WorldWisePeople & "Shroom Technology"
Robert Swanson has, all his life, addressed at-risk populations. This work occurred through Hospice, Shriners Hospital, Lions Club, inpatient care of teens, habilitation of the handicapped and the severely mentally challenged, the homeless, and as an orthopedic practice in massage therapy. Today Robert is the creator and owner of WorldWisePeople.
WorldWisePeople, LLC has been a five-year team effort to invent a very different kind of system called, "collective intelligence". Robert lead the creative aspect of the project, meeting in restaurants or from his home in Spokane Washington. Connecting locally and globally, Robert formed a team to manage all aspects of the project. He wrote a thousand pages for the team to describe the functions of collective intelligence as a web platform.
1. The problem: Human connections often create entropy. We exchange useless information, we work on projects not resourced, we isolate and thus prevent the intelligence of the larger group.
2. The project: Our team systematized collective intelligence, incorporating crowdsourcing and management such that wisdom may emerge from a greater quality of societal connection. Now this system is available as a cloud application. Anyone may participate as a member or as a licensed owner. We are selling "Shrooms". These systems are Shrooms because we are the mycelia, converting entropy into productive outcomes.
3. Humanitarian cause: As broad as is imagination, so is diverse the applications of the technology. The technology avails resourcing and management for emergency situations, business and corporations, government, or any public activity. The technology helps organize any complexity, task any goodwill venture, vet any assembly of information, democratize any process, resource any education, and empower any people.
We have a global societal issue. It is because our world is top-down managed as siloed activities. Therefore, resources are not efficiently managed, and relevant information is not exchanged. People are not availed to opportunities. In short, this is disempowerment. People are not empowered, systems are not empowered, democracy is not empowered, and invention is not empowered.
Our electronic communications are terminal by nature, meaning, our connections lack a process to evolve communication as human collaboration and as directed toward meaningful results. Without process and resourcing our good intentions fail, caught up in the chaos of entropy.
We are a divided society, rich vs the poor, corporate vs the public, left vs the right, culture vs culture, country vs country, and people vs nature. It is not because so many people are ruthless, but that this is what emerges from a system of top-down management as siloed activities.
Shroom technology resolves these issues by moving our connections into a process built to empower responsible action as collaboration, and as varied degrees of top-down and flat management.
Our project: As a global endeavor, each licensee will modify a Shroom for their purpose and their set of users and at any scale. Included with the license is an administrative site for management of the Shroom.
As an operating Shroom the system manages information and people as collective intelligence. Each Shroom is a sophisticated system operated by any number of users. Use one avatar per project. The homepage functions as desktop and dashboard for each avatar separately. Payment options are per level of membership.
The sophistication of the system is described in a thousand-page document, however, we can summarize simply. Modules, called "matrices", organize a process from initial concept to monitored outcome. The avatar (a business, government or public person) discerns a priority agenda in the Triage Matrix. This agenda is developed as collective intelligence in the Global Matrix. Hypothetical responses are developed in the Idea Matrix. Action on the agenda is monitored in the Activate Matrix.
The system accomplishes empowerment using our special process of connection. Urgent agenda are connected with solvers. Solvers are connected with collaborators. Collaborators are connected with resources. Intelligence is connected as ideas. And, ideas are connected with people ready to change the world.
WorldWisePeople serves the three communities: the public, the government, and business. We serve special causes and populations: races, tribes, nations, cities, countries, local communities, families, inventors, and any group with a just cause.
How we engage these communities is simply by delivering empowerment through our web platforms. Yesterday, communities were waiting on one person to decide the next step, and then waiting on a whole lineup of people to do their bit of the process. Today, on Shrooms, communities see motivated people step up to get the job done, and these people become the leaders for a new tomorrow, a tomorrow resourced by empowered communities.
Our web platforms, Shrooms, are delivered to each community variably. Globally, anyone can engage and resource activity on any public Shroom. Locally, a city, an institution, a government, or a corporation will operate a Shroom as designed and delegated to a cause, a people, or a specific function. A Civic Shroom will be a "sidekick" to the licensed Shroom as an offering of community goodwill.
We have available one-hundred thirty examples how thousands of Shroom licensees will avail Shroom empowerment to billions of people.
- Elevating understanding of and between people through changing people’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors
Action on solutions: Shroom technology moves any project of any size or location to action using collective intelligence.
Opportunity for all: Everyone is an avatar without display of age, sex or appearance. Everyone is graded on merit, even business memberships. Create collaborations, find jobs, begin new relationships, and resource anything. Any person with internet access begins for free.
Understanding: Our system, with its special use of avatars, is designed to evolve understanding and relationships, and to evolve a sense of self as potentiality. Behaviors are evolved as wise action directed at highest causes and associated with the highest principles.
Walking downtown to my favorite cafe in Spokane in 2013, I was wondering what I could do that might make a difference (given that the world is a troubled place). An answer came to me... connect people. Billions of people on the planet, why not put our heads together and create solutions? After a year of soul searching I put a small team together funded by my own investment moneys. The team has evolved since then, with Renet Consulting being the key resource developing computer code.
Motivation for the project came from my work history dealing with various populations. People are in need of all kinds of help. One thing stands clear, fixing the damage done does nothing to fix the cause of the damage. The expense and futility of focus to damage repair is obvious. I am motivated to put my effort to where it will count most.
My entire life has been a community effort, beginning with the street I grew up on, which had a strong social unity. I have supported various efforts to improve life by way of education, healing modalities, community action, and environmental causes. All the while I learned everything I could pertaining to our functions as being human.
Motivation comes to me from the obvious. I watch the news. I have watched my local community degrade. I hear the troubles of people and the planet. Within me does not exist the potential to be irresponsible. I am here to live the life I have been presented and to live it well. The bottom line is, I have the courage to look at myself and at the world and then make a decision.
WorldWisePeople is well positioned for our project. The simple reason is because we have completed most of the work. 1.5 million lines of code are active on Azure Web Services and ready for sales. What is left is to expand management as a board of directors. Our code continues to evolve and will include a mobile app. We are set up for evolution by way of networked Shrooms where everyone pitches in to advance the platform.
The invention of collective intelligence as a system was the collaboration between Robert Swanson, Renet Consulting, and a variety of associates in Spokane WA. We made a special effort that others were not prepared to perform. Today we are organized to propagate Shroom Technology exponentially for use by cities, governments, communities and business. Our licensed users will again license to others who license to others. Many of these licensees will also create "Civil Shrooms" dedicated to a community cause. In this way, Shroom technology will empower all aspects of society.
WorldWisePeople's development of Shroom technology has been an act of perseverance. The scope and depth of the project far exceeds anything imagined. Finding a new way to conceive of social function has been six years of intense education and imagination.
Today, the decision to give the product over to the world as crowdsourced and licensed is an act of courage. Any ego to hold on to the project is replaced by trust in the Shroom technology and in human nature.
The future challenge is to continue as largely flat management of WorldWisePeople using our own management system. This action represents how we deal with challenge... outsource, crowdsource, delegate, and collaborate.
WorldWisePeople is a role model for the principle of collective intelligence... the whole is smarter than the one.
Approximately one hundred teachers, and myself, showed up in Ashland Oregon to create “Heartlight”, a reimagining of k-12 education. A primary concern was to select an educational role model from which we would initiate an ideal formulation of what education should be. Although I was the only person there not officially in the education profession, I was elected the person to research education modalities and present my findings. I spent endless hours (with no pay) researching on the internet, reading books, talking with people, and reviewing tapes and video. Email groups were formed connecting everyone in the discussion. My final presentation was quickly accepted by the group. Our modified educational methodology was adopted into a number of new school projects initiated by people in the group.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
I we are the first to attempt this manifestation of collective intelligence. We are the first to define collective intelligence as the integration of a management system with crowdsourcing on a web platform, with the platform in distribution globally for every purpose.
Everything about our technology is dedication for everyone to create new dimensions of performance. Each Shroom directs intelligence and invention toward resourced action. This is empowerment, and it happens at scale, anywhere, for anyone, for any cause.
Our specific innovation empowering change is connection. Everything is linked. Avatars are linked to avatars, avatars are linked to content, content is linked to content, principles are linked to content, assessments are linked to content, matrix content is linked to other matrices, comments are linked to comments, and external content is linked to internal content. Our special magic is what makes all this connecting organized and relevant and moved to action. Taken all together, this is collective intelligence.
What is special about us is that it is not about us. It is about you. We acknowledge that your empowerment is what moves the planet. Therefore, Shroom technology is delivered globally for everyone to modify, to profit from, and deliver to even more people as empowerment.
The empowerment offered by Shroom technology is fundamental to humanity. Engagement in Shrooms is to engage human intelligence, human collaboration, and collective resourcing towards the most meaningful and efficacious agenda. This is empowerment. Shrooms target the imagination and goodwill of the world's people. We are enabling democracy, not as a struggle for advantage, but as collective responsibility. We link the responsibility of the business community with the responsibility of the public and the governmental bodies. We link responsibility with principles and with assessments. All this together, and so simple to operate, creates a system that will bring amazing change.
At the scale of the individual, there is opportunity for empowerment. What is self is defined and evolved as one's avatars. Each person's avatars are characterized by their content, affiliations and actions taken in behalf of agenda in Triage Matrix. An avatar's sense of community and responsibility are exemplified as they link, comment and integrate any public, business and government agendas. Character developed as an avatar will avail opportunities to join others' projects. Also, by simply clicking preferences, the door opens to new relationships, group members, and job opportunities.
As for abstraction, Shroom technology offers vast influence. Information has become daunting. People feel more and more at the mercy of artificial intelligence to decide, organize, and operate our daily lives. The profundity of AI for social change cannot be understated. The only thing standing between an artificial society and a humanistic society is Shroom technology.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- United States
- United States
Currently Shroom systems are serving no one. In the next months we would like to complete certain design refinements including the Avatar page, the article page, the Linking page, and a mobile app. In the coming year we would like to see 3500 members on our two flagship Shrooms. We want to complete more than ten sales of Shroom licenses. In five years we want to see 500 shroom sales, with hundreds or thousands of users each.
We have an interesting assessment of future users. Ideally, everyone with internet access would operate two or three avatars on each of three to five Shrooms. These Shrooms would include the one your employer operates, the one your city operates, one related to national issues, and one related to global issues. Other Shroom memberships would relate to personal development, cultural development, entertainment, health, education and family.
Empowerment is WorldWisePeople's goal for the next year and the next five years. Everyone will incorporate Shroom technology for the empowerment of business, communities, cultures, personhood, projects, education, democratization, imagination, communication, and resourcing. Everywhere, ideas will commingle and become positive outcomes. Synergy will be out in the open.
Collaboration and resourcing will prove powerful on Shrooms globally. Seeing this difference, many people will be drawn away from the current disempowerments of a divided and demoralized society. People will shift to Shrooms because of quality, inclusion and positive action.
Within five years people will be reading their Activate Matrix every morning to learn the current news-in-action, where our news is "power news".
People seeking change will look to Triage Matrix where needs for change are prioritized, then acted on by anyone anywhere anytime.
Collective intelligence will be a revelation to users of the Global Matrix where revealed is a sense of meaning and belonging and purpose because of connection with like-minded friends, supported with resourcing, and directed by the highest principles.
We have a primary barrier. Collective intelligence is a new concept. People are currently entrenched in systematic disempowerment. Strangely, the fight against disempowerment gives meaning to people's lives. The paradigm shift is to see meaning in collaboration. The shift at hand is to open friendly communications for resourcing, intelligence, and clout. This social revolution will be comparable to our technological revolution for its profound effect on our future. Said another way, the hurdle is the people's understanding that they are now responsible. With Shroom technology we sapiens are now at the helm turning the world toward our future earth.
Our secondary barriers include a board of directors and finances. We need people who appreciate collective intelligence and who are familiar with operations of a company using cloud technology. We need to fund this board's operations.
The discussion to remedy any barriers is online at Search "WWP". Using our own system of collective intelligence, it is you creating the board of directors. Flat Management of WWP:
We need help shifting the social paradigm toward collective intelligence. Help will come from the Shroom licensees that engage our network program. Help will come from The Elevate Prize, availing funds and assistance for operations.
We are not currently partnered with any organizations.
Simply put, our business model is empowerment. People need empowerment.
How: For no cost the user signs up and experiences placing questions and answers in the Lounge Matrix. They upgrade their avatars and their membership for $25 - $150 per year. Agenda are moved from Lounge to Global Matrix for collective intelligence. Agenda are activated on the Activate Matrix. Business members pay $1500 for the same privileges.
Measure of success: Success is assessed on every Shroom on the Activate Matrix where outcomes become reality. This public showing of success will pull in many more subscribers.
Licensees spread collective intelligence globally: Each broker works to clarify intentions for all parties. The licensee then chooses a license and negotiates payments.
Broker Agreement: License Agreement:
Success is exponential: Shrooms are again distributed by licensees, and by the downline licensees after them.
Examples of product uses: A politician running for office using collective intelligence. People finding jobs. A scientist managing massive data as crowdsourced. Any corporation will delegate responsibility to floor operations. A homeschooler operates as if in a classroom. To resolve an epidemic, data is gathered on a Shroom from every level and every operation. A person finds a partner with similar moral character. A culture sustains its character because members collaborate on a Shroom. Any city will enhance tourism, business development, city planning, government regulations, employment, elections, community organizations, special populations, service clubs, community events, block watch, street maintenance, and anything else, all on one Shroom configured precisely for cities.
Our path to financial stability includes the fact we are in debt to no one. We will continue the next year as we have been, using available funds to improve coding, improve our presentation, and initiate sales. We will also finalize our currently pending patent.
Beyond Robert's personal funding of the operation, any additional grants or Shroom purchases will speed the creation of a board, enhance our presence in media, and improve our computer code.
Beyond the startup, funding is from membership sales and sales of Shroom licenses. The value of a license is to be determined. For example, what would you say is the value of a City-Shroom platform that the licensee then licenses to hundreds of cities, cities that each license platforms to even more cities?
We have not raised funds, and we are not generating revenue.
Two types of funding are welcome. Grants are welcome. Participation as a licensee is welcome. Any amounts are useful, and amounts of fifty thousand or more will jump start our move into public service. Five million will jumpstart our board of directors and corporate office.
This year, 2020, we will spend $110k on programming, $25k on legal, 13k on web services, and $30k on consultants.
Wonderful is the help of The Elevate Prize with regard to resourcing what we need in a board of directors. We need technical and business people who also come with a sense of community and insights for societal evolution. Specific skills are needed for managing code and for international business. Additionally, it is a special skill set that will replace Robert as creator of Shrooms.
Helpful is any direction afforded by The Elevate Prize for reaching the public with our paradigm shift. It is a special jingle that will tickle people's imagination. We will work to engage a balanced audience who take personal responsibility for a balanced society.
Exciting is to find partnerships. If an investor has an agenda and an audience, let's make a deal.
Grant money is very welcome. Grant money will be applied to code development, legal services, and the contracted services managing our accounts and media. The economic downturn may affect our resources next year, slowing operations. Therefore, funding is especially appreciated.
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Marketing, media, and exposure
May our partnership with you will be mutually beneficial.
1. Funding will jumpstart our sales and memberships.
2. Talent is needed in a number of areas including code management, international business, and replacing myself as creator.
3. Mentorship and coaching are needed moving us from startup to global.
4. Board members are essential, experienced people creating a team.
We are looking for a type of partnership. Shroom technology is designed for positive proactive collaboration, and so we are looking for relationships agreeable with our mission.