Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments(BEFi)
I am a male Tanzanian physically disabled (paralyzed legs and walks with a crutch) former college management graduate, who have worked with Tanzania’s public and private entities for more than ten years, thereafter, together with my spouse we bought the land and established a self-help initiatives farm now an improved, innovated and formalized conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities for the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served male, female and older people with physical disability colleagues to engage and participate in the project’s sustainable farming and agriculture activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns, as we couldn’t help not to re-call of the own experienced POVERTY and HUNGER challenges survival initiative effort resulting pains that accompanies disability lives.
At rural African communities including Tanzania, everyone is empowered to participate in the local food supply systems and environment against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges except millions of the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disabilities.
Being a physically disabled myself (paralyzed legs and walks with a crutch), I couldn’t help not to re-call of the own experienced POVERTY and HUNGER challenges survival initiative efforts resulting pains. Through our sustainable conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities, we are empowering the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served people with physical disabilities against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges by facilitating their physical productive engagement and participations alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns.
Since mankind is continuously experiencing conditions of physical disabilities off and on in more ways than one for reasons not of our own, separation of man-made global resources into those with and without physical disabilities, imitating that there aren’t enough resources for everybody is neither fair nor helpful. All of us, disabled and non-disabled need purposely to put in place the visible large or small strategies to deal with the unfavorable that accompanies physical disability POVERTY and HUNGER challenges survival initiative effort lives.
The true ground disability situation in developing countries which still stands true today was exhaustively elaborated by the World Health Organization/World Bank reports of 2011. Through the Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi) social enterprise start-up project ’s conservation farming and agriculture development activities with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities, the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served, male, female and older people with physical disabilities who can’t engage and participate in productive living activities on their own are purposely facilitated and encouraged to engage and participate physically in the project’s farming and agriculture productive activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning return against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges.
Our project, the Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi) is a development social enterprise start-up practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges which started as a Tanzanian physically disabled (paralyzed legs and walks with a crutch) person’s self-help, small-scale farming and agriculture support initiative efforts, thereafter, together with my spouse, we improved, innovated and formalized into the above mentioned sustainable conservation farming and agriculture development social enterprise with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities for the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disabilities to engage and participate in the project’s farming and agriculture activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns. Project’s food/commercial farming and agriculture operational activities are purposely increasingly eased and allocated to both disabled and non-disabled interested participants according to each’s physical nature, ability and talents alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns, where assistance is required all project activity participants are to share the hand for the benefit of all. Participants are increasingly contributing to their household families’ healthy food products and sustainable financial earnings, positively arousing disabled people’s development productive activity participations towards a leaving none behind in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges future world.
At rural African communities including Tanzania, everyone is empowered to participate in the local food supply systems and environment against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges except millions of the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disabilities who can’t engage and participate in productive activities on their own without purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities.
Through the Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi) start-up project’s practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities, commercial farming and agriculture operational activities are purposely increasingly eased and allocated to both disabled and non-disabled interested participants according to each’s physical nature, ability and talents alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns, where assistance is required all project activity participants are to share the hand for the benefit of all. Participants are increasingly contributing to their household families’ healthy food products and sustainable financial earnings, benefiting in learning of improved practical farming and agriculture knowledge skills and affording of respective specific simple affordable disability assistive devices for those in need, positively arousing disabled people’s development activity participations towards a leaving none behind in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges future world.
- Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind
Through our project’s farming and agriculture activities with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities for the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served, male, female and older people with physical disabilities who can’t engage and participate in productive activities on their own against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges are facilitated to participate alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges, well-aligns the selected dimension of ‘Elevating opportunities for all people, especially those who are traditionally left behind’ of The Elevate Prize in above expressed ways than one.
Being a physically disabled myself (paralyzed legs and walks with a crutch), former college management graduate, who have worked with Tanzania’s public and private entities for more than ten years, thereafter, together with my spouse we bought the land and established a self-help initiatives farm now an improved, innovated and formalized farming and agriculture remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges start-up project, the project which hopefully, developed involuntarily from our own inner heart, as we couldn’t help not to re-call of the own experienced POVERTY and HUNGER challenges survival initiative effort resulting pains that accompanies disability lives that is why we genuinely converted and formalized our initial self-help farm into a sustainable conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities for the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disability colleagues to engage and participate in the project’s sustainable farming and agriculture activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges.
When I think of the global community’s development initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) that aims to leave none behind in poverty and hunger in years to come, I can’t help not to think of the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served people with disabilities in Africa who can’t engage and participate in productive activities on their own without humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating supports. Being a disabled myself, I know the survival pains that accompanies disability lives, I feel obliged to share with my disabled colleagues to utilize my little conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project, an empowerment and development resource for the better livelihood of us all both disabled and non-disabled interested participants, starting with those of where my project is based. The improved and innovated ground practical activity participations project model is targeted to extend further and reach all in the district and other Tanzania districts/regions and beyond through collaboration or cooperation partnership approach with other disability survival/empowerment interested stakeholder parties and entities as our project stabilizes, grows and expands.
I am a male Tanzanian physically disabled (paralyzed legs and walks with a walking crutch) whom growing up a disabled child in a rural village included daily crutching of several miles to and fro rural earlier school attendances, followed by further education, training and long working experience with Tanzania’s public and private entities after management professional and alike training courses, all developed, broadened and paved my inner mentor ability, strength and courage to what disability empowerment and development needs today in view of the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served male, female and older people with physical disabilities and the required innovation way forward against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges. That is why in view of the above exposure and outlook, together with my spouse, we established a farming and agriculture self-help support initiatives farm by investing in land purchase and later formalized into a sustainable conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities to develop, empower and benefit my people with physical disability colleagues against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges. The above mentioned professional qualifications coupled with many other humanitarian social entrepreneurship qualities positively places me in the project’s founding/CEO position to positively solve people with disabilities’ development and empowerment related matters needs more innovatively and strongly now than ever.
Growing up a disabled child in a rural African village, that is just unlike the rest, thereafter, daily crutching of several miles to and fro rural earlier schools, followed by further education, training and employment in the urban disability unfriendly environmental and physical structures that were built without people’s various impairment considerations had its negative opposing discouraging impact, but genuine acceptances and strong trusting in God’s rescue mighty powers are part of the earlier catalyst that built and developed my inner mentor courage strengths in overcoming adversity at heart. Blaming none but myself and performing any concerning obligation trustworthily became another additional involuntary way forward in overcoming adversity. This is the outlook strength through which our start-up project is being built on, let alone small limited resources as far as manpower, capital and application of improved sustainable conservation farming and agriculture practical functional related technologies are concerned, we are striving targeting to improve further and reach many people with disabilities in the same district, other districts and gradually reach all other Tanzania districts/regions and beyond through collaboration or cooperation partnership approach with other disability survival/empowerment development interested stakeholder parties and entities as our project stabilizes, grows and expands.
After qualifying the Statistical Methods Diploma professional correspondence course studies, I worked with the Tanzania Ministry of Education as a statistical compiler before joining a training college institute for a three year’s duration management professional training course, thereafter, I worked with one of the Tanzania Government’s public entity’s Zonal Branch office, tasked to supervise and oversee all zonal office procurement/warehousing management functions, where I also performed the Zonal Manager’s functional duties more often when the Zonal Manager was away from the Zonal working station. When my country and a donor Western European country tasked a foreign Western European firm to re-establish and re-organize my employer organization into an autonomous public business organization entity, operate it for 4 years and train staffs, I was among the few selected to continue with the new establishment. We were trained in modern management, operational styles and IT’s various business operational applications. I was supervising more than 20 branch staff’s daily operational functions, practicing, learning and contributing to my professional leadership knowledge qualities on modern business management matters, meeting sales targets, reduction of material/products loses and wastes while adhering to zonal branch operational budget for more than ten years.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Even before the start of our disability humanitarian project, I personally strongly regarded mankind’s experiencing of conditions of continuous physical disabilities off and on in more ways than one for reasons not of our own as a global epidemic which deserves global humanitarian rescue/mitigation intervention efforts that requires disabled and non-disabled people, to put in place the visible large or small innovative purposely made strategies to deal with the unfavorable that accompanies disability survival initiative effort lives, then there happened the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served male, female and older people with physical disabilities’ POVERTY and HUNGER challenges.
Through the Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi) start-up project’s humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities, we are innovatively embracing the people with disabilities as vital development stakeholders. Project activity participants are increasingly contributing to their household families’ healthy food products and sustainable financial earnings, benefiting in learning of improved practical farming and agriculture knowledge skills and affording of respective specific simple affordable disability assistive devices for those in need, positively arousing disabled people’s development activity participations towards a leaving none behind in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges optimistic future world.
We innovatively intervened when the rest are addressing disability related matters as community unwanted burdens, facilitating disabled people’s migrating to towns and cities for street begging, while other entities are preferring doing nothing at disabilities as if disability doesn’t exist while in reality disability is within us all.
Our practical field work is the usual human analytical positive outlook approach at any unfavorable that confronts, only improved and innovated into peculiar theory of change and the related practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges confronting millions of the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disabilities who can’t engage and participate in productive activities on their own without purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities. Our theory of change starts with people with physical disabilities’ own obligation for positive behavior motivation force which catalyzed our self-recognition, self-esteem attitudes and better livelihood zest for productive living participations, followed by utilizing the concerned unfavorable situation at hand as a pivotal practical working sphere in view of the right utilization of the available resources at hand.
The entire above are being supplemented by positive utilization of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006 knowledge, converted further to the ground usefulness and applicability of the World’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Our start-up project’s humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities are additional individual initiative adaption to the Convention and the World Development Goals. We saw previous global sustainability emphasis, thought more in words than deed, benefitting the few of great abilities at the top leaving many of us, people with physical disabilities, behind down below in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges.
Through our project’s humanitarian innovation, the project activity participants are increasingly contributing to their household families’ healthy food products and sustainable financial earnings, benefiting in learning of improved practical farming and agriculture knowledge skills and affording of respective specific simple affordable disability assistive devices for those in need, positively arousing disabled people’s development productive activity participations towards a leaving none behind in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges future world. We are contributing in ever-greening the world because we see climate change effect mitigation matters as part of humanitarian positive supportive response for people with physical disabilities who have limited adaptive capacities in adapting to the world unfavorable changing environment hazards.
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
Our farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project is still small as far as manpower, capital and application of improved sustainable conservation farming and agriculture modern functional related technologies are concerned, striving making the ongoing existing unfinished project building structures physical habitable and easily accessible by us all disabled and non-disabled people, installation of rain water harvesting facilities and digging of water boreholes for continuous various miscellaneous crop harvestings through basic simple affordable drip irrigation methods, project accessing to electrical/solar powers and acquiring of other essential project utilities thus make our project gradually operational, involving more people with physical disabilities and non-disabled on top of the current number of about 100 to about 1000 seasonally and to 5000 people per season in 5 years to come through improved food/commercial conservation farming and agriculture functional related simple affordable technologies, tools and markets and additional of products production facilities to the now yielding various fruit trees, chickens and various seasonal miscellaneous crop products to generate sustainable average revenue per year for the first 5 years, facilitating additional working land expansions together with gradual additional of pawpaw, mushroom, fish keeping and other products production facilities, one after another, targeting to reach more people with physical disabilities in the same district and gradually reach all other Tanzania districts/regions and beyond through collaboration or cooperation partnership approach with other disability survival/empowerment interested stakeholder parties and entities as our project stabilizes, grows and expands.
In order to attain our start-up project’s core basic goal of empowering and developing the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disabilities against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges, we are raising and growing affordable nutritious healthy food/commercial products through humanitarian purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities and have both shorter and long term strategic goals whereby the shorter ones includes but not limited to the followings: making ongoing existing unfinished project building structures physical habitable and easily accessible by us all disabled and non-disabled people, installation of rain water harvesting facilities and digging of water boreholes for continuous various miscellaneous crop harvestings through basic simple affordable drip irrigation methods, project accessing to electrical/solar powers thus make our project fully operational gradually, while the long term goals includes but not limited to the followings: improving of our food/commercial conservation farming and agriculture functional related activities to improved simple affordable technologies, tools, markets and gradual additional of pawpaw, mushroom and mushroom, fish keeping and other viable products production facilities to the now yielding various fruit trees, chickens and various seasonal miscellaneous crop products together with additional working land space, one after another, targeting to improve and reach many people with disabilities in the same district and gradually reach all other Tanzania districts/regions and beyond through collaboration or cooperation partnership approach with other disability survival/empowerment development interested stakeholder parties and entities as our project stabilizes, grows and expands.
Our conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise development start-up project’s existing barriers against accomplishments of our basic goals includes but not limited to the following specific areas:
-financial: Non-completion of the on-going unfinished project’s building structures due to financial constrains makes our structures non-easily accessible by us all disabled and non-disabled people, also make our tangible assets non-viable financially.
-technical: Failure to improve our project’s farming and agriculture activities which includes installation of rain water harvesting facilities and non-digging of water boreholes for basic simple affordable drip irrigation methods makes our project reliance on rain-fed farming and agriculture production means, exposed to unfavorable hazardous weather conditions.
-legal: The non-viability of our innovated inclusive practical farming and agriculture functional activities will negatively add to unfavorable formal inclusive policies regarding people with physical disabilities, or lack of any.
-cultural: Lack of the project’s innovated inclusive practical farming and agriculture activity progress with purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities continues to add negativity attitude behaviors to the traditional general negative behaviors and attitudes vide disabilities of both the people with disabilities and non-disabled, limiting positive participations towards the leaving non behind in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges future optimistic world.
-market: Our project’s failure to improve the main activities of raising and growing affordable nutritious healthy food/commercial products means to the basic improved simple affordable technologies, tools and market retards our project’s productive capacity, dwindling the prosperity of our product’s market share, thus retards our project development progresses.
Our conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise development start-up project’s way forward against specified following barrier areas are as follows:
-financial: Gradual construction of the on-going unfinished project’s building structures as finance improves will eventually make our structures easily accessible by us all disabled and non-disabled people and make our tangible assets viable financially.
-technical: Improved revenue funds will facilitate improvements of our conservation farming and agriculture and related activities to simple affordable technologies, tools and markets thus ensure our project’s improvement and innovations of operations.
-legal: There is hardly anything we can do as regards to unfavorable government policies towards agriculture, but we are optimistic that through mutual understanding and working closely with the government agricultural officers, the related policies will be supportive.
-cultural: Our practical farming and agriculture social enterprise start-up project’s humanitarian purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities is a gradual changing catalyst from negative to positive traditional negative attitude behavior of both people with disabilities and the non-disabled regarding disabled people’s productive activity participations.
-market: Installation of rain water harvesting facilities and digging of water boreholes for continuous various miscellaneous crop harvestings through simple affordable drip irrigation methods will ensure us continuous products production capacities regardless of weather condition fluctuations.
Our project, the Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi) which is a sustainable conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up with humanitarian purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities for the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the desperate poor, worst-served male, female and older people with physical disabilities to engage and participate in the project’s sustainable farming and agriculture activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns, our business model is of both Hybrid for-profit and nonprofit by virtue and the nature of the project’s core main goals of empowering and developing the desperate poor, worst-served people with physical disabilities through purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities in raising and growing of affordable nutritious healthy food/commercial products. Through our sustainable conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise practical project activities, the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, the people with physical disabilities who can’t engage and participate in productive living activities on their own without humanitarian purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities are physically increasingly engaging and participating in conservation food/commercial farming and agriculture productive activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges.
Being a social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges development start-up project which resulted from the founder’s own contributions and grant funds from relatives and friends whose basic goal is to empower and develop the traditionally long directly or indirectly neglected and excluded from various social opportunities, desperate poor, worst-served people with disabilities through purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities in raising and growing of affordable nutritious healthy food/commercial products against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges, the project is based on business model of both Hybrid for-profit and nonprofit in order to sustain. The project’s path towards financial sustainability includes but not limited to the followings: general improvements to simple affordable technologies, tools and markets of the project’s main activities of raising and growing affordable nutritious healthy food/commercial products, gradual additional of pawpaw, mushroom, fish keeping and other products production facilities to the now yielding various fruit trees, chickens and various seasonal miscellaneous crop products production facilities, to install rain water harvesting facilities and digging of water boreholes for continuous various miscellaneous crop harvestings through basic simple affordable drip irrigation methods, project to access electrical/solar powers and additional of working land space one after another, thus make the project fully operational gradually, targeting to reach many people with disabilities in the same district and gradually reach all other Tanzania districts/regions and beyond through collaboration or cooperation partnership approach with other disability survival/empowerment interested stakeholder parties and entities as our project stabilizes, grows and expands.
We started small with own funds and contributions from relatives and friends and are still small as far as manpower, capital and application of improved conservation farming and agriculture functional related technologies are concerned, we only improved and formalized our resources into the Barongo Evergreen Farm Investments (BEFi), a conservation farming and agriculture social enterprise development start-up project for the people with physical disabilities to engage and participate alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges and not yet generating revenue. The raised, received and being sought grant fund is as follows:
-Total initial project budget: …………………………..$130,616.00
-Contributed by founders:…………........$39,387.00
-Raised from relatives and friends:….…$13,129.00
-Grant support from Pollination Org:..….$1,000. 00
-The fund amount being sought:……......$77,100.00
Our farming and agriculture social enterprise start-up project is still small as far as manpower, capital and application of improved conservation farming and agriculture functional related technologies are concerned, but strongly committed, striving implementing our humanitarian basic goal of empowering and developing the people with physical disabilities against POVERTY and HUNGER challenges through our project’s purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities. The estimated costs, the raised, received and being sought grant fund is as follows:
-Total initial project budget: ……………………...……..$130,616.00
-Contributed by founders:…………........$39,387.00
-Raised from relatives and friends:….…$13,129.00
-Grant support from Pollination Org:. ..$1,000. 00
-The fund amount being sought:……..…...$77,100.00
estimated>span class="MsoHyperlink"> expenses of about $77,100.00 in total for the year 2020 is for the following core vital project activities: making of the ongoing existing unfinished project building structures physical habitable and easily accessible by us all disabled and non-disabled people, general improvements to simple affordable technologies, tools and markets of the project’s main activities of raising and growing affordable nutritious healthy food/commercial products through conservation farming and agriculture functional related activities and gradual additional of pawpaw, mushroom, fish keeping and other products production facilities to the now yielding various fruit trees, chickens and various seasonal miscellaneous crop products production facilities, installation of rain water harvesting facilities and digging of water boreholes for continuous various miscellaneous crop harvestings through basic simple affordable drip irrigation methods, project accessing to electrical/solar powers and additional of working land space one after another, thus make the project fully operational gradually, targeting to reach many people with disabilities in the same district and gradually reach all other Tanzania districts/regions and beyond through collaboration or cooperation partnership approach with other disability survival/empowerment development interested stakeholder parties and entities as our project stabilizes, grows and expands.
The Elevate Prize, if we win, will facilitate our project to overcome the following earlier stated barriers as follows:
-financial: Construction completion of the on-going unfinished project’s building structures will make our structures easily accessible by us all disabled and non-disabled people and will make our tangible assets viable financially as our project stabilize, grows and expands.
-technical: Improved generation of revenue funds will facilitate improvements of our conservation farming and agriculture and related activities to simple affordable technologies, tools and markets thus ensure our project’s improvement and innovations of operations.
-legal: There is hardly anything we can do as regards to unfavorable government policies towards agriculture, but we are optimistic that through mutual understanding and working closely with the government agricultural officers, the related policies will be supportive.
-cultural: Our practical farming and agriculture social enterprise start-up project’s humanitarian purposely made disability friendly participation facilitating opportunities is a gradual changing catalyst from negative to positive traditional negative attitude behavior of both people with disabilities and the non-disabled regarding disabled people’s productive activity participations.
-market: Installation of rain water harvesting facilities and digging of water boreholes for continuous various miscellaneous crop harvestings through simple affordable drip irrigation methods will ensure us continuous products production capacities regardless of weather condition fluctuations.
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Mentorship and/or coaching
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Other
Our farming and agriculture social enterprise start-up project is still small as far as manpower, capital and application of improved conservation farming and agriculture functional related technologies are concerned, but we are already down on the ground performing, striving, empowering and developing the people with physical disabilities through our project’s purposely made disability friendly productive participation facilitating opportunities, that is in view of the above highlighted partnership support goal areas in our humanitarian disability POVERTY and HUNGER challenges survival/empowerment initiative effort cause, the interested parties and entities need further to include mental and various material support on top of the basic collaboration or cooperation as we practice locally suited but peculiar inclusive ground farming and agriculture social entrepreneurship remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges approach.
We have no specific names of potential partners to be in our humanitarian disability cause apart from being open to mutual global humanitarian outlook and support through which we believe we will be able to perform and participate in global disability survival initiative effort related causes. Though with meagre little resources, we positively improved and innovated into the farming and agriculture social enterprise practical remedial solution to POVERTY and HUNGER challenges project for the people with physical disabilities to engage and participate in practical sustainable farming and agriculture activities alongside sustainable food/financial earning returns. By the nature of our social enterprise practical development start-up project’s endeavour, we are wide open, welcoming and looking into any suggested partnership approach with local or global humanitarian disability POVERTY and HUNGER challenges survival/empowerment initiative effort lives interested parties, the intended mutual collaboration or cooperation partnership support goals need to include mental and material support on our already achieved tangible practical farming and agriculture resources towards a truly leaving none behind in POVERTY and HUNGER challenges optimistic brighter future world. We strongly regard mankind’s experiencing of conditions of continuous physical disabilities off and on in more ways than one for reasons not of our own as a global epidemic which deserves global humanitarian remedial rescue/mitigation intervention efforts measures that requires us all, disabled and non-disabled people, to put in place the visible large or small innovatively purposely made strategies to deal with the un tolerable pains that accompanies disability survival initiative effort lives.