Skills Training and Tool-kit Support
Unemployment among the marginalized groups is the issue at hand.
The Marginalized population are usually the unskilled group of people with very low source of income that comes from petty jobs. Their jobs greatly get affected due to prevailing situations like weather changes, Covid – 19 lock down measures among others, with this they are left unemployed thus surviving on one or no meal a day . The end results are involvement in exploitative work like trafficking, sexual exploitation, among others as a means of survival and other effects like mental depression.
Proposed solution is online Skills training and tool kit support for Job creation.
With the online skills training the target group will have appropriate job skills for descent employment and with start up tool kits provided , jobs will be created and they will be able to survive and fend for themselves and their families
Unemployment among the marginalized groups. Unemployment Rate in Uganda increased to 1.80 percent in 2019 from 1.70 percent in 2018(UBOS)
Unemployment in female (% of female labor force) in Uganda was reported at 2.296 % in 2019, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources.
Children in Uganda work from an early age, both at domestic chores and in paid and unpaid labour. 80% of households have insufficient resources to meet their children’s basic needs. In Kampala the multidimensional poverty rate is around five times higher than the monetary poverty rate, meaning that thousands of children in the capital are denied a fair start in life.- Situational analysis of children in Uganda 2019 by UNICEF
Factors contributing to the problem of unemployment include; Gender discrimination, which may result in girls struggling for jobs, Limited access to education, Skills mismatch, Low levels of economic activity and low investment, Limited formal work experience, Lack of general and job-related skills among others
Online skills training and tool kit support for the Marginalized group in Kampala .
Apprentices will be trained online in skills training for 3-4 month depending in the different fields like tailoring, catering, hair dressing ,shoe mending among other, after the training they will be supported with start up tool kits like tailoring machines for those who will have done tailoring, with this they will be employed with skill full jobs.
Later we shall see job security thus reducing on poverty among the marginalized groups.
Our target group comprises of the marginalized vulnerable Children, Adolescents ,youth and Women, in this case they are the unskilled people whose daily source of income comes from petty jobs. We are currently engaging our target population in identifying possible sustainable and scalable solutions to their problems as we fundraise with them.
We are also partnering with them in engaging government ,keeping them updated on what is happening with in the communities as well as lobbying for their increased involvement to the unemployment issue at hand.
Government of Uganda is mandated to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goal 8, of decent work and economic growth. More goals especially 8.7 states that, States take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery, human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.
With online skills training and tool kit support , the rights of Poor and Vulnerable people will be realized like the right to basic human rights of food, shelterand improved well being in regards to reduction in cases of exploitation and abuse
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Unemployment among the marginalized groups is the problem at hand faced by the vulnerable Children, Adolescents and youth and Marginalized Women.
With the solution of online resilient skills training support and tool kits given,we shall see the vulnerable Children, Adolescents, youth and Marginalized Women, acquire skills, access descent employment leading to them having basic and fundamental social requirements, such as health care, education, food and nutrition.
With the mentioned solution to the problem a society in which Human Capital development is sustainable, poverty alleviated and vulnerable groups of people exercise their civil rights in their communities will be realized.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community