Wise Emergency Management
1. The problem is deficiencies to responsiveness for a rapidly developing changing situation with multiple fronts. Including these issues: Recognition of a looming problem. Defining the parameters. Defining parties responsible to initiate a response. Defining parties responsible for resourcing materials. Organization and distribution of resources. Reporting of needed resources. Reporting of symptoms, tests, deaths, remedies, and number of hospital beds and staff. Accurate public education. Quality pubic response as self-determined verses enforced. Legally, who is in control of what and by what means?
2. Our solution is our management system. It’s easily adjusted on the fly as top-down managed or mostly flat managed for any evolving situation. Some advantages are: verifications, validations, assessments, linking, resourcing, and easy organization, all ready for broad distribution.
3. Our management system is specifically built for scaling, from individual home owners to continents. Easily duplicate the system to include nations, departments, and institutions.
The problem of managing a pandemic or other broad emergency is siloed management. Each department is waiting on other departments for information, resources and permission to proceed. Even if well organized as separately managed, separations cause delays and confusion every step through the system of silos. It is impossible to well manage a global occurrence as piecemeal. With millions of lives in the balance, we can’t wait for Mr. Sam to file paperwork in City Hall which directs public affairs to issue new protection guidelines in the local newspaper. On our management system, the public became aware of new guidelines three days ago, and statistics on compliance are already coming in.
Our name for our Management system is “Shroom” technology (for Super Holistic Rooms). Shrooms are magic at connecting people with people, and people with data and resources. Shrooms are open organization, meaning what is organized and how is rearranged as needed on the fly. Shrooms are replicated quickly, with each Shroom pointed toward a different population or service. All Shrooms are connected to form a vast management system. Variable access determines who is managing what, whether the White House, State Governors, Mayors, the CDC, or local community groups.
Whom our product serves is any target population. One Shroom will target hospitals, the supply chain serving hospitals, the data coming out of hospitals, and directives going into hospitals. Another Shroom will serve the regulators who want immediate data from all sources, and follow up with procedures for each sector of the populace. Another Shroom will address the public as under the domains of state and city governments. The public will help coalesce data and compliance. The governor and mayors and neighbor states will coordinate responses and resourcing. Another Shroom will invite international coordination, requesting data and resources, and planing ahead for travel disruptions. Another Shroom might be for the pharmaceutical companies willing to coordinate efforts to find cures, manufacturing and distribution. Hospitals and the public will respond to efficacy by way of assessment forms. Any of this is simple to set up, to use, and then replicate.
How to address a pandemic? We don’t know what is coming, how it is spreading, what resources will be needed where, or how intelligent management will permeate through the ranks to specific locations where it is needed most. This uncertainty manifests as panic, confusion, misguided efforts, and missed opportunities to save lives. Alignment means to align with all the above issues. This is a management problem. We have the science, the manufacturing, the communications, the hierarchy of command, the transportation and the desire to restore order and save lives. All that is left is coordinating everything quickly and variously.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new technology
Other management systems may isolate their users, be expensive, use minimal linking functionality, be difficult to use, do not function for various scales of use, and have limited applications because of rigid structures. We reverse all this. Shrooms have pliable structure for varied application at any scale, connecting any users and content, directed to a wide variety of uses, and offered at minimal expense to users or to licensees of the technology.
An example of another management system is Atlassian Jira. It is a sophisticated system targeting teams of programmers. It isolates teams as proprietary efforts. The similarity to Shroom technology is the motion of an agenda from one module to another. There, the similarity ends. Our use of Atlassian Jira was essential for development of Shroom Technology. After almost six years of using Atlassian Jira, we understand using a portion of its functionality and with frequent frustrations.
Shrooms, in comparison, have a homepage personalized to the users needs, with everything right there, and itemized per avatar for the user’s multiple efforts. Help is contextual on each page. Learning is easy... mostly just locate a pertinent question and supply a pertinent answer or comment or link. Add a valuation. The system does the rest.
Open Source .NET Core version 1.1+
Entity Framework Core (Database)
Azure-SQL/Microsoft SQL
Angular 4+/ Webpack for front-end
HTML/CSS (Design)
Visual Studio Community Edition 2017
Azure Storage - store images
SendGrid - email services
The system is hosted on Azure Web services.
Videos are in the banner of the landing page. More videos are on the homepage.
Viewing is permitted to anyone. Create a free membership to enter content using one or two avatars. Apply content as articles in the Lounge Matrix. There may be a coupon available for free Basic Membership allowing content anywhere on the site. Gold members use unlimited avatars. Promo members promote content for business related efforts. These business memberships function just the same as personal memberships. The reason for this is that business and public (and government) will work hand in hand for collaborative efforts improving society.
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
To my knowledge, we are the first to employ “collective intelligence” as practical means for broad agenda at any scale, organized personally, organized as varied intelligence, and organized for practical outcomes. As a new technology, what impact may occur in behalf of saving lives or as other effects?
The answer is likely extreme impact with many lives spared. We enable a shift from a stalled society to a mobilized society, and a shift from a complacent society to a responsible society. This is because Shroom technology empowers collective action through resourcing the collective intelligence. This is the power of synergy. As when came the announcement that we would go to the moon, many people can coordinate to meet a high demand. Meeting the high demands of a pandemic, and quickly, happens through Shroom technology. Society is about to discover yet again how powerful we are as a collective effort.
- Middle-Income
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- United States
Currently serving only a handful of users. After new coding is implemented in the coming months we will be pulling for users as memberships.
Currently the system is also for sale as licensed. Networked, licensees are a collaborative effort with WorldWisePeople to develop the technology. The number of licensees will easily be in the thousands, each with a number of users, probably thousands if not millions of users each.
Regarding response to a pandemic, yes, we need a current response, and we need to evolve the current response in preparation for future large scale pandemics and other threats. We can begin this year using Shroom technology to organize data from the public, tracking any resurgence. Once vaccines are available, then we can track vaccinations and efficacy. Also this year, one or several institutions may organize on Shrooms such that departments are collaborating in behalf of structured responses resourcing information and materials. A few real-life examples of Shroom efficiency will inspire others to get on board.
Who will be on board Shrooms in five years? Preferably everyone. The public should be on Shrooms reporting locally and acting collectively. Government entities can be on Shrooms as state entities, cities, and as Washington DC. Agencies of all types may be coordinating efforts. The businesses response will be integral with all the above. An emergency will be managed much differently, with knowledge shared and evaluated quickly, with resources allocated efficiently, with the hierarchy of players acting collaboratively.
Funding is slowing us down, but is not a firm barrier. Knowledge and support are our greater needs. Moneys will help secure these. Volunteer support is also welcome.
Needed is a board of directors and staffing. We need knowledge for operating as a business internationally, and Knowledge for operating as platforms on the internet. We need brokers to assist the sales of licenses. We need licensees. We need to expand advertising.
We want licensees primarily as networked, as oppose to private operations. This is because the Shroom Network will share code maintenance and development.
We presume the deployment of satellite systems for internet will mean that Shroom technology will be within reach of many more populations.
Addressing the need of a board and possibly volunteers, we are making use of the Shroom system to begin covering these needs. Anyone reading this, anyone involved in MIT Solve, may indicate their interests on iAmSapien.com. Just search “WWP” and choose the appropriate question regarding a board, regarding volunteering, or regarding other services that show up, such as signing a broker agreement or deciding on a license to own a Shroom. Our payment system accepts donations. Better yet, purchase a membership.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Myself as owner.
Contracted with Renet for programming, team of 6.
Contracted with 7 support people locally.
We are successful putting together 1.5 million lines of code. The result is a complex system, simply presented, revolutionary in its ability to evolve society.
Shroom technology delivers value to society in a number of ways due to a systematized approach. Foremost is the value of connection. We are redefining connection. Perhaps people today feel connected when posting to a media platform or turning on the news. We think we are connecting when sending mail or attending a meeting. Yet these interactions are passing. Content is fleeting. Meaning is not organized under values. Any understanding is lost in the storm of information that is daily life. On Shrooms all this changes as people connect in behalf of meaning and extended relations and productive outcomes. Knowledge becomes wisdom becomes action. Any proactive action. This is the greater value.
Income is by why of memberships and by way of licensing the platform. Due to the range of possible uses, it is easy to visualize tens of thousands of platforms serving communities large and small globally.
- Organizations (B2B)
Our finances will come from selling licenses and memberships. Donations are welcomed.
WorldWisePeople needs mentoring, information, finances and participation.
We need mentoring to establish business practices appropriate for international licensing of web platforms. We welcome information and ideas how this works best. Additional funding will speed the process. Funding is needed for a board and a staff and offices. We welcome volunteers in this project and hope they become part of the paid team. Other valuable participation will be licensees with their own teams of programmers who contribute to code development and maintenance.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
I am a good listener. I welcome advice to create and operate a large company. Needed are people to manage day to day affairs and oversight. Participation will develop as managed on our own platform.
Help with the business model will include management of platforms internationally.
Help with solution technology includes licensees networked to work together.
Product distribution includes brokers of the licenses.
A revenue model includes pricing of licenses.
Talent recruitment includes replacing myself as inventor.
We need board members, especially those familiar with regulations related to operation of web platforms.
We have a start on marketing but need to get this off the ground.
I am interested in partnering with those supportive of the empowerment and responsibility that Shroom technology will bring to the world. I do not have specific information about partnerships.