LivingChoice Crypto-Tech Tz
Advanced IT solutions and knowledge packages in AI, Digital goods and Services, RPA,, ERP, Cloud-based solutions and Strategic Digital entrepreneurship.
The global pace in technology changes is highly dramatic and dynamiic. Identifying, predicting, and capitalizing on change disrupters is of paramount imporyant. For example, only a small portion of today's security experts really understand cryptography, and the lack of knowledge in this area leads to operating systems, software applications, protocols and network-based products with poorly implemented cryptographic functionality.
Offering advanced IT solutions and knowledge packages in Artificial Intelligence, Digital goods and Services, Robotic Processes Automation, Enterprise Resource Planning, Cloud-based solutions and Strategic Digital entrepreneurship.
Offering consulting services in Crypto technologies, technical and life skills upgrading and sharpening programmes (workshops, seminars and short-term professional courses). The courses are a mixture of theoretical lectures supplemented with practical case studies, successful firms visits, group tasks and own experience building. Conducting arvanced IT research and innovations, developing industrial IT solutions, IT platform services, Financial IT solutions and IT Knowledge management and documentation.
Helping our clients solve issues while creating new businesses and services to respond to their needs. To accomplish this, LC Crypto-Tech Tz forecasts future information technology, incorporating the most advanced cutting-edge technologies into strategic solutions for our clients. In addition, LC Crypto-Tech Tz will regularly analyze the future trends impacting these technologies, identify how they may be used in the future, and what opportunities they may contain, captured on a technology roadmap to guide our services. LC Crypto-Tech Tz will also spend time and effort on advanced research, verifying and proofing concepts through pilot test studies.
- New Industries
Hitech and advanced IT solutions and products is an existing technology usable in developed worlds but for our case as a developing country their knowledge, use and application accross industries is limited and rarely observed. Thus based on this fact, introducing same into our economic development initiatives through imparting both theoretical and practical knowledge sharpening is considered a process innovation for solving technological challenges that our country do face in the course of economic development.
At the college every learning facility and technology development and transfer infrastructures shall be configured with these high-tech IT solutions as a means to transform labor capacities into industrial assets with high productive efficiency.
To establish a professional and career development facility for high-tech IT solutions in the country
To operationalize a high-tech IT training curriculum
To impart high-tech IT solutions knowledge to 50 IT professionals and industrial workers,
To be a reknown and reputable high-tech IT training facility in the region that offers advanced IT solutions to industries and building labor capabilities for efficiency and competitiveness.
- Adolescent
- Male
- Female
- Suburban
- Lower
- Sub-Saharan Africa
Beneficiaries will be reached through promotional activities and social media networks
They will be retained through feedback mechanisms, professional networking, coaching and mentoring.
IT professionals will be joining and attending the training and industrial outreach, programs.
The solution is currently still on initial stage of establishment.
In the next 12 months we expect to serve 50 people and in about 3 years we expect to serve about 150 people and three industries will be benefiting from our services.
- Hybrid of For Profit and Nonprofit
- 7
- Less than 1 year
1. Prof. George S. Oreku - Information Systems Security,
2. John Nhorona - GIS and Informatics,
3. Paul Kinyongo - Computer Programming and Algorithm,
4. Samwel Nzunda - Web Designing and Graphics,
5. Ray Kindoli - Information and Communication Technology,
6. Emmanuel Bulemo - Finance and Investment Planning, and
7. Michael Bulemo - Business Administration.
Our revenue streams include consulting and training fees, sales of IT solution packages and products.
Steming from Solve's technical capacity and networking asset I believe same will advance our work.
Financial muscle to putting in place essential infrastructures, professional capacity among the team and level of knowledge accross industries.
Solve can assist in developing network and links to potential investors, and other like-minded industrial players.
- Peer-to-Peer Networking
- Technology Mentorship
- Grant Funding
- Preparation for Investment Discussions
- Debt/Equity Funding
Managing Partner