Technology Backed Healthcare
Primary health care (products ,services service delivery system) is the first point of contact between a community and its country’s health system. The World Bank estimates that 90% of all health needs can be met at the primary health care level.Investing to build quality, accessible and equitable primary health care services is the most practical first step .
Our Ultimate Proposal is : Non-profit and profit joint venture named SASTOBAZAR LTD
A. (1st phase) E-commerce for primary health care.
B. ( 2nd Phase)Franchise system for common branding and direct access to the products in own location.
This is very all time necessary service for primary health care . Making aware with education picking right information for communities ,using right communication tools and service delivery are key of SASTOBAZAR e-commerce. Pandemic like Covid-19 again alerted us why education through right information needed and products like hand sanitizer ,gloves, emergency supply required.
A very informal survey inspired me to prepare a report on health information ,communication with product supply based institutional framework development. ( the report title was Emergency Primary Health care Information& Communication: A Sustainable Program Development For Bangladesh).
(a). To identify the informative interventions on public health issues which will help to bring about behavioral change of mass people .
(b). To select products & services and delivery systems to provide at community level for long term basis on primary health care.
WE observed higher level Degree of Information Consciousness (DIC) among those who bear the considerable characteristics mentioned below:
We found 21% respondent are at satisfactory level of DIC.
SASTOMELA (Primary Health Care Products Fair) an another initiative:
We decided to arrange a mela(exhibition) filter .We added some products should be needed for general all conscious people as primary care. Attendance was very poor and response clearly shown the poor consciousness comparing with the global awareness level.
Project goals :
a)Uses improved technologies & bring E-commerce method to primary health care. b) Promote non-discrimination/equity of access c) Ensure local/community-level engagement through entrepreneurship under franchise system.
Project Solution is :
a)Uses improved technologies & bring E-commerce method to primary health care. b) Promote non-discrimination/equity of access c) Ensure local/community-level engagement through entrepreneurship under franchise system.
SATOBAZAR LTD a permanent and unique organization in private sector in primary health care.
Our ultimate target to establish a permanent organization for the purpose which would serve country wide as a social venture. So, foreign ,national investors, development partners will be sought in the mean time .
That will be non-profit + profit venture named SASTOBAZAR LTD.
Thousands of development organizations have gone online in the past five years, having realized the importance of the Internet for the exchange and distribution of information. With the rise in e-commerce activities over the Internet, and the subsequent decline in development aid over the past five years, development organizations may be able to tap into this new business modality to offset their operating costs. Exponential growth of internet population and utilization of its potentials in various sectors induce Bangladesh to be connected with information super highway, thus performing business and transactions over internet has become easier particularly for B2B sector.
Our target is to prepare young dependency group to be smart, well conscious citizen for future. They will prepare a well set home by knowing all kinds of emergency health information and by availing basic health care products and services . SASTOBAZAR will be one and first of such kind initiative in Bangladesh. Youth dependency ration is 44.9% and elderly dependency ration is 7.7% .We believe if young group we can prepare for future in health care (i.e to keep free covid -19) then the elder group will be safe. On the other hand 65+ age group will also be under more effective care.
On the other hand Bangladesh now Asia, s 5th top internet using country. availability rate now 55.8%.
94.1% household in urban areas and 85.2% in rural areas are connected with mobile phone who can use either internet or mobile apps.
Our support covers under two(2) way systems:
B. Franchise
E-commerce system will cover city and town people mainly .
But franchise system is mainly for rural or urban community who are not familiar with e-commerce support. Another benefit is franchise system is quick delivery point. that,s why any emergency needs can be met through franchise.
On the other hand Bangladesh now Asia, s 5th top internet using country. availability rate now 55.8%.
94.1% household in urban areas and 85.2% in rural areas are connected with mobile phone .
Our support covers under two(2) way systems:
Awareness through communication.
E-commerce system will cover city and town people mainly (through internet or mobile apps).
But franchise system is mainly for rural or urban community who are not familiar with e-commerce support. Another benefit is franchise system is quick delivery point. that,s why any emergency needs can be met through franchise.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new business model or process
To do continuous work on this issue earlier described we need a sustainable and profit able business model which is commercially viable. SASTOBAZAR has proposed doing a field level study on primary health care information gap, what kind communication materials we need and what type institution we require for a permanent solution.
To do all those for long duration we need a proper profit making sustainable business model.
•Primary advice available without cost.
• Order possible through online
•Easy to avail one stop service through franchise who are not using online purchase system.
•Price competitive and discount option available
•Market expansion we desire 30% minimum per year through our online services. So, one stop service receiver will grow.
•Quality products only will be added in product list.
•Complete social business so social commitment ensured.
•We are most careful in products selection so, no fraud offer will be available here.
•Initial social and market feasibility assessed ( in limited space)
•No other service providers provides tips on primary health care or nutrition,fitness.
•Other service does not provide newsletter service.
@ Quick service at emergency period like Covid -19 threat to deliver hand sanitizer,hand wash, mask or any other products.
@Social responsible fund creation.
Considering all above factors we think our solution is innovative.
Online Shop through E-commerce site:
Thousands of development organizations have gone online in the past five years, having realized the importance of the Internet for the exchange and distribution of information. With the rise in e-commerce activities over the Internet, and the subsequent decline in development aid over the past five years, development organizations may be able to tap into this new business modality to offset their operating costs. Exponential growth of internet population and utilization of its potentials in various sectors induce Bangladesh to be connected with information super highway, thus performing business and transactions over internet has become easier particularly for B2B sector.
Our support covers under two(2) way systems:
B. Franchise
E-commerce system will cover city and town people mainly who are or any family members are familiar with e-commerce system.
But franchise system is mainly for rural or urban community who are not familiar with e-commerce support. Another benefit is franchise system is quick delivery point. that,s why any emergency needs can be met through franchise.
Under this mechanism ethnic difference, minority difference, rural-urban difference ,young-aged difference, literate- illiterate difference tried to minimize.
Bangladesh now Asia, s 5th top internet using country. availability rate now 55.8%.
94.1% household in urban areas and 85.2% in rural areas are connected with mobile phone.
Some other sources say 50% rural young people hold android phone who can use our android apps..
It entails the use of the internet in the marketing, identification, payment and delivery of goods and services. At present internet facilities are available in Bangladesh. Slowly, but steadily these facilities are holding a strong position in every aspects of our life. E-commerce is one of those sectors which need more attention if we want to be a part of global business. Bangladesh is far-far away to adapt the main stream of e-commerce application. On the other hand Bangladesh now Asia,s 5th top internet using country. availability rate now 55.8%.
According to survey conducted by BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) “ICT use and Access by Individuals and households in Bangladesh 2013” .
94.1% household in urban areas and 85.2% in rural areas are connected with mobile phone.
Some other sources say 50% rural young people hold android phone
This is way mentioned below we want to start as first phase an online shop. This shop will cover city, town, village based people quickly. It is easy to understand rural people will take the advantage online shop slowly. For them the franchise system will be most fruitful. But will increase the acceptance rate day by day specially new young generation.
- Software and Mobile Applications
Our target is to prepare young dependency group to be smart, well conscious citizen for future. They will prepare a well set home by knowing all kinds of emergency health information and by availing basic health care products and services . SASTOBAZAR will be one and first of such kind initiative in Bangladesh. Youth dependency ration is 44.9% and elderly dependency ration is 7.7% .We believe if young group we can prepare for future in health care then the elder group will be safe. On the other hand 65+ age group will also be under more effective care.
urban population: 35.8% of total population (2017) rate of urbanization: 3.19% annual rate of change (2015-20 est.)
Major cities- population:
DHAKA (capital) 17.598 million; Chittagong 4.539 million; Khulna 1.022 million; Rajshahi 844,000 (2015)
There is no doubt that Bangladesh is going to be a big market of primary health care market and there is no strong institution in public and private sector to provide real just time delivery service and genuine selected products.
SASTOBAZAT LTD as non-profit and profit joint venture has proposed to meet the gap.
If SASTOBAZAR comer operation in the Bangladesh market we simply can expect national and foreign investment will response to work with us. Many other importers and supplier will join to include their products and services.
We have already gave our concentration to build up a framework of this business model. We found of U.S.A is a model for us. So, we do hope many avenues will be created . Quantity of product and services, volume of sales, national investment and or foreign investment.
E-commerce: E-commerce is widely used in performing B2B operations in different part of the world. Copping up the ongoing threats and opportunities Bangladesh’s business organization`s should comply with the advancement.
Franchising is simply a method for expanding business and distributing goods and services through a licensing relationship. an U.S based company is our ideal form of e-commerce business. They have also franchise business . so, is a strong evidence which matching with our objectives.
- Elderly
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Bangladesh
MATRIX: For first two(2) years:
Along with non profit partner Water & essential(WE) Organization some individual or institutional investors will be sought to establish the permanent institution in primary health care services with education using different communication tools.
A Team is set for right information pick and communication material development. Proper using different media,
Right product selection and contact with manufacturer and supplier inside the country and overseas manufacturer.
Out put -4: E-commerce SERVICE STARTED:
Tender call for better software development and after development operation started.
Activity: A recruited team will work but young entrepreneurs preference.
Activity: Advertisement for Expression of Interest (EOI) invitation.
Activity: Selection according to selection procedure and criteria.
(Next 3 years in fact a quantitative expansion.)
Water & Essential(WE) the lead organization is registered in a remote area of Bangladesh. The organization is new thinking organization and find the new ,innovative project fit for 21th century. This projects are world class and replicable anywhere in the world. We try to keep the space to make available the products and or services to the common people.
At first we collect data and then world class literature to prepare project/business(SASTOBAZAR LTD) model.
From our own source we have prepared a study report name” Emergency Primary Health care Information& Communication:
A Sustainable Program Development For Bangladesh.”
We expended a handsome amount of money. We found awareness level was poor.
Then we arranged a SASTOMELA(primary health care products exhibition) which is rare arrangement in Bangladesh. We have given lot of efforts to collect the products.Participation was low that means community people are unaware.
As small organization we have many limitations but we try to give our best to project model development. We try to be innovative and maintain the quality as many as possible.
There is no doubt that MIT fund at this stage is very must catalytic for us. The project will find the highway for more support from other institutions and investors .Next five years we will try to cover young part of population under our program and we will overcome the awareness level limitations and population participation barriers through right information and communication tools use.
We earlier mentioned that we have lack of proper information storage ,transform the information into education is another weakness. We need a quality stuff to find the proper information on primarily health care and transform those to mass people using right communication materials.
On the other hand a strong foundation based institution is also needed to do the work.
In phase on we have set up our programs to over come the barriers. Though this is time consuming.
Along with non profit partner Water & essential(WE) Organization some individual or institutional investors will be sought to establish the permanent institution in primary health care services with education using different communication tools.
- Nonprofit
Two(2) persons
We set our work plans and we are involved so many years on primary health information and emergency period support. We have a field survey report and practical experience The project matrix given below. So we think we are best team.
MATRIX: For first two(2) years:
Along with non profit partner Water & essential(WE) Organization some individual or institutional investors will be sought to establish the permanent institution in primary health care services with education using different communication tools.
A Team is set for right information pick and communication material development. Proper using different media,
Right product selection and contact with manufacturer and supplier inside the country and overseas manufacturer.
Out put -4: E-commerce SERVICE STARTED:
Tender call for better software development and after development operation started.
Activity: A recruited team will work but young entrepreneurs preference.
Activity: Advertisement for Expression of Interest (EOI) invitation.
Activity: Selection according to selection procedure and criteria.
(Next 3 years in fact a quantitative expansion.)
To do continuous work on this issue we need a sustainable and profit able business model which is commercially viable. SASTOBAZAR has proposed doing a field level study on primary health care information gap, what kind communication materials we need and what type institution we require for a permanent solution.
To do all those for long duration we need a proper profit making sustainable business model.
•Primary advice available without cost.
• Oder possible at through online
•Easy to avail one stop service through franchise who are not using online purchase system.
•Price competitive and discount option available
•Market expansion we desire 30% minimum per year through our online services. So, one stop service receiver will grow.
•Quality products only will be added in product list.
•Commplete social business so social commitment ensured.
•We are most careful in products selection so, no froud offer will be available here.
•Intial social and market feasibilty assessed ( in limited space)
•No other service provide tips on primary health care or nutrition,fitness.
•Other service does not provide newsletter service.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our ultimate target to establish a permanent organization for the purpose which would serve country wide as a social venture. So, foreign ,national investors, development partners will be sought in the mean time .
That will be non-profit + profit venture named SASTOBAZAR LTD.
There is no doubt that Bangladesh is going to be a big market of primary health care market and there is no strong institution in public and private sector to provide real just time delivery service and genuine selected products.
SASTOBAZAT LTD as non-profit and profit joint venture has proposed to meet the gap.
If SASTOBAZAR comer operation in the Bangladesh market we simply can expect national and foreign investment will response to work with us. Many other importers and supplier will join to include their products and services.
We have already gave our concentration to build up a framework of this business model. We found of U.S.A is a model for us. So, we do hope many avenues will be created . Quantity of product and services, volume of sales, national investment and or foreign investment.So,we believe the model will bring financial stability.
We develop project MATRIX and SWOT analysis of every project. Projects must not create gender, ethnic ,locality discrimination . Our projects must have world investors community acceptance and replicable any where in the world or suitable places in the world.
Usually our projects or business models are capable have the potential to come out from donor dependency within three(3) phases funding from donors.
E-commerce business has been now million dollar business all over world .But a few has used the opportunity in development sector services. Development sector always touch the untouched people and untouched issues. Primary health care & products availability is always key question in modern society. It depends on information flow to them ,instant tips ,basic education through message. On the other hand you need products selection , genuine manufacturer ,availability using modern technology & innovative supply chain and management system.
We have conducted a survey titled Emergency Primary Health Information& Communication: A Sustainable Program Development For Bangladesh.
We prepared then the proposal giving to you. Here we tried to support people developing a E-commerce platform. As well as a supply chain system we have developed to purchase product directly under a social business model .So, We are confident about the effectiveness of our business model that,s why we are looking for funds.
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Marketing, media, and exposure
We earlier mentioned that we have lack of proper information storage ,transform the information into education is another weakness. We need a quality stuff to find the proper information on primarily health care and transform those to mass people using right communication materials.
On the other hand a strong foundation based institution is also needed to do the work.
To provide more effective information services it is important to identify the initial state of the problem (i,e information needs) ; the goal of the user ( i,e the objective of information seeking ) and information seeking processes, both mental and physical, of the user.
The collection, storage and transmission of information with no result is not effective communication. So partnership with information experts,communication experts,e-commerce,franchise training we need.
consultants from MIT or other sources,communication and information experts,e-commerce experts,franchise experts,supply chain management experts. Institution like USA ,training for human resources institutions we need with us to run smoothly.
Primary health care(PHC) (products ,services service delivery system) is the first point of contact between a community and its country’s health system. The World Bank estimates that 90% of all health needs can be met at the primary health care level. Investment in primary health care is a cost-effective investment for Primary health care(PHC) – it helps reduce the need for more costly, complex care by
preventing illness and promoting general health. Investing to build quality, accessible and equitable primary health care services is the most practical, efficient and effective first step for countries. working to deliver PHC.This business model is a sustainable model and effective for primary and public health care with products and services.
Understanding how much is being spent on PHC is not straightforward – variations in national budget design, service packages and delivery mean that
country level research is essential.
Differences in health outcomes between countries spending similar amounts and evidence of impressive gains with health spending as low as $40 per capita.
Health spending targets have been framed in a range of ways. 2017 modeling by WHO set a price tag on achieving the SDG health targets at $271 per person in low- and middle-income countries, each year. Based on WHO calculations, Chatham House now recommends that countries spend 5% of GDP or at least $86 per person on essential health services each year, most of which are provided at the primary health care level.So we think we are qualified.
Our target is to prepare young dependency group to be smart, well conscious citizen for future. They will prepare a well set home by knowing all kinds of emergency health information and by availing basic health care products and services . SASTOBAZAR will be one and first of such kind initiative in Bangladesh. Youth dependency ration is 44.9% and elderly dependency ration is 7.7% .We believe if young group we can prepare for future in health care then the elder group will be safe. On the other hand 65+ age group will also be under more effective care
Inequalities in health outcomes between rural and urban areas, genders, and people of different economic status and levels of education high light the need for more differential budgeting. This is necessary to inform efforts to expand services
and financial protection – in order to improve access, equity and utilization of services for PHC.• Total health expenditure in Bangladesh amounts to just $37 per person each year. This falls far short of the $86 per person or 5% of GDP that Chatham House recommends spending on primary health care. Although health expenditure as a proportion of total government expenditure is relatively high at 23%, it has decreased from37% 20 years ago (1997).• Out-of-pocket payments are a major barrier to access for marginalized groups. Health costs account for 22% of economic shocks for households.83 Bangladesh has one of the highest out-of-pocket spending rates in the world, with 67% of total health expenditure met by private households.84 This is more than triple the recommended maximum 20% that out-of-pocket payments should contribute to health expenditure.
When arsenic was burning issue of south Asia including Bangladesh the organization decided to conduct a survey to measure the consciousness of mass people on the issue. The title was Emergency Primary Health Information& Communication: A Sustainable Program Development For Bangladesh.
Quality information should be accurate and clear to the user. Arsenic itself is neither a disease nor germ. The study show 85.71% of the respondent do not know about the nature of arsenic (who listened the name of arsenic). 21.42% respondent are know about the permissible level of arsenic contamination.
Through are information may not be sufficient to face safely the danger, but it can show the reality of awareness level in general.
WE observed higher level Degree of Information Consciousness (DIC) among those who bear the considerable characteristics mentioned below:
We found 21% respondent are at satisfactory level of DIC.
SASTOMELA (Primary Health Care Products Fair) an another initiative:
We decided to arrange a mela(exhibition) on such product like purification filter .We added some other products should be needed for general all conscious people as primary care. We exhibited diabetics checker,spirulina (tablets, capsule), mushrooms, herbal hair oils ,natural beauty capsule. Attendance was very poor and response clearly shown the poor consciousness comparing with the global awareness level.
Project goals :
a)Uses improved technologies & bring E-commerce method to primary health care. b) Promote non-discrimination/equity of access c) Ensure local/community-level engagement through entrepreneurship under franchise system.
SATOBAZAR LTD a permanent and unique organization in private sector of Bangladesh is coming to 150 million people market
Our ultimate target to establish a permanent organization for the purpose which would serve country wide as a social venture. So, foreign ,national investors, development partners will be sought in the mean time .
That will be non-profit + profit venture named SASTOBAZAR LTD.
Our innovation more effective at solving the problem than other available options?
Online Shop through E-commerce site:
Thousands of development organizations have gone online in the past five years, having realized the importance of the Internet for the exchange and distribution of information. With the rise in e-commerce activities over the Internet, and the subsequent decline in development aid over the past five years, development organizations may be able to tap into this new business modality to offset their operating costs. Exponential growth of internet population and utilization of its potentials in various sectors induce Bangladesh to be connected with information super highway, thus performing business and transactions over internet has become easier. Over all factors i.e.humanity,sustainability,effectiveness, SDG goals,future generation services we are qualified for consideration.

Chief Executive Officer