Integrity Wealth Management Application
Most of the Ghanaian youth have acquired some vocational skills, but lack the entrepreneurship skills to start and grow their businesses to sustainable levels.
we offer these youth Entrepreneurship training in the various ways to empower them to identify business opportunities, Selling skills, Buying skills, working capital management skills, Stock Control skills, developing simple business plan, costing and pricing skills and how to apply the use of basic calculator to determine markups, discount and percentages.
We facilitate this training in three main areas namely: Traders, Producers and Service Providers. this modules are 8 in number and will take each applicant 3 months to be fully trained at the bootcamp nature.
we again, training in the use of micro-leasing and microinsurance packages with collaboration with service providers in these industries.
we offer these trainees Coaching and Mentorship assistance to equip them operate their businesses effectively and efficiently.
The Entrepreneurship Problem Statement
Over the last six (6) decades, the youth unemployment situation has been on the rise due to the increasing nature of the various governments neglect of their core responsibility to create the opportunities for the teeming youth who have graduated from the various secondary and tertiary institutions of education. Indeed, if the skilled manpower who have undergone some educational training are struggling for non-existence job opportunities, what will be the state of the high school dropouts?
The fact, is that the public sector job opportunities have been over blotted with its limited capacity and there is nothing the government can do about that. Indeed, the public sector has only 600,000 capacity, which has been blotted to about 700,000.
It is estimated that the Ghanaian Secondary and Tertiary Educational Sector produces over 300,000 graduates annually, but the public sector is able to absorb only 60,000, which is about 20% of the sector population who may be retiring or replacement due to mortality and voluntary retirement of employees leaving the 240,000 graduates to their fate. Unfortunately, the private sector that employs over 80% of working population are also not developed to absorb these people.
The Training Modules or methodology
The following are the training modules;
1. Market Investigation (Finding the Gap or identifying a business opportunity)
2. Using the calculator in my business as a basic tool
3. Buying Skills
4. Pricing Skills
5. Selling Skills
6. Skills in a simple and effective Developing Business Plan
7. Weekly Money Management (working capital management)
8. Skills in Stock Control
Workbooks (modules) 1, 2, 5, 7 and 8 are generic, but 3, 4 and 6 are specific to either Service Providers, Producers and Traders, therefore a mentee entrepreneur will be required to complete 8 workbooks each and compulsory monthly review for three months after the classroom work is completed.
This Mentoring and Coaching training is individually and practically facilitators as mentees and trainees are required to use their respective business ideas to go through this programme. Facilitators and Coaches will address individual challenges throughout the training period via Zoom Application and Google Meeting Application. When it becomes very to have physical contact, the WHO established protocols and the Ghana Health Service established protocols will be adopted. this will help protect trainees and Coaches from contracting the Covid 19 Virus.
As have been extensively discussed, many people are unemployed particularly the youth because most of them who have acquired some life development solution skills are willing to own their businesses, but they are unable to effectively deploy these skills into sustainable businesses. Micro Managing Business Activities (Micro-MBA) is the time-tested Business Development solutions that equip these economically active poor to be empowered to establish and grow their businesses into sustainability.
of the young people from the Bono Region of Ghana migrate to the North African
countries like Libya, Morocco and Tunisia through the desert of Niger, which endanger
their lives in their attempt to seek for greener pastures in Europe. Most of them have completed Senior High School, Technical,
Vocational, Polytechnic and Universities. This situation influence them negatively thus making them tempt to take this high risk at the expense of their
lives, which many have lost their lives in the process.
This training is a business development mentorship and coaching to develop entrepreneurs. Upon successful completion and certified under this training, participants would be equipped and empowered to efficiently manage their businesses to profitability and sustainable levels.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
The problem is that those who attended TVET have learnt some great skills that should be able to help solve societal challenges do not have entrepreneurship skills that could assist them engage in sustainable Business startups. The school dropouts who have been trained in apprenticeship have great skills in their respective vocation, but do not know HOW to start business, grow them and ensure they are sustainable.
This proposal when approved will seek to empower these people with timely and effective skills that will help them engage effectively and efficiently in starting and growing their businesses to a sustainable level.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new application of an existing technology
Most of training modules are theoretical, but Micro-Mba is practical and applicational developed with individual study and to be facilitated by a Coach or Mentor.
Each individual is doing something different, even if two people are undertaking the same business Idea, they may be operating from different location and thus may not be working from the same business environment.
This modules are workbook and thus by answering repeated questions and ideas, trainees become well vest in their kind of business either Trading, Service Provision or production.
Finally, we have made the calculation of markups, discount and determine the weekly working capital very basic that they can easily master the concept and will be able to apply it anywhere and in anything they do.
The training modules are easy to read and understand, easy to remember and apply to your business.
Our solution is learning by discovery and this I mean the trainee will identify why certain things will not work in every situation.
The training does not allow anyone to copy from each other even if they are 100 people in a class, they will be doing individual work.
Mentors and Coaches get personal interest in each trainee since they are all doing something different. learning deficiencies are identified with each individual in the process of these training and assisted to discover by showing the how to do it, but not what to do.
The success rate of this module are over 85%. In most cases, those who do not start their businesses are not because they can't, but may be facing different challenge other than skills and empowerment to start their businesses.
- Behavioral Technology
It is easy to learn and indeed, sounds good to discover why things have not been working over time. this modules are very relevant and easy to apply to your business.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
We have trained, Coached and mentored 1200 over the last 20 months. in this case we intend to train 1000.
We want to help over 1000 people to create meaningful jobs within the next 24 months, grow them to sustainable and profitable levels. this will impact families and create over 5,000 additional jobs if each of them is able to employ at least 5 people.
The if funding is available for this training and mentorship within the next 5 years, Integrity should be able to assist at least 4,000 young entrepreneurs to start their businesses and operate them effectively.
The cost of training logistics, facilitators and Coaches fees, equipment for training and funding capital for the trainees.
This is the essence of this application, when approved it will go a long way to reduce the cost of the train, Coaching and mentoring since we will be dealing with numbers.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Depending on the nature of job at hand, we have about 20 t0 30 people who can be at post when the need arises.
We have over the years become masters of what doesn't work until we found out this modules and technology. we know what will not work and thus position us well to be successful.
The University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani Ghana and Trident Institute in South Africa. Again, we have worked with the Ghana National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) and the Church of Pentecost Social Centre.
We provide our services through Mentoring, Coaching and facilitation. The impact of such methods are great since the trainees efforts in this are practical and they learn by discovery.
we provide value that empower them to develop skills, which enable them to assess the risks that can cause their business to fail and take corrective measures to address them.
- Organizations (B2B)
As we continue to train more people we will be able to reduce the overhead cost and materials since printing in volume and the application of online training will help reduce cost per unit over time.
It is estimated that the Ghanaian Educational Sector produces over 300,000 graduates annually, but the public sector is able to absorb only 60,000, which is about 20% to replace those retiring or dies and voluntary retirement of employees leaving the 240,000 graduates to their fate. Unfortunately, the private sector that employs over 80% of working population are also not developed to absorb these people. These statistics is very alarming and can create and influence violent crime situation if care is not taking.
Over the last three and a half years, the government has instituted free Senior High education, which is producing about 1.2million potential High School graduates in the next three to four years without any corresponding increases in the Tertiary education to accommodate the increases in High School graduates who are still considered as unskilled workforce and may not be in any position to compete for the very limited job opportunities available.
Furthermore, these graduates were not thought anything about entrepreneurship at any level during their entire educational life. The problem is that those who attended Technical and Vocational Institute have great skills that should be able to help solve societal challenges yet, but they do not have entrepreneurial skills that could assist them engage in sustainable Business.
Most of the school dropouts who have been trained in apprenticeship are facing similar challenges.
This proposal when approved will empower the people with this skills that will help in engaging effectively and efficiently in starting and growing their businesses sustainably.
- Funding and revenue model
We require funding to pay for the cost of Mentoring and Coaching the 1,000 people we intend to empower.
We are open to any organization that is willing to partner us empower these people and equip them with the skills that will help improve their ability to operate their businesses in a more efficiently.
The Ivorian Refuges are within our operational Area and thus we would be able to train and empower them when funding is available.
The nature of our training has more to do with women in our part of the world, where mostly women are the people who engages in the activities of Trading, Service provision etc.
Mostly, women are the people who owns these small businesses and will be empowered to efficiently expand their businesses to generate the required profit.
We are in the best position to implement our solution among the adults who are not well educated and are engaging in small business activities to equip and empower them to effectively operate their businesses.
Our Coaching and Mentoring approach are very applicable for the adults because, the learning methodology we adopt is more independent and individual and thus encourage the adults to participate in it without any pressure.
PhD and Fellow, Chartered Institute of Leadership and Governance