New vision for the world
provide these benefits for blind people:
*Self walking
*Low cost (20 dollars)
*Reading system
*Using technology and smarts phones
Blind people confront several visual challenges every day in that developed world from physical movement to dealing with technology. In fact, walking is one of the biggest challenges for the blind. Specially, walking in crowded streets.
Thus, those people resort to bring a sighted friend or a family member to help navigate unknown environments and save them in danger or getting lost in the street. Also, they need someone to help them in reading the text that not converted to braille language. Thus, our team took on this challenge by copying the skills of some animals such as bats and dolphins, that’s by designing a glove that contains ultrasonic sensor, which emits ultrasonic waves into surroundings and uses the echoes bouncing back from nearby objects to divert away from them. We preferred the design of glove to the cane and glasses because it will be directed as the movement of an arm and to limit the restrictions of moving the head. The second part is a human detector to alarm the blind in case of the presence of people to provide safety in the case of existence of thieves. And the last part is to design programs on the mobile facilitate the use of smart phone with all functions. Also using his phone to read ordinary texts without any guide and to send SOS messages in case of danger. Finally, all that system accomplished the necessary requirements for easier life for blind and its budget is suitable with their financial situation, it costs about only 20 dollars.
- Other (Please Explain Below)
- The Flex and Gig Economy
- Human + Machine
self-walking provided by the glove with ultrasonic that alarms blind when there are barriers, using technology by application on smart phones and to determine the icon which is touched, providing safety by sending (location, record and text message) for selected numbers to help blind in emergency.detecting humans to find out the existence of humans and thieves.our reading system has low cost and high performance because the prior reading system needed to input the book or the text into the micro-controller before reading, but our reading system converts text to speech immediately after taken the picture for what wanted to read.
The main part of our solution depends on using technology to provide the whole features of our prototype.
-reading system will be by smart phone.
-self-walking which provided by the glove with ultrasonic that alarming the blind when there are barriers.
-camera of mobile phone is used instated of camera digital.
-Arduino (micro controller) instated of respray pi ship.
-human detector contains Arduino, Bluetooth module inside it, and there are two PIR sensors placed above the box with an angle 120 degree between them.
we are working on providing renewable energy for the microcontroller in the glove by piezoelectric chips. This chip converts the pressure of hand that applied on it to generate electricity then this voltage stored in a battery to feed the Arduino.
Another medical accessories:
-adding the blood pressure sensor and make it sending alarm or message to the blind’s doctor in emergency.
-adding the insulin sensor if the blind suffers from diabetes.
we see our project will be useful for great number of blind people as the number of this category increase day by day.
if we have the support for this project, it will be improved, expanded and deliver for any blind need it to make the life easier.
over 3 to 5 years, we dream that, our project will be adopted my great organization that will support us to grow and scale the solution in our region, our country and whole world.
- Child
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Old age
- Middle East and North Africa
- Egypt
- United States
- Egypt
- United States
We will do marketing for this project in all media, special places for the blind people and their schools, also we have statistics with their percentage, their existence in the world and regions which have great number of people who suffer from this challenge. that will help us in marketing and focusing on doing business deals with their country to make more sales and serve more people who suffer from visual impairment.
We have tested this device with blind students in their own schools, and we got a feedback from them which was wonderful. We gave each student one of our project as a gift, to live easily and rely on himself/herself.
The solution was very useful for a blind student as he said that he was facing a lot of difficulties in reading because he always needs a guide, but this guide no available every time he need, which impedes his study as not all books have been converted to Braille language, especially in our country as it’s expensive.
over 12 months we expect to serve about 3 schools for blind students and about 100 young children and student can be able to use it in their life and in the study.
from now to 3 years after, we hope to expend our idea and the project in all our country (Egypt) in the schools, for adults and for overages. that will help the students in the education as they will be able to read and text, the adults and overages in walking in strange places without guide.
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- 2
- Less than 1 year
Me and my colleague have many skills in computer and programming micro-controllers.
we have the experience of making the electrical circuits the printed circuits board that allow us to make this smart project to serve the category of visual impairment people.
also, we have the skills of marketing and to be able to make our economic to be provided for any blind needs it with appropriate cost.
Participating in such this competition will add a lot for our experiences and skills because it considers one of the best international competitions that belongs to MIT. we believe that through it we will be able to reach its high place and progress with our project. we may meet and talk with professors from all around the world so that our project can be adopted or supported by any international organization which believe our mission and help us to apply it on the real life to solve humanity's problems for blind and who suffer from visual impairment around the world.
Our region isn’t developed enough to estimate projects and implement it and we don’t find the concern to apply the project.Our skills in programming and solving the problems with the artificial intelligence need training and materials to develop our project. Structures in our region aren’t perfect enough and laboratories have the absence of several equipment. That prevents promoting the idea and project with high efficiency. We believe that this competition will provide us with support, structures, laboratories, equipment and materials that’s required to implement this project to serve any category in the world needs it to make its life better.
- Organizational Mentorship
- Technology Mentorship
- Connections to the MIT campus
- Grant Funding
- Debt/Equity Funding
- Other (Please Explain Below)