- Pre-Seed
GirlsTEK Global is an empowerment platform that helps girls to develop technological & entrepreneurial skills, which will cause them to think, create & solve social problems.
Few women have leading roles in tech-companies. Women of color are vastly underrepresented in the technology industry. Studies show that women of color occupy just 3% in the technology industry. Gender inequality still exists despite the many platforms & campaigns against it.
Educating girls with technological & entrepreneurial skills is the perfect solution. Education as we know is key to success. Educating women can bring about a correlation in social development and economic growth. Educating women improves families & communities as a whole.
GirlsTEK Global is a Nonprofit organization which is out to promote girls in S.T.E.M. (Science Technology Entrepreneurship & Mathematics) and entrepreneurship by equipping & training them with advanced technological & entrepreneurial skills in Africa to emerge as young women who can provide solutions to Africa’s and the world’s social problems through technological innovation thereby impacting others and bringing sustainable growth. At the start, we launched a bootcamp (TECHNOVATION BOOTCAMP) in June 2017, in which we are presently working with fifteen young women. Our bootcamp has a stream of training modules that run for six months intensively. The training modules we use are capacity building program (this module is specially designed to improve on the mindsets of trainees), computer basics, digital marketing, web development & designing (we teach languages our trainees coding from scratch using the following languages: HTML & CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Python/Django). We will also have hackathons before the bootcamp ends; the main purpose of the hackathon is to showcase the abilities and skills of our trainees in web development & designing.
Bridging the gap in technology will go as far as stepping up the world’s economy.
The main problem is gender inequality. Women & girls in developing countries have less access to education & information. They have little knowledge of the importance of technology & how they can use it to solve social problems. Only few women have key roles in technological companies in the world. Many women are unable to get decent jobs.
Investing in educating women can bring about innovation in a community.
Our capacity building program will transform our trainees mindsets and help them merge their skills with technology to bring about change to their communities. They won't just learn how to code but they’ll also learn digital marketing which will help them market their skills and products online, it will also help them to be able to get online jobs, they’ll be able to use social media to earn money and boost up their finances. Empowering a woman in technology makes the woman liable to shape the future.
Our aim is to transform women into highly skilled advanced technological innovators through technological and entrepreneurial education.Our solution will impact girls who join our TECHNOVATION BOOTCAMP to be able to attain economic independence through technology and entrepreneurship. We are targeting girls between the ages of 15-28. It will be of advantage to women, families, communities and the world at large.
our office database and online registration forms - 17 young women presently in our six months TECHNOVATION BOOTCAMP
Track data analysis and insights - An average of 1000 engagements on social media platforms
Track individual interest and application - 3 volunteers and 1 partner ready to support girls and women in STEM
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Female
- Urban
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
We have a unique stream of training modules. Our core focus is to transform girls into advanced technological innovators through technological and entrepreneurial knowledge. Change starts from within. That is why at GirlsTEK Global we start with capacity building program, which helps to transform the mindsets of our trainees to be able to think creatively and help to develop innovative solutions to social problems in their communities and the world at large.
Our solution is human centered because gender equality is attained; because women will be educated and be aware of their rights and contribution to change the society, which is a great opportunity for them to stand up for their rights and contribute to the success of their families and communities.
We will do public sensitization about our TECHNOVATION BOOTCAMP by sharing flyers, posters and brochures both in urban and rural areas. We will also do online campaigns on our websites and all social media platforms we are logged in to.
- 9 (Commercial)
- Non-Profit
- Cameroon
Support from family, friends & business owners. We will apply for funds or request for grants.
- Insufficient space to accommodate many trainees
- Limited funds
- Only few girls have interest in acquiring training in technology due to female stereotypes and negative mindsets.
- Limited training resources like computers (laptops/desktops), STEM kits.
- Instability of electricity supply.
- Poor or low internet connectivity
- lack of Tech expertise
- Lack of professional mentors
- Less than 1 year
- We have already developed a pilot.
- 3-6 months
- Technology Access
- Income Generation
- Bias and Heuristics
- 21st Century Skills
- STEM Education
We are applying to Solve because GirlsTEK Global is a rare platform in our community. To accomplish our mission, we require support to provide affordable training, internet, mentoring and career counseling and investing in innovative research which will better the lives of our young women and girls who are unable to further their education or get decent jobs so that we can to help to close the gender gap in tech.
Our current partner is
The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa (CEL-BMD AFRICA)