Imperial Renewables
I am the Founder of Imperial Renewable Project and a 4th year undergraduate studying Physiotherapy at the college of medical sciences, University of Benin, Edo state, Nigeria. I am a climate action activist, a public health advocate, a global youth ambassador of TheirWorld and an ambassador of the World Literacy Foundation and a volunteer at the Cellcorps Africa.
I am the student speaker of my department's governing council (University of Benin Physiotherapy Student Association) in school and through this medium have been able to bring about some positive changes tailored at insuring the welfare of the average physiotherapy student in school.
Growing up, I have always wanted to impact the world positively in the very little way that I can through sustainable and innovative means.
My greatest aspiration is to build and develop a company that would be at the frontiers in the pursuit of a green world economy.
The pursuit of a green world economy via sustainable energy source is as germane as ever before, as the world is faced with increasing threats of alterations in climate conditions, decrease in the potency of the ozone layer, the diminishing biodiversity and inhabitable environment.
Adverse climate changes in recent times, has become an ever growing threat to the sustenance of mankind and all that survives with him. This has been linked to the increased consumption of fossil fuels.
Renewable energy sources such as bioenergy, solar energy and wind energy are one sustainable means man can overcome this posing climate challenges with biofuel as the mainstay.
The project is one which would alleviate the sufferings of man both economically, environmentally and health wise as man's sustenance on earth is improved and job are created with less environmental pollution and resource degradation.
The Impending danger posed by adverse climate changes is one that cannot be over-emphasized thus the need to advocate and create awareness of the importance to address conditions which exposes one to climate changes.
Adverse climate changes is one that has eaten deeply into the fabric of the health,environmental and economic buoyancy of the world today. As the world get industrialized, humans are exposed to various hazardous risks such as depletion of the ozone layer, alterations in climate conditions, increased occurrence of natural disasters.
Global warming, one of the greatest threats to mankind is caused as a result of the increased burning of fossil fuels and other carbonecous compounds.
The exhaust fumes from vehicles also affects the environment thus reducing the potency of the ozone layer.
The issue of adverse climate changes is of a global menace as the entire world's population is faced with the increasing risk of extinction.
One can rightly say that man's action in his quest for industrialization has erred and continues to err greatly against mother nature and such he has been ear-maked to face the dire consequences of his actions and the only way he can atone for this is to address his mistakes.
Imperial Renewables though at its conceptual stage has been able to educate and sensitize the citizenry on the need for reduced dependence on fossil fuels but rather increase the use of biofuel as the next best alternative.
It is also addressing the issue of climate change by educating the people on the dire need for proper environmental hygiene and to shun the indiscriminate discharge of waste into the environment and aquatic bodies, This is done through our social media outlets and outreaches to some of the communities which overtime has become dumpsites for refuse.
Imperial Renewables is a startup company which aims to start a large-scale production of biofuel in no distant time in order to help curb the issue of adverse climate changes.
We have been able to build a network made up of passionate and resilient climate change advocates and public health advocates.
We planned on holding a local conference on adverse climate changes as seen in the world today, the cause, the effects and the solution, This was slated to hold later this year, but due to the novel corona virus outbreak, we have unanimously decided to put it on hold pending when the pandemic is resolved.
Our major focus is on
• Local Communities which has become dumpsites for refuse
• People living in Urban areas where vehicle and other mobile engines(Trains & Aircrafts) is the main source of Transportation.
• Unemployed people has it will help create empolyment.
Imperial Renewables though about 8months old has been able to reach out to a large number of people who now supports the idea of replacing fossil fuel with biofuel as the next best alternative to achieving a green world economy and less carbon-consumption.
Individuals in my institution now practice proper environmental hygiene as there are proper discharge of waste.
The issue we still find quite demanding to curb, is the problem of Increased deforestation and less reforestation.
At its conceptual stage, through its media outlets has been able to sensitise the students and people of the immediate communities where I attend school on the need for biofuel as Nigeria and the rest part of the world are currently experiencing periods of increased land temperatures which has resulted in extreme discomfort.
Most of the communities we have been to through our outreaches has taken into consideration the indiscriminate discharge of waste into water bodies as waste products are either recycled or incinerated.
- Elevating issues and their projects by building awareness and driving action to solve the most difficult problems of our world
The ever growing threat posed by climate change is one that requires urgent attention and must be addressed within every means possible in order to help safeguard mankind and all that survives with him from extinction. The lost splendour of mother nature must be resuscitated and strengthened if we are to achieve this aim and I believe it is of our collective efforts.
Environmental public awareness is one dimension through which changes and proposals on climate action can be advocated and implemented inorder to drive the desired goals of the Imperial Renewables & quest for biofuel production.
The birth of Imperial Renewables all started about a year ago when I went home for the holidays, I was saddened by the sickening state of the environment and the increased land temperature of my community and the communities around, the heat emanating from the rooms were unbearable and I knew for certain that it was all as a result of adverse climate changes.
I went online and did some researches on climate changes, its causes, effects and solutions and after some extensive research, biofuel was one sustainable and viable solution I came across and ever since then, I have been driving the force for the pursuit of replacing fossil fuels with biofuel and solar energy amongst my mates in school, my immediate communities and the online public and I believe our advocacy would leave a mark in the canals of history and I could not have agreed more with Abraham Lincoln when he said ' the only way we can predict the future is to create it' .
Growing up, I have always wanted to help change the world in the very little way that I can for the betterment of all and sundry through innovative & sustainable means. This i believe is the dream of every young promising individual but then the barrier instituted by poor education and exposure to ground breaking opportunities across Africa is one cankerworm that continues to eat deeply into the fabric of the minds of an average African.
I believe a good quality of education broadens one's horizon and prospects of opportunities and that sustainable goals are credible if a vast extent of the target individuals are educated.
The ever growing threat posed by climate change is one that yearns for attention through the curtains of human existence and the lost splendour of mother nature must be resuscitated and strengthened if we are to achieve this aim.
I live somewhere in the slums of Nigeria and I see how the environment is made to litter with waste products and the increased land temperatures and I believe resilient advocacy is one way I can lend a resounding voice in the pursuit of a green world and I hope the world can hear me.
We are
• goal driven,
• dedicated to nation building,
• dedicated to achieving a green world
• dedicated to imbibing self developmental goals,
• dedicated to rebuilding the lost African ideologies,
• dedicated to providing a platform for global climate advocates to reach out to the world,
• At Imperial Renewables, We see a source of fuel where others see waste products.
We are a diverse group of climate action activist, agro-tech and clean-tech advocates with interest centred on climate changes and biodiversity loss and lending a voice to the achievement of the sustainable developmental goals as drafted out by the United Nations. The core goals of the Imperial Renewables is to achieve a green world free from waste, a world which flourishes from green economy and to reduce the menace caused by climate changes as this overtime has proven to be man-made.
At Imperial Renewables, We do not only aim to produce biofuel from plants and other staple products but also from cellophane, ethanol(whiskey) and plastics.
The proficiency of biofuel is that it provides a little or no carbon content consumption as compared to fossil fuels and it is renewable.
Some difficult challenges my team and i experienced while drafting out the action plans of the project was its acceptability to the public, the extent of awareness, market policies and most importantly funding.
It was abit difficult getting people whose mainstay of propelling their vehicles and meeting other energy needs was by the use of fossil fuels. Most persons at first did not understand and believe the concept of replacing fossil fuels with biofuel, it hasn't been easy educating the populace on the need for biofuel but my team and i have been able to achieve to a measurable extent a stride in our advocacy.
Initially most persons jettisoned the idea but we have been resilient in our activities via our individual social media channels(Twitter and What'sapp) and most importantly outreaches to communities.
Two challenges we still find quite demanding is funding and curbing the issue of increased deforestation and less reforestation as this has become the norm for Lumbering men.
On the issue of funding, we have been able to donate individually to the course though with the financial constraints of undergraduateship and have written some proposals for grants consideration and we hope it is acknowledged.
Currently, I am the student speaker of department's governing council (University of Benin Physiotherapy Student Association) in school and through this medium have been able to bring about some positive changes.
One of such instances was when I led a motion for the release of a detailed class timetable as there were no definite time for classes as this dampened the morales of student towards attending classes and studying. This I did by writing to the head of department and staff adviser. I was able to achieve this feat through the help and inputs of my fellow colleagues in my department's parliament.
Another was when I led a delegation to the Dean, school of basic medical sciences for students who were at that time without hostel accommodation and we were able to secure spaces for them.
I have been opportuned to serve in other roles such as the Chief Whip of my department's association(2019), Chemistry Tutor, Summit Tutorial Centre where I tutored students preparing for the Joint Admission Matriculation Board, a prerequisite examination into colleges and universities in Nigeria (2014-till date).
I also lead a diverse group of climate advocates who are passionate about the course of the subject matter.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The Imperial Renewable Project is innovative in that we intend to start the production of biofuel not just from the use of biomass(biodiesel) but also a diversion into other raw materials such as alcohol substrates(bioethanol), cellophanes and plastics.
The call for the re-making of cellophanes and plastics into biofuel, a renewable energy source became paramount so as to limit the pollution caused and the indiscriminate discharge of these cellophanes and plastics into the environment after use, this would help curb a lot of menace which holds us still within a sinking mud.
Rightly, cars that run solely on biofuel are not widely available but research shows that there is bound to be a paradigm shift by 2030 as there is a gradual diversion from the production of traditional cars powered by fossil fuels with electrically and biofuel powered cars as the main focus. Notwithstanding, petrol and diesel will be blended with 5% biofuel in order to make it more environmentally friendly to meet the present demands.
With the ever growing threats posed by the COVID-19 and its impingement on the global workforce, a divergence into a new sustainable production chain would go a long way in providing employment opportunities for all and sundry and would garner an elephant interest from world governing bodies, climate change parastatals and other potential investors in a bid to support the biofuel revolution age which is now.
In recent time, there has been an ever growing yearning for the diversification of energy sector due to the upset in the balance of nature caused by high carbon emissions from fossil fuels, venturing into and upscaling the biofuel project is one which is aligned to addressing this problem, Nigeria as one of the leading producers and exporters of fossil fuels in the form of crude oil in Africa has had a fair share of this menace as there has been an upset of its ecosystem and biodiversity, forced migration of people prone to oil wells and drilling sites, growing increase in the pump price of gasoline, people in most communities have become exposed to inhabitable environmental conditions.
To make biofuel readily available to the members of the public and industries at a very affordable price, secondly to be a foremost supplier of high quality biofuel products across Nigeria.
We will also be engaged in wholesale of our biofuel products as well as retailing because we feel doing business directly with the consumers and our customers will give us an added advantage over our possible competitors as we will be able to have direct feedback from them.
The sales and marketing strategy to be employed and include entering into talks with major wholesale and retail dealers of petroleum products to ensure that our product achieves high penetration into the market. The services of a marketing strategist will be employed to ensure that our marketing department achieves high results within reasonably short periods.
The desired objective of the project is to build a company which would make biofuel readily available and accessible to people living both in the urban cities, peri-urban and far deep within the grassroots of Nigeria and to industries and in no distant time expand production across Africa and beyond, in order to meet with efficiency their diverse energy demands.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 13. Climate Action
- Nigeria
1. We have been able to build our advocacy and call for the diversification into renewable energy sources through our social media platforms with at least a total number of 2000 persons enlightened on the need for biofuel and other renewable sources.
2. In the next 1year, The Imperial Renewable project would become operational with production sites across major cities of Nigeria and by then we should meet the 500,000 -person mark.
3. In the next 5 years, we plan to expand these advocacy to even a larger community of persons across Africa as we are working on building our networks with links in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Liberia through outreaches and local conferences, virtual meetings and the Imperial Renewable project would become operational with offices in the aforementioned countries thereby meeting 5million-person mark and we plan to expand even still with the coming years.
• To increase the awareness and advocacy for a reduced or non-dependence on fossil fuels and a diversification into the production of biofuel in order to help curb the increasing menace caused by global warming, this will be achieved through organizing conferences on climate actions, virtual meetings, increasing the workforce of our team on climate action advocacy on the social media space, collaborations with government led organizations addressing climate action, pushing for the effects and ways to curbing adverse climate action to be included in school curriculums as a subject area.
• To build a fast growing company that would be at the frontier in the pursuit of a sustainable green world economy.
•To become a world class producer and supplier of biofuel in the form of bioethanol and biodiesel to all and sundry in the bid to meet their energy demands.
•To provide employment opportunities to skilled professionals through the establishment of Imperial Renewable Project.
•To reduce in the long run, the poverty status of Africans and the less developed places of the world through the establishment of the Imperial Trust fund.
• To provide and enhance platforms that will educate individuals and the populace at large on the dire need to promote afforestation and the agricultural sector.
•To conduct communitiy outreaches to rural and municipal areas in Nigeria and across Africa where there are indiscriminate disposal of waste materials into water bodies and to educate them on the need for proper recycling, personal and environmental hygiene.
1. The production of biofuel is capital intensive and as such funding has been our most challenging factor.
2. Global economic downturn due to the most recent COVID-19 pandemic.
3. The introduction of biofuel may face unfavourable market policies as most consumers still depends on fossil fuels to meet their energy demands, achieving a circular economy at first may seem difficult.
4. Surviving in the midst of possible existing competitors
5. Proficient Mentorship
6. Marketing, media and exposure
7. Talent recruitment
1. We plan on overcoming the issue of funding by seeking for funds through the project's proposal writing for grants and loans from organizations, potential investors and partners and we hope the Imperial Renewable project is considered by the Solve MIT prize as this would usher in a cutting-edge opportunity to thrive even higher.
2. Overcoming the problem posed by the global economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 would require a multi-disciplinary and intersectorial approach, strict adherence to government policies on business operations and the need for safety rules.
3. Overcoming the challenges posed by unfavourable market policies would be achieved by :
• Protecting the startup cash flow
• maintain focus on core competency of biofuel production.
• Expand the range of our advertising network through better marketing policies and this is one challenge getting selected for the MIT solve prize would help conquer.
4. Addressing the issue of surviving in the midst of possible competitors, we plan to sell these biofuel products at a cheaper rate, conduct a profound research on possible competitors in order to expand our consumer base through visiting business locations and having interactions with consumers on their preferences.
5. Proficient mentorship and coaching is one challenge experienced by the project as there has been little or no access to astute mentors on the biofuel subject area.
6. To sustain effectively, expanding our marketing space would be an integral part of sustenance within the suburbs, rural and municipals of Nigeria, the world at large.
• Sales of biofuel and biodiesel.
• Partnerships and Investments.
• Seeking loans and grants from reputable organizations.
• Prospective donations from individuals and corporate companies.
Due to the capital intensive nature of the biofuel project and after profound budget estimates, the budget of the Imperial Renewable Project is pitched at $286,000 which we plan to raise through proposal applications for grants and seeking viable investments from investors.
We plan to raise the money before mid-2021.
Rent : $20,000
Utility bills : $7,000
Phone bills/Communication cost: $5,000
Legal/Insurance/Licensing fees : $9,000
Advertising & Marketing : $15,000
Salaries for the first 6months($1000 per 20 staffs) : $120,000
Cost of machinery: $50,000
Materials & Supplies : $20,000
Packaging : $20,000
Miscellaneous : $20,000
TOTAL : $286,000
We believe with utmost conviction that the Imperial Renewable Project if selected for the SOLVE MIT Prize would overcome most of its present challenges through
• gaining access to adequate funding in order to scale-up the Imperial Renewable Project.
• gaining access to professional management and talent recruitment for effective functioning of the Imperial Renewable Project.
• gaining access to increased and wide awareness network for the Imperial Renewable Project to thrive.
• gaining access to partnerships and investments from Industry leaders.
• gaining access to effective mentorship and coaching for the capacity building of the Imperial Renewable Project.
• addressing the challenge posed by global economic downturn and unfavourable market policies through having seasoned intellectuals as members of the company's advisory board and strategic planning.
To achieve giant strides in the drive of building a startup company that would be at the frontiers in the pursuit of a green world economy and to make the world a much better place for all and sundry.
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
•To acquire fundings and investments through partnership with donors and investors respectively.
•To acquire efficient and effective mentorship tailored at achieving the desired prospects of the Imperial Renewable Project
• To gain access to some of the world biofuel companies and intellectuals who are astute in the biofuel revolution age in order to foster intercollaborations.
• To have as part of the board members and advisory council, intellects who are astute in company management policies and principles.
• To increase the awareness of the biofuel & biodiesel revolution campaign and the viability of the Imperial Renewable Project.
1. Bluefire ethanol fuels Inc
2. Cosan
3. Solazyme
4. Coskata
5. Aurora Biofuels Inc
6. Agribiofuels LLC
7. World waste technologies
8. Sapphire Energy
9. Africa Biomass Company
10. Green Gold Liberia.
We believe entering into partnerships with some or most of the aforementioned companies would provide us the opportunity to scale-up the Imperial Renewable Project, garner interest, recognition and unflinching support from government bodies, and the citizenry, to build a chain of the biofuel business in Nigeria that would spread across Africa in no distant time and access to modern machinery and bio-plants and state of the art facilities for effective delivery, would be made possible through these partnerships.
We believe resourceful intercollaborations, profound decision making process as regards the circular flow of these biofuel products into the African market place would be made possible through these partnerships.