Marc KWIZERA is a CEO and founder of Global Hope Net, Marc was posted at Digital Opportunity Trust which is a network committed to inspiring people to explore their potential to contribute to their personal development and human welfare through knowledge sharing, as a business Coach under StartUp! Program, and he was positioned at DOT Rwanda as Digital Ambassador in charge of leading a district Digital Ambassador team of Rusizi district under the Digital Ambassadors Program. He involved in numerous youth and women’s economic empowerment initiatives in Rwanda . He is a member of Global Change makers network known as ChangeMakerXchange. Marc was nominated to be one of 15 Distinguished Robert Bosch alumni network ambassadors representing east Africa region .Marc is a Titular of bachelor degree in economics and management with honour from Kibogora Polytechnic.
This idea consist of a weekly online quiz on different world trending information relating to COVID-19. Due to many fake news that are trending around the world , Some people has no enough information relating to what is COVID-19 and all about it .This activity influence the world of social media . we believe that the channel from which the fake news pas by is the right channel to pass the right information. We will select one expert whose good expertise is in health science and one expert whose expertise is in Media.Together with both experts , we would develop a weekly online quiz relating to COVID information and the world trending news relating To COVID-19. After the quiz a statistical result of the responses will be generated and published in a video form. The published Video will provide some basic information regarding COVID-19 to the rest of the world.
Due to many fake news that are trending around the world , Some people has no enough information relating to what is COVID-19 and all about it . This activity will help to minimise the influance of the Fake news on the rest of the world influence especially Africa where fake news are so much being spread out.
We will select one expert from the network whose good expertise is in health science and one expert whose expertise is in Media. Together with both experts , we would develop a weekly online quiz relating to COVID- information and the world trending news relating To COVID-19. After the quiz a statistical result of the responses will be generated and published in a video form. The published Video will provide some basic information regarding COVID-19 to the rest of the world. This also will another form of responding to some of the questions that people have about COVID. We will be able to reduce the Gap between what is the political responses on COVID-19 and what is both practical and scientific responses against COVID.
The quiz. will be developed within five days but no one will be able to access it until the time to open it is reached. That means , all participants will be responding the quiz at the same time and with the same limitations in terms of time. Each question will have the minimum time to respond it and once you don't respond in time the next questions comes onboard.
With this project , All the participant will have an opportunity of contributing the video that will be published. I can see how this collaboration will touch lives of millions of people around the world.
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
These days the whole world is working on seeing how we can all collaborate to end the COVID-19 Pandemic. it is this regard i addressed my application to you. One the main challenges along this issues is that so many people are getting a lot of fake news or the information that are not really appropriate . we want to go through the same channel , to influence the big number of people who follows the information on the social as the main channel of information for so many people around the world.
I came out this idea the day i saw how people in Africa are taking advantage of this situation to spread out the fake news. social media in Africa is one the very major source of the information but still most of the fake news get dispatched through the social medias. we have also pass by these channel to also share the accurate information.
I have been working in media cluster and that time i have discovered the power of social media . When it well used it heals a big number of people but still when it wrongly used , it brings more challenges in the community. i so eager to contribute on this issue in very positive way a social change maker.
I have already a youth movement that i lead and i am also part of many international youth movement that i think they are the channel for me to spread all information out. here some of the bigger network that i am part of
1. ChangeMakerxchange
2. Bosch alumni Network
4.Digital opportunity trust
5. African change maker network
In 2015 , Rwanda was trying to move up the number of people who are graduated but that time it was still difficult to find a job. Still the private sector in Rwanda was so very weak and the public sector could employ all graduates as they come out . I decided to Found My organisation Global Hope Net to help people come out the way to bring their skills into actions and employ themselves. We have tried to help each other in the process and a big number of people has benefited from our program until today. We are grateful for the work we have done with different supporters who supported different startups to kick off their operations.
I dedicated my life to people's life changing. especially when it comes to taking measures on particulor community challenge. i used to collaborate with people especially my fellow youth do something .In 2016 My country has experienced a big challenge of refugees coming from Burundi. together with my fellow young generation , we have tried to find works for more 500 young people in 6 different cities in Rwanda. I like to be part of the solution that brings change in the community.
- Nonprofit
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Rwanda
- Rwanda