Information portal
1Insufficient knowledge and information about the possibilities of prevention and mitigation measures i.e. climate change, pandemics, fires, floods. Insufficient access to information and training on the preparation and survival of threats. There is no single global information portal in this area. We create it!
2/3. A permanent information campaign directed at the general community, which will result in a real increase in the security of every citizen and will significantly improve his ability to survive natural disasters and threats resulting from human activities. The first element is an information portal available today in Poland, which we now want to make available to people around the world without any restrictions. Then we will create short instruction films: about individual preparations and about disasters. We will also publish educational materials, audiobooks and create applications. All these activities must be supported by a large information campaign in traditional and social media.
Preparedness studies in the United States show that people who think they are prepared for disasters are often not as prepared as they think. 40% of the respondents did not have household plans, almost 60% did not know the escape routes of the places where they stay on a daily basis, and 50% did not have either supplies or backpacks. In many countries, this is not the case. However, analyzing the effects of disasters, there is one conclusion - insufficient knowledge and survival skills in the community, regardless of latitude and standard of living. Disasters and threats can and will occur. It is difficult to prevent them, sometimes it is even impossible. But you can prepare and survive. We know that state services in every region of the world are required to maintain critical infrastructure of the state, including roads, electricity networks, communications, water supply and hospitals. The army will try to defend these facilities and government facilities. Therefore, there can be only one conclusion - let's prepare for disasters today, without losing hope for a better tomorrow! Let's get involved in the GOTOWI.ORG campaign.
The campaign will be conducted in several complementary stages and elements. We create for society:
1. Available and accessible Information portal on threats and ways of their survival - it was made available in March 2020, in the Polish language version. Ultimately, the portal will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.
2. Audio version of the portal for the elderly and illiterates; a version for the visually impaired will be created.
3. The application with easy access to information
4. Information videos on methods for creating family contingency plans, safety preparation and education
5. Information films about the threats, their effects and how to behave during them,
6. Specific Information Courses during which we will tell:
What threats can occur locally?
How to prepare a family emergency plan, including an evacuation and communication plan?
What method to accumulate and use supplies?
How to obtain drinking water?
What should the evacuation kit contain?
What is the Rule of Three?
How to call for help in case of danger, how to help the victim?
Why is understanding with neighbors and the local community so important in all these preparations?
7. First aid courses and supplementary shooting training Basic course,
8. Short instrucion what to do in any dostaster
Adults in each community
- schoolchildren and students, so that from the beginning of their adult life they can manage in difficult, often extreme situations
- adult employees of any company profile - to start changing the way of life from a seemingly comfortable to real, they have become preventive and prepared
- local communities - to create good neighborly relations and discuss preparations together, including building an emergency program
The goal is to increase people's safety, their ability to survive a pandemic, but also to cope with drought, fire and earthquake. We believe that our project on a global scale is a response to huge social needs in this area. Making the portal available in other languages, and complementary films, audiobooks, applications and printed educational materials will help to achieve the goal of increasing the ability to survive disasters and threats.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
There is no single global information portal on actions and behaviors during, before and after threats. There is no place where we will learn how to prepare a home and family in the event of a disaster, how to build an evacuation kit, how to communicate with family or how to exchange supplies, or what the Three-Principle is. Individual countries run numerous ways to communicate with the community in matters of safety and health. Often, however, the information is incomplete and applies only to the selected country. And we fly, travel and travel. There is a need to discuss and learn to respond to every possible threat on earth. Also, some educational materials are not available to people logging in from other parts of the world. Therefore, the availability of our portal to the general public will be something completely new. In addition, audio versions, movies, applications and prints will ensure that everyone will be able to get a new quality and survive the threat.
The portal was prepared based on WordPress software, and supplemented with additional software (so-called plugins). This software allows you to collect and store personal data of people who subscribed to the newsletter, operate the newsletter, communicate with Facebook, as well as access the News section on the portal. The next solutions we plan will be used to create applications based on the existing portal. We will produce films in turn, using the latest technologies.
The information website is now operational. WordPress software with current CMS was used. Due to the fact that it is also possible to use the Newsletter, and ongoing adding News to the portal, communication with Facebook. The Polish version of the portal is available here:
We plan to have access to this portal for the visually impaired and this requires the use of technology, and thanks to which the site will be transparent to these people. Planned audio versions of the portal for the elderly and illiterates will require new technologies and versions of recording sounds.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
Everyone wants to survive. Survival is a feature of every species on earth. In many countries potentially considered developed, people have lost their vigilance and coping skills in difficult situations. For this information policies of many governments lead us to think that we live in a fairly safe environment. Meanwhile, every now and then emerging disasters, threats, military action show that it is different, however, that the world we live in is not safe at all. We often have no influence on the events around us. But we can change the way we think. We can not be afraid, only prepare in peace. Getting to know the safety primer, identifying threats and learning how to proceed, creating contingency plans for loved ones are real behavioral changes that we can achieve by implementing this project. We can realistically increase the safety of every family and person. After launching the portal in Poland, people asked me how to start, which is the most important thing. They already know and are getting ready. Let's give this opportunity to others! Let's be ready, let's not give up! This is our slogan.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Urban
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Poland
- Poland
5 000
50 000
500 000
The goal is to reach our information portal and the message of being agotent for disasters to millions of people around the world. This goal can be achieved by translating into the local languages of the portal, applications, films, educational materials. And then by making these materials available to people, in cooperation with other organizations operating locally. Informing the public about the campaign through appropriate marketing and information activities. Using our skills, experience and knowledge for other organizations that will accomplish with us the mission of being prepared for disasters and threats.
The first barrier concerns the insufficient funds that we need to globalize our solutions.
The second barrier concerns inadequate contacts among organizations working all over the world with whom we could implement this campaign
The third barrier is the legal and cultural barrier, i.e. typical and characteristic regulations for a given area or country that we would have to learn to adapt educational materials.
The first barrier can be removed by global financing of this project. Local investors and partners are interested in local effects.
The second requires the employment of a person who will be responsible for establishing and maintaining partner relations with other organizations.
The third requires the cooperation of our Foundation with local government and non-governmental organizations to adapt educational materials to the needs of local communities.
- Nonprofit
W pobliżu
Currently involved in the project:
Project leader - coordinator working 100% of the time, CFO for 1/2 time, IT - 2 people cooperating, Graphic designer - 1 person, contractor, Marketing - 1 person, task work, Course trainer - 2 people, task work.
Implementation of the project to the full extent will create new jobs for IT, graphics, training staff, distribution of teaching materials, employee for international contacts
It was 2014. Crimea was annexed in Ukraine. Russia's difficult to assess further actions deeply disturbed our family. Family memories of World War II gave rise to my preparations. I didn't know at the time that I was becoming a leader, one of the first in Poland. I just wanted our family to feel safe and prepared in case of war. The preparations turned out to be a continuous process and changed the way of thinking. Distasters can affect us at any time and place. Therefore, instead of worrying, I prefer to be prepared. In 2014, I started talking about my preparing in media, I gave a lot of interviews, encouraging people to join in the preparations. I can see that since so little is needed to minimize the personal effects of diststers and it is necessary to tell people about it. I already knew that spreading the idea of being prepared is my mission.
That is why in 2019, after 36 years in business, management in capital groups, sitting on supervisory boards, after many successes and several failures, as in life, I left it all. I made this difficult decision to do something really good and useful for people. And I began to carry out my mission. In December 2019, we established the Foundation. The first goal was to create a completely free information portal GOTOWI.ORG, which was implemented this year in March.
Not yet. There are some initial talks are underway to establish cooperation with municipalities in Poland to provide training for local communities. The pandemic has stopped our conversations, we are waiting for them to resume.
Due to the fact that the Foundation is a non-profit organization, the maintenance of the portal, its translations, the publication of educational materials, audio, application development, communication with the environment, marketing and the usual costs of running the Foundation's office must be covered from other sources. Courses and trainings will be our internal source. We have developed a proprietary course of specific information, during which we teach people how to prepare, how to make a contingency plan for a family and how to survive disasters or how to call for help or help. Very rich course, supplemented with first aid and optional shooting course will be our source of income in Funadacja. Regardless of its global development, the foundation needs external financing for donors who can be recruited from insurance and pharmaceutical companies, from producers of various survival devices and accessories.
- Organizations (B2B)
The Foundation is a non-profit organization. The idea is to provide all films, audiobooks, publications and educational materials free of charge. The Foundation will conduct courses, payable, to cover operating costs. Since its establishment, the Foundation has been supporting itself from the Founder's funds. However, they are running out, the foundation must start financing itself. We are currently looking for a strategic partner to obtain grants for the maintenance and operation of the portal, as well as for its development. The insurance group, manufacturers of cars and accessories, manufacturers of medicines, freezers, dryers, rainwater tanks, or accessories so-called survival, etc. What is also needed is positioning the website in Google, which we started working on. We are also present in social media, we are building a community. Agnieszka Kordalewska gives television interviews, is present in the media, promoting the Foundation. We establish personal relationships with people who want to support our activities by working for the Foundation (marketing, for example, works for us for free). We are planning talks with government agencies responsible for the security of citizens to actively join the implementation of the foundation's mission. The Foundation participates in public events promoting its mission. It is a young organization, it must show the world that it exists. And the amount of support that can be obtained will determine the scope and pace of achieving the campaign goals.
Joining the Solver program gives you the chance to implement our mission globally. By co-financing our activities and partnership with other organizations, as well as local contacts in different countries, we can change the reality together. We will not prevent all disasters, but we can minimize their effects.
- Product/service distribution
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Partnership with other organizations means for us:
establishing contacts and helping to identify the best places in other countries where we could train citizens and teach them how to prepare for threats
In each country, we need to learn about cultural customs and legal regulations regarding safety rules, evacuation systems to adapt educational programs to the local community
This is a great campaign, it requires a lot of effort and resources for information activities wherever people can touch a disaster, i.e. everywhere
I don't know any of the names, but these can be organizations that deal with:
1. help in alleviating the effects of disasters
2. raising the standard of living and health
3. prevention of natural disasters
4. education in various areas
5. preservation of natural goods, including water, land and forests
6. legal assistance for the population
in various countries around the world
I believe that the mission I undertook to accomplish with the Foundation, in its planned global dimension, is appropriate for this award. The award will help me achieve a global effect more easily. Also with your support for our project, it will be easier for us to influence the community and inspire people to take actions aimed at being prepared and safe.
Why does our project deserve your reward?
1. will be available to all people, regardless of skin color, religion, wallet, education or health status
the project involves translations into all languages of the countries in which the mission will be carried out
accessibility for the visually impaired, illiterate, elderly people
providing educational materials in electronic and paper versions so that everyone can use
2. The project will help build social relations in local communities, will affect the solution of existential problems of the world, will change people's attitudes, increase mutual understanding and mutual assistance.
one part of the program is the section: Get involved, which is especially important in local communities
Another element is: Make a plan, which in turn becomes a starting point for strengthening family ties
In the part: Get ready, we pay attention not only to supplies, but also to taking care of health, hygiene, cars, documents and money and, above all, water, without which there is no life
All with a human in the spotlight. With love and kindness treated.