#MeWeSyria is a social and emotional learning (SEL) and civic engagement program for supporting peer to peer healing, countering violent extremism (CVE), and non-violent forms of communication (NVC) targeting Syrian boys and girls, ages 12-18 years old. The program is founded on the principles of SEL and psychosocial therapy (Narrative and Logo Therapy) where communications skills- building and storytelling are utilized as tools for peer to peer healing, team building, empathy, and creative problem solving.
#MeWeSyria is founded on a training of trainers (ToT) model that involves a process of experiential learning and co-creation sessions with host refugee partners. Together, #MeWeSyria and the host NGOs select refugee teams of replicators (refugee teachers, youth volunteers, parents) who will localize the program for Syrian teens in their communities multiple times over the course of a year.
Refugee replication teams will launch their own #MeWeSyria clubs that benefit Syrian teens who will develop ICT literacy skills, emotional intelligence, and counter narratives of extremism and violence that currently dominate society and public discourse around Syrian youth.
Each #MeWeSyria club that is replicated will produce a minimum of 2 youth story content pieces (videos, blogs, audio interview, photo essays) that will be used for digital campaigns for civic engagement, CVE, and countering xenophobia, and they will be presented at 3 offline community engagements in the host country and, when possible, at international forums. Replication teams are equipped with a detailed facilitator's manual, a local regional coordinator to provide technical support and execute evaluation, and equipment (laptops and cameras) to execute the modules of the program. Each Me/We club captures data from beneficiaries that help track SEL development.
Refugee-led #MeWeSyria pilots are currently operating in Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan.