The project aims at provision of WASH services to some primary schools of Kasulu, as a way of improving learning environments and reducing illness & deaths related to WASH diseases pupils of the targeted schools. The project will reach more than 6,000 young boys and girls in primary schools, who will direct benefit for clean water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and services.
The idea of the project came, as a result of of the needy assessment carried out by Mydia-Tz. 89% of the respondents said they lack clean water and sanitation facilities.
The project will involve rehabilitation of water points/wells, establishment and training of WatSan committees, construction of (MHM) room/latrine and garbage pits, installation of hand washing facilities, awareness campaigns for hygiene promotion and celebrate the world’s WASH days/events.
The Mydia-Tz’s WASH project officer will lead implementation of the project, in collaboration with the Kasulu town council’s education and health offices.
Only 57% of Tanzania’s populations of 57 million have access to an improved source of safe water, and only 30% of Tanzania’s population has access to improved sanitation. It is estimated that Tanzania spends 70% of its health budget on preventable WASH-related diseases, as the majority of the population does not have access to improved sanitation, and close to half of the population does not have access to clean drinking water. Without adequate WASH facilities, homes, schools and health centers become breeding grounds for diseases that kill children and threaten their ability to grow.
Currently, the UN said the corona virus pandemic could kill 300,000 people in Africa this year, even with assertive government measures to limit social interactions, overcrowded slums with no access to water coupled with fragile health-care systems make the continent especially vulnerable to the disease.
Since the government of Tanzania’s announcement of ‘fee-free education’ in 2015 has caused an infrastructure crisis in learning centers, with primary school enrollment doubling to around 8 million pupils, while number of out-of-school children has decreased.
According to the assessment carried out by Mydia-Tz, 89% of the respondents said they lack clean water and sanitation facilities like toilets and hand washing facilities.
The project aims at promoting quality education through improving good learning environments to 6,000 pupils for 4 schools of Kasulu town council, by provision of WASH services in their respective targeted schools. On the other hand, the project will reduce illness and deaths related to poor WASH services to pupils and teachers/school workers. The intervention will reach four primary schools namely; Kiganamo, Murubona, Juhudi and Mwenge of Kasulu town council, in Kigoma region – Tanzania. The project will involve activities like rehabilitation of water points/wells, establishment and training of WatSan committees, construction of MHM latrine and garbage pits, installation of hand washing facilities, awareness campaigns for hygiene promotion and celebrate the world’s WASH days/events.
Project’s implementation is expected to start from 1st September 2020 to 31st December 2020 (four months).
Direct beneficiaries: More than 6,000 pupils and students from four primary schools (Kiganamo, Murubona, Juhudi and Mwenge) of Kasulu town council.
In-direct beneficiaries: 150 Teachers, other school workers and the surrounding community members
1. Rehabilitation of 4 water points/wells
2. Establish and train 4 WatSan committee in target schools (one committee for every school)
3.Construction of one (MHM) latrine/room at Murubona primary school
4. Construction of 4 Garbage pits
5. Installation and maintenance of 8 Hand washing facilities
6. Provision of cleaning materials (blooms and soap)
7.Training of the WatSan committee members on proper use of Latrines and Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) room/latrine.
8. Awareness campaigns on importance and proper use of Latrines
9. Train some WatSan committee members, as technicians for basic maintenance of Latrines and Hand washing
10.Establishment of Hygiene Promotion Committees, at a school level
11. Awareness campaign on importance of hand washing practices (Production of IEC materials, with Sanitation and Hygiene messages)
12.Celebrate the world’s WASH days;
(a) Global Hand washing day
(b) World Toilet day
13. Train young girls (11- 19) on menstrual hygiene (Training Of Trainers)
14. Distribution of 200 re-usable pads and 200 under wares/pants as a way for menstrual hygiene management to 200 young adolescent girls
Improving good learning_environments and Reduce_death_and_illness related to Water_Sanitation_and_Hygiene diseases in_the_targeted_schools_of Kasulu.
Outcome1.Improved access to and use of sustainable sources of safe water in target schools.
Output: 1.1.School water points constructed or rehabilitated
Output1.2.School management of water points is improved
Outcome 2:Improved access to and use of sanitation facilities among targeted communities
Output 2.1:Sanitation facilities constructed
Output 2.2.Sanitation facility use promoted
Output 2.3:School management of sanitation facilities is improved
Outcome 3:Enhanced practice of safe hygiene and sanitation at schools
Output 3.1Pupils’ knowledge increased on safe hygiene & sanitation
Output 3.2:Pupils' training on safe hygiene and sanitation provided
Output 3.3:Local Community reached through outreach activities.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new application of an existing technology
The project will be implemented by MANLUKU YOUTH DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES TANZANIA (Mydia-tz), through its WASH Project Officer, in collaboration with Kasulu district. The M&E Officer, Logistics officer and Finance officer will work hand_to_hand with the project staff to ensure support for smooth operations of the project activities. Day to day monitoring of the project will be done by Mydia-Tz, in support with the respective schools’ administration and the Kasulu town council’s Education & Environmental health offices. Data collection will be collected through a mobile data collection tool (Kobocollect) for further analysis and reports production.
The Kasulu district office will help in establishment of steering committees with representative of key partners such District Health Officer,Education & Environmental health officer. It will also help teachers, students and PTA(Parents teachers association) to do their own analysis, design, manage and monitor their own improvements using Participatory approach tools and technique.The program will not strive at standards solution but stimulate people to identify and solve their own problem
The primary and secondary schools administration, will help in introduction of locally sustained facilities and not only for water and sanitation but also for general health such as hand wash facilities, soap and towel, facilities for solid waste disposal etc. They will also monitor establishment of wash and sanitation committees in schools.
Funds and procurement will be managed in accordance to Mydia-Tz’s policies, and both progress and financial reports will be produced and shared to the donor, Mydia-Tz’s management and the Kasulu town council through the District Executive Director.
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Peri-Urban
- Low-Income
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
The project will reach more than 6,000 pupils directly,but more than other 12,000 pupils, teachers and community members.
Promoting good living standards to the marginalized youth of Tanzania
Funding challenges
Continue reaching different stakeholders for partnership.
- Nonprofit
11 full time
6 part time
1 consultant
Mydia-tz has qualified professionals in the fields of Education, Health (WASH, SRHR, Nutrition) and development studies.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
1. Individual contributions
2. Reaching different stakeholders/donors
The idea of the project came, because of the needy assessment carried out by Mydia-Tz to assess the challenges and gap that would hinder good learning environments to pupils and students in Kasulu. WASH services in general, came up as a big challenge. 89% of the respondents said they lack clean water and sanitation facilities like toilets and handwashing facilities. As an organization, Mydia-Tz would like to be part in solving some of these challenges to ensure good learning environments to pupils in Kasulu.
The project will involve rehabilitation of water points/wells, establishment and training of WatSan committees, construction of Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) room/latrine and garbage pits, installation of hand washing facilities, awareness campaigns for hygiene promotion and celebrate the world’s WASH days/events.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Other
The Kasulu district office will help in establishment of steering committees with representative of key partners such District Health Officer,Education & Environmental health officer. It will also help teachers, students and PTA(Parents teachers association) to do their own analysis, design, manage and monitor their own improvements using Participatory approach tools and technique.The program will not strive at standards solution but stimulate people to identify and solve their own problem
The primary and secondary schools administration, will help in introduction of locally sustained facilities and not only for water and sanitation but also for general health such as hand wash facilities, soap and towel, facilities for solid waste disposal etc. They will also monitor establishment of wash and sanitation committees in schools. However, the administrations will Sett up and implement participatory monitoring systems on behavioral improvement in SSH.
The local community will actively engage in social development projects, commonly undertaken to ensure sustainability and promote accountability (by empowering citizens to participate in such projects).Yet truly understanding the processes and impact of community engagement and how it is managed is not straightforward, especially within multi-stakeholder partnerships. In addition, such activities tend to offer some form of empowerment for members of the community.
The project aims at promoting quality education through improving good learning environments to 6,000 pupils for 4 schools of Kasulu town council, by provision of WASH services in their respective targeted schools. On the other hand, the project will reduce illness and deaths related to poor WASH services to pupils and teachers/school workers. The intervention will reach four primary schools namely; Kiganamo, Murubona, Juhudi and Mwenge of Kasulu town council, in Kigoma region – Tanzania. The project will involve activities like rehabilitation of water points/wells, establishment and training of WatSan committees, construction of MHM latrine and garbage pits, installation of hand washing facilities, awareness campaigns for hygiene promotion and celebrate the world’s WASH days/events.
Project’s implementation is expected to start from 1st September 2020 to 31st December 2020 (four months).
Head of programs