Let’s Stay Alive project (LSAproject)
we are trying to solve the spread of corona virus transmission in slums of kigali/Rwanda.People in the slums are highly vulnerable to corona virus infection due to lack of good hygiene whereby they cannot afford sanitizers and soap.
LSA project aims to reduce new Corona infection and reduce COV19 effects among Slums in Kigali Rwanda;
1)it will focus on providing raising awareness on CORONA virus prevention strategies especially good hand hygiene and other related services and make available warm water, soap or hand sanitizers
2) Fight against discrimination and racism campaign ; Some people here in Africa have bad mentality to treat with suspicion asians and europeans people around the world since the corona virus made international headlines
slums are characterized by scarce resources, making Corona prevention efforts extremely challenging. Many believe that the voluntary sector is best suited for the role of spearheading efforts to address Covid19 through prevention programs.
we are trying to solve the spread of corona virus transmission in slums area: Rwanda is sub-Saharian country of tourism affected by corona virus since 14 March 2020 The first case of COVID-19 presented in Rwanda until to day the larger number of cases area those who had travelled out of country as reported to day on 10April 2020by Ministry of Health the total cases are 113 ,
Let’s Stay Alive project (LSAproject) activities implementation will be in Kigali slums space area because Corona virus prevalence is higher caused lack of access to clean water,sanitizers and soap making them vulnerable to corona virus attack.we are trying to solve the spread of corona virus transmission in slums of kigali/Rwanda. whereby they cannot afford sanitizers and soap. LSA project aims to reduce new Corona infection and reduce COV19 effects among Slums in Kigali Rwanda;
1)it will focus on providing raising awareness on CORONA virus prevention strategies especially good hand hygiene and other related services and make available warm water, soap or hand sanitizers.
Because warm water and soap remains the gold standard for hand hygiene and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
2) Fight against discrimination and racism campaign ; Some people here in Africa have bad mentality to treat with suspicion asians and europeans people around the world since the corona virus made international headlinesslums are characterized by scarce resources, making Corona prevention efforts extremely challenging. Many believe that the voluntary sector is best suited for the role of spearheading efforts to address Covid19 through prevention programs.
our project will focus on People in the slums area in kigali because Corona virus prevalence is higher due to lack of good hygiene because of lack of access to clean water,sanitizers and soap making them vulnerable to corona virus attack
LSA project will minimize the spread of corona virus pandemic in the slums and it will focus on good health and well being of population
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new business model or process
LSA project should be the inovative solution because its aims at empowering well being and good health of Rwandan population through reducing new Corona infection and COV19 effects among public tourism area and our team is committed with the same values such as Respect,Volunteerism,Transparency , Team work,Leadership and Conduct sustainable services at the lowest price
we will do Fight against discrimination and racism
a campaign with ICT by screening of videos, Phonic radio broadcasts
we will do a campaign, distribute poster leaflet with message saying that racism is unacceptable and share it on our social media account
https://uyrd.weebly.com is the evidence which shows all details
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- Software and Mobile Applications
LSA project activities will utilize 30 young entrepreneurs voluntee members of United Youth for Rwanda Development (UYRD) and they have finished their university studies; they are able to provide sustainable services to underprivileged, under-served, underrepresented or marginalized people in Rwanda young community and they are committed with the same values such as Respect,Volunteerism,Transparency , Team work,Leadership and Conduct sustainable services at the lowest price ....... It will use two days per week for a period of one year
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
in one year we expect to work with 50000 people in five we expect to work 2 000 000 people
1. To improve the knowledge levels of slums in Rwanda on COVID19,HIV/AIDS, TB, STDs and Malaria by 85% over 5years
2. To decrease the Crona virus and HIV transmission rate among the most at risk in Rwanda to 0.5% in 5years.
3. To increase the number of pregnant women who follow full prenatal consultation by 90% over 5 years
4. To improve the knowledge levels to mothers and community health workers of slums area about malnutrition prevention and diarrhea management to children less than 5 years by 90% over 5years
5. To increase the number of poor children of slums area joining free twelve years basic education of youth to 95% in 5 years
6. To improve girls right on education in rural areas of slums area by 90% over 5 years
7. To increase income generation activities to slums area youth by 50% over 5 years
People in the public tourism areas have no access to clean water,sanitizers and soap making them vulnerable to corona virus attack.Due to this pandemic there are financial challenges causing lack of food and unemployment
we will work with all our partners to provide sustainable services to underprivileged, under-served, underrepresented or marginalized people in Rwanda
- Nonprofit
the total number is 30 for full-time staff is 10, part-time staff 20
LSA project activities will utilize 30 young entrepreneurs voluntee members of United Youth for Rwanda Development (UYRD) and they have finished their university studies; they are able to provide sustainable services to underprivileged, under-served, underrepresented or marginalized people in Rwanda young community and they are committed with the same values such as Respect,Volunteerism,Transparency , Team work,Leadership and Conduct sustainable services at the lowest price ....... It will use two days per week for a period of one year
-NDC: National Deasese Control-District Committee for Desease Control
The DCAC will help in coordination of corona virus related services such as Voluntary Counseling and testing, ARV drug provision, Antibiotherapy for opportunistic infections, etc. It will be like a link between the project and health centers and government administration.
-5 CITIES AUTHORITIES: Kigali city will intervene in providing official permission for project activities implementation and will facilitate all activities requiring local authorities’ involvement.
HEALTH CENTERS AND HOSPITALS: are institutions that are going to help us providing Volunteering Counseling and Testing Services in rural areas. In addition, they will provide us 15 volunteer nurses and doctors We will ask these institutions about how we can improve our collaboration and program quality.
UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA (College of medicine) will provide us rooms for conference and also volunteer training facilitators.
United Youth for Rwanda Development is a non-profit, non-governmental, voluntary organization lead by youth under 25 years for Rwanda development which based in Rwanda. UYRD was founded in 2008 by medical students youth . all of us we are medical doctors
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Firstly, . During all our activities, we will work with ministry of health through inviting them in our activities, giving them the evaluation result and report; this will show the minister of health that people in slums are other people that can be also saved against several diseases generally . However, our project will be done in one of 5 provinces of Rwanda, at the end of our project we will ask the minister of health to fund our project so that it continues to work in the province and implement it in other 4 provinces. We expect that she will accept because we think that she feared the way that the government project can be controlled and progress in prison but our project is non government and nonprofit; Consequently, she will chose to fund our project that has the experience than to implement other projects.Thus, it is expected that through all those different contribution our project will be sustained.