Q Schools
I am Dr. Dalia Fadila, the founder of Q Schools: Education, Consultation & Development, an institution for promoting quality education in the Arab Palestinian community in Israel. I am an organizational development and educational entrepreneurship expert and consultant, and an international speaker on the issues of minority women, identity and education.
Between the years 2013-2018, I occupied the position of president of the College of Engineering and Science in the Arab Moslem city of Baqa Al Qarbiya in Israel, developing it from a small technological institute with 120 students to a leading academic and professional college for qualifying engineers in the Arab community in Israel (4000 students). My major goal was to encourage Arab Palestinian young women to becomes engineers and not only occupy traditional jobs. I managed by 2018 to bring up the number of female students to 50% of the students' population in the college.
The educational gap between Arab and Jewish children in Israel is widening. National and international exams show a gap that effects negatively the access of Arabs to higher education in Israel, their integration into quality work opportunities and the life quality of the community - 51% of which are defined under poverty line.
This is why the help Q School offers to underprivilged schools in poor neighborhoods and building preschools and leadership centers in the Arab community aim at making better education to children and youth more accessable and thus advancing the community from within. We train teachers and headmasters and create effective pedagogical and management models that withstand crisis-especially now after Covid 19 pandemic-and withstand low socioeconomic circumstances.
We are spreading our model to other communities in Israel such as Ethiopian immigrant youth and to other neighboring countries-youth at risk in Jordan and others.
The results of the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment tests, known as PISA, showed a significant gap between Hebrew- and Arabic speakers in all three of the educational skills assessed — reading, mathematics, and sciences — and revealed that the divide was even bigger than found in the last such test in 2015.
In the PISA tests, Hebrew speakers scored 506 points in reading skills, the same as the previous assessment. However, Arabic speakers scored just 362 points, a drop of 29 points.
In mathematics, Hebrew speakers remained at 490 points but Arabic speakers scored 379, a drop of 12 points. The OECD average is 489, with Israel’s average at 463, down seven points.
in sciences, Hebrew-speaking Israeli students remained at 491 points, while Arabic-speaking students dropped 26 points to 375.
This gap is widening further this year as a result of the Covid -19 panademic. Most schools are unequipped with the training or systems to carry on distant learning or even encourage pupils to keep kearning automously. Most school pupils live in poor neighbourhoods where there is no internet infrastructure and no commputers.
Most schools rely on traditional teaching, hindering developing thinking and learning skills among pupils.
We are creating 3-D Learning model. A three dimentional learning model that combines the three dimentions of phyisical environment + virtual environment + antonomus learning.
This gap is widening further this year as a result of the Covid -19 panademic. Most schools found themselves unequipped with the training or systems to carry on distant learning or even encourage pupils to keep kearning automously. Most school pupils live in poor neighbourhoods where there is no internet infrastructure and home with no commputers.
Most schools rely on traditional teaching methods that hinder developing thinking and learning skills among pupils.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
providing equal opportunites for better education to enderpriviged kids
I am an educator and consultant
My commitment to education and as a woman
entrepreneur, I decided eventually to start Q Schools, a chain of bilingual English Arabic preschools, and youth leadership centers. In addition to establishing and running the preschools and leadership centers, Q Schools offer consultation services to underprivileged schools in our community, especially the East Jerusalem area. We help schools offer quality education for students coming from poor neighborhoods. Q School cooperates with the governmental and nongovernmental organizations to bridge gaps between Arab and Jewish kids and youth in Israel. Q Schools emplys right now more than 60 teachers, trainers and assistants, mostly women.
I have partners and collaborations
youth at risk
Palesyian schools who have Palestinain carriculum
led internationalizing Islamic studies
at risk school parents want to shit it
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
- Children & Adolescents
- 4. Quality Education
- Israel
- West Bank and Gaza