Gnavoi Human Empowerment Centre (GHEC)
I, Godknows N. Chima is a graduate of reputable university with second class honour. Chima resolved to embark on humanitarian of social enterprise because of the passion i have to elevate humanity through grassroots development . I studied business management and information communication technology (ICT) which I hope is giving me available experience to organize and pioneer this program to its brim of success. Other vocational skills i have is also a support to reach the educational upliftment empowerment to any classes of people seen in the program .
Lack of vocational development, education and research studies has been problems facing our society today, especially during our early upbringing stage of life. This always result regardless in our mental social and economic life of development and those who come from indigent family background and are left behind traditionally can easily tell of that
In order to counter these problems, our project are proposed to reduce and eliminate such artificial backwardness, inefficiency and unproductive of our social life. Solving these major essence of life make people be gainfully employed, be self employed and become also employers of labor, thereby creating human self sufficiency and reliance
Because of the pandemic and lockdown issues, we use our partner video from Tonny Elumelu Foundation in the upload sections,while learning how to implement this video of a thing.
We are solving problems in the community, providing social empowerment training of vocational skills, education studies, preparatory,seminars enlightenments and research study developments.
The scale of these problems has global influence where general lives are affected because no country is left or in isolation of these problems. This is to say that starting such project in my community can now be spread to national and even to international level and the entire globe can be impacted by adopting this driving strategy.
So ,the number of those who will be affected can be immeasurable because this is a continuous development program where birth and development is a re-current process.
Factor contributing these problems can be related to poverty, hunger and destitution of family economic background and social or national under-development of countries.
Just for instance, Nigeria community where these project is taking off is assumed to have more than 200 million citizens, and to tell you that the birth control is not monitored by the government who does not even care whether the families survive or not.
My project is established to train children and youths on various skills like vocational skills, academic preparatory studies, public enlightenments, research and education upliftment studies. This is done when a person shows interest by registering with us, participate our enlightenment and seminar teaching.
We have various professional teachers and trainers that handle any field of study and training. These combined skill acquisition and education program is meant to help humanity achieve its state and purpose of life; we also organizes support funding after completion of our programs.
Within the cause of training studies, a participant would be prepared, taught on how to prepare business and financial documents to source out funds for their establishment.
We also teach people, participants on technical, technological, theoretical and practical speech of our program to make them be well informed and master their activities.
The time completion of our program ranges from six months to two years, depending on the area of skill and discipline. This program is proposed to reduce poverty, hunger, illiteracy and over-dependency in our communities and society in general as it impacts lives of every participant which its effect is transferred to their families and engine social good to elevate humanity.
Though we foster every age of life in our organization, we majorly have the growing people in mind, as they are agents of development. This program is classified as a program of this century because it is in line with the UN-SDG programs that alleviate the suffering of Les-privilege and indigent background ones. The families who cannot sponsor their people in routine academic studies can resort and embraced this platform for help.
We started this program in Nigeria communities and is expected to spread across Africa, and even the entire world as such good program can easily be copied and embarked by any nation to remedy and strengthen our society. Having started recently, we have outlined lots of strategies we would be using to inform and involve people in the program and those who had benefited from it are already enjoying it by implementing what they received from us. We may specifically state that people respond vividly and ready to be involved in the program as more social awareness are spread across communities for the program.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
When trainings and studies are conducted on people, students , participants, policies of rule of life, behavior, attitude and beliefs are always included. So this program meets the objective and understanding of the Elevate Prize mission by instilling such driving actions into any participant of this program. This is to say that moral,technical and practical behaviors are inspired into people who participate in his program. So this program is well-aligned to the Elevate Prize and that UN-SDG program to traditionally uplift or elevate the social status of people, especially those left behind by creating economic livelihood opportunities in the society.
As a victim of this early denial child upbringing on education and proper parental support, I came up with this program to render humanitarian service to humanity because I have seen and known the effect of the ugly condition happening to somebody. This is to say that I came from an indigent family background where we had Civil War that I lost my parent and my mother separated from my father; she therefore was not capable of handling the trainings of her kids and I was given for adoption where the person I was given could not fulfill the obligation. So I was overgrown to maturity age before discovering that I did not have that early raining and studies. At last I was able to make I, sponsored my vocational trainings, academic studies and even sponsored my siblings. So this is the story that made me know the importance of early child upbringing and sponsorship; thereby feeling to help people out of such negligible condition by establishing this program.
As I would always feel good to succeed, I would equally feel happy when I see others succeeding; this is the reason why I enjoy pursuing the program and helping people succeed as a humanitarian and philanthropist. Another reason is Nigeria as a nation and African as a continent are still relegated to background in terms of character and economic development; so rending this service will help to reduce severe suffering people are experiencing. The citizens of these regions are not properly taking care of by their government. I sincerely believe that services of NGO like ours will go a long way in remedying such ugly condition. The communities in Nigeria as a case of study needs the humanitarian palliatives’. The Nigerian government also are interested to support their citizens being motivated and addressed of these problem. So, I really feel well engaged and confidents while pursuing this program or project.
I read management and information communication technology (ICT) in high institutions, couple it with other profession skill that had broaden my knowledge and understanding of the issues of life. This is to say that the skills and background experience I have is enough to manage and coordinate the program to successful completion. I have worked at leadership position in some good industries with more than ten years of experience. I hopefully understand that there is no level of position in organization that I cannot handle or manage, be it nationally, internationally and locally.
My experience in leadership and managerial position actually help me organize, coordinate, lead, sustain and deliver this project to its successful completion because I know that success in any emerging organization depends on leadership-strategy.
There was time when a problem of heavy losses hilted my company organization and it was generally expected to go into total liquidation, but as a strategic manager in this company, when meeting was called and held, I was able to rectify thriving solution that later brought the company back in financial and operational healthiness. I was able to advise the company to borrow and reorganize the entire system ranging from the board of directors to the manager and even to the staff which was done and at the end, the company bounced back and become one the referring successful company in town. Not only that, there are lots of moral and economic strategies that are intentionally incorporated in, that make my life very exceptional to handle and render solution to big difficult questions of life.
The program have been devised by me to render all I have to the case of humanity and I feel good when I fulfill my obligation to the society and to my life. So as a strategy and proactive leader doesn't accept failure and defeat, but must always maintains his visionary mindset.
First of all, I read good emerging discipline as a course in school. Business administration/management is the heart and center of business and program life; then when combine it with an inevitable cause study of technological age “information communication technology ICT”, it would then portray life balance and perfectness.
The zeal of leadership role coupled it with the course I read in school is an inducement and courage to handle and perfect anything I have embarked in life, and i always feel being succeeding even when it seem hard or impossible. This program may not be only business and social activities I have; this make it possible to carry it out whatever I do perfectly and enthusiastically, hoping to succeed in them.
In my family, I am a breadwinner, that handle any level of issues any condition as being depend ended by siblings and entire family.
I have also manned company leadership team and staff as a business development image; consultant which depict leadership roles.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
- This program is an innovative project because of the district service it renders to humanity and the program framework whereby it is conducted. It is envisaged to be the program of second to none of 21st Century of humanitarian project. First, the program cater the problems of humans, the society and its environs and secondly the leadership and managerial background, where the-implementing strategy is meant to bring excellent innovation to the success of the program.
The creative dimension performance has brought great unique innovative work in rendering solution to daunting needs of the community and society at large. This creates realities of program, among other related project already existed or established, because it has all that are required by the elevate prize prioritized guideline and UN-SDG policy guideline. This is a program design to build human life, the society and economies of communities, nation and the entire globe when properly implemented; program that combines skills acquisition,research and academic upliftment studies among the growing ones in our communities and society.
- Being a program of salvage and resortment, the program is expected to have great impact within the families and growing ones because human down-grandness and backwardness is reversed and economy life of our society sustained, job employment opportunities provided, illiteracy curtailed, self-esteem to the growing youths maintained, behavioral change revitalized and sound environment being regained, the effect of COVID-19 reduced and redressed. The logical output of the program would be so enormous as the communities have great response for the their citizens participating fully in the program.
This theory of change with its logical framework is a welcome development as proper evolution of research will provided, lasting solution relating issues of concerns while increasing viable outcome and output of the program. This can be examined from related interviews conducted with parents, the youths and even the children of the communities within which we have had the program held. Such third-party research findings and pilot impact evaluation supports existing data driven strength that provided good judgment of the program and it benefits to our society
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Nigeria
- The number of participants anticipated currently serving with in the community are up to ten thousand, while it is expected to reach serve to ten million across the nation of Nigeria, and it will be expecting to reach fifty million within the region of African continents.
These figure of people or participants are meaningfully indirectly affected by our project activities and operations within five years of implementation. The market for this program is very wide, even though we majorly target young ones as leaders of tomorrow, we equally carry along with elderly who can easily transfer these legally to their children and relations for more social impact opportunities; meaning that this program has much to render and deliver our society.
- In the next milestone of one year, we are expecting cover within the enclave of Nigeria nation, as such development is being ramified through excellent service, profile implementation, evaluation impact and activities.
Then working as a “Global Hero” our service would be made to move to continental level of Africa within the five years of operation where we expect greater impact goals to be achieved and more opportunities these services expounded.
These milestone of goals are to be carried on by excellent framework strategies where we deploy implementing personnel that carry, monitor, evaluate and execute these knowledge and character development study activities, which the end result is to elevate humanity and inspires others to act as engine for social good.
- One of the major challenge of barriers existing for our goal accomplishment is “finance”. This where we should be able to raise enough to enable us fulfill and accomplish the proposed goals.
Another challenge is community “cultural” background , for instance, Nigeria where general believe that when you make money you become a figure and arrived in life, whether or not someone made it in crime or fraudulent activates. This make the youth and growing one pays less attention in learning and studies, thereby focusing on gaming and other unrealistic venture and activities. But to overcome and counter these barriers, our program mission and goals comprises technical measures, palliative measures, moral and character development measures and financing empowerments. This is to say that these challenges would always be manned and addressed squarely, together with help of “elevate prize program” we will excel
- Gnavoi Human Empowernment Center (GHEC) is a social enterprise division of a mother company or organization GNAVOI ASOCIATE SOLUTIONS LTD which carries (25%) financial support sponsorship. This mother company is one of the partner organization, while we can also expect the support of the regional community government for share of (25%) funding; then remaining (50%) funding project will be coming from the elevate prize funding. These outline three partnership organizations are meant to help us accomplish the project date on time as we are going to work closely with them.
The reason for pursuing this application is that we know that partnership is very crucial in developing such impactful program. We aim at actualizing this partnership in order to succeed in the program.
- In terms of business model, we reduce poverty, hunger, illiteracy, render skill acquisition and financial establishment support empowerment to the communities, impact to the communities, impact life upliftment to the citizen and to the program participants , this potential impact can be estimated in terms of revenue, skills an academic development for environmental soundness.
To our participants and beneficiaries, we provide quality learning and knowledge, good character, technical skills, and equipments for establishment after graduation with financial supports followed by merited award certificates that enable them have gainful employment.
These complimentary education and vocational skill development with its moral character and value development would be accessed through community people participation. Research has shown that every community, needs these life development resources, particularly the under-developed and developing communities of nations. Though the program targets children and youth as leaders of tomorrow, we welcome every stage of life or age.
Below is the business model canvas exampe.
Every national government will accept the viable project and supports implementation
Those other civil society organizations will find our product and service useful and will support its implementation
Currently gathering information with research to meet the budget within stipulated timeframe for the development of the empowerment program.
Implementing resources like equipments is needed to carry activities are being put in place
We embark innovative program of its kind that had not been ever implementation before.
This innovative solution is representing both building and empowerment of people in the society.
The entire Nigeria communities and our customers which can be extended to international countries.
The deployment of this innovative idea takes off from Nigeria where ery application is made and will spread to other places
The beneficiaries are impacted for the knowledge and economic support they receive from us.
Our services ……… poverty, hunger and total dependency from people are therefore resuscitate within our environment and economic soundness in the society
Equity/owner contribution – 25% - $250,000
Government support – 25% –$ 250,000
He elevate prize fund – 50% -$ 500,000
Total budget – 100% -$ 1,000,000
Improve world life changing by provide relevant human skills
Have impacted life within our communities
Elevating human life through sustainability
- In this program, we have hybrid channels of financial sustainability where we raise funds from revenue activities; we also raise fund from donations either government or spirited individuals who feels to support our work. This is to say that we make little management charges when conducting our programs; another means is the product and services we develop during our cause of the trainings can be sold to make income. The third aspect should be its donations we may oblation from government and good spirited individuals who assist us in fund raising to cover the expenses. The next major ones is that of Elevate prize fund and the owners contributed fund through which we organize and implement this program. These stream of revenue funding and yielding are made visible as outline in the business and financial model canvas. And this is meant to cover every expenses incurred in the program.
- To further the details, we expect to raise funds for this program with amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and this fund is to be source out from:
- Management or agency contribution for 25% ($250,000)
- For government support donation with amount of 25% of the total money ($250,000)
- From the Elevate prize sponsor fund with the amount of 50% of the total budget ($500,000)
Source of Funds
Agency Contribution
Government Support
Grant from Sponsor
Use of Funds
Project personnel
Client aid/support
Miscellaneous expenses
- The Elevating Prize Fund and its professional development support will help us actualize our objective in expanding understanding people attitude, belief and behave towards learning and building self actualization and social independence; for example, this is to remove …general belief of Nigeria community who solely relies on money without-social sensibility and soundness as stated in the “barriers” of . about your work page”.
This funding and its associated support from SOLVE will enable us fulfill our work in providing the capacity building program to the beneficiaries who are and come to our communities. It will also support the UN-SDG programmed which traditionally uplift and elevate human independence, development and accomplishment. We will achieve a lot from this elevate fund and its support from SOLVE foundation.
- Funding and revenue model
- Mentorship and/or coaching
From this partnership, anything required to advance this project will be made possible and available.
We earnestly expect to actualize our purpose in impacting and elevating the life of people in our society through this partnership.
My organization will like to partner with any support organizations that
are ready to help us fulfill our program objective. Organizations like
Governments, Solve, UN-SDG, word bank etc are worthy of our partnership
We also have associate partners like Tonny Elumelu Foundation,VEDAN-NG,VC4A.
