Last Updated June 15, 2020
2020 Health Security & Pandemics
High health system
Team Leader
Brahim Goujil
Solution Overview
Solution Name:
High health system
One-line solution summary:
Permanent investment and financing of drug manufacturers and developers of vaccines should be made, and cooperation should be made between t
Pitch your solution.
The collapse of health systems and the spread of viruses and epidemics is caused by a lack of awareness of the measures that must be taken during these pandemics, so each country must raise the level of health awareness as a platform for dealing with emergency situations, as well as countries must be funded to strengthen their health systems and protect peoples from death and cooperation Among manufacturers and developers of drugs and vaccines, and leaving material and profitable aspects aside, we are talking about the fate of people, so more resources to discover cases of infection and treat them in the early stages before they become worse save lives and reduce health care costs and strengthen preparedness and preparedness for confrontation when it spreads One of the diseases
What specific problem are you solving?
It spread strongly in Guinea and then west of the continent due to the companies' procrastination in dealing with it as a global epidemic that threatens human lives, especially from the poor class of the people
When it comes to the health system, this is a very complicated and important issue. We are talking about the fate of people and how to withstand epidemics and diseases. This is a public and private problem in this world. It is true that Covid 19 is not our first battle against epidemics, but this epidemic has proven that we still lack methods and methods Reducing the spread of epidemics and responding to them by rapid and effective response against them and raising the awareness of people in this field that if you choose to risk yourself in front of this epidemic, you are not only the one who is exposed to danger, but you are putting the lives of millions around you at risk, so success is in cooperation between us We humans through funds to develop health systems and leave profitable aspects, especially on the part of manufacturers and developers of drugs and real estate, for example, the Ebola epidemic in Africa
What is your solution?
Also, the use of modern and high-precision technology in this field by monitoring the first cases of the epidemic and monitoring it to use time to develop an effective drug against it, as well as to check whether this drug has serious side effects or not
My project is a plan or curriculum that must be taken into consideration that requires material and moral funds to develop health systems to confront diseases and epidemics and thus explore diseases at their beginning and address them through a high health awareness that we are all human beings must cooperate together to survive and provide a safe life Healthy for all of us
Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?
Consequently, these resources and funds will save the lives of millions of people who suffer from poverty and are the most vulnerable to disease and epidemics, as well as the risk of serious economic collapses that follow these epidemics.
Working to achieve sufficient material financing to develop health sectors, especially those that suffer from a lack and inaction in this field, works to protect the lives of millions of people and prevents the emergence of new diseases caused by the difficult environment in which some people live, for example in Africa and Latin America, people suffer from low The standard of living and health is therefore worthy of providing assistance to these countries to protect them from the outbreak of dangerous viruses such as the former Ebola and Covid 19 virus now.
Explain how the problem, your solution, and your solution’s target population relate to the Challenge.
The solution lies in providing special resources and assistance to weak countries in the face of viruses and epidemics in order to raise the level of their health system and protect people from the outbreak of dangerous viruses and the death of millions, as well as cooperation between manufacturers and developers of drugs and vaccines among themselves and to leave the profitable aspects Aside, we are all at risk. Yes, but there are people in Africa and Latin America who suffer from poverty, hunger, and a poor health system. These resources and funds represent their only hope for survival.
In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?
I don't have a solutions team
What is your solution’s stage of development?
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
Who is the primary delegate for your solution?
I am the owner of the idea and the solution. I wor
More About Your Solution
Which of the following categories best describes your solution?
- A new application of an existing technology
Describe what makes your solution innovative.
We humans lack early and effective methods and methods of dealing with epidemics and diseases and the Covid 19 virus has proven this. Dealing with diseases and epidemics is in a flexible and rapid manner in response to cooperation between manufacturers and developers of drugs and vaccines and leaving the material and profitable aspects aside. We are talking On the fate of people, especially from the poor class in Africa and Latin America, they are most vulnerable to these diseases due to the low health system. Yes, there are aid, but it is not enough. There must be full awareness of people in how to deal with these challenges and also use modern technology to help the health sector to Treating epidemics in the early stages and limiting their spread
Describe the core technology that powers your solution.
Artificial intelligence also allows scientists to understand the nature of the virus and how it affects it, and thus find the vaccine quickly, as well as exploring whether the virus has genetic mutations and shifts, thus knowing how to deal with several forms of it at the same time.
With the development of technology and the uses of computers in the health sector, medicine has witnessed a fundamental transformation that crystallized with the use of artificial intelligence techniques (AI) in assisting physicians in diagnosis, which pushed the field of health care and medicine forward, without these advanced technologies replacing the doctor but rather Supportive to it, therefore, we saved time and effort together to diagnose diseases in early cases and to identify and limit their spread using high-precision technologies such as artificial intelligence and others
Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
What is your theory of change?
If we want to have a long-term positive change that makes our lives safe and healthy, we must cooperate with each other as we humans in order to address the threats of diseases and epidemics. Just as there are very sophisticated health systems there are countries that suffer the two issues in this sector and therefore they need funding and assistance like Kenya And others to develop health systems to confront viruses and protect the lives of millions of people, as must cooperation between the manufacturers and developers of drugs and vaccines, and leave profitable aspects aside and not waste time in facing the threat of epidemics, as happened with the Ebola virus previously, so this approach depends on cooperation and Health awareness and modern technology such as artificial intelligence
Select the key characteristics of your target population.
- Elderly
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
How many people does your solution currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?
The solution can currently help nearly 30 million people after one year of development and supervision. It can serve 90 million people. By 2020, we expect this solution to help 250 million people.
What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?
My goals during the coming years are to contribute to saving millions of lives threatened by viruses and diseases through funds to develop their health systems and raise health awareness among people in general in cooperation with each other through artificial intelligence technology that contributes to early diagnosis and identification of diseases in a first degree and therefore Providing a good time to understand the nature of the virus, limit its spread and eliminate it, as well as cooperation between health organizations and manufacturers and developers of drugs and vaccines that, in many countries, represent the only hope for survival.
What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year and in the next five years?
The obstacles facing me to achieve my goals are mainly financial obstacles. My project and my idea need funding in order to develop more and achieve success for all of us.
How do you plan to overcome these barriers?
Physical barriers can be overcome by successfully proposing my project and idea to experts and funders and persuading them to work with me to develop and make my idea successful.
About Your Team
What type of organization is your solution team?
- Not registered as any organization
How many years have you worked on your solution?
3 years of studying the idea and trying to apply it on the ground to study the possibility of its success and development
Why are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?
Because I lived in a country whose health system is low and also I lived in a country whose health system is very good, so I have studied the causes and direct consequences of this difference and try to find a successful solution for the whole world
Your Business Model & Funding
What is your business model?
By providing aid and funds that contribute to the development of health systems to counter viruses and epidemics and thus provide a safe place to live, especially for the poor in Africa and Latin America, as well as helping them in their suffering as the most vulnerable to disease and epidemics.
What is your path to financial sustainability?
Through success in persuading experts, investors, and funders to work with us to make this idea successful, this project will therefore have a material and moral dealings that will contribute primarily to achieving long-term goals for our project.
Partnership & Prize Funding Opportunities
Why are you applying to Solve?
In order to develop my idea and project more and more by getting to know experts and funders who contribute with me in achieving the desired goals for this project
In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Monitoring and evaluation
Please explain in more detail here.
The goals are to achieve success and development of the project, and thus achieve the desired goals for this project, from aid and saving lives, developing health systems, and developing approaches to deal with the epidemic and others.
What organizations would you like to partner with, and how would you like to partner with them?
Initiatives at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to contribute to the project’s success. Technology is a prerequisite for this project, as are experts and advisors with their ideas, financiers, and investors with their financial resources.
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The Elevate Prize for Health Security to advance your solution?
I think I am qualified to win, given that my idea is concrete on the ground and studied results in the long run with the possibility of developing them to contribute to achieving a positive change in life
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use the AI for Humanity Prize to advance your solution?
My project relies primarily on financial and intellectual support, but it also aims to continue and develop through the use of modern technology and artificial intelligence in the long run in the health and medical field.
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use The People's Prize to advance your solution?
Through this funding we will be able to clarify our project more using modern technology and make this project and this idea spread around the world to start actual work on it.
Solution Team:
Brahim Goujil