Larimar 'Beyond Intelligence'
Larimar's technology aims at boosting wellness, performance & productivity through mobile apps & web-based services, such technology works as a stand-alone technology or can be integrated with smart wearable. The team aims to mitigate human’s stress level that is estimated to be 47% of the world population and decrease the cost of poor culture that is estimated to be $2.4 T.
Larimar’s human-centric experience is designed with love and care and it supports our knowledge base with an agile approach of reflection on stress, poor culture, and fear impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. Moreover, we provide users with engaging interfaces that illustrate the influence of love, kindness, and constructive culture on individuals, communities, and the globe. Applying Larimar solutions will boost community’s coherence and loving kindness culture by three times especially in this time of uncertainty and chaos due to COVID-19 where we suffer from mental wellbeing degradation.
The cost of poor workplace culture in the UK and the US is £ 23 b, $ 2.2 T per year, respectively. Also, 47 % of the world citizens suffer from chronic stress and 25 % of them can handle the adequate treatment. Moreover, 90% of health problems are stress related. And since we are living in an uncertain chaotic era due COVID-19 and political conflict; boosting humans’ wellbeing is a crucial need.
Larimar’s mission is to contribute to the overall wellbeing of society and individuals by equipping people with agile self-regulation tools to transform their emotional states from chaotic to rhythmic ones that will ultimately reduce their stress level in the long run (as biofeedback procedures).
For businesses, Larimar provides an organizational culture monitoring and transforming tools to mitigate the uncivil destructive behaviors that degrade performance and productivity. Such tools will foster performance, resilience, and resource allocation.
Larimar’s technology finds applications as diverse as healthcare, and fields where individuals are in critical situations such as refugee camps, elderly people, newborns, autistic children, children with learning disability, cancer patients, chronic disease patients who need a real time self-regulation tool to maintain their wellness level in the rhythm.
The main drive for Larimar is to contribute to the overall well-being of the society and individuals by addressing an intimate subject directly related to the most sensitive part of a human, i.e., the emotional status.
Larimar technology detects persons’ emotional state in non-invasive ways. One approach detects physiological parameters using smart wearables, the other gathers narrative and multiple-choice answers using a mobile app and web-based service. Tailored recommendations are then provided to the individual, equipping them with control over their emotions and the ability to transform them, ultimately boosting performance and productivity.
We provide a suite of performance and wellness monitoring tools. Each supplies a unique, customized experience which learns from users’ reporting on the activities they undertake and their resulting emotional signs, optimizing the personal recommendations going forward.
Larimar’s technology provides self-regulation tools in an unmatched journey with a ‘Community’ engagement features to connect people together.
Up to now, we have the MVP of the emotional hygiene tool for both individuals and businesses, such tool needs two months for the soft launch. However, we have launched a freemium version of the tool as a pilot on the website and as a mobile app.
Larimar’s technology will be always needed since we are emotional-being not rational-being. Its Emotion AI technology aims at augmenting humans intelligence that can be utilized by a huge number of beneficiaries.
Here are a set of Larimar’s beneficiaries:
- Individuals in critical situations who suffer from lack of basic life requirements like refugees, less fortune citizens. ‘In testing phase’
- Elderly people, newborns, autistic children, children with learning disability who need continues monitoring of their wellbeing and posture. ‘In progress’
- Cancer patients, chronic disease patients who need a real time self-regulation tool to maintain their wellness level in the rhythm. ‘In testing phase’
- Athletes who need to maintain their mental and physical wellness level in the rhythm.
- Wellness enthusiasts who are seeking for optimal life standards. ‘In testing phase’
- Decision makers like executives, judges, lawyers, health professionals who need to process and decide quickly and correctly in a daily basis. ‘In testing phase’
- Organizational behavior consultants who need assistive tools for wellness and culture monitoring.
- Organizations or companies that seeks for excellence and continues performance and culture boosting.
Due to this unexpected circumstance of COVID-19, our wellbeing levels degrade especially mental wellbeing, where uncertainty, chaos, fear, and disconnection are the main theme for individuals or organizations. But what if we can have self-regulation tools for wellness and internal culture monitoring and transformation with the ability to engage with others as well using the ‘Community engagement’ feature, this is what we offer at Larimar.
Larimar tools has a noticeable impact in four levels:
1. Individual: 44% drop in body pains
2. Organization: 5x Motivation, 2x Stress management
3. Society: Fostering heart-based living
4. Globe: Creating coherent and resilient environment
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new technology
Larimar's has three competitive advantages in term of three areas:
1. Value proposition:
Larimar's provides a human-centric technology where its solution monitors and transforms emotional states from chaotic to rhythmic ones using customers' data, feedback, and tailored set of actions according to customers' rhythmic behavior. Moreover, Larimar's web service and the mobile app have a calm smooth theme with gamified results to improve customers' engagement in a self-competitive manner.
2. Technology:
Larimar's technology 'Emotion AI' is one of the emerging technologies according to Gartner hype cycle 2019 and the team manages to implement the technology using two different types of inputs which include physiological variables i.e.' heart rate, heart rate variability, etc.' and natural language inputs i.e. 'multiple-choice & narrative questions available as questionnaires’.
3. Scalability:
Larimar addresses the most sensitive part of humans i.e. emotional status that is related to almost all human-centric applications. For example, healthcare and wellbeing, sentiment analysis, gaming, education, security among others can be Larimar's future use cases.
4. Business model:
Larimar is an Emotion AI technology provider that has several business models that focus on partnership rather than competition. For example, Larimar's team is working on developing a partnership with behavioral consultants & performance-boosting businesses to co-create & co-capture values for both of us. Also, having several revenue streams provides stability, a broader look in the market & helps Larimar team to identify the primary revenue streams.
Our secret sauce is the human-centric experience that we are designing with love and care ;)
The Larimar team has developed a novel emotion AI and augmented AI engines. This includes algorithms, theoretical models, experimental models, collecting physiological real data, profiles and mock-ups. The engines are designed based on scientific research results for more than 130 papers about the relationship between humans’ physiological variables and emotions, natural language processing, emotion AI and augmented AI technologies that includes machine learning and deep learning, big data analysis. The engines are built using neuro-fuzzy modeling and the results are processed using pattern recognition, classifications, and clustering in addition to data labeling techniques.
The Larimar team designs their emotion induction lab to induce emotions and collect real vitals to train the model. Right now, we are focusing on using the existing wearable as our data collection units to broaden the range of data collection after having an adequate seed training data. The Larimar tam managed to collect more than 10,400 record of vitals that are induced for 260 participants with a debriefing reports for each. These data are our golden soil that helps us in the training. However, we’ve included a new set of inputs that is natural language using questionnaires and narrative questions by mobile apps or web-service, the reason behind this is to speed up the development process and validate the model not in lab but with real environment. Fortunately, we’ve launched the first pilot with a great feedback from our beneficiaries.
You can know more about the technology from her LinkedIn and Research Gate profiles:
The Larimar technologies (Emotion AI & Augmented AI) are one of the emerging technologies according to Gartner hype cycle in 2019, and it is in the innovation trigger phase which is great for us as startup in the validation stage i.e. we are in the perfect timing!
Other evidences include having similar successful startups and technologies with different applications like Affectiva and Tobii, also, studying the behavior of industries gurus like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, IBM we notice that they invest in emotion detection using voice recognition, images, videos, texts and context. For example, Amazon has submitted two patents about emotions recognition using Alexa last year, Apple as well is working on developing Siri to be emotionally intelligent while interacting with humans.
Moreover, our technology is based on scientific research of more than 130 papers, and we’ve started Larimar as a research for the founder’s master degree with five publications and one book that can be explored more at her profiles and you tube channel:
The Larimar team has experimented and validated the technology in lab using real data collection, Moreover, we’ve launched the first pilot on the website as a wellbeing quiz with many lessons learnt and constructive feedback and the freemium mobile app is going to be launched by 25/June (we will launch the stores links on the founder’s profiles and Larimar’s website). So, we have a valid technology with four evidences ?
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
Larimar’s mission is to contribute to the overall wellbeing of society and individuals by equipping people to improve their emotional state, especially in this uncertain chaotic era due to COVID-19; boosting humans’ wellbeing is a crucial need globally.
Jordan, as other countries suffer from huge amount of refugees (immigration), high rate of unemployment and low individual gross income; having such tools that are available for smartphone users and can be integrated with existing smart wearable fosters their wellbeing that improve productivity and resilience, and keeping them engaged with each other using the ‘Community’ engagement feature. This is applicable for all countries that have the same challenges, which are the globe right now due to COVID-19.
We do this through an AI-powered system which drives improved individual resilience and mental wellbeing, company culture, productivity and performance, decreasing stress and increasing employee retention.
This can be done in two main streams:
1. Community awareness and capacity building activities using Larimar's wellbeing quiz and surveys 'that are available on Larimar's website', articles, papers, founder's blog and focus groups to spread the concept of wellbeing and how we can foster it in our personal and professional lives. My expertise as a coach for Syrian refugees and less fortune citizens in Jordan support the impact and penetration of this stream, in addition to my network of students, colleagues, friends on social media who believe in Larimar and support us from a long time.
2. Developing Augmented AI and Emotion AI technologies to boost human capabilities using biofeedback procedures through a cushy app and web-based services. Such technologies work as self-regulations for individuals and organizations to improve their culture. My expertise in Augmented AI and Emotion AI technologies is more than 8 years in practical projects, thus, I have the needed capabilities to manage such project with the support of my esteemed mentors from Qualcomm, The Royal Academy of Engineering and Etisalat Corp & HTU. However, we are already working on developing the tools and need financial and in-kind support to speed up the development process.
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Elderly
- Urban
- Poor
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- Jordan
- Jordan
- United Kingdom
Larimar’s mission is to contribute to the overall wellbeing of society and individuals by equipping people to improve their emotional and wellbeing states.
These technologies will be always needed since we are emotional-being not rational-being, also, the penetration of intelligent systems is huge in all industries, but still not adequate enough to augment human intelligence and boost their intellectual, emotional and physical capabilities. But, Larimar’s technology addresses almost all human-centric applications like sentiment analysis, gaming, education, security among others that can be Larimar's future use cases.
Here are the numbers of Larimar’s servant now/next year/five years based on the statistics:
- Individuals in critical situations who suffer from lack of basic life requirements like refugees, less fortune citizens.(50/300/1000)
- Elderly people, newborns, autistic children, children with learning disability who need continues monitoring of their wellbeing and posture. ‘In progress’
- Cancer patients, chronic disease patients who need a real time self-regulation tool to maintain their wellness level in the rhythm. ‘2/100/3000’
- Athletes who need to maintain their mental and physical wellness level in the rhythm. ‘In progress’
- Wellness enthusiasts who are seeking for optimal life standards. ‘150/1000/5000’
- Decision makers like executives, judges, lawyers, health professionals who need to process and decide quickly and correctly in a daily basis. ‘In progress’
- Organizational behavior consultants who need assistive tools for wellness and culture monitoring.'3/10/50'
- Organizations or companies that seeks for excellence and continues performance and culture boosting.'1/3/10'
I am a purpose-driven person who strives to utilize all the knowledge and expertise that I've gained in boosting humans' wellbeing to build a coherent environment in homes, communities, businesses and the globe. I am passionate about sharing knowledge by teaching, coaching and touching people's lives with a constructive impact.
To accomplish such vision and after experiencing a destructive poor work environment I've started to focus on emotions creation, transformation and their impact on our behaviors, this is started as a master degree then leads to founding Larimar to spread what I've learned and contributed to the overall community by addressing the most sensitive part of humans i.e. the emotional states and their impact in human's lives.
Also, I've worked as a coach for refugees & less-fortune Jordanians in the north to boost their resilience and educate them about the quality of life that they should strive for. Such big goals need to be structured and defined by short term goals and tactics, which include:
1. Building my social and human capital by embracing the advocacy relationship rather than the competition approach.
2. Building the capacity of the importance of having a self-emotional hygiene tool by spreading the learned knowledge with my network.
3. Embracing the loving-kindness culture wherever I am, to create an empathetic culture rather than a judgmental one.
4. Building a sustainable business with a novel human cause that is fostering wellness for all humans' categories.
Larimar has three main risks the first one is the lack of awareness regarding the importance of human emotions and their impact in wellbeing, so we need to work on improving the awareness by participating in conferences or exhibitions where we did, we participated in IEEE conference in London 2017, IBIMA conference in Madrid 2015, Gitex-Dubai 2017, the Arab Innovation Award in Dubai 2018, Startup Istanbul 2018, Take off Istanbul, and many others.
The other one is a technical risk related to build the fully functional product. This requires massive amount of data to validate the model accurately, of course this risk is mitigated by having sufficient trained people to collect the required data and looking for new strategies of data collection like integrating the technology with existing wearable and use them as the collecting units, also, including other data types rather than the physiological variables to customize the product in a sufficient manner.
Finally, the financial risk, the development of Larimar products needs sufficient financial support which is not raised yet. However, we are using the lean approach for development and funding. Hopefully, with your network and award we can raise the adequate fund. Also note that, we are using boot strapping strategies, awards, grants and family support to fund the startup.
Larimar has three main risks the first one is the lack of awareness regarding the importance of human emotions and their impact in wellbeing
And we solve this by participating in conferences or exhibitions where we did, we participated in related conferences like Gitex, etc.
Also, we are working on boosting community awareness and building the needed capacity using Larimar's wellbeing quiz and surveys 'that are available on Larimar's website.
The other one is a technical risk related to build the fully functional product. This requires massive amount of data to validate the model accurately, of course this risk is mitigated by having sufficient trained people to collect the required data and looking for new strategies of data collection like integrating the technology with existing wearable and use them as the collecting units, also, including other data types rather than the physiological variables to customize the product in a sufficient manner.
And by developing Augmented AI and Emotion AI technologies to boost human capabilities using biofeedback procedures through a cushy app and web-based services.
Finally, the financial risk, the development of Larimar products needs sufficient financial support which is not raised yet. However, we are using the lean approach for development and funding. Hopefully, with your network and award we can raise the adequate fund. Also note that, we are using boot strapping strategies, awards, grants and family support to fund the startup.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Full time employees are two:
1. Eng. Abeer Albashiti, the founder of Larimar.
2. Eng. Ahmad Eshbailat and his team at Paratune ' a Software solution startup', the mobile app developer.
The part-time employees are three:
1. Eng. Lina Abu-Karaki, data analyst.
2. Eng. Anas Sabha, Hardware designer.
3. Ms. Ala' Al-Mustafa, translator and digital marketer.
The Larimar team has a diverse expertise and esteemed mentors from Qualcomm, Al Hussein Technical University, ans Etisalat corp.
Here is a brief about each team member:
Eng. Abeer Albashiti:
My role in this call will be developing and monitoring the overall process of development; technical wise i.e. Emotion AI engine, database framework, bench-marking and business wise i.e. strategic planning and market penetration methods. I have a deep knowledge in artificial intelligence techniques, heart-brain coherence, biofeedback procedures in addition to my entrepreneurial skills, these all foster Larimar's development and growth with the support of my esteemed mentors and team members. I've got several entrepreneurial training and she is one of the Royal Academy of Engineering Fellows in London.
Eng. Ahmad Eshbailat:
He owns a software solutions startup named ‘Paratune’. His role in this call will be developing the website and mobile apps i.e. XD, front-end, back-end designs, database framework and the promotion videos.
Eng. Lina Abu-Karaki:
Her role in this call is to collect the data in a structured framework, pre-process and analyze it, then extract insights and unique patterns.
Eng. Anas Sabha:
His role in this call is to connect the mobile apps with the existing wearable and extract the sensed data for further analyses.
Ms. Ala' Al-Mustafa:
She has a great command in English and Arabic Language with an impressive communication skills. Her role in this call is translate the website and the apps in Arabic to penetrate the Arabic world.
Actually, we are incubated at the center for innovation and entrepreneurial excellence at Al Hussein technical university and we are looking for partnership under their umbrella.
Right now we have a negotiation with two of Larimar's stake holders which are Heart Math institute and Life Stamp for consultation.
Hopefully, we will have something fruitful soon.
As we are living in a disruptive changing environment where product-service innovation is not adequate for sustainability, thus, business model innovation and strategy innovation are essential, and this is the case at Larimar. Where we have the three types of innovation that include:
1. Several business models are proposed that can be modified or changed from one to another according to the need. Including subscription plans, data analysis services, products sales and add-ons for the wearable.
2. Larimar has an agile long term strategy since it addresses a steady factor for all humans i.e. emotional states that can be easily disrupted according to the emerging need. Also, having great mentors who are strategic thinkers helps the team in drawing their path.
3. For product-service innovation, Larimar's technology 'Emotion AI' is considered as one of the emerging technologies according to Gartner hype cycle 2019 where a huge number of applications for different niches can utilize the technology, also, the technology can be utilized as an assistive technology for data analysis with the ability of integration with the existing systems or smart wearable.
Larimar’s technology addresses almost all human-centric applications. For example, sentiment analysis, gaming, education, security among others that can be Larimar's future use cases.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Larimar’s technology addresses almost all human-centric applications. For example, sentiment analysis, gaming, education, security among others that can be Larimar's future use cases.
And due to the massive amount of Larimar's application, we're going to penetrate the vertically at first with some niches the expand it horizontally. Also, we have partnership plans with existing smart warbles companies.
Being selected will provide the needed exposure for Larimar and its vision that leads to bigger and prestigious credited awareness.
Also, your network will help us in boosting our growth technically and business wise.
Finally, the award will push the growth to a new milestone.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
All the above are needed to boost our growth and catch up the productivity platuoe of Emotion AI technology.
in this time
Kindly check the solution answers, that emphasize our uniqueness.
Kindly check the solution answers, that emphasize our uniqueness.
Kindly check the solution and team answers, that emphasize our uniqueness.