HOPE for Bumi( Bumi meaning Health)
Am a police officer and citizen scientist with interest with solutions on the link between diseases and domestic violence and how food supplements and natural menstrual technologies from disruptive technologies are solution. I like reading about natural technologies in contrast with synthetic Technologies for the interest of finding solutions to crime problems naturally than through the barrel of the gun. This is from my understanding of the concept of Biomimetics meaning " Most that is synthetic is imitation of the natural". Because nature does not do things useless, its possible to find easy ways of solving social problems like diseases and domestic violence painlessly and none toxically. Am trained in preventing violence against women and girls, gender perspectives, restoring order after hostilities, police administration and crime prevention. Also have a certificate in development studies to help me understand the importance of security in development.
Our commitment is to provide innovative natural solutions to both communicable and non-communicable diseases from lost immunity. Our proposal in encouraging the consumption of food supplements that form an iridescent compound against these diseases whose need is nutrition and use of Bumi anion sanitary pads and pantliners against Urogenital infections so common among women and girls because it's technology purely inspired by nature and is free of BIOMIMETICS. The experience society have had with the COVID-19 pandemic is a taste on humanity to reflect on the reality of the lost immunity by dealing with the underlying cause than symptomatic actions that has been common this far. The resulting on understanding the importance and purpose of eating as for energy, growth and protection will help the global community be health once again and stand chance on surviving future would be epidemics from lessons learnt during this pandemic(COVID-19).
According to Dr William Li(2018), globally communicable and non-communicable diseases account for 38 million deaths and 74% of these deaths occur in low and middle income countries which Zambia is part of. The Zambian demographic health survey report 2013-2014 records about 36.8 % domestic violence cases caused by both these diseases. The factors identified to contribute to this scale of the problem according to the Zambia National Health policy2011-2015 is "Damage done to the environment and poor lifestyles". The International a=Agency for Research on cancer report 224 of 2014 confirms the cause also as "global aging and lifestyle which would contribute about 22 million new cancer cases only in the next two decades from time of the report". The result of the above as evidenced from COVID-19 is lost immunity whose underlying cause can be simplified as consumption of "Socially acceptable poisons"together with damaged environment. Among the other specific challenges is use of technologies that injure women's gynecological health during menstruation. We wish to introduce special food supplements to help mitigate the effects causing these problematic communicable and non-communicable diseases and special sanitary pad both preventative and curative against Urogenital infections that are grown during menstruation-Bumi and for wellbeing.
We promote food supplements and a special brand of sanitary pads and pantliners called Bumi. The food supplements adopted (selenium and cellgevity) are a combination of special natural phyto-chemicals which form a natural chemo-prevention compound or iridescent compound effective against communicable and non-communicable diseases whose need in nutrition. These adopted food supplements helps to enhance body alkalinity against new infections while helping to build the damage done to body cells from nutritional deficiencies as food but eaten innovatively from a combination of different food molecules providing holistic nutrition. The sanitary pad is made from a special design that inhibits growth of infections during menstruation through the anion fortification which enhances alkalinity of the woman's genitals creating a wrong environment for germs to grow. Contrary to other designs, Bumi's underlying layer is air permeable, to allow air to circulate with a special absorptive material made of corn gel which does not allow a back flow and is food grade material keeping women/girls health during menstruation. The project involves education of the community how these products can help them recover their lost immunity against diseases defining health as "level of functional and metabolic efficiency of the body".
The food supplements are promoted for the general public against communicable and non-communicable diseases whose need is nutrition as "food medicine" to innovatively help people recover their lost immunity with the underlying health challenges now and preventative against would be pandemics. The sanitary pads are specific meant for women and girls a both preventative and curative against gynecological diseases which if left unresolved may compromise their immunity against conditions like COVID-19.We engage the community through social media currently from the restrictions with physical gathering from COVID-19 pandemic by sharing video clips on the concerns and give feed back on any questions raised. To understand the client needs, we are doing a lot of research to bring out realities about the situation both issues of menstrual hygiene and general diseases link to domestic violence to raise awareness for mindset change, reflection and action and possible demand for the adopted technologies. With regards to menstrual hygiene and the Bumi anion technology, our main target is the women/girls that are still of reproductive age to protect them from being a captive market of wrong technologies who we engage with facts to adopt the technology to prove its effectiveness with their challenges now.
- Elevating understanding of and between people through changing people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
Ignorance to the reality on the reason for both communicable and non-communicable diseases and available alternatives is responsible for the scale of the problem because people don't know that eating has reason for it not just for pleasure or test. This explains how many have resorted to embracing more fast foods that contribute to the problem because the are SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE poisons than food medicine. As a project bumi means life or health and specific to menstrual hygiene Bumi stands for "Better Understanding Menstrual Infections" and better understood as in attached videolink
Professionally as founder am a police officer, and during my investigations to find a lasting solution on diseases as a common cause of domestic violence, i discovered the underlying cause was women using wrong sanitary technology which help grow infections suspected as sexually transmitted disease. With regards to other communicable and non-communicable diseases the problem i discovered was poor nutrition from poor eating habits causing the body lose ability to fight naturally. Trained in three problem solving techniques namely problem identification, cause identification and cause elimination, the only solution was to respond to SDG 9 which is innovation meaning new ideas and products. Since many people were used to consuming technologically packaged synthetic foods, packaging natural foods as done in food supplements and producing vegan sanitary pads was going to help respond to SDG 3(wellbeing) in practice and well-being defining it as the actions people take and the products they use to prevent the development of diseases and consequently prevent 36.8% domestic violence caused by both communicable and non-communicable diseases(demographic health report 2013-2014 Zambia). This is how i started the walk in 2012 responding to the millennium development goals then and now culminating into the SDGs.
There is need for a solution. It serves resources because you shift the responsibility back to the individual and family. Innocent lives will be saved and the world will be healthier again.The concerns in the project are a matter of life and death and the project is as important as life itself. If the solution is not told then community will continue to be a captive market of wrong foods and sanitary products thus continue to pay the unnecessary price as diseases. Specific to menstrual hygiene, if women are not given the right information on how to respond correctly to menstrual hygiene, they will continue to be victims of about 36,8% domestic violence,34.3% of those that are still going will continue to be absent from classes from menstrual discomforts which includes period pains. Am passionate because many of my community are not aware of what i discovered and it is just fair that i contribute in effecting change especially on mindset change. Convinced with my findings, it was the best counseling I could give for progress defining counseling as “Providing skills and tools to the victims to use to deal with their challenges with means available to them.
I have the knowledge and experience. Have been resilient since my findings and conviction to start the project. My understanding of the problem and solution is beyond the four corners of a classroom but from Aristotelian knowledge or bonus which is more the concept of constructivism (new knowledge combined with my experience i was able to make a model of my own knowledge to make sense of the situation) and conscientization (exploring reality about the situation to evoke what experts call the praxis of education which is reflection and action). Am trained in preventing violence against women and girls which is about designing strategies to deal with the challenges affecting women and development studies which all about progress, improvement and advancement. My team and I are able to relate the products to real life situations whose benefits the victims are able to prove with the challenges they are going through.One team member a trained mechanic which makes it easy for him to understand the body's biochemistry which is similar to machines. The two ladies are experienced in how they have been managing their menstrual hygiene using Bumi pads general others conditions they have managed in the home using food supplements. We decided to be a group of citizen scientist to encourage others that well-being is all about "the actions people take and the products they use to prevent the development of diseases" educating that health does not start in the office of a doctor"but with each one.
Am trained for survival as a policeman. A compliant was raised against me by some professional health officials through my immediate supervisor that what I was educating people was beyond my profession as a policeman and was directed to stop because I was not the competent authority to talk about how to prevent diseases as it was going to brings the police institution into disripute. I then reduced the concept into two documents with all the facts which I entitled "The mystery in the increase of gynecological diseases and how they cause Gender based violence" which you can find on Google as "New GBV and gyne problems cause" and "The Burden of diseases- Where is the problem, what is the problem" which I have not posted to the public but have it I shared with him the first which was not controversial because it highlighted poor menstrual hygiene as underlying cause and how the Bumi pads(Anion pads then) were a solution. This helped to end the dispute and since with an opportunity to be asked to do a presentation at the university teaching hospital to a group of gynecologists and ministry of general education which was appreciated with commitments.
I took the courage despite my Inadequacy to write to the permanent secretary ministry of health about the concept and Bumi sanitary technology efficacy against poor menstrual hygiene, urogenital infections and consequently domestic violence. I was asked to do a presentation before a number of gynecologists at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka from Solwezi supervised by the senior gynecologist Dr Macha( contact +260966916422,+260977800843). This presented for other two presentations organized by the local provincial health office in solwezi to trainee midwives (Contac +260...) and later to the general trainee nurses and members of staff at solwezi general hospital supervised by Dr Ncheengamwe provincial clinical care specialist(Contact +260979987801). With ministry of general education, it has earned recognition of the concept on menstrual hygiene management now the sanitary pad appearing in the menstrual hygiene manual book under ministry of education as a "Max Super pad"(p19). The ministry has since given authority to the project to go round all schools in Zambia resources available to educate on Bumi sanitary pad and pantliner's benefit in the education of women and girls in relieving menstrual discomforts including period pains to help increase on class hours. Hoping well for food supplements also as we launch it.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
While the technologies we have adopted are or maybe known by all, we are the only project Zambia that explains the link between diseases and domestic violence with practical cited cases linking to real life experiences for praxis of education(reflection and action). The product is an iridescent compound meaning a combination of different food molecules( natural Phyto-chemicals) that provide holistic benefit to the body for so many diseases challenges in one product well balanced than taking a number of them seperately. From the experience of the COVID-19 human lost immunity, eating this innovative through small doses of holistic nutrients in one simple tablet is economical and life saving from the ingredients contained in both products adopted. While other wellness products use synthetic materials the adopted products are purely organic harvesting nature, package it and consume it with no adulteration. The products are practical application of scientific knowledge in industry understanding science as " the means of obtaining masterly over nature by understanding it" or simply "nature study". With specific reference to "Bumi anion sanitary pads", it uses corn gel as an absorbent than recycled paper and replaced "magnetism" which is synthetic used in competitors with pure natural food grade materials(mint, algae and anions) which are all plant matrial which are safe and biologically relevant and able to interact with the biological systems of the human being safely.
The foundation of the project is a three phase theory of problem solving techniques namely, identify the problem, identify the cause and eliminate the cause then good health and well-being is attained. COVID-19 experience for lost immunity so far summarizes the disease burden and challenge in Zambia and globally. This affirms the truth that health does not start in the office of the doctor but at the individual and family level through what people eat, what they drink, the environment they live in and now the technologies they consume. This calls for defining health as "the level of functional and metabolic efficiency of the body" to provide practical tools for reflection and action for humans to recover from the lost immunity. To get to this realisation we will embark on a campaign to sensitize and conscientization to raise awareness on the cause and effect through both social and print media highlighting how both the food supplement adopted(selenium) and use of Bumi anion pads and pantliners recommended by ministry of health and responsible agenciesin Zambia can help both with communicable and non-communicable diseases whose need is nutrition helping to create a wrong environment in the body for disease causes to thrive and flourish through enhanced alkalinity satisfying the three main reasons for eating which are energy, growth and protection/prevention. We work with partners who have already shown interest from the presentations done so we could tap in thier interest and expertise especially for impact evaluation.M Health experts that have shown interest are Dr Macha a senior gynaecologist at university teaching hospital in Lusaka contact +260...and Dr Ncheengamwe clinical care specialist Solwezi provincial Health office contact +260..... Ministry of general education has already authorised dentitions in all schools in Zambia resources available because of the Bimi anion pads and pantliners efficacy against Urogenital infections and menstrual discomforts including period pains to increase on girls class attendance and reduce early school drop outs for early marriages.The NGOCC' interest is on the link between diseases and domestic violence while that of the Association of vendors and Marketeers is the risk environment they operate in.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Zambia
- Zambia
Currently serving 1000 alternate buyers and projection of 1,000,000 Zambians of the 16,000,000 by 5 years because when the product is readily available we can have a number of referrals from our experience so far because the consumers are a mixed class of the population. The projection is also on assumption of a rigorous campaign on all possible platforms to sensitize and conscientize the community on the benefits of the technologies adopted as potential to help raise the immunity levels against current problematic diseases both communicable and non-communicable. We actually hope to use the prize money as a revolving fund to enlist families to have easy access to these products for their well-being with special sustainability model even then so that the project is able to generate revenue through referrals for both enlisting and retail purchases. At the current rate of 111 people as new clients every year. each of these each year bringing 10 people as referrals is possible to reach this figure of 1,000,000 clients by 5 years from first support of the project from the prize.
Regional, global impact and replication of the concept. Reduced countries' burden of diseases through improved nutrition and use of appropriate technologies that do not injure health and well-being in response to SDGs 9 and 3. The United Nations General Assembly of 2024 resolved that the only means to survive the 21st century health challenges is through YOGA which resolve is celebrated every year on 21st June. The technology adopted is YOGA in technology as the practical application of scientific knowledge(nature) in industry with great potential to make the world health again and prevent future epidemics from built in immunity as it provides opportunity to help people recover from their lost immunity against diseases. The statement that "You are what you eat" just makes sense now during the COVID-19 experience. We hope to reach out to the community at home and abroad with knowledge on the reality of the situation on the world's disease burden from citizen science for informed decisions on how nutrition plays a major role in conditions which has no solution from conventional means. In the first one year our goal is to educate the whole population reachable by whatever means that are possible from the COVID-19 restrictions and by 5 years at least to win about a 1,000,000 and more monthly consumers of the project resources available from the revolving fund with still potential for profit gains because the project is designed as a mission project to deal with the challenges observed and identified in the project.
Finances for marketing and project scaling.Another barrier is qualified support staff in finance, marketing and business administration which could be key to the success of the project as a social enterprise. COVID-19 gathering restrictions is another barrier to reach the market of those that can't be reached on social and electronic media but through physical presentations. The other barrier also is reliable transport to reach rural areas for sensitization programs in all schools as requested by ministry of general education because they may not be reachable on either social, electronic and print media.
Hire qualified support staff and continue opportunities like what solve provides in other open programs. Look for opportunities for diversification in financial resources. Have invested in the NEEW( New Economic Evolution of the World) programme whose dividends payments are projected to mature in 2025 to help sustain and fund the project but require the elevate prize now to keep afloat till then. On gathering restrictions from COVID-19 to those unreachable on social and electronic media we will respect the social distancing guidelines and hoping for referrals. With regards to transport barrier, we will continue one-on-one interactions to areas we are able to reach with our available means of an old car hoping also for referrals there after. With regards to qualified staff if we have no means to hire, we will continue to educate ourselves for perfection.
NGOs especially on sanitary pads.We donate sanitary pads to NGOs as and when requested for assistance(Contacts 0971415383 leader Whisper...,Glamour Foundation leader +260967181772). Other NGOs buy for donations to their communities of interest e.g VisionZambia (Contact 0966195070).We have partnered with ministry of health provincial office on sensitization programs to the community and ministry of general education to educate in schools on the Bumi anion sanitary pads identified as the "Max super pad" in their menstrual hygiene management handbook guidelines on how it is so and with ability to help against Urogenital infections grown during menstruation and common menstrual discomforts like period pains. We are working with the NGOCC for their network on knowledge empowerment from the presentations we have done so far to enlighten them on the link between poor menstrual growing Infections contributing about 36.8 % domestic violence(Contact person Letitia 0977440395). We are also working with the Association of vendors and Marketeers to educate their membership due to their risk environment for COVID-19 as they interact with their customers and common toilets used and long hours away from home in respect of women against Urogenital infections.
B2C model. Agents buy for resale and empowering other agents to go and sell at a commission. We have designed the prize to be a revolving fund for individuals and families to access products. To create attention and interest for the products and raise awareness for the concerns, we do presentations on both social and electronic media highlighting importance of innovative nutrition as in food supplements and Bumi pads disruptive technology. We have also developed a concept on the link between diseases and domestic violence which is our campaign vehicle to create interest. According to the 2011-2014 demographic health survey report, Zambia's 38.8% domestic violence on average of the age of women between 15- 49 years comes from poor menstrual hygiene women growing Infections suspected sexually transmitted and many are not yet aware. We have identified interest groups key to the project objectives to whom we have sensitized and empowered with knowledge for informed decisions from whom we receive referrals and return purchases. Globally the international agency for research on cancer reported in 2014 of projected 22 millions cancer cases by two decades and each year before then a record of 14 million new cases which is too risk to ignore and the community needs innovative nutrition as in food supplements and innovative products that are disruptive in nature as survival in the new normal is dependent on the actions people take and the products they use to prevent the development of diseases which is what is being promoted.
Savings from sales. Take opportunity of other open programs for support as in SOLVE. Increased consumers from referrals for turn over benefits. Invested in the New Economic Evolution of the World (NEEW) whose dividends are projected to have significant value by 2025 to help sustain the project from dividends paid starting then. Wish to venture into agriculture vegetable growing at large scale for revenue generation and take opportunity of others ventures that avail themselves. We will continue to attract partnership for equity partnership but using such opportunities as the SOLVE elevate challenge for project value addition for better future partnerships. We invest in the training of agents to empower them with knowledge for thier clients so that the can provide the correct counseling services which are free in the project and also do free donations to the less privileged as our CSR responsibility since we are a social enterprise.
Got a loan of $97,059 in 2015 from Kukulaseed seed used to build the project this far still being serviced on monthly basis from sales. In the last 24 months were able to generate revenue from sales of $4,600 and in 2014 sold our family plot for $8,824 to invest in the project.
looking for a grant of between $600,000-$1,000,000 to fully scale the project and as last resort equity between $1,000,000- $5,000,000 equity partnership for full implementation as a business. We wish to have raised the required funds by December, 2020 latest if not we shall continue taking advantage of funding opportunities that avail themselves.
The projections are for full scale establishment from basics because it is tje status core of tje project. Salaries for 16 member team $170,118. Utilities $588. Fuel $3,529. Marketing $30,000. Legal $11,765. Rentals $588. M/V insurance $14,706. Loan repayment $2,736. Transport Purchase(5 vehicles) $73,529. PA system(2 camps) $5,882. Office equipment(computers for 2 camps $5,294. Office furniture(2 camps) $8,823. Products purchase(2 camps) $294,117. Contingent Fund- $111,111. Grand total $732,786. The part from loan repayment is a one off expense which may not be part of the expense in the other year.
Financial assistance because it's an opportunity to raise funds for scaling the project which the project doesn't have at the moment. Leverage the Solve's technical support and global contacts being among its package for the hero because the project has potential for global replication. Already there has been interest on the product from from Australia contact +61417657962 Michelle. With reference to the COVID-19 experience, my community need the products adopted in the technology readily available for well-being and above all reach them with knowledge by what ever means available in our current situation and this requires funds to conscientize because the platforms are not free. This is why we have designed that the prize money will be used as a revolving fund to individuals and families so that they can have access to these products themselves directly by enrolling them as members to the product manufacturers to afford the products at very affordable price directly from them and the project will retain the products received on the registered name to sell them at a minimal fee to raise funds for others to be enrolled. Selected food supplements on this plan are those manufactured by Max international of the united states of America because of their holistic nature.Other food supplements and Bumi products will be bought for resale at minimal profit which will be at the wholesale price of competitors as retail price for the project. This will be investment in the community health which is the project objective.
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Am more trained in identifying challenges and design strategies against them but not in the technical part of a project running as a business and how to manage it professionally.
All like minded and willing because they are an opportunity from their constituencies and influence. Areas of interest is reaching or getting to the right market since we have the knowledge on the product but our challenge is to reach the market and correct market. Institutions of learning because of their nature with students from diverse backgrounds are our interest to interact on the concerns for the project with possibility of documenting the results for posterity. NGOs are also potential partners due to their networks largely of women who are the project potential consumers and also common nurses in homes for food supplements and product potential for them as an income generating venture against poverty and hunger..

Domestic Violence- The case of poor menstrual hygiene