This project is about manufacturing new concept hand gloves, masks and uniforms that can trap Coronavirus in their body by making them stick on their surface. This is done by coating the gloves, masks and uniforms with micro-glue that can stick micro-particles in the surface of the coated material. Meaning, let say you are wearing a glove, mask or uniform and if your protection clothing are exposed to the virus, it is waiting for an opportunity for you to either touch your face to infect yourself by getting through your nose, eye and mouth or touch certain material that will be touched by other person without protection infecting that person same way mentioned above. This micro-glue will break this transmission because
1. Every Coronavirus on your mask will be stack on the mask and even if there is strong wind, it will not go into your eyes, nose or mouth via mask opening,
2. Every Coronavirus on your gloves will be stack on the gloves and even if there is contact between your hand and gloves the Coronavirs will be stack on the gloves.
3. Every Coronavirus on your uniform will be stack on the uniform breaking transmission in hospitals.