Reusable Respirator Mask using UV Light
How is it possible that an N95 mask is helping to protect people from contracting Covid-19 while its filters inside it have pores are at least 20 times larger than a coronavirus ? A N95 mask can definitely block large droplets carrying viruses but it is geometrically unable to block droplets that are smaller than 2 micrometers.
Worse ! even if a N95 mask blocks a virus, it is certainly not killing it and when trapped inside its filters it can still be picked up by a hand after removal from the face.
Our novel mask is the solution to all the worries we described because it uses safe UV radiation to destroy all viruses prior to inhalation. We have built a technology that makes sure air flow is retarded enough and treated by UV radiation multiple times and that is only how people can be safe from contracting viruses.
Covid-19 has impacted the whole world. Economies are seeing their worst downturns since the great depression and without people going back to work safely this crisis will just keep getting worse so it is time to find solutions and quickly. Wearing N95 masks, while it is the only option for safety, they are not a good solution as there are many studies that show that wearing N95 masks does not guarantee protection from Covid-19. In fact, a recent Japanese study demonstrated how aerosols and droplets generated during normal speech between two people spreads even while a person wears a N95 mask. They have shown droplets traveling in the air using laser light and which clearly hints at how easy transmission of viruses happen while wearing these traditional masks.
This mask is a reusable, easy to assemble and maintain respirator mask body that provides much better health and safety benefits than any conventional N95 mask. This mask utilizes ultraviolet radiation to disinfect all air entering its system from the back sides of UV air chambers that are directly connected to a nasal and oral chamber where the wearer inhales clean air. Air first enters the UV chambers statically and via cooling fans powered by a portable battery or traditional batteries. Inside the UV air chambers is where viruses carried by air get destroyed before air makes its way to the nasal and oral chamber. This mask also uses a N95 standard filter as a last filtration stage for the main purpose to capture particles already sterilized and dead by UV radiation, so they are not inhaled but also blocks dust and all particles other than viruses that could cause other health issues or breathing discomforts which will help also with any chronic disease such as Asthma or allergies. I have submitted this invention to the USPTO for patenting.
This mask is definitely designed specifically to protect all people of the world from contracting deadly viruses and it has to be quickly optimized and manufactured so that it immediately become a tool to ensure all first responders, doctors and nurses stay healthy while caring for the staggering and alarming daily numbers of covid-19 cases the world is seeing. Then on a larger scale all people of the world should quickly have one and I have no doubt that all people when they hear about it, will try to get one no matter what because it will become a life saving tool against deadly viruses.
I believe this is intuitive that UV radiation is the way to go to kill viruses. And it is also safe to use because you only need mild radiation to destroy viruses due to their infinitesimal size compared to skin cells. There are studies just published that demonstrate that 222-nm UV lights are enough to destroy viruses while present no harm on skin cells. The mask I am presenting here is designed to further ensure total safety by completely hiding the UV radiation using UV reflective paint and material and very small lamps that only require minimal energy to operate.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new technology
UV Light technology is a proven technology that is the most popular in killing viruses and harmful microorganisms where it is very efficient at the destruction of nucleic acids and their DNAs hence, not allowing them to reproduce or live. One of the misconception about UV radiation is that it can be dangerous to the skin and body. UV lamps used in this present mask are of short wavelengths such as 222 nm and with these short wavelengths UV radiation cannot penetrate dead cell layers meaning they are not going to cause any harm to the human skin while they are very effectively at destroying all airborne viruses due to the fact that viruses are generally very small in size.
Moreover, this mask is intelligently designed to retard air flow while all flowing air is directed through orifices with UV lamps and travels multiple chambers prior to ending up into the oral and nasal chamber. The may innovation in this product is the fact that air isn't treated just once but multiple times to ensure 100% of virus destruction. A study in parallel is conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics to optimize the air flow circulation within the different compartments of the mask while it will ensure that the mask is light, easy to disassemble and maintain, affordable, easy to breath in (via the use of multiple sensors and fans) while it gets the job done.
This mask will have multiple small UV lamps embedded inside Poly-carbonated and impermeable UV walls that work as baffles inside UV chambers, and where air is forced to go through prior to make it to the oral and nasal chamber. These UV walls will be totally removable and replaceable when they reach their end life. All these UV lamps will be operated using traditional batteries or will draw energy from solar power which would be enough to operate them due to their small sizes. There will also be sensors to control the operations of the cooling fans that mix air inside the mask system to ensure great breathing experience which all be operated using traditional batteries and/or solar energy. Sensors that will be used would include a breathing monitoring sensor, a temperature sensor, a capnometer or spirometer.
1- In terms of safety, this mask will use 222-nm UV light which is proven to be totally safe to use and does not present any harm to the skin of the wearer. Please review this study "Germicidal Efficacy and Mammalian Skin Safety of 222-nm UV Light"
2- In terms of comparison with competitors such as the N95 or even N99 masks, this novel technology provides much better health and safety benefits than any conventional N95 or N99 respirator masks which are the only available masks known to be somewhat efficient at keeping viruses and bacteria away from reaching the nose and mouth of its wearer. This mask certainly is designed to destroy virus and not just try to capture them and an N95 can not block droplets smaller than 3 micrometers by design
3- In terms of marketability, this is a mask for all the people in the world, I believe there won't be anyone that wont try to acquire a mask that guarantees total destruction at all time. The plan is to make it safe, and affordable. It will be a reusable and easy to maintain and clean.
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
This mask technology is a game changer because it does not only use UV technology which is proven to be very efficient at destroying viruses but also uses multiple rounds of UV treatment by radiation while also retarding air flow for maximum treatment.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 15. Life on Land
Right now: none
In one year:Serving all doctors, nurses and first responders around America
In 5 years : All the world
Within the next year my goals are:
1- FDA phase 1 and 2 to prove that it is a better tool for Doctors and Nurses around America
2- 1 or 2 peer reviewed publications , mostly computational fluid Dynamics to perfect the design of the mask
3- Within 5 years a billion sales around the globe. I own Inov8f, which is a company that I am building that will provide game changer solutions that would make a difference in keeping the world healthy and able to find better ways to providing clean energy to its citizens
4- Within the next 5 years this mask will be given for free to the most remote and poor people of the world.
The most important barrier is funding this project right now. Because of what this product is, as soon as FDA approves it and it hits the market, I o not believe there will be any financial challenges. This product is meant to be the first generation of masks that would impact the world positively.
I believe that once the prototype is out, and the FDA approves it, there will be a need for marketing initially until all American hospitals start to use it.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
3 inventors right now.
I have a PhD in Water Engineering and always liked innovation.
My partner is a well known inventor who received the one-in-a-lifetime WIPO awards for his work with Water cooling and purification using UV technology. He was recently given the Extraordinary Ability permanent residency because of his achievements and gold medals (his name is Jamel Hanbli, we will provide more details upon request)
We do not have partners other than a professor at the University of Florida that welcomed the idea and told me that he could help with the 3D printing. Nothing is on paper yet.
My customers are all the people of the globe since everyone of us would welcome a mask that would keep them safe during this pandemic.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
In a long term I see no reason not to have financial sustainability.
Associating myself with MIT will be a great boost to the product and will allow me to first get the funding desired and benefit from tools the program has. I realized after I already signed up for a PhD at the University of South Florida that I should have aimed higher and go to MIT but it is not too late to somehow associate with MIT and I hope it would happen.
I believe my partner and I have so much to give the world and this is the program we want to be in.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Marketing, media, and exposure
MIT Faculty and Solve Members would be my favorite groups to work with in developing this solution.
I believe this solution is what we as scientists need to be working on because it is the solution for the future.
This product easily qualifies for Humanity prize because it is intended to save lives especially during pandemics such as Covid-19
My wife Jeanie Saunders is one of the inventors of this mask and I see her as our company's CEO. I personally believe women are the better managers, I see it everyday with how she manages the affairs of my small family and have no doubt that women will play a big part in this project.
This product is created to keep all citizens of the world safe from Covid-19 and future pandemics. But particularly needy people such as refugees ho would have harder times to be given the care they need if they get sick with Covid-19. This product should be provided to them for free. Helping needy people in general is a goal that I want to attain.
This product is suited for UN Sustainable Development goals. What's better goal than helping all the countries of the world proving this solution to save lives. I strongly believe that this project will be welcomed by the UN.
I believe this product is a game changer and will impact not just millions but billions because it is what is needed to protect against Covid-19 and prepare for future pandemics.