Numbers AI Mobility Health care
Good healthcare system in rural communities in
sub-Saharan Africa has been neglected for so long. An average rural communities
in Nigeria has a population of more than 5 thousand people, this people are
dying from curable diseases such as malaria, pneumonia and typhoid fever, etc. Some
rural communities in Nigeria don’t have any healthcare system, and the ones who
do have at most one health center, which cannot effectively respond to such
Our solution uses Artificial Intelligence and mobile medical imaging technologies to bring good and affordable health care system to every family in every community in Nigeria. By providing diagnosis and medications on the spot.
our service to rural communities is free, we make money from pharmaceutical companies by administering their brand medications while helping them reduce competition, we also make money from hospitals located in nearby community, while acting as their emergency respond unit.
We are solving the problem of inadequate healthcare facilities, centers and medical doctors to diagnose and treat infection in rural communities of Nigeria.
According to the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) Nigeria has five hospital beds per 10,000 population with a combine total of 23,640 public and private hospitals across the country.
A typical community in Nigeria has a population of 5 thousand people, with an average of 1 hospitals. This means one hospital is delivering health care service to 5 thousand people which is overwhelming, considering the number of screening, diagnosis and treatment to be done, not alone given the patients the care and attention they need is just impossible.
People then resolve to self diagnosis and self-medication
There have not been any solution put forward to address this problem. But we believe there have to be another way to bring good health care system that is quicker, faster, cheaper and easily available at all time to the people living in rural communities.
Our solution is an Artificial intelligence embedded mobile medical imaging machines such as x-ray, pregnancy scanner, Blood pressure machine, Stethoscope etc, to provide healthcare system to people living in rural villages that cannot afford good healthcare.
This solution provide early detection of Lassa fever, tuberculosis, Pneumonia, malaria, breast cancer etc using Machine Learning. Which also help to monitor the spread of various infection in rural villages.
Our solution comes with a desktop application interface, where the scanned image is uploaded and diagnose with immediate result. The overall time frame from scanning to diagnosis is 5 minutes giving us the possibility of achieving all in one mobility healthcare.
Our AI uses machine learning with deep neural networks and computer vision trained with thousands of dataset of medical imaging of various infections gathered from Nigeria Centre for Disease control (NCDC) and Nigeria ministry of health, with additional datasets from Stanford and Kaggle.
Our x-ray and other medical imaging and reading machine are portable devices modified to transfer data directly to the AI to diagnose with immediate result.
Our solution is for rural villages lacking good health care system. This people die from different diseases that are easily curable, such as malaria, pneumonia, Typhoid. With our AI mobility health care system, we can set district channels that will routinely visit every home and every family, diagnosing different diseases on the spot and providing medications.
This will save millions of lives from dying of various curable diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid fever, Pneumonia etc. and also provide early detection of incurables diseases such as cancer, Lassa fever, and Covid-19.
This solution is a breakthrough rural healthcare system that will save millions of lives of different tribes, religion and economic background.
The number of people dying from Malaria and the spread of infectious disease such as Lassa fever, tuberculosis tells us that communities in Nigeria lacks appropriate measure to control disease outbreaks and to diagnose, isolate and treat patient.
With the nature and lifestyle of rural dwellers, a solution is required to help this people survive and respond to outbreaks and pandemics. This is where our innovation fits into this challenge, because it will help this community control infections and adequately respond to future outbreaks by providing diagnosis, data, early detection & treatment in the case of incurable diseases.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new application of an existing technology
Many health care system in Nigeria are localized in a given area. One of the challenges with this is that with increase number of populations in a given community and limited number of hospitals, localize health care systems are eventually overwhelmed due to limited number of doctors, resources and equipment as a result of population rise or highly contagious disease outbreaks.
Our solution is an artificial intelligence diagnostic mobile health care system design to bring healthcare to every family, in every street across every village in all communities in Nigeria. Our innovation distinguishes itself from localize health care system in the following ways.
1. Number of Doctors.
Sometimes there are no available doctors to diagnose or treat a specific type of illness. This where our solution can help. It use Machine learning currently trained to diagnose 15 different medical conditions in less than 5 minutes therefore solving the problems of limited doctors.
2. Medical imaging device
Most medical imagine devices such as x-ray, scanners and microscopes are used in localize hospitals are not mobile. Limiting flexibility of use. Our medical imaging devices are mobile and portable and can easily be transported for home diagnosis.
3. Availability of testing Kits
Most viral infections are diagnoses with (RT-PCR) the challenge sometime is the availability of testing reagents, diagnostic time frame and cost. Our solution can be use for wild screening.
4. Availability of Hospitals.
Our solution is mobile which provide health care to homes even in a community without a hospital.
Our solution uses various portable existing medical equipment, the difference is that we were able modified some of this equipment to transfer data directly to the software.
For example our stethoscope is modified to transmit pulse and heart beat signals to our AI software for diagnosis via USB Drive[discuss with Daniel on this]. The following highlight some of this technology.
1. Software
Our software uses Deep learning and computer vision to study patterns in x-ray imaging and scanners etc. from various infections and diagnose with immediate result. Our algorithm was developed by our AI team using Python programming language with Tensorflow Keras.
2. Mobile medical imaging Devices.
Our medical imaging devices are mobile and portable designed by and a third party company in the united states. Most of this devices are analogue and we were to modified them to wirelessly transmit data to our software. Our AI then interprets the results from this devices.
Our solution diagnosis different medical conditions, most importantly we will providing evidence of Covid-19 diagnosis with our solution.
Provided below is the link of the demo of our solution and supporting academic papers.
- Heng Menga , Rui Xionga , Ruyuan Hea , Weichen Lina , Bo Haoa , Lin Zhanga , Zilong Lua , Xiaokang Shena , Tao Fana , Wenyang Jianga , Wenbin Yang b , Tao Li b , Jun Chenb , Qing Geng. CT imaging and clinical course of asymptomatic cases with COVID-19 pneumonia at admission in Wuhan, China. 7 April 2020.
- Zhiliang Hu, Ci Song, Chuanjun Xu, Guangfu Jin, Yaling Chen , Xin Xu2 , Hongxia Ma, Wei Chen5 , Yuan Lin6 , Yishan Zheng7 , Jianming Wang2 , Zhibin Hu, Yongxiang & Hongbing ShenClinical. Characteristics of 24 asymptomatic infections with COVID-19 screened among close contacts in Nanjing, China, accepted March 3, 2020.
- Gianluca Maguolo, Loris Nanni, A Critic Evaluation of Methods for COVID-19 Automatic Detection from X-Ray Images.
- Enzo Tartaglione, Carlo Alberto Barbano, Claudio Berzovini, Marco Calandri, and Marco Grangetto, Unveiling COVID-19 from Chest X-ray with deep learning: a hurdles race with small data
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
Our daily activities involves providing good and affordable health care to rural communities. our immediate output is to diagnose infections and offer treatment to families in this communities.
Short Term Outcome
- Early treatment of curable diseases such as malaria, pneumonia and typhoid fever etc.
- Early detection and treatment of incurable diseases such as breast cancer, glaucoma, etc.
- Early detection of Contagious disease and prevention of infectious outbreak such Lassa fever, Covid-19, Ebola etc.
Medium Term Outcomes
- Reduce death from curable disease
- Reduce death from preventable disease
- Reduce death in child labor
- Eradicating diseases
- Eradicate long impact illness
Long Term Outcome
- Improved health
- Improve education
- Improve life expectancy
- Improve positive lifestyle and general well being
- Improve economic growth
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Nigeria
- Ghana
- Nigeria
Due to the emergency of the covid-19 pandemic, our solution is currently being used for majorly diagnosing covid-19 and to monitors its spread. Currently we are serving just two hospitals in Nigeria, helping to screen for covid-19 virus.
In year one we plan on serving two separate communities diagnosing and screening 15 infections. We estimated to diagnose and treat 100 families per day. A single family in Nigeria has average number of five people. In year one alone we would directly impact 91,250 lives
In year two to five, we plan to set up our mobile healthcare system in 200 additional communities and increase the number of infection to be diagnose to 400. If we maintain 50 families per one mobile health care system, we would will be able to diagnose and treat 18,251,460 people.
Our goals for year one to five is to impact 18 Million lives by diagnosing different illness providing medications to people living in rural communities. We aim to achieve this by
1. Replicating our Numbers AI mobility health care system to 200 units. Each unit system contains mobile x-ray, stethoscope, scanners and medications etc with a laptop containing our software. This mobile system will serve 200 communities independently and operate simultaneously.
2. Partner with nearby hospitals for emergency evacuation.
3. Partner with pharmaceutical companies to administer drugs to treat infections
4. Secure series A and B investment rounds of 15 Million dollars to expand our community outreach
5. Go IPO to expand beyond Nigeria.
Our vision is to bring Numbers AI Mobility Health care for all Rural Communities of the world.
1. Governmental approval & Licensing
To achieve our AI Mobility Health care system for rural communities, Our company we will need an approval from government agencies such as the Nigeria Ministry of Health to license our technologies and approaches.
2. Doctors
We are currently a team of 20 with 6 AI Scientists, 3 software developers, 2 Virologist, 5 medical doctors, 1 microbiologist, and 2 biochemist and 2 entre. We will need more doctors, practitioners, nurses and volunteers to make this possible. Per mobile healthcare we will 2 Doctors, 2 nurses and 1 computer scientists.
3. Equipment
We are currently limited with finance to purchase a complete equipment
4. Dataset
Our solution is centered around Data, we currently have limited dataset for diagnosing diseases, but we have powerful strategy of how this can be archieve.
1. Governmental Approval & License
We plan to get a governmental license through the clinical trials of our solutions
2. Doctors
With the number of team we have we can fully operate in a one community, but as we make progress and generate revenue we will expand to more communities and recruit more doctors.
3. Equipment
We plan to secure an investment to purchase equipment and expand our solution.
4. Data
First, we begin by gathering dataset from open source domains, secondly we will gather data from our partnership with Nigeria Ministry of Health. finally, our work is a field work so as we begin community outreach in the process of diagnosing and treating patients - Huge dataset will be collected in this process.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
none for now
Full Time Staff
- Derick Nwasor
- Eloghosa Ikponmowba
- Doctor Prize
- Doctor Deborah
- Andrew
- Joy Egbe
- Onyedeinfa Okora
- Richard Adejumo
We have a diverse team of medical practioners, AI scientist etc, data scientists, virologist, physicist etc. with academic background in Medicine, Virology, Computer science and Physics with skills in Deep learning, Data science, software development, medical electronics and IOT. Below are our team members why they uniquely qualified to grow our company
1. Derick Nwasor
- Academic Background: Physics
- Skills: Deep Learning, Cloud Computing
- About: Derick Nwasor is a visionary scientists & entrepreneur, developing ground breaking projects and concepts in AI, Genetic engineering etc focused on bringing advance tech to rural villages..
2. Eloghosa Ikponmwoba
- Academic Background: Mechanical Engineering
- Skills: Software development, Machine Learning
- About: Eloghosa is first class graduate of Mechanical engineering, awarded with as the best innovative student in faculty of Engineering.
3. Doctor Prize
- Academic Background: Medicine and Surgery
- Skills: Data science & Statistics
- About: Dr Prize is license medical doctor with working experience in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
4. Andrew
- Academic Background: Microbiology Bsc, Virology Msc.
- About: Mr Andrew is a virologist with working experience at Guiness Nigeria.
We are currently partnering with the following organisation
- University of Benin Teaching Hospital(UBTH)
We are partnering with UBTH to help fight Covid-19 Pandemi by providing our solution to help to help diagnose covid-19. There is limited number of testing kits in the state to diagnose covid-19, Our solution is bein use to massivley screen individuals.
2. Lagos State ministry of Health
Our partnership with
Lagos state Ministry of Health is also to diagnose covid-19 with our solution to
help increase the number of testing to cover to be done, due to limited RT-PCR testing kits.
3. Edo Innovation Hub
Our partnership with Edo innovation is to keep the environment innovative, and train governmental and non governmental personell on Artificial Intelligence, Data science and IOT etc.
Our business model is to offer our Numbers AI Mobility Health care as a service to families of Rural Communities, to diagnose infection for free, this will help us gain more access to communities and Data.
However our source of revenue is from pharmaceutical companies by administering and selling their brand medications.
Also we make money from local hospitals by serving as their emergency respond unit
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our revenue in the first year of operation can keep us sustainable through year one, however we will need an initial operation capital to fund purchase equipment, legals and payrolls. We plan to acquire the initial capital through the following.
1. Grant or Angel investment.
We plan on securing a grant or an angel investmen to fully deploy our Numbers AI-mobility solutions for one community.
2. Crowd Funding
Our solution is very vital to community health development. We will use this opportunity source funds and donations to begin operation in one community.
3. Series Investment.
After successfully operating in year one, we plan on securing an Investment rounds of to expand our community reach.
MIT Solve is the platform we need right now to take our solution to the next level. The following reason is why we want to participate in the MIT-Solve
1. Exposure:
MIT-Solve will expose us to the community of like minded successful entrepreneurs, intellectuals we can learn from, This is very exciting for us.
2. Training & Mentorship
We want to be fully involved in the MIT- Solve, because we desired to be trained by the MIT solve team, and we seek to be mentored by international business expert and intellectuals. Our business is in it early stage, we will need all the advices, directions and strategies from this mentors and expert.
3. Traction
To be selected in this MIT Solve, will bring an unprecedented traction to our company liker never before. We AI-medical startup located in Nigeria. if selected for this MIT-Solve will open windows for us here in Nigeria.
3. Grant Opportunity
Our company need initial capital to enter community. we believe we can secure a grant for our solution.
4. Investment
We plan on securing investment, but it will be difficult to this achieve this without being expose to network of potential investors like the MIT-Solve.
- Business model
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Marketing, media, and exposure
We currently need Partnership support to strengthen our company in the following ways:
1. Our company is an AI-Medical startup, we will need partnerships to help us foster license.
2. We are currently made of three Co-founders and staffs, we do not have all the skills and expertise needed to operate effectively and continuously. We will need a board member who will bring expertise from strategy, finance, legal, marketing and directions to the company.
3. Our startup need sufficient capital to acquire asset to grow our service to generate revenue.
We would prefer to partner with following Organization, to keep our company running
1. MIT
We will need to secure a partnership with MIT to advance our AI solution for community health delivery in such a way that will foster
2. World Health Organization(WHO)
We will need a guided partnership with WHO that will enable our solution demonstrate a clear added value for public health and national development objectives
3. Nigerian Ministry of Health.
Our solution is meant for Nigerians we will need to secure partnership with Ministry of Health, to carryout specific works in Nigeria.
Our work involves reaching out to families to provide them with healthcare by diagnosing infections and provide treatments. rural community healthcare solution has been neglected in Nigeria and Sub-Sahara Africa for so long. We are currently tackling this solution by helping hospitals diagnose and screen for covid-19 in places where RT-PCR is not available.
With the elevate prize we will be able to deploy our numbers AI-Mobility healthcare system in 15 communities. this will help diagnose and treat infections to over 2 Million people in Nigeria.
The core of our solution is the staff and the AI. without AI we cannot achieve our mobility health care system. Our AI Helps us solve the problem of limited doctors.
AI has been use for industrial and urban development which is good. AI has made billions of industries, which is okay. But what is bad is the neglection of rural communities. This communities has been neglected of the benefit of AI to improve their lives.
This what we want to change. By bringing AI to community development. we are confident of this prize, and we believe it will not only advance our solution but will send message to other young people developing AI Solutions.
Outside the general healthcare our solution offers. it also integrates safe and effective products for Obstetrical and Neonatal care such as Mobile Portable ultrasound scanner: to help study development of their unborn baby.
Our Solution advances the United Nation sustainable development Goal 3: by promoting good health and well being, to those who have been neglected in rural settlement.
by bringing Health care to this people using Artificial Intelligence Mobile health care system to diagnose various infectious diseases and offer treatment liker never before.
Winning this prize will advance our solution, and will give us the credibility to expand our solution beyond Nigeria.
Our Artificial Intelligence Mobility Health care has the potential to deliver good and affordable health care to millions of people in rural communities, and to respond to emergency cases in both rural and urban settlement.
With just two of our mobility health care system position in two independent communities, we can impact more than 100 households in just one day, if we take the average number of family members in a single household to be 5, this means that in (365 days) years one alone, we would have impacted 180 thousand people with just two of our mobile healthcare system.
We believe with our work so far and with our solution we qualified for this prestigious prize. With the future Planet Capital Prize, we can save more lives by replicating our solution to other communities.