The Mepidemics mobile app for Android and iOS works 24/7 in the background in a non-intrusive way in order to track «close connections» of the users using BLE and identify potential risks of contact with an infected case.
It calculates the individual risks of exposure of every user according to his history of «close connections» and officially verified diagnosis. Every «close connection» allows the detection of the risk of transferring the disease based on the data collected from smartphone sensors, the environment, and reports of infected users.
The Mepidemics algorithm enables the early detection of potentially infected people. By notifying such users and inviting them to get in contact and consult with doctors, Mepidemics creates an inbound contact tracing mechanism, which reduces the load on the healthcare system investigating all past contacts of patients and as a result, prevents the disease from spreading.
With the rapid spread of the COVID-19 worldwide, and the outbreak being declared a pandemic, many countries are struggling to contain the rise in confirmed cases. One of the main challenges faced is the asymptomatic aspect, which means that while the virus is spreading easily from person-to-person within a close range from each other, a person can be infected without having any symptoms. This makes it impossible for anyone to know if they have been in contact with an infected person and makes it very difficult for healthcare bodies and governments to assess the risks of exposure correctly.
The Mepidemics system helps with the contact tracing process by allowing the identification of all close contacts of the person diagnosed with the virus over the past 14 days.
The Mepidemics algorithm enables the early detection of potentially infected people. It then notifies administrators and users about а «close connection» with a person diagnosed positive or one with a high risk of infection. By notifying such users and inviting them to get in contact and consult with doctors, Mepidemics creates an inbound contact tracing mechanism, which reduces the load on the healthcare system investigating all past contacts of patients and as a result, prevents the disease from spreading.
Our «distributed knowledge system» supports a high level of data privacy. No one in the system knows all information about the user.
Mepidemics is designed to work with governments and corporations. Our open API is ready to be implemented in business automation systems.
Mepidemics is designed to be deployed remotely anywhere in the world in just a couple of days. Our solution can help governments and corporations to prevent the spread of disease during quarantine, help flatten the curve of the spread, and ultimately save lives.
Population of dense cities and other close communities around the globe with access to mobile internet.
Mepidemics creates an inbound contact tracing mechanism, which reduces the load on the healthcare system investigating all past contacts of patients and as a result, prevents the disease from spreading.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new application of an existing technology
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Sell Mepidemics as SAAS for corporations and governments.
- Organizations (B2B)
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors