Our project is an app provide its users a risk score based on a risk analysis of a survey, city infectious rate, and Google and Apple API trace. This score will empower the users to make an inform decision on their next meeting (visiting, school, work) if it is safe or not.
The most challenging part is creating the risk matrix as collaboration with the public health professionals are essential to create a creditable value of each event based on published data. We know that some symptoms for example are classified as high risk while other is not; however, what would be the value of non high risk symptoms? This question and similar questions can be answered through probability of data of people that shown this symptom as a one method.
For example, user A would send a request for a connection to user B. Once accepted, user A would send another request for meeting. Before sending the request, the user would have to do a small survey asking questions about symptoms, public PPE practice, and last tested date for COVID19. The app would collect these answers with information from city infectious rate and Google and Apple API trace to produce a risk score from 0 to 100. The same thing will happen to user B once the request arrive, and he expresses an interest to meet. If the risk is reasonably low, the app would approve the meeting with guideline. If the risk is high, the app would recommend to avoid meeting and in some cases to seek medical attention. This can be applied to class as well. A professor would send a class/lab meeting and all would send their score. The professor/manager would set a risk threshold that anyone above this score would have to join virtually, and this is a premium package.
The target population would be the global population or anyone with a smart phone. Right now, people are still visiting family or very close friend without knowing the risk involved in this practice. The app would give us information only but the final decision is out to make. Many of us want to see their loved one but do not want to harm them. Also, many of us have been very careful in contacting other people or have been isolated more than 14 days in their home without symptoms or they have been tested recently. They should meet people who fall in their similar profile. People need physical interactions for their mental well being.
This will help community to live with COVID19. Vaccine is still far and we do not know if the virus will mutate of not as similar to the Flu virus. This will be a tool to fight the spread of infectious diseases in general.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new application of an existing technology
There is no app or tool to assign a risk score to individual. Using live date and statistics to estimate the probability of catching the virus or not will save a country a lot of money that can be directed to fight this pandemic, and this is novel.
An AI to calculate the risk and a machine learning to update the risk matrix as more data become available.
Examples of risk classifications:
High risk (100): If you think you have COVID19 OR you were positive for COVID19 Link
High risk (100): If you think you have COVID19 OR you were positive for COVID19
To remove risk factor:
After 3 days with no fever,
And symptoms improved
And 10 days since symptoms first appeared (link)
High risk (100): has Been Around a Person with COVID-19
To remove risk factor: stay home for 14 days (link).
Medium risk (TBA) symptoms:
Shortness of breath
High risk (100) symptoms:
Trouble breathing,
persistent pain or pressure in the chest,
New confusion.
Inability to wake or stay awake,
Bluish lips or face. (
To remove this risk: COVID19 test is required.
Risk tolerance (100): Individual with weakened immune system
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
At the beginning, the company would need to publish data of its effectiveness of many meeting were safe verse not. Once we have proved that to the scientific community, this will establish a trust worthy credit for our application. Also, partnering up with government to follow a guideline that is approved by its healthcare body for endorsements.
Another thing that need to be established is total privacy. App can not collect data from users. Sharing data would be an option that user would have to select to participate and select which information to be shared to help the community.
At the same time, anyone who installed the app would send a request to a meeting to another person that person would have to install the app to confirm or decline. The motivation for sending the request for the sender safety. This will create a propagation event over time to spread the usefulness of the app.
Later stage, we would partner with universities, companies, and restaurants to evaluate the risk of their participants in their event. This will push for a greater level of change.
The final stage, the application would be by default installed by partnering up with Google and Apple.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
In one year, with good marketing and endorsements. I believe we would reach over 100 millions. Once it is adopted in the US the rest of the world will follow.
In five years, we would estimate that it would be installed in every smartphone as we would partner with Google and Apple.
Within the first year, the goal is to lunch the app and create a brand with a focus on the following values: scientific, trustworthy, effective, and reliable. The next five years would be maintain our values and innovation by adopting emerging technologies.
We would need to collaborate with CDC to create a guideline for our app. For example, you can reduce the distance suggestion between two people if their risk is low.
The app uses during peaceful time without pandemic.
We would need to collaborate with CDC to create a guideline for our app. For example, you can reduce the distance suggestion between two people if their risk is low.
We can not predict the next pandemic, so we would have to be innovative to be relevant in the market by solving similar issue such as Flu virus, and maybe crime rate.
- Not registered as any organization
We are five team members as founders.
Our team have diverse background from Biomedical, Electrical, Industrial, Software, Instrumentation, and product design. Most of us have experience in both research and industry. Our skills range from healthcare, UX design, management, leadership, IT, FDA regulations, and many more. Finally, our team has people from USA, India, and Saudi Arabia which will help to deploy our app in their region and collaboration with their government.
We are currently supported by MIT through MIT Challenge. They provide mentors and online resources.
As for the business model, we will have two packages. The free package will be a user to a user communication. As for the premium package, it will communicate between a user and a group with extra features. The target of the premium package are institutions and companies.
- Organizations (B2B)
Through selling premium services to large institutions and corporations. A good example is the model used by Zoom.
We really wish for a solution that does not depend on vaccine as this pandemic will not be the last. The app will be a very powerful tool to control the spread of any kind of viruses. With funds, we believe that the next step is reachable.
- Funding and revenue model
A fund would be used to develop the app.
MIT, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard, government agencies, and private sector. A collaboration with Universities comes in form of research. Government agencies for regulations. Private sector for fund and deployment.
Our product is about fighting COVID19 and to limit the spread of this virus.
Our app would using AI algorithm to calculate the risk. Machine learning to update our model. Finally, the app would use available data from multiple sources as an input in our algorithm.
Graduate Student - Biomedical Engineer