SAMI projet of ChildBrain Global
I am Patrick KABANGA LUMANGA founder and executive director of CHILDBRAIN GLOBAL, CBG in acronym, which works in collaboration with his twin sister a start Up "SLIMCORE S.A" in charge of the manufacturing and development of medical technologies "medical biscuits" focused on the reduction of epidemics of which I am CEO. Both institutions are an integral part, managed by the parent company “AGION Industries “specialized in the developments and industrial automotive technologies of the registered trademark "AGION". I was a professor of art and development for 10 years in different educational institutions; I initiated and led a workshop of agro-ecological entrepreneurship for the empowerment of women farmers to cultivate ecologically. This workshop takes place once a year and so many other activities related to the sustainable development project. I mentored young community leaders in Kongo Central in developing community projects on ecological context.
CBG is an international humanitarian and social non-governmental organization working in eight sectors or programs of sustainable development in the DRC. SAMI need to eradicate Sickle Cell Disease in DRC and Africa. The "Medical Biscuits", technology, innovation developed, focused on anemia’s treatment; thousands of families are flourishing every day in their communities and develop small projects themselves through our contribution. Anemia’s families lives safe in good health, contributes to the education, food and agriculture, gain money through out development project, drink quality water and irrigate their agriculture, Light the villages with renewable energy. Thus almost every day children are spared from developing malnutrition; maternal and infant death related to this disease is reduced to zero. CBG wants any people affected by get treated out off strategy to spare the patients from the pains.
47% of children under 5 years of age worldwide are anemic. About 40% in South America, 17% in Europe and reaches 64.6% in Africa according to the National Program Against Sickle Cell Disease in DRC; representing more than 90 million children. More than 72% of children aged 6 months to 5 years suffer from anemia throughout the whole of the DRC. The overall prevalence of anemia does not depend on the sex of the child, but it varies with age, being slightly lower among older children, from nearly 85% between 9 and 11 months to less than 62% between 4 and 5 years. The most severe forms (Hb<7g/dL) are thus more prevalent in young children (8.7%) than in older children (2.1%). In rural areas the prevalence is about 8 per cent (75.5±8.8 per cent compared to 67.3±5.6 per cent in urban areas; p =0.017. Children from low-income families are more often anemic than those from better-off households (79.8±9.5 compared to 62.3±7.7 per cent; p =0.0015.
"SAMI" is a project to support the structuring of good public health through the strategic approach innovative medical and family biscuits technology profitable, equitable, sustainable. The reduction of rural poverty in the DRC requires sustainable and inclusive economic growth for women, youth and vulnerable populations. This growth implies, on the one hand, a sustainable and profitable increase in agricultural production at the family farm level. On the other hand, it requires an external environment conducive to investment, innovation, climate resilience, inclusion and sustainable economic growth.
The SAMI project aims to ensure that any population suffering from a neglected tropical disease, mainly sickle cell disease or SS anemia, especially women, pregnant women and their babies, young girls and boys, grow in a way that is breast free without childbirth complications, and that they attend school for a life without borders, the profitable sustainability of their community enterprise and their resilience to climate change.
This project will build the capacity of cooperatives, associations and their members, including women, to achieve sustainable development and poverty reduction through sustainable agriculture.
In DR. Congo, one third of the population has sickle cell disease. SAMI's innovative technological approach cured 8000 beneficiaries in MATADI.
In MBANZA-NGUNU 500 people are currently benefiting and in KINSHASA 300 women, young girls and teenagers with their newborn babies also benefit from the program.
In SAKANYA-Katanga since October 2019 an antenna was installed to receive 1000 patients per day to finally be taken care of.
CBG plans to reach sickle cell, malnourished, tuberculosis and patients living with HIV by 2023 for sustainable health insurance.
The population had difficulty organizing themselves financially, they spent a lot on health care. Anemia is a genetic disease, a first in the world, which is too expensive, affects the majority of the poor, ruining them financially and personally, because patients end up dying despite the expenses incurred in the family. Today, thanks to SAMI, families have a great guarantee of financial survival by saving money for schooling, developing and financing agricultural projects, fish farming, breeding and thus selling their food in the neighboring provinces. Some families even continue to have children because of guaranteed health insurance.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
SAMI project, the Elevate Prize and the improvement of opportunities for all are in close community links, the problem is very huge, because sickle cell sufferers are neglected and left to their sad fate. The disease ruins the families; it kills the sick people on top of that. Without the communities the project will not be achieved, for it to be realized it will need adequate financial support, that is why the elevate prize is necessary. This can only be achieved through collective support. The DRC is much affected by this disease, early treatment is necessary for its reduction.
The loss of a little brother who suffered for 27 years from sickle cell disease, knew the conception and development of the project, waited for the solution of molecular development to benefit from the solution, it was not possible to see that he left without being a beneficiary. This was for us a great motivation to save the lives of those who are huge living and suffering from anemia all over the DRC. Thus the control of the molecule mixed in nutritional biscuits of our concept "MEDICAL BISCUITS" has allowed a lot the resilient and sustainable development on the socio economic level to poor families to be happy in the life span of the sickle cell disease sufferers, to feed their incomes and to consume a sustainable agriculture, to feed themselves energetically with environmental respect, to avoid other diseases related to the consumption of unsafe water. It was a great inspiration to develop this solution.
The DRC is the third country in the world affected by sickle cell disease after Nigeria and India. Our solution is based on the medical biscuit and nutrition to eradicate the anemia, The loss of a little brother who suffered for 27 years from sickle cell disease and 70% of Kongo Central’s population lives with the diseases. The strategic approach of anti-anemic and malnutrition medical biscuits involve awareness raising, screening, distribution and sustainable treatment. Sickle cell patients benefit from assistance, early care and follow-up. The project focuses on more than 10,000 people in Matadi. That's why his important,fights, act on the wall of red blood cells by correcting its duration which favours falciformation and early destruction of it; thinning the red blood cell wall to increase its flexibility, avoiding the destruction of red blood cells by increasing its mobility in the vessels whatever the caliber. It also accelerates in the blood the good fusion of heme, oxygen and iron, the good metabolism of these three for an adequate cellular nutrition; Improves the hemoglobin of the blood towards 8 -10g and more while not requiring a blood transfusion. Modifies weight growth and sexual status. Stops musculoskeletal pain and vasco-occulsive crisis.
CEO of SLIMCORE S.A; founder and Executive Director/ChildBrain Global Ngo, Degree in Arts; Expertise in visual communication and arts, education, emergency assistance, passionately communicating arouse young leaders, African contractor for development and for better cultural continent. Making effective personal contribution, teamwork, develop, and ensure monitoring of communities projects, local environment in conflict, post conflict through collaborative, meeting people. All this is linked to stringent quality, perseverance and organizational creativity. Project Manager at VISERA INSTITUTE, Development Projects Assistant at ETNIK Asbl, Jewels International School of Kinshasa-JISK, F.L.A. (Future Leaders Academy):
-Monitoring art to children from the spring camp with Muslims community,
- Managing and teaching art, translator and recommender of students at the arts universities
Initiator and promoter of the collective exhibition of the students at the academy of Fine arts on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of the R.D.CONGO for raising funds to help orphans children,
Consulting manager in art and environmental, communication and fundraising officer to CODELT-Ngo. That is why I am well-positioned to deliver this project
Access to primary health care, finances, technical systems for the distribution and supply of appropriate medicines, infrastructure and health technology in communities was a major barrier to the evolution and realization of the project. This led us to initiate self-financing through monthly contributions by full members, vip, donations and legacies from collaborators, volunteers and other staff. Several times we have had difficulties in the development and production of the medical biscuits; the distribution lines in other provinces have given us back and even pushed us to abandon the project or activities, but given the social and health scope of the disease, we have managed to overcome them and make the project a reality, despite the poor funding. Today our tenacity to demonstrate the effectiveness of the project and attracting collaborators, private institutions, the state interested in our innovation, wanting to jump first to bring their technical and financial contributions with our two organizations, we can say that our fight has reached its path and that the rest of the way to do will facilitate collaborations with national and international partners to eradicate this forgotten genetic disease.
I initiated and led our CBG team in the different projects through the WASHA (Water Sanitation, Hygiene in Africa) program in Sakania in the province of Haut Katanga to facilitate 200 community households to have 100% access to safe drinking water and sanitation.
The MOBILE SCHOOL initiated and developed through the collaboration of rural communities in the Equateur province, Kasai and Kasai Central have enabled 1000 girls and women mothers to attend school to reduce early marriage, the violence linked to the distance from schools travelled by students and the lack of schooling so that literacy stops growing in the provinces of the DRC. Currently, the medical biscuit program is taking off in communities affected by this sickle cell disease scourge where many families are financially and physically ruined. Thanks to us, families are living in safe and secure health and medical care. Many of the women are empowered, initiated to organic agriculture to feed the national peripherals with organic food to environmental respect through WAF program (Women's Agricultures Factory).
- Nonprofit
Not Aplicable-N/A
SAMI project is a novel technology that doesn’t exist anywhere else. The medical biscuits technology is innovative and effective for sickle cell and other treatments in African. It offers a lot of advantages to our patients and does not allow the use of medical technological equipment because it also inflicts pain during treatment in the body of a patient and sometimes leaves psychic trauma. The only mechanism of treatment is taking biscuits. SAMI's strategic medical and health approach emphasizes the use of sickle cell medical biscuits for the treatment of anemia and malnutrition. This approach allows the beneficiaries to facilitate and transform the spinal cord and guarantees a total and lasting cure. Nutritional anemia remains common in many provinces of DRC, and its eradication through effective interventions is a priority for CBG in terms of attention and action, as it affects individual growth and development, as well as socio-economic, family, community and national development. Our beneficiaries are satisfied with the result and recommend to others. Today when they test our approach they have a great satisfaction, at the time of contact and advice our program recommends stopping the ordinary treatment coming from the different conventions of hospitals, clinics and specialized health centers to focus entirely on our sustainable approach, the nutritional molecular particles offer a great advantage by lodging in the spinal cord, heal dead red blood cells, bones and change the AS, SS genome into AA.
General (overall) goals of the action: contribute to the improvement of public health.
SPECIFIC GOALS: Development of the mechanism for reducing anemia, pregnant women and newborn babies, young mothers, anemic couples (men and women) in the overall context of the fight against poverty; creation of hospital centers in rural intervention settings); creation of an information application; creation of electrophoresis screening sites; care of the sick; training of I.T. (Nursing staff); setting up an intervention team composed of a doctor, a laboratory specialist, a nurse for the distribution of medicines in more remote areas; creation of posters, leaflets and a box of images.
INDICATORS: At least 3 anemic reduction mechanisms in pregnant women, newborn, young girl mother, couple reduction mechanisms (male and female). Construction of 10 hospital centers, information application implemented in Matadi, 11 electrophoresis screening sites are established. Patients are managed at a rate of 10 per site. I.T.'s are trained per year. Intervention teams are set up, one team per site. Posters, flyers and boxes of images are created.
BASE LINE: Lack of knowledge about appropriate techniques for anemic reduction of pregnant women, newborns, young mothers and anemic couples, inadequacy of brick presses and kilns for baking the bricks needed for the construction of hospitals, electrophoresis screening sites, especially in rural areas, care for anemic patients, information implementation in rural areas, insufficiency of "I.T." trained, intervention teams, posters, leaflets and boxes of pictures to raise awareness on the fight against anemic diseases.
VERIFICATION SOURCES: Investigation reports; Activity reports, Monitoring and evaluation report, Procedure manuals and data sheets by type of anemic disease, Cash books (expenses for the purchase of medicines), Reports with the names of patients treated and cared, anemic patients treated and cared for per centre.
HYPOTHESESES: There are anemic patients in the territories of the Central Kongo province. , Project financing of US$ 2,104,952 secured; training other technicians on site in rural areas, coaching of women farmers in the practice of modern food crops and livestock farming to produce foodstuffs rich in proteins and vitamins in order to combat malnutrition.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 13. Climate Action
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
Due to the achievement of the results listed below, more people will be affected in one year, 5 years or more. It support is important for its eradication.
A. Reduction of the duration of the disease in the town of Matadi and gradually throughout the province of Kongo Central ;
B. Empowerment of anemic women through the financing of socio-economic activities that they carry out or wish to carry out;
C. Increase in the number of sickle-cell patients treated with medical biscuits, resulting in a reduction in mortality, particularly maternal and infant mortality;
D. Raising awareness among couples with a view to encouraging them to carry out electrophoresis examinations;
E. Improving the health conditions of families suffering from sickle-cell anemia;
F. Training in maternal and child health techniques for the reduction of mortality linked to sickle-cell anemia;
G. Establishment of three appropriate health centers for sickle-cell anemia patients and acquisition of medical equipment and medicines.
(1) Currently the project enables 15,000 sickle-cell patients: men, women, young people and others working in other fields to benefit from the impact of SAMI. 8000 in MATADI. In MBANZA-NGUNU 500 people are currently benefiting and in KINSHASA 300, in SAKANYA-Katanga 1000 people.
2) In one year the CBG will reach more than 80,000 people impacted by the SAMI project on their socio-economic life.
3) Within five years the SAMI project will have reached and cured more than 1,000,000 of the direct and indirect beneficiaries in the most affected provinces of the DRC.
- Ensuring the lifespan, unification and empowerment of women (anemic)
- Improvement of sanitary conditions and the performance of small agricultural producers and stockbreeders in the Matadi Territory ;
- Training and supervision of new practices or modern techniques on entrepreneurship, women's leadership, as well as societal integration in the public sector and decision making;
- Training in maternal and child health techniques for the reduction of mortality linked to sickle cell disease;
- Support in daily activities and marketing;
- Financing of activities through the acquisition on behalf of women, cooperatives and associations (imports and local purchases) of the equipment necessary for the modernization of agricultural activities and the agri-food industry; and
- Improving health conditions, setting up the health centre, equipping it with medical equipment; increasing the income of women; cooperatives and associations; improving the socio-economic conditions of the rural women of Matadi in the province of Bas Congo (Kongo Central).
- To the construction of a health school specialized in neglected tropical diseases ;
- Obtaining a scholarship for specialization abroad; and finally, increasing the percentage of instructors in rural communities;
- Within 5 coming years CBG plan to aspire to a world where "MAN" thrives in a sustainable healthy environment, a world in which people value and benefit from the diversity and equality of (space, species, care, education, food and energy) and the integrity of life on earth by 2050.
Qualified human resources in the biscuit production and distribution chain: People exist and are ready. But vocational training institutions are expensive and the population cannot afford them.
Adequate funding: In DRC there is no funding or easy access to funding to support projects, if it exists, they are managed by politicians.
Industrial technological equipment: This equipment is difficult to find in the DRC, it is necessary to think about importing it, which is more complicated with exorbitant shipping costs.
The economic-political systems: the population does not have access to financial knowledge granted by adequate institutions, so if this exists, either measures, strict criteria are enacted.
Sustainable industrial, sanitary, cultural infrastructures: Do not even exist that could ensure the lifespan of the population. Some of them are in a state of destruction.
Multisectoral health mechanisms: The fact that pregnant women die on the road, girls raped only because of the distance they have to go to school or to fetch their children.
Poverty reduction systems and self-help: Here again the population lives below $1 a day.
Support for entrepreneurship initiatives of young people in rural and peri-urban areas: Youth is the hope of tomorrow, for which it must be sacrificed today, as in the DRC.
Obstacles will be overcome through the financial contributions of members, volunteers, donations and legacies, contributions of VIP members, collaboration of political administrators, membership of other members through their intellectual contribution, use of new technologies, information and communication/ICT, from compliance with climate change mitigation and adaptation mechanisms through the use of renewable energies, reforestation of trees producing the greenhouse gas to rebuild the ozone layer, to recycling systems for an ecological respect of the planet, to the capture of waste and non-degradable garbage in rivers, lakes and streams. The creation of school, health and employment infrastructures has a great impact.
The National Program Against Sickle Cell Disease –NPASCD:, Young African Leaders Development: Development-YALD, ENIGMA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS-EGC: ,Association of sickle cell: disease-ASCD, Association of women market gardeners of Central Kongo-AWMGCK CBG is a source of inspiration for them in the economic, infrastructural, environmental, societal and financial context. It has guided them to: - develop, monitor and evaluate a project to achieve its objectives and the chances of its success. - create mechanisms for managing funds allocated to project or program activities. - Organize partnership meetings to enable the allocation and technical management of funds. - how to structure community institutions, organizations and associations.
N/A: Not Applicable
As we have said, our CBG is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that does not generate revenue, but operates on donations, grants, contributions, public fundraising for activities requiring a fund. The 30% of the funds came from the founder's own fund which supports the activity of medical biscuits production, and the 10% came from co-founders of the organization for the distribution chain, prevention and treatment by CBG's innovative technological approach for a reduction of sickle cell disease. This is a reason why CBG is looking for partners for a sustainable support. The technology is distributed free of charge, including primary care in communities with high rates of sickle cell disease, malaria and severe malnutrition.
Till now CBG has not received any financial support from partners; however CBG has solicited partners for future collaboration. The only ways CBG is supporting the project activities is the contribution of members.
CBG is requesting a grant, as we are processing and distributing our technology free of charge to the population affected by this genetic disease. This is why CBG has solicited many partners to reach this amount.
There are fees allocated to : industrial production, installation of Headquarters office in Kinshasa, construction of buildings, cartage, staff remuneration, agriculture, Purchase of water well drilling equipment and installation of water pumps with solar kits, purchase of rolling stock in Kinshasa, Office equipment and furniture in Kinshasa, Telephone and Internet communication, Office rent and other consumables, Maintenance products and equipment, Office consumables in Kinshasa, Travel and accommodation (international and national in DRC through province of Kongo Central), creation of an information application, broadcasting of the awareness campaign on radio and TV, and print media, Screening, distribution of medicines and monitoring of patients, creation of posters, leaflets and a box of pictures, training in agricultural techniques, health care, the fight against sickle cell disease, malaria and malnutrition.
1. Posters, leaflets, box of pictures, polo shirts, pins for Kinshasa: $23,333
2. Purchase + construction of the 15 Levels administrative building in Kinshasa: 13.000.000$.
3. Purchase of drilling equipment; installation, water turbines in rural areas: $759,000
4. PURCHASE OF ROLLING MATERIALS + annual maintenance: $392,830
5. Office equipment and furniture in Kinshasa: $27889
6. Telephone Communication and Internet: $2223.3
7. Office rent and Other Consumption: $36600
8. Maintenance Products and Equipment: $698
9. Office consumables in Kinshasa: $2944
10. Food and Catering: $1296
11. Small Materials: $618
12. Purchase of medical equipment: $25,000
13. International travel: $24600
14. Staff salaries: $1094896
15. Creation of an information application: $3500
16. Radio, TV and print media awareness: $10,500
17. Posters, pamphlets, picture box, polo shirts, pins: $43566.6
19. TOTAL GENERAL COST : $21,935,491.2
CBG wants to win the competition at all costs to save lives, bring joy to families, facilitate and promote this strategic approach beyond the border of the DRC, make known the technique of treatment, care, awareness for training to health personnel, institutions and organizations; also accompany beneficiaries in their projects. Presenting it to philanthropic donors is an opportunity for CBG to make it visible throughout the world so that there are zero deaths.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
CBG has not yet developed partnership objectives, as it has never had any funding or support from partners to solicit for an effective future partnership, so together develop partnership objectives for the SAMI's project and any other projects proposed by our organization. But then, CBG will hopefully sign a partnership contract by collaborating with other interested parties in our project, and then develop objectives with the partners insofar as the project is having a positive impact on the people of the DRC.
WORLD VISION: Will contribute to awareness raising and technical support
SAVE THE CHILDREN: Will contribute to awareness raising and technical support.
UNICEF: Financial support
UNFPA: Financial support
SANRU: Technical support
MINISTER FOR GENDER, CHILDREN AND FAMILY: Will contribute to awareness raising and technical support.
MINISTRY OF HEALTH: Financial and technical support
ORANGE: Technical support and communication

Executive Director