MWorks by WAS Co
I’m a sustainable entrepreneur, I always seek the good of others, creative person, disruptive, visionary, dreamer, but I am also analytical, logical and conservative, I keep my feet on Earth while I am dreaming. My phrase is: "My success is not the amount of money I got, but the number of people I supported over time. Researcher and creator of recycled polymer compounds for the application in building materials, research and development is being carried out with the scientist Dr. Edgar Cabrera of the CIQA (Research Center of Applied Chemistry) of Saltillo. We have the technical validation of the scientist, is in the process of completion to patent, we have validation of business model, financial, and marketing strategies by the incubator of the University of Monterrey.
Lack of decent housing, in Mexico there are 50 million, in the world there are 1000 million people.
MWorks, where we are starting the construction of decent, sustainable and affordable housing for low-income families through our empowerment of communities.
We will not give away homes, we will teach families how to obtain a home through the exchange of collected plastics, that is, we teach them how to collect and divide, we pay them kg of material, and we transform the construction material with a new lego type construction design to make time and costs efficient, reduce costs 60% and be able to build the house for 2 days.
For each house we recycle 2.5 tons of plastics, It's equivalent to eliminating 166 m3 of the oceans. We reduce 21 tons of CO2 (replacing conventional materials). We reduce the use of 35 tons of water per home compared to conventional construction.
- Plastic pollution in the world is serious, by 2050 there will be more plastics than fish in the oceans. Plastic pollution is affecting the oceans, maritime life, nature and our health. Specifically because of the bad management, collection and recycling of plastic they have reached the seas, affecting the entire natural ecosystem.
- Pollution from CO2 emissions, dusts and particles by the construction industry.
- Lack of decent housing: in Mexico there are 50 million, in the world there are 1000 million people.
Motivating families to contribute to the collection and recycling of plastics for a common good or something direct to families, we have achieved with our empowerment model that seeks to scale to other states of Mexico and other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
We are developing new technology with recycled polymers, to apply them in nonstructural and structural construction materials, as well as other products for the environment. Our technology will be patented, and it has a great opportunity of escalation to other countries, to be able to eliminate the plastic trash of seas. With a new constructive system, lego type, to reduce construction costs and construction time. We are in the process of applying for several patents of different polymer compounds that we have developed, as well as the new lego-type construction system that we design for the homes we are building, to reduce costs by up to 60%, and build the house in 2 to 3 days.
The material insulates heat and cold, does not spread fire, and is highly earthquake resistant. The main properties of the material and the house are: • High resistance to compression and tension.
• Non-flammable, does not spread fire (works from chemical mixture of polymers, minerals and other additives; own patents)
• High temperature resistance (-148 oF to 554 oF)
• 100% recycled and 100% recycled again.
• Thermoacoustic (insulation of cold, heat and sound)
• Highly resistant to earthquakes.
Families of medium low, low, very low socioeconomic level and extreme poverty (AMAI of Mexico)
Our model of housing empowerment to vulnerably families and construction begins in the community of El Prado, Galeana, Nuevo León, Mexico.
Where we started with workshops and talks on environmental care, collection and recycling of plastics, increasing the income of families by 30%, cleaning their community and other communities of plastics, reducing the risks of diseases by burning garbage or ingesting plastics, as well as The dissemination of our events to other states of Mexico for climbing. We are building the first 100% sustainable park in Mexico, based on construction materials, solar energy, water collection, gravity irrigation, among others.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
We believe that we must remove "assistentialism" in social projects and include empowerment, to raise awareness, educate and involve our beneficiaries (people with vulnerability) in our business models, and thus create a sense of belonging , life expectancy and that they feel that they can achieve their dreams. We created a model of intervention and family empowerment, to teach them how to collect the plastic, in the short term we will pay them for what they collect, and in the medium term, give them the opportunity they can for the cost of the MWorks house through the exchange of plastics.
The 1st project consisted of paying for university parking with plastic bottles, to give students the opportunity. I was very interested in the area of recycling and I started to research from the industrial to the scientific side in relation to the recycling of plastics. The 2nd project consisted of converting the recycled plastic into fuel for cars, together with a Japanese scientist, at the time there were political problems that limited the use of biofuels. Later, in 2017 it was mentioned that my city (Monterrey, Nuevo León), is the most polluted city in Mexico and one of the most polluted in the world, I discovered that one of the main polluting industries in my city and in the world, is the concrete industry. And that's where I founded Polycrete by WAS Co to develop new building materials based on polymer compounds, with better mechanical and chemical properties and at competitive prices. Later we wanted to give a social approach to the project, and we discovered that in the world there are more than 1 billion people who do not have decent housing, we focus our construction materials to build decent, sustainable and affordable social interest homes, MWorks by WASCo.
We are a team of university students and professionals, as well as investment partners and mentors. Our inspiration is to leave a better world for the following generations, our passion is to help the marginalized and / or vulnerable, and take care of the environment, that is why we have developed several sustainable and social enterprises to leave a high impact on society. - Walter Mata, founder and president of WAS Company. Junior scientist. - Carolina Bonilla, co founder and CEO of MWorks by WAS Co. - Mónica Guerrero, co founder and COO of MWorks by WAS Co. - Julio Baca, COO of WAS Company. - Alejandro Vega and Daniela Fernández, Industrial Designers - Fabián Rodríguez and Daniel Cruz, Civil Engineers. - Octavio Villanueva and Juan Ibarra, Sales. - Mariana Dávila and Daniela Charnichart, Sustainable Impact and Management. - Karen Garza, CMO of MWorks by WAS Co. - Renata Arias, CCO of MWorks by WAS Co. - Diego Torres, Architect. - Dr. Edgar Cabrera, Scientist and researcher of CONACYT and CIQA.
Awards and Prizes
- Selected among the best 150 green companies nationwide by Cleantech Challenge México.
- Top 20 in value chain innovation projects (Semifinalist) in Dow Award.
- 3rd place in the Komenko Prize.
- Selected among the best 80 green companies in Mexico by Cleantech Challenge México.
- Finalist in Santander Innovation Award.
- Finalist in 30 seconds for Mexico (MIT / AT&T)
- 2018 Regia Youth Medal of Merit Award.
- Finalist for the Nuevo León State Youth Prize (Entrepreneurial Leader).
- Top 10 Startup World Cup México 2019.
- 2nd Place "A Space For Mexico 2019" by IOS OFFICES.
- 3rd place in "Social Business Creation 2019" by Yunus Muhammad.
- Selected to represent Mexico in the "IV Youth Meeting of the Pacific Alliance".
- Generation 6 for the Make_sense Boost Program.
- Top 100 in Startup Istanbul (among more than 150 thousand startups in the world).
- Top 60 best ventures in Mexico by entrepreneur.
- Startup Olé México competition winners.
- 2nd Place GSEA México (Global Entrepreneur Student Award)
- Winners of the UNICEF Lab Spanish Committee call, and ISDI Accelerator Spain.
- Eco Challenge 11th edition finalists by TIC Americas and YABT.
- Top 500 Green Latam Awards. (32nd place at LATAM level).
We are entering a very large, powerful and robust industry. The construction industry has always limited others, as well as the pharmaceutical industry (without creating a dilemma). At the beginning, no one fought us, in fact, they even told me that I was not going to make it, they did not believe in me, nor in my ability to create things. Besides, I studied a degree in business creation and business innovation, it helped me a lot to know how to create a business and innovate, as well as to sell, but at first I did not know anything about materials, chemistry, polymers, construction, etc ... I read, I researched, I talked with experts, to learn more about the subject, little by little my wisdom was growing, until I managed to convince scientists to support me, and they taught me to do technological developments, and that's how I managed to become a researcher. Junior at the CIQA Research Center in Mexico. And I am currently the CEO of WAS Company, in which we have created 3 startups that make a circular economy: Polycrete by WAS Co, MWorksbyWAS Co, and PolycreatebyWAS Co, and we are about to launch other new brands.
My ability to transmit my passion and vision, I integrated young people to scientists in the projects. Doing the example with actions, and demonstrating to the world that social entrepreneurship is also business and can be scalable worldwide. And in the community with intervention, within MWorksbyWASCo, we have success stories in our intervention and empowerment model. Working 1 year with the community together with children, youth and adults, with our talks and workshops, the families begin to participate with us and collect the garbage they have in their community and in other communities with other relatives, and in this way, they themselves encouraged us to do an event, they called it "The Queen of Recycling" (it's atypicaleventinMexico), and this time the families told us that they were going to organize all of them alone. 4 girls from the community participated and the one who was going to win and be the queen was the one who collected the most plastic together with her family (mom and dad), in the end, among the 4 families they collected 1 ton of plastic in less than 1 month, this is incredible because we achieved our goal, that families work for the common good.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Aside from the development of new technologies for construction, our model of intervention and empowerment of vulnerable families makes us unique, with the opportunity to provide the family with greater access to housing or construction of buildings for social use through payment with collected plastic. Also our added value as a team is that we can collaborate with many more companies, organizations, or startups, which is our goal of SDGs, number 17.
In Mexico, more than 50 million people lack a decent home, and for us the one that is worthy is that it gives you security, well-being, peace and above all, life expectancy. More than 1 billion people in the world lack one. That is why we created MWorks by WAS Co to build decent and sustainable homes, from construction materials based on recycled polymer compounds, with better mechanical and chemical properties: Non-flammable, Thermal, Duration of more than 70 years, 100% Recyclable, Highly resistant to earthquakes and other natural disasters. And with a new lego-type construction system to make them more affordable, fast and durable, reducing construction costs by up to 60%, and being able to build it in 1 to 2 days. We will not give away homes to families, we design an intervention and empowerment model so that families participate, work and can obtain an increase in their income and apart the opportunity to pay for your home. It is based on us to make families aware of environmental care and also personal and family finances, specifically in the collection and collection of plastics, in the short term we pay them for each kg they collect and in the medium term, as they learn from the system, we give them the opportunity for them to pay for their home or improve their home through the exchange of raw materials. This is how we managed to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, numbers 11, 12, 13 and 17 by the strategic alliances we generate to meet our goals. Our business model is divided into 2: B2B: Sale of homes or buildings for social use to construction companies, architects, and private or public housing organizations and institutions. We are currently under construction of the first homes for families in the El Prado community, Galeana. In order to positively impact families, as well as demonstrating our technologies to our interested clients, since we have raised signed purchase intent letters, a letter to build 500 homes in Coahuila, Mexico, with a value of more than 2 million dollars.
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Mexico
- Spain
+ 100 families in the community of El Prado, Galeana, Nuevo León, México. We are just beginning and we are empowering more than 100 families in the community, increasing their education, hope and motivation of life, improving parts of their home with our materials, development and creation of a sustainable park for the whole community, and Increase in income and work in + 100 families, especially in mothers.
Our goals for 2025 are to start the first construction with a construction company in Mexico, where we have a signed letter of interest to build 10,000 houses in Coahuila, Mexico. By building 10,000 homes, we will recycle more than 25,000 tons of plastic, reduce 207,900 tons of CO2, stop using more than 350,000 tons of water and impact more than 35,000 Mexicans in a pollution situation. In total are 40,000 people.
Our main barriers to achieving our objectives is the lack of culture and environmental care, as well as the recycling of plastic. Year after year, more garbage is expected to be recycled than we dispose of to close product life cycles. Another limitation is support for vulnerable families, which can improve our reach or harm us, since many times we depend on the government because they become our clients.
What it is is construction does not stop, only for reasons such as the COVID-19 pandemic, it stopped but for health, not for economy.
Generating alliances and collaborations with companies that are already dedicated to the collection and recycling of plastics by country, changes in our scale to other countries, but for example in Mexico, what we have achieved is that, partnering with plastic collectors and recyclers such as PetStar , Veolia, among other important ones. And so replicate it in other countries to have enough raw material to process and transform.
And from the government, demonstrating with acts and results what we have achieved in the past and present to receive more support and openings, and without limitations to continue operating or building.
Since our impact is important in the country's economy.
Economic impact:
- Reduce construction times for the government, companies and families.
- Reduces material and logistics expenses.
- We generate decent jobs, increasing the incomes of vulnerable families to 30%.
- Reduction of government expenses in cleaning garbage from streets, rivers and seas. - We generate money between different companies involved in collection, recycling, transformation and construction.
- Among others.
Raw material suppliers: PetStar, Veolia, DELTAREC, SIMEPRODE, among others.
Maquiladoras: KP, GT Plastics, among other plastic extruders.
Allies and collaborators: UNICEF Spanish Committee, Aeroméxico, Makesense, TECHO, ISDI Accelerator, IOS OFFICES, Center for Research in Applied Chemistry (CIQA)
We have had several clients from furniture producing companies or construction companies in Mexico, we implement various applications in dividing walls, furniture, swimming pools, among other things. Mainly in interior and exterior design. We are in the process of building a very large wall of 50 m2 in the "Torre M de Mitikah", Boca de Aguaa hotel in Bacalar, Quintana Roo, and another construction in Veracruz, México.
We are building the first sustainable house in Galeana, Nuevo León. The construction of a house is carried out between 2 to 3 days, thermal and long-lasting, with a size of 60 m2, with a maximum value of $ 4,500 USD. Through our empowerment model. You can scale this project in any country in the world, because the construction materials are based on plastic waste such as PET, HDPE, PP. These plastics are abundant throughout the world, especially in the oceans, and we are one of the most efficient solutions.
The production and sales projections were made based on real projections that we have with purchase intention contracts signed by different potential customers, having a purchase intention contract for 500 homes in the 1st year with a single construction company in Coahuila, Mexico In the following years, 30% of sales went to the second year in relation to the collaboration with another construction company, and so on in the following years.
These real projections give us a positive result in profitability and financial viability showing this cash flow, recognizing EBIT, removing amortizations, taxes, among other expenses, to give us a result of having to raise a capital of $ 150,000 US dollars in order to start operations and commercializations, and with that our cash flow will be profitable and we would not need to raise other capital, which in fact gives us the possibility that with our own 4-year income we can invest in machinery and our own plant to produce our own materials, so how to lower production costs and make processes and deliveries more efficient.
In conclusion, these projections give us the result of having to invest $ 150,000 Canadian dollars to start, with a net present value of $ 2.4 million US dollars, and only giving 6% of shares.
- Family and friends: $ 10,000 USD
- Seed capitals: UDEM and makesense: $ 6000 USD
- NoBI North CONACYT: $ 3,000 USD
- SBC by Muhammad Yunus and HEC Montreal: $ 8500 CAN
- Own sales: $ 20,000 USD
- GSEA Mexico: $ 4,000 USD
- UNICEF Laboratory: $ 5000 euros
- Molds: $30,000
- Fixed Expenses (6 months): $58,400
- Inventory (5 Sample Constructions): $20,000
- Cash to boot $41,110
Investment = $149,510
Fixed expenses such as office, rent, internet, salaries, among other things.
More expenses for COVID-19, protection for personnel, customers, development of new products to combat COVID-19.
