality of life of people from minority groups.
It is very important to create a recognizable brand. There are plans for trainings for companies and enterprises that have a large income to finance such projects. I would also like to create educational brochures, gadgets that will also generate profits.
The money I use in the project comes from my home budget.
Renting an office room (2 years): $ 40,000
Trips to other cities and night costs (period of 2 years): $ 50,000
Purchase of work equipment, boards, chairs, desks, office supplies $15,000
Payment of educators, tutors (2 years): $ 50 0000
issuing publications, creating promotional gadgets: $ 2500
creation of other offices in Poland and abroad $100 000