As the world further shuts down in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, countries around the world are stepping up efforts to tackle the new coronavirus that has killed thousands.There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.Between people who are in close contact with one another. As the threat becomes more widespread, new precautions must be taken. Washing your hands correctly -- using soap and water and washing for at least 20 seconds still stands as the best way to prevent the spread of these infectious diseases. With availability of funds the communities residing in our rural areas will receive water despensers plus sanitizers soaps in their homestead for the purpose of controlling the spread of the new Corona virus.
The number of people in Kenya who have tested positive for the Covid-19 disease has risen to 126, with 4 people confirmed dead and 4 other people recovered successful from the virus infection, the Ministry of Health has said. We are at this very early phase where it is critically important that we contain the virus. It is because we are a bit worried about our capacity to deal with a large outbreak that we are focused so intensively on prevention and early detection. Health officials across Africa know that hospitals can deal with only a fraction of those needing care if the virus spreads through overcrowded cities, remote villages and among vulnerable populations such as refugees, the malnourished or those suffering from HIV and other chronic conditions.According to a Reuter tally, the number of infections worldwide stood at at least 551,000 as at March 27 while the number of people who had died was 24,885.
With availability of funds,I will design a 3ft high steel stand which will hold a 200 litres water storage tank. The stand will have two pedals-one pedal is on the right and the other one is on the left. The right pedal is rightly connected with the tap of water in the tank and as you press the pedal the tap open up and water starts to drain down. The left pedal is directly connected to the sanitiser soap, so whenever you press the left pedal, the opening lead opens and the soap drains down. The coronavirus is spread through respiratory vapor, such as when someone sneezes or coughs into the air around you. It can also spread if someone who is infected sneezes or coughs into their hand, then touches a "high-touch" surfaces. With the initiative, no contact will be made by hands on the tap and sanitiser soap, therefore reducing chances of spreading the Corona virus through touching surfaces to minimal.
Anyone can contract COVID-19, although certain groups of people have a higher risk of developing serious complications from the virus and requiring hospitalization. Everyone has a responsibility to limit the spread to other people, especially to those who may develop deadly complications like the elderly majority in our rural areas. the novel coronavirus can be fatal and is widespread in the world. Even if it does not affect you, it may affect your friends, family, colleagues or other people with whom you have relationships -- especially those who have any of the high-risk factors. Nothing has changed about the way COVID-19 spreads, so the basics still apply. The direct beneficiaries will be the communities (Estimate populations of 40000 people's) in Bujumba location. With an estimate number of 8000 homesteads, each homestead will receive one water dispenser plus sanitizer soaps. With the hygienic place established in each homestead in our rural areas, the spread of the Corona virus will be reduced to minimal within the communities residing in the area. Each homestead will be responsible for filling the despenser with clean water and provide security for both the despensers and sanitisers soaps donated.
The Global Health Security & Pandemics Challenge entails improved solutions for prevention, accurate detection, and rapid responses that can slow and track the spread of an emerging outbreak like the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Washing hands correctly -- using soap and water and washing for at least 20 seconds still stands as the best way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. By improving individual hygiene through frequently hand washing with clean water and sanitisers soaps,the initiative will be relating to the one of the objectives of the challenge of preventing the spread of Corona virus.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new application of an existing technology
After the outbreak of the virus, we were required by the government as a precaution measures against the spread of the virus to improvise local plastics bottles and hang them somewhere near the entrance gate of every homestead in our rural areas. The improvised bottle has a sideway hole and a stick is used as a stopper for stopping water from running out when not in use-no taps in use. This mode pose a threat to the communities in our areas for Alot of touching surfaces is involved-before access to water one has to touch the tap plus the sanitiser soap, and after cleaning you also touch the tap again. If this happens immediately after an infected person has use the tap it becomes so easy for the virus to spread. To prevent the spread of the virus through touching the taps and sanitiser soap, (with availability of funds)I will introduce water despensers incorporated with advance Innovation whereby to open water and sanitiser soap, you just press a pedal with your legs- no use of hands is involved. Due to the frequency one is required to wash his/her hands. This involves usage of lots of water. My solution will address this appropriately for the capacity of the storage tank will be 200 litres compared to the 20litres of the improvised plastics bottles. The stand will be made of steel metals thereby enhancing durability and stability of the water despensers.
Since touching infected surfaces exposes one to the corona virus. My solution entails advance modifications of operating water taps and sanitiser soap opening leads by use of pressing pedals by the user legs. If the idea is implemeted, One will wash hands with tap water plus sanitiser soap without touching any of the above. This reduces the chances of getting infected by the virus through touching surfaces infected by Corona virus. Also the water storage tank has a holding capacity of 200 litres. When the tank is full,it can satisfactorily serve the needs of the day well avoiding inconveniences caused by frequently refilling the tank were it for the usually 20litres bottles. This results in minimal supervision thus enabling the homestead owners to concentrate on other economic development activities.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
The no. 1 thing you can do to prevent any respiratory illness like Corona virus, is to practice good personal hygiene. Washing your hands correctly -- using soap and water and washing for at least 20 seconds -- or using hand sanitizer when soap and water aren't available, still stands as the best way to prevent the spread of corona virus infectious diseases. The majority of the residents in our location 90% live below the poverty line, this inhibits the communities in our region from establishing a very hygienic washing hands area. With availability of donor funding the communities residing in our rural areas will receive advance water despensers plus sanitiser soaps in their homestead for the purpose of controlling the spread of the new Corona virus. 8000 homesteads will receive each one advance water despenser plus aset of 5 sanitiser soaps. This results in enabling our communities in Bujumba location in taking preventive measures against the spread of the deadly Corona virus. The location has an estimate of 40000 people. These populations will be by 99% be protected from the Corona virus, thereby saving lives. The advance water despensers to be procured and supplied will be made of durable materials; for the tank,it will be sourced from a reliable source of durable long lasting storage tanks, and for the stand, it will be made from steel metals-the required materials will also be sourced from a reliable source. This results in enabling the water despensers distributed to the communities to last beyond 10 years of use. All the homesteads that will receive advance water despensers will be full accountable and liable for the repair and maintenance charges.
- Rural
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- Kenya
- Kenya
According to the 2019 Kenya population and housing census, the population of Busia county was estimated to be 883,681 with females 52.3% and males 47.7%. The population is largely rural considering that only 10% of the population resides in the urban areas (Gok,2013a). The urbanization rate in Busia is also among the lowest (16.4%) in the country. Approximately 64% of the population live below the poverty line, making Busia one of the counties with the highest poverty incidences in the country. Majority of these people are found in the rural compared to the urban areas (64% and 36% respectively). The Human Development Index(HDI) that measures the quality of life is relatively low in the county (0.42) compared to the national HDI of 0.52(Gok,2013b). The low HDI is as a result of low literacy level i.e people who can read and write, which stands at 75%, high income inequality (Gok, 2013a), that may be partly as a result of the high unemployment levels in the county which is at 70%(Gok,2013a). Currently I seek funding for the communities in my location of residence, which has an estimate of 40000 people. Since everyone is entitled to be protected from being exposed to the deadly Corona virus, with availability of funds all the residents in Busia county will receive the advance water despensers in their homesteads.
Corona virus has to date killed thousands of people accross the globe. There is no cure vaccine for the virus at the moment. Maintaining high personal hygiene still remains number one in preventing the spread of the virus. If all the residents residing in Busia county can receive the new advance water despensers in their homesteads, the personal hygiene of the residents will be improved thereby curbing the spread of the virus in the county. Lives of the residents will be saved from Corona virus. I still intend to seek donar funding for the purpose of saving the lives of the poor majority in kenya(especially Western region).
For the initiative to be successful, lots of funds need to be incurred. The new advance water despensers is too expensive($96.27)to acquire for the poor majority of the residents. Also the washing soaps used need to be purchased all the time for they are used frequently. Since the majority of the residents live below the poverty line, affording $4.81 to buy the soaps still pose a great huddle for the initiative to be successful.
The initiative is worth it to venture into for it will save the lives of million of people. The government of Kenya Is also seeking donor funding for the purpose of dealing with the outbreak of the Corona virus in the country. We can depend on the government at the moment when the poor majority are at risk of being exposed to the deadly virus. I will seek funding from all sources available i.e donor funding,well wishers etc to aid in the project implementation.
- Nonprofit
The team will be led by the area administration i.e Chief assisted by four Assistants chiefs and village elders. In Our location, we have four sub-location all led by Assistant chiefs. Each sub-location has villages and each village is led by a village elders. Each sub-location will require four labourers hired on a one month contract to assist in the distribution of the new advance water despensers donated.
Before starting Opilicos farms, Cosmas Opili Odhiambo was an Accounts clerk of a renowned water company in Taita taveta county (Tavevo water & sewerage company). I worked in the company for well over 7 years before resigning to start my own commercial farming business(bananas farming & tomatoes greenhouses farming).I’ve being able to master financial management, staff recruitment and organization management skills among other things necessary to give the firm good commendation from our clients. My managerial skills will also help in putting together a workforce for over 5 years, which will also help me to coordinate the team work in most aspect of the company.I will lead the initiative, overseeing the day to day activities of the business.The involvement of the government administrators i.e Chief, Assistant- chiefs, village elders, will boost the success levels of the initiative for they will link appropriately with final beneficiaries (local community).
In order to make sure durability of the new advance water despensers is as per expectations-beyond 10 years of use, I will be sourcing materials to the firm which will be producing the new advance water despensers for use in our initiative. Therefore I will be in business partnership for the supply of high quality standards materials: for metal I will be in partnership business with Doshi,& for the tanks,Ken tank will suit well,for soaps I will look for the most reliable source and get into partnership business.
The initiative is about taking preventive measures against the spread of Corona virus in our rural areas-Bujumba location- and Busia county at large. There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing will to a great extend reduce the rate of the spread of the deadly Corona virus. Older adults(The majority of the population in our rural areas) and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. By enabling every homestead in our location establish a hygiene maintaining area/place, exposure to the virus will be reduced to minimal thereby saving lives of the majority old.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The initiative is all about saving life's,no business of making profits is involved. Financial aid form integral part of the success of the initiative. I will still seek more donor funding introspect of saving the lives of the most vulnerable group (the old) in our rural areas from the Corona virus.
As of March 19, 33 African countries had reported more than 600 cases and 17 deaths due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. More than 40 people have recovered. While COVID-19 so far has no known treatment regiment, experts recommend a series of actions that can minimise the risk of infection, including the frequent and thorough washing of hands with soap and water.Almost from the onset of the health emergency, the WHO had warned of the risk that COVID-19 could spread to countries with weaker health systems, including in sub-Saharan Africa, where poor sanitation facilities, the proliferation of informal economy and urban crowding pose additional challenges in the efforts to combat the highly infectious disease.Plus, with richer, more developed nations also battling the new coronavirus, they may not be quick to turn their focus and assist Africa. I seek solve to connect with us partners who can help in combating the spread of Corona virus in our rural areas, by providing hygiene maintenance facilities (8000 water despensers & sanitiser soaps) to the communities residing in our location and Busia county at large.
- Funding and revenue model
Our greatest concern is the potential for the virus to spread to countries in Africa with weaker health systems.The continent's health systems are already overwhelmed by many ongoing disease outbreaks.And although Africa’s handling of the pandemic has received scant global attention so far, experts worry the virus may ravage countries with weak health systems and a population disproportionately affected by HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and other infectious diseases.And many African countries simply don’t have the health care capacity to look after severely ill COVID-19 patients.While COVID-19 so far has no known treatment regiment, experts recommend a series of actions that can minimise the risk of infection, including the frequent and thorough washing of hands with soap and water. Any partner who solve will connect to us to offer financial support in full filling our objective of establishing a hygienic place for every homestead in our rural areas will be highly appreciated.
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