Netwiever social-envirolment artivist
Romina Lindemann has been part of the Guardian Huni Kuin RJ Group for 10 years, is an Economist, post-graduated in Integral Sustainability from Instituto Visão Futuro and Fluxonomist. Cultural producer, facilitator of Sacred Commerce. Network weaver since 2010 for the HubRio initiative, Social Entrepreneur and founder of Preserva Mundi and partner of the Openeem group. She works for the Forest alive by supporting her guardians and empowering them to achieve dreams through different methodologies. Has contributed by working on several projects in villages in the state of Acre with the Huni kuin and Yawanawa peoples, as well as outside the forest, in rio de janeiro, são paulo, vienna, zurich, and usa since 2011. Una Isi Kayawa - Healing Book of the Huni Kuin People (2014/2015), Ernesto Neto & Huni Kuin Exhibition (2015-Vienna), Ernesto Neto Exhibition and the guardians of the forest in Zurich (2017). Project Farm + Yawanawa (2016/2017/2018/2019/2020)
Lack between forest goods and sales, conecting people from this worlds and including the local favelas too.
Im working supportung 1,5k people in the yawanawa people, 13k huni kuin people and from the faverlas its difficult to mesure, because i support programs that are giving food and organic goods fro the people, its around 1000 families now.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
Just started by chance in 2011 when i volunteer to built a dry bathroom for the X yawanawa festival .
I went with a crew that was making recordings on the culture of the yawanawa and for me all changed after that.
I came back to rio and started working as a volunteer for projects in the amazon forest, and from this moment until now, it became my life.
Fo me supporting people to fullfilled their dreams by providing water, food, energy, or anything related and include art, music, dance, films, amcestral paitings and herbs knowledge, cultural and financial support
When we strated the yawanawa project with the band FARMRIO was super chalenging.
We undesrtund many of how to do it better during the process.
Its in the 4th years and its the 3rd contract that the yawanawas negociate direcly now.
One chaledge its to divide the beads between the villages, colect the goods done (bracelets, neckeless..) and shiop back to Rio.
Expensie and complicated logistic that with a lot of talk and effort from the company, they are paying all extra costs.
We did not see this as a problem before producing, but during and we could turn around and make it better.
Other issue was payment for the artesas. We pay very foog amount for the goods, but in the first one delayed more them 2 months because of white people burocracy, and now they receive as soon as they give it to the coordenator.
Since i have a very different name here, people remember me. From volleyball team captin to leading an social impact company, i love leading and i was born and develop this during my journey.
I´ve been working for a long time now with outher leaders, so we recognise ourselfes and learn so we can work better.
I also came in 2010 to rio to lead and bulit hub rio community, it is a community that was built to engage new economy and social bussiness with creative economy and tools metodologys and speaclly engaging people to new economy models.
- Nonprofit
My projects always include woman inclusian and finalcial empowerment as well culture support.
Its an inovation because share the importance of supporting amazon and their guardian so we all can share a life with water (since all of our rain in Brazil comes from the amazon) and purpose in our works.
I only belive in bussisness that have social and envirolment impact.
Work not to have profit, but to value the service that our mother earth provides to us in ambniental services and goods, and tradicional cultures to be alive living their culture , belives and freedoom.
Support woman empowerment, because we know that woman take care and are working for a better place all the time.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Brazil
- France
- Poland
- Portugal
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- Mexico
- Poland
- Portugal
- United Kingdom
- United States
Today I work with many leaders, from the favelas to the villages in the indiogenous communities. From Yawanawa around 1,5k peopl huni kuin 13k and in rio 1k families.
I work for people to have autonomy and financial emporwerment.
I belive that creating dependency this comminities do not develop. I want them to be writing soon in english this proposal.
Include more and more people with amazing projects making them reality, thats my goal.
one of my barriera its the lack of funding and the prision of the oppenings to write
im applying to different grants and fundings from brazil and abroad.
I work with many differente organizations, giving support and working in partnership:
Projeto Favela hype quentinhas da resistencia
Projeto organiocos e solidario
CMV santo Amaro
Quentinhas favela santo amaro
Associação Povos da Terra - APOTI
Mothers of the amazon
Txai - Tradições xamanicas amercia indigena (grupo guardioes huni kuin)
Fephac - Federação povo Huni Kuin
Fundação Yube Inu
Editora Dantes
Coletivo mulheres pavão /pavãozinho
since i work with many projects i dont hink to support an activist work need as bussiness model. Normally i use fluxonomia 4d as a metodology
keep applying to grants and fuding. I also work with buying and selling their goods. So i have a percentage of this sales.
For now, it would be enought to have 1500 dolars per month in support for one year.
same as above, need the money to pay my bills
18000$ or any amount close to this .
Can suppot me to keep doing my invisible work
- Funding and revenue model
With this support i can keep working as a volunteer and raise more funsing ans do more projects with local communities.
I would like to be partner with mit, universities and companies like farm rio that really support life and vulnerably people inclusion by providing acess and finencial support for theis communities.