COVID19 Protect the CHSLD -old age homes
1- Protect the CHSLD (Long term old age homes) during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2600 old age homes in Quebec alone
2- We have to create coronavirus free zones. 100% closed and 0 % links to the outside world
It is relatively easy to decontaminate a small , protected and closed zone area (CHSLD)
On the other hand It is nearly impossible to decontaminate a open zone area or even partially open area) as there are too many links to the outside world (staffs, visitors, etc)
Any open links to the outside world is VERY VERY risky . Unfortunately there are too many contaminated peoples (INVISIBLE asymptomatic carriers) and the virus is spreading inside the community. (unlimited links )
The idea is to create small protected areas and push the virus out of the areas
3- Relatively easy to replicate. Would eliminate the contagions within the CHSLDs save thousands of lifes
Stop contamination within the CHSLD's
-Almost 3/4 of all the deaths from coronavirus comes from within the CHSLD's
- the Current method to fight the Coronavirus is only effective at slowing down the contagions (far from stopping it !) and depends greatly upon the success of the following.
- quarantine ( not applicable for asymptomatic carriers and not always followed)
- social distancing ( not easy to enforce and even more difficult for a long period )
- confinement ( similar to social distancing)
- hygiene (good but not always effective or followed for various reasons)
-tests (very good at locating pos and neg persons but how about all the INVISIBLE asymptomatic carriers ? )
- Countries that reacted quickly by closing their borders (0% links or nearly 0% to outside world with good measures taken ) at the beginning of this pandemic have been very very successful at fighting the coronavirus . This was a very simple yet very effective (almost identical to the method proposed ) We have to create virus free zones (and KEEP IT that way .. remember 0% links to the outside ) to protect the vulnerables (first ) and the rest of us.
1- Create a protected and closed zone or area(s) coronavirus free.
2- A zone can includes anything like a CHSLD , a school , a building, hospital, or a location to accomodate workers who work in the closed zone.
.. a small area is easier at the beginning.
3- Decontaminate the zone chosen. Test everybody or quarantine everybody that will reside and /or work in the small protected zone.
4- recruit willing staffs that agree to stay within the protected zone for a certain period.
5- create a system of rotation for the staffs (health workers, supports workers , etc..)
6- Anybody leaving a zone must be tested again before coming back into a protected zone.
7- A cleaned zone can be merged with another adjacent cleaned zone making a bigger cleaned zone.
8- Everything can return to normal within a protected zone. No more contagions, no fear, socialization , businesses , and much more like the life we lived before the pandemic ..
9. Create jobs to guard and delimit the protected zones.
10. Can be replicated quickly (more clean zones) with the participation of everyone.
11. No new technologies required.
- Protect the old and vulnerable in the CHSLD's ( could also be a hospital)
- Stop the contaminations in a protected zone . Slim chance of being infected
-Reduce the suffering and despair (physical and mental)
- Reestablish the links between the CHSLD residents and their family (a visitor that test negative should be allowed in)
- Reduce the need for expensive medical equipments
- Positive effects (almost immediate)
- Work conditions vastly improved
- Socialization between resident, care giver and staff improved
- Can focus on normal activities and health issues not related to coronavirus
- Drastically reduce the number of sicks or deaths due to the coronavirus
- No fear
The current situations in the CHSLD's is disastrous and cannot continue the way it's going and changes are urgently required. I believe a new approch is needed in dealing with the pandemic. A method that is simple and effective
It seems to me that we have a hard time flattening the famous curve and we keep doing the same thing over and over without much success maybe we need to try a new approch in dealing with this pandemic.
Le Coronavirus is ruthless and will spread everywhere there is a opportunity
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new business model or process
Technologie de base.
Non applicable.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
La simplicité de la methode. Evidence a cause de la simplicité
- Elderly
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- Canada
current: 0
5 years: millions if i succeed in making my method known and used.
dans mon cas je prend un jour a la fois.
Difficulty to convince people and authorities of alternative methods.
- keep on informing, explaining and using site like Solve.
- Not registered as any organization
non applicable.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
- Other
Not applicable.
Not applicable.