Sunrise Computer Software Pvt. Ltd.
To Empower Youth by Skilling/UpSkilling them and more so by assisting them in setting up their own enterprise for their livelihood. Most of them are not aware about basic knowledge of how to become an Entrepreneur and where to get funds to set up their own Enterprise.
With the help of technology we will first educate them about basics of finance and entrepreneurship,educate them about various different Govt. schemes both at national and state level which they can avail off and also paper work required to avail these funds.
By setting up Call centers, Preferably staffed by Persons with Special Needs, we will assist them with required knowledge/information in case they run in to problem while trying to get Funds from the Govt. or any other organization.
The same Technology and Methodology can be adopted at a Global level in other developing countries. Only the "Lingua Franca" will change.
Indian youth which is in the range of 450 Million needs to be skilled and provide for their lively hood. Also there is large migrant labour population around 6.5 Millions from less developed states like UP and Bihar to more developed states like Gujarat and Maharashtra. During "Covid 19" many of these migrants went back to their home state and very high % of them may decide to stay back. There are not going to be adequate jobs to do so. Hence the Entrepreneurship is only way forward.
This populations resides in smaller towns, villages where there is shortages of Highly Trained Teachers. Cost is also a very important and limiting factor since the numbers are so high. Hence Technology is the only way forward to address this situation.
Fortunately, there are about 1 Billion 4G Mobile Phones in the country. Around 890 Million WiFi users including in the remote parts of the country making it very cost effective to reach these areas.
Hence our solution is based on Multi Media content being prepared in Indian Regional languages, Integrate these content with our Proven Interactive Mobile App. and with use of "Augmented Reality" Teach them Hands on Skills also.
Our proposed solution "Maharishi Augmented Reality System "MARS" developed in-house and implemented in Skilling eco-system has two front end modules 1) Interactive Mobile App. 2) A/R Module connecting Real World with Digital World thru RFID. "MARS" being a Platform we can integrate any "Multi Media" content. It operates on "SaaS" business model enabling to have User license based revenue model. Ex. "How to Assemble Mobile Phone" we will prepare a "Multi Media" content in English/Hindi and Integrate with "MARS". Participants will learn at their own pace thru Video on their Mobile phones .
We know, Skills can not be acquired only by watching video. For hands on exercise, participant while working in the Real World will communicate thru RFID Reader/Tag combination to the application on "MARS". System will monitor the sequence and the time taken to complete the step. If sequence is missed participant will be prompted and error will be recorded.
Similarly for teaching Basic of Entrepreneurship multi Media content will be prepared for the course in English/Hindi. Thru combination of App and Webinar participants will be taught.
Problem encountered in the field for getting funds will be addressed thru Call center preferably manned by "Person with Special needs".
Target Group
Youth in the age group of 18 to 35 years who has undergone some skilling program formally or informally and is not able to get a job. Now looking to set up his own little shop for earning lively hood. He/She is looking for a low cost loan in the range of US $ 1,000 3,000/ preferably from the govt. to set up a Mobile repairing shop, beauty parlor, Auto mechanic shop etc. primarily in Tier 2 to Tier 5 Villages across the country.
Need Identification
Being in skilling domain from 2014 and with user base of 100,000++ users base the country. We have been in connect with them due to our Mobile App. Over the years our platform "MARS" has been stream lined based on their feedback.
Based on feedback to our questionnaire from 500 participants ;
Their Need is to : Understand basic of Entrepreneurship, Eligibility for different Govt scheme, what paper work is required to get these funds. Assistance required how to respond to some queries from Financial Institution.
Technology Driven Solution "MARS"
Provide guidance/assistance thru Mobile App. + clarify doubts and explain certain concepts thru webinar and resolve field queries thru call center.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Challenges : Large number of Multi Lingual Youth have to be Skilled/UpSkilled and provide guidance as to where and how to get funds to set up own Enterprises.
Lack of Highly Skilled trainers especially in smaller towns where most of these youth live.
Cost effective and highly scalable and replicable Soltion.
Enabler : Availability of Low Cost Wi-Fi and High penetration of 4G Mobile phones.
Solution : Preparation of Multi Media content in English/Hindi.
Impart Skill and guidance thru Our Proven low cost, scalable and replicable Platform "MARS" using Mobile Application, A/R Module, Webinars and provide Guidance thru call centers.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new application of an existing technology
Time is the most important aspect for the success or failure of the innovation. Too early prevents market acceptance and too late makes it a crowded market. For Technology to be successful necessary "eco system" should be in place. In year 1999/2000, we had an Online ticketing portal "Travel O Mart" in India. Approached PwC my earlier employer in San Francisco. Got valuation of US $4.5 Million. While looking for funds, 16th April 2000, .COM busted on NASDAQ. No funds to sustain. 3,000 visitors/day but transaction could not take place. Credit cards were still not prevalent in India. First send ticket then will send Demand Draft and vice versa. We could not sustain. (Eco-System not in Place)
Now, we see our self at the RIGHT place at RIGHT time. All factors are in place.
1) We have proven technology + Multi Media content for Entrepreneurship Domain + database of Govt. schemes for micro funding. 2) We have necessary institutional connect being part of Ministry of Skills and Entrepreneurship. 3) Database of 100,000 +++ target persons whom we can immediately connect 4) Webinar being accepted as learning approach. 5) THE Most important, Govt. is extremely serious to push this model and large sum of funds are being allocated for that. (Post Covid19) JOBS ARE NOT COMING SOON.
(Eco-System in Place)
Market size 450 Million Youth, 65 Million migrant labor. It is an ocean where several 100s ships can sail easily. We need resources to scale up and hence this application.
- Mobile 4G Technology - Low Cost 4G Mobile Technology helps in accessing content and do the experiential learning assignment. High penetration of 4G handset and Data connection is a big plus.
- Mobile App Technology – For disseminating learning content in modular fashion which includes Text/Images along with Podcast, Video Library and multilingual facility. Dynamic content update with notification feature helps to inform users instantly. Other features integrated with mobile app are online assessment, data collection and Interactive Support Module to establish bidirectional communication for providing support.
- Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) Technology- RFID technology is mainly used in industrial automation and other sensor technology requirements. We are the first to use RFID tag and reader for Experiential learning. During practical learning process it helps in sensing and recording activities getting performed by the person in Real world while getting consistence guidance from digital world as and when needed or during error.
- Software Technology – Application programming interface is developed using Microsoft .Net technology. Application is design is fully responsive and based on "SaaS"model so that it can be deployed on a standalone computer, LAN Server or Web Server under cloud computing environment. MS SL Server database technology is used data management. Web services are developed which acts as an interface between Application Program and Mobile App.
- Web Technology- It is used for deployment of application and database on web server/ clod computing environment for seamless access using internet by the person, faculty member and monitoring team.
Govt. has introduced 2 schemes.
1) RPL : Required Prior Learning where existing Skilled persons without any certification will undergo 3 days domain related training and get certified for that profession. Our Mobile App. is given to them as part of continuing education program.
Our Mobile App. based learning solution for HPMP (Hydro ChloroFluoro Carbon Phase-Out Management Plan) project, funded under Govt. of India scheme, Joint initiative between Environment and Skills Ministry for Upskilling and Certification of 100,000 Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (RAC) service Technicians. Our Mobile App. is being distributed to the participants during 3 days training program on Good Servicing Practices and knowledge of Alternative Refrigerants to Ozone-depleting chemicals. The larger mandate was awarded based on earlier successful implementation for 1,000 participants.
2) Learn and Earn Scheme : Scheme called as “National Employ ability Enhancement Mission” (NEEM) where in youth while working at the factory learns thru On Line App. and appears for a Monthly Examination in order to obtain certificate. Our solution integrated with relevant contents has been used by more than 40,000 participants.
- Invited by Skill Ministry to demonstrate of our solution to Honorable Prime Minister of India and also Honorable President of India.
- Our solution integrated with relevant content has been used by various Training Partner of sector skill council of India to develop skill set to the participants sponsored by (NSDC)
- We are in the process signing contract to provide our solution Integrated with relevant content for online training on Employ ability for 1,000 participants.
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
We have been in this domain but with limited success. Due to the fact that Distance learning was not accepted as a way to impart knowledge and physical classroom was preferred. Suddenly we are finding due "Covid-19"huge scope due to several factors including certain systemic changes have taken place in India.
At National Level
1) Large acceptance of Online Learning in all strata of society
2) Availability of Low Cost WiFI across the country
3) Webinar as accepted means for training.
4) Due to "Covid19" around 65 Million labor migrated from more developed states in India namely, Maharashtra, Gujarat back to lower developed state namely UP, Bihar etc. Migrant labour is finding that at 1/3 of the cost they can live in their home state instead of living in crowded cities like Mumbai, Delhi.
5) Already there was a high unemployment in the country and "Covid19" further increased that. It is not going to be possible for the Govt. to provide them jobs so quickly. Hence Govt is pumping large amount of funds for Entrepreneurship. Prime Minster downwards are talking about "Atma Nirbhar Bharat" means "Self independent India". If the Indian economy booms foreign companies will automatically come.
Our Target Youth : is in age group of 18 to 35 who is 12th pass and has acquired some skills thru formal or informal way and now wants to UpSkill or requires funds up own small business.
Their Need : wants to know basic of Entrepreneurship + soft-skills. What are the Govt. schemes applicable based on Gender, Caste, Economic Strata etc. to get funds at low cost.
Problem : When they approach Financial Institution they are unable to answers their questions.
Limitation : Low Cost and Hand Holding thru out
Our Low Cost Answer/Solution : 1) Thru Interactive App. + Webinar train and clear their doubts. Use "Flip IT" concept by generating of Matrix of question/answer to set the pace of Webinar.
2) Thru Online portal they can find out about applicable schemes based on their criteria.
3) Thru Call Center : Provide Hand holding when they approach Financial Institutions.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- India
- India
At this stage our solution is serving more than 100,000 users. It is difficult to estimate in present scenario due to Pandemic and not knowing how it will span out moving forward. Assuming nothing unexpected happens in the Eco system.
Also we are trying to raise about US $ 150,000/- in coming six months.
In year 2021 we expect that number to go to 250,000. Since lots of Govt. schemes will get finalized including the process as to how to avail it. Also business will get back to normal routine as before.
Subsequent to that we accept a 5X growth in coming years.
One thing in Indian market and especially this segment is very cost conscious and they will not pay unless they find the value proposition in our solution.
Being connected with them thru Mobile App. we will be able to customize further enhancement in the offerings.
Once the organization starts generating decent sum of profit, I am personally very committed to serve children with Special Needs. Please visit my Linked in profile to know why ?
We have developed two products called "SunKids" for children with Disabilities such as slow learners and Autistic
2) "SunKids Vi" For Children with Visual impairment in the age group of 3 to 12 years.
3) Also we have developed another Product to provide Vocational education to Persons with Special needs.
Augmented Reality-Paper Bag – NEW ONE
We hereby send you "Response of Differently Abled Students’ to A/R Technology Solution for imparting Vocational Skills." Video link
These products we would like to mobilize once we have funds in place.
These products are being implemented and if there are funds available to promote them we would be happy to know more about it from your side.
Marketing : Our current barrier is funds We have not been able to hire right talent for Marketing the product. Also do not have media/social media presence.
Present Marketing : So far our product has been sold thru Business to Business Model. We tie up with organizations who in turn gives it to their trainees or temporary workers in the factory. We have been able to get business due to institutional linkages.
Since our product is going to be in "Business to Consumer" market with strong "Business to Business" connect. We will need to tie up with Skill Training Institutes who are conducting training program for say Mobile repairing course or Beauty parlor course, Auto service technician course etc. They would also be very happy since student will prefer that after training they can get loan to start their business. Now hope for getting job is drastically reduced.
Brand connect : Ex. Mobile repair Shop we can connect them with Service Providers. Ex.Vodafone or Jio. So our participant will approach them to sell their SIM cards or other accessories.
Media : We need to have strong presence on Social Media and better marketing campaign to make students know about our organization.
Technical : We have to upgrade our platform for scaling up activities level and add extra functionality in it to make it more appealing.
Multi Media content is in English and Hindi but we must add other regional languages to make it our target market.
Over all our strategy will be to have as little as possible fixed expenses and have a variable cost which goes up as the revenue goes up. In the present scenario Post "Covid19" it should not be very difficult. Also our present strategy of "form dependable network alliances " has been a success and will be the same moving forward and "out source" the work as far as possible.
Marketing : We employ Business Development Executives with certain fixed amount and remaining based on performance who will be required to tie up with Nodal partners such as Training Institutes in the domain of Mobile Phone repairing, Beauty parlors, Ladies tailoring institutes, Auto service technician and AC service technician domain. We will try and focus on these few selected areas. Focus will be on Women employment since there are lots of Govt. scheme and most of these women are not aware of them.
Brand Connect : Thru our Business Development executive team we will tie up with Brand companies in Mobile, Beauty parlor domain etc.
Media : Thru external agencies increase our presence in Social Media. Prepare educational Videos and host it on our site. Currently, we have an MoU with a "Google Kormo" where they are using our Multi Media content on their site for education purpose. We are not getting any revenue for the same though.
Technology and Multi Media content we will have our own in-house team who will be managing the same.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Our Company Motto is "Growth Thru Customer Satisfaction" and that applies to core team of employees.
We have been in this domain for last more than years. We have dedicated full time core team of 12 Persons and most of them been with use more than years.
We Employ Persons with Disabilities as far as possible for tele calling and number is around 4 to 6 of them depending up on the work load.
As mentioned earlier we try and operate thru Network Associates for other types of work like Content translation, Voice over for Videos etc.
Technology Evolved based on traction :
The product has been conceived by us and IP is with Sunrise. We have improvised "MARS" over the years based on the feed back received from the market. "SaaS' business model was later on conceived. Since when we went to market and ask for a relatively large sum, did not get much response. We realized market is very price sensitive hence we made a "SaaS' model.
Content Preparation and IP of Content
While preparing content we anticipated need to translate it in Regional languages hence as far as possible we do not include the face of speaker since "Lip Sync" is very difficult and time consuming.
We are probably one of the few companies which has technology expertise and Content development experience. Over the years we have prepared several Hundred hours of Multi Media content. We knew when market will take off Content will play very decisive role and hence IP of all content is with us.
Institutional Linkages
Besides NSDC we have also tied up with 4 important Skill Councils for Technology and content partnership.
1) Electronics Sector Skill Council of India (ESSCi)
2) Auto Skill Development Council (ASDC)
3) National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) Part of Ministry of Skill
4) Sector Council for Persons with Disabilities. (SCPWD)
Market Take off got delayed by 2-3 years. Now it will and we are ready with the Team with The Grace of GOD, ofcourse .
Over the years we have been working with the above mentioned Sector Skill councils. They are our customers and source of connecting to Training partners. We have been preparing text based content for these organizations as per (NoS National Occupational Standards) which is a Generally Accepted Standard for Content (GASC). Hence all our Multi Media content is compliant with Govt. Norms.
Thru Training partners we intend to scale up our activities in certain domain like Electronics, Auto etc. These partners have large databases of participants who have undergone training with them. Thru them we will be able to reach our end users. Otherwise reaching end customers specially in this type of segment is very difficult and expensive but thru this networks we are able to reach them at very little cost. Also we intend to focus only certain Skill sets mentioned earlier. Besides we have our own database of more than 100,000 Users.
As can be seen from the diagram below we have already established Institutional linakges with our target segment. Typically one has to spend lots of funds to reach the target market but as can be seen due to our Institutional Linkages in a very cost effective way we can reach the target segment.

Our Business Model is B2B. We allow white labeling (with Powered by Sunrise) to our Business customers so they can give these to their students or temporary workers under their brand name. We charge around US $ 150/ for that and then around US $20/- to US $ 40/- per user license per year. Depending upon number user licenses they want.
We keep the IP of the Technology and multi Media content with us. We are possibly only company in Skilling domain who provides both Technology and Multi Media content. Early on we had foreseen that future is e:learning thru Mobile App. and student in this segment is not going to Read text on Mobile Phone hence we have invested heavily for preparation of Multi Media content and have several hundred hours of Video content in English and Hindi.
This acts as Entry Barrier for the competitors since we give both (Proven technology and Multi Media content) at very low price point. India is a "Low Cost Very High Volume Market.
Our Customers fall in two categories. "RPL" Required Prior Learning - 3 days training programs conducted by the Ministry thru Training Partners for persons who know the skills but do not have certificate. During this program our Mobile App. is given for continuing education.
Learn and Earn Scheme - In this scheme student is working at a factory and undergoing practical training. During this student has to learns thru our Online/Off Line platform and appears for the monthly examination.
- Organizations (B2B)
Currently we are generating revenue by way white labeling our platform for small fee and then charging them per user license including Mobile app. Slowly it is peeking up well.
We intend to Raise minimum of US $ 150,000/- in coming months as an Equity funding to scale up the operations.
With this Entrepreneurship model we expect the revenue to grow many folds.
1) Charging for the Mobile App. User License Fees.
2) Conducting 30 Hours of Webinar to teach them about Entrepreneurship
How to prepare Business plan, Marketing plan etc.
and how to and where from to acquire funds. There are so many Govt. scheme based on Gender, cast, financial status etc. and they are not aware of these schemes and even if they know about it they do not know how to get these funds from Financial Institutes.
All these will be explained thru Mobile App. and Webinar.
3) Assist them during the process of filing Govt. forms and responding to any queries raised by person raising query while sanctioning loan. Thru Call enter.
For each of these steps we will be charging relatively small amount but as the volume is so huge the number will add up.
With the use of technology the cost will be low and we expect around
Variable Revenue - Variable Cost = Marginal Revenue to be almost 50%.
Please Watch Video clips in "What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?"
Global Reach : All our Products have Global dimension and can be implemented with certain language changes. At MIT-Solve you have a global reach and you can either connect us to an organization or an Institute who is working in similar domain or assist in getting funds or other Resource.
Technology Enhancement : As you can see we are using RFID technology, Technology found in Industrial automation in Education, Especially kids in the age group 3 on wards. Similarly we can use other sensors such as "Pressure Sensors" while child is writing Alphabets and monitor the pressure and isolate if the child puts more pressure on a particular alphabet and analyse. There are many possibilities.
My Personal Passion : I am a father of 33 years Old CP son Siddh. He is still in diapers. I left my career in USA and migrated back to India to take care of him with family network and servants. He is beautiful Boy and I love him the most in my life. I can not change his life but thru technology I can always help other children who are disadvantaged due to physical or financial reasons.
Why MIT Solve : always held MIT in high esteem from my college days. Brilliant young students. This form has been well designed. Great Job everyone in the team. PLEASE CONNECT ME WITH PERSONS/INSTITUTION WHICH SHARE SIMILAR PASSION.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Marketing, media, and exposure
As mentioned earlier I would like to be connected with Persons/Institution who share similar value system as I have described in earlier section.
Or an Investor who wants to enter Indian market with a growth story.
I understand Micro Soft is supporting your initiative in assistive technology area. Is it possible to connect to the person who can also provide some guidance to us.

Managing Director