This therefore brings to bear the efficacy of the heat energy that can be generated through the rubbing of hands.
For instance, the heat energy produced by 1 Hand of force in one Rub is E = 0.62 x 100 x 0.20 = 12 Joules
That is, one Hand-Rub = 12 Joules
If then continuously done , say up to 200 Hand-Rubs , the total amount of heat energy (hot temperature) that will be generated is 2400 Joules which , if measures in degree Celsius , would give way over 100 degree Celsius in temperature (heat energy or hotness).
Logically , rather than continue to promote the capitalist spirit and ethics that has now engulfed the sales of hand Sanitizers, we could take the bull by the horn and start creating our own path and peculiarities to beating the virus. Rubbing of one's hand continuously for up to 200 times would generate more 100 degree hotness or temperature on our palm that can serve the purpose of hand sanitizer. Although, the heat energy and temperature generated from Hand-Rub when unregulated can lead to 3rd degree burn.