Marginalized Employment Opportunities
1.We committed to solve A high population of marginal people in Ghana; they are unequal access to income and employment opportunities and high rates of poverty particularly in rural areas, which are home to more than 75 per cent of the population present social and economic challenges. The outlook is particularly bleak for marginalized groups such as women, young people and segments of the rural population.
2.To improve income generation and marginalize entrepreneurship development there is the need to institute skill work income generating business such as women shear-butter production, tailoring dress making,and hair dressing for young marginalized women in the short to medium term.
3. Scale-up solution is empowering marginalized to be come sustainable entrepreneurs, improving income generating business, creating employment and jobs opportunities in rural areas and its associated products demand supply marketing value chains is improving and earning better income and poverty reduction.
The solution particularly addressing the problems of non-entrepreneurship and jobless situation in the rural communities. The strategy solution is to ensure effective skill- work training for improving and promoting a population of 500,000 marginalized people economic development in the rural communities; the partnership goal is to have a broader impact on job creation and in promoting sustainable entrepreneurship development for women and other marginalized people who are living without sustainable business. The solution will include young girls who completed/drop-out from schools for participating in the project for enhancing their entrepreneurial spirit and economic development as well as the introduction of managerial entrepreneurship innovative courses, and promoting a public private participation initiatives with Business Associations and the involvement of the civil society organizations. The solution strategies is to promote partnership with public and private sectors, as well as other relevant skill work technical partners, come together to train the organized marginalized groups skills work entrepreneurship development, and better align the skills acquired by young people with labour market demands. the partnership planned to strengthen the capacity of vocational training and apprenticeship for rural marginalized women and girls.
The solution is the problems of non-entrepreneurship and jobless situation in the rural communities. To assist in developing communities and supporting those that are frequently left behind especially marginalized people. The partnership has set standards to create a foundation for the marginalized to move ahead in their own communities. By encouraging women, immigrants, refugees, the disabled, youth, and other high-risk groups to take part in entrepreneurship training, individuals will be given the power to create their own opportunity. The partnership employed many methods to promote the path of entrepreneurship to the marginalized, but what really matters is that these programs aim to improve the basic conditions of high-risk communities’ especially rural areas. The partnership objectives of marginalized entrepreneurship development are; Improve employment opportunities for poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups through access to skills training on enterprise development; Empower vulnerable groups to start or improve their businesses through the new skills acquired; Create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship through establishment and strengthening of networks for implementing social safety net services, providers of working capital, and participants from vulnerable groups. These are objectives that will assist and develop marginalize people who are frequently left behind.
The solution will serve and develop a population of 500,000 in the rural communities and support them; this population frequently left behind to enable them move ahead with sustainable impact of economic activities in their own communities. The marginalized people are adult women, young women, immigrants, refugees, the disabled, youth, and other high-risk groups to take part entrepreneurship skill work development training. Our research finding revealed that 500,000 marginalized people living in 36 districts rural communities in the Northern Region are living without any economic income business activities; as their needs are known, we decided to extend the solution to rural communities for training them to acquire skills in economic income generating business to be come sustainable entrepreneurs, Improve employment opportunities for poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups; to start or improve their businesses through the new skills acquired; Create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship through establishment and strengthening of networks for implementing social safety net services, providers of working capital for them to start-up business activities including beneficiary participants from vulnerable groups.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
The problem is alarming in the communities; the solution is targeting population of 500,000 who are marginal people; they are unequal access to income and employment opportunities and high rates of poverty, which are home to more than 75 per cent of the population present social and economic challenges. The outlook is particularly bleak for marginalized groups such as women, young people and segments of the rural population. To improve income generation and marginalize entrepreneurship development there is the need to institute skill work income generating business such as women shear-butter production, dress making, hair dressing for young marginalized women.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
The project solution is designed to create economic business activities for marginalized people in the society, the project innovation is a strategy of training marginalized people to come sustainable entrepreneurs through income generation activities such as tailoring dress making , hair-dressing and shear-butter production; this solution out-come will result integrating marginalized groups into the formal sustainable economy and increasing entrepreneurship development in the communities. They are some organizations such as Women Weavers Association; Women shear-butter production Association and Young women tailoring hair dressing skill work development are working in the communities; the partnership solution has over taken them due to our new innovation businesses creation and organizing capabilities in the various communities has empowered marginalized people production economy resulting improving income revenue and eradicating economic shocks, improving marginalized people economic prosperity, and creating good jobs for women, youth and disables in the communities and ensuring their access to financial capital from banks and other financial institutions. The partnership has networked the beneficiaries with other organizations for exchange of ideas and technology transfer.This innovation solution makes the partnership solution over taken our competitors in the communities.
The core technology that empowers our solution is Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) of an annual United Nations event meant to raise awareness of the role that small and mid-sized businesses play in the international economy. The partnership has empowered by UN strategy technology ideas that enable us to address the marginalized main challenges such as lack of accessibility to formal training, no skill work empowerment and no financial funding support. The Marginalized groups benefited from improved employment opportunities along selected skill work economic business activities value chains. The project solution objectives are to be achieved through four related fields of action: Increasing marginalized people tailoring, hair-dressing and shear-butter production and productivity in skill work development systems; The solution is Building capacities of relevant actors, especially those from marginalized groups, along selected skill work economic business activities value chains; Improving market access for marginalized beneficiaries products; Strengthening institutional frameworks for the promotion of income generation business activities in the communities.
The technology solution is widely used in Northern Region of Ghana communities such as Tugu-Yepalsi and Kumbungu communities; seeing marginalized women and youths are in employment and productive at work, they utilized available opportunities to acquire and maintain relevant skills as successful business entrepreneurs in their various communities. They established enterprises and perceive skills development as strategic, and seeking to step up investments for their business growth. In the communities they facilitated technology skill-work and acquired quality jobs and committed to implementing skill work technology plans that supported decent work, helped preserved employment and prioritized job growth. The skill work training technology is adopted a framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth as the instrument for their cooperative action. Enhancing decent employment opportunities for women and marginalized groups in growth and developed Strategies for Eradicating Poverty and achieved Sustainable development for All. They developed strategy and targeted youth investments and skills development interventions and young people are tailored to meet local needs.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
The partnership Expect impact solution of the problem; since our skill work training is a theory of change, the immediate outputs and longer-term outcomes for the target population Entrepreneurship will play a crucial role in initiating innovative changes in economy by providing new products and services. The impact Entrepreneurial culture will inspires marginalized people and creates entrepreneurship for marginalized women, men, youths and disables. Marginalize people Entrepreneurship is seen as an effective tool for sustainable development, employment generation, poverty reduction and innovation. In order to promote effective Entrepreneurship, the partnership had set up special institution such as Skill-work Income Generation Institute for training marginalized people skill-work entrepreneurship and Industrial Development.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Ghana
- Ghana
1.The current number of people are 5,500
2. In one year time we will be serving 25,000 people
3. In five years time we will be serving 150,000 people
The partnership goal is to ensure availability of skill-work-training and a reform of education programs according to the needs of affected marginalize population group for eradicating discrimination directly. The skill-work training programs should be based on gender participatory in the training, economic growth and be able to foster the marginalized economic development and enabling entrepreneurship development and showing a clear path toward the following : promoting achievement; and tackling barriers to inclusion.
To become more responsible in terms of providing support to the marginalized groups, the disabled and those who are excommunicated and are not in an equal position with other groups; To organize marginalize association in order to identify occupational background of the group, to ensure the kind of skill work occupation to be trained with entrepreneurship development among marginalized groups;
The barriers are; discriminatory in employment; The issues of determining the form of social exclusion (the educational processes of marginalized groups compared to other population groups); Causes of difficult participation in skill-work training and employment of marginalized group; The economic restructuring and transformation of a system exclude marginalized groups from the labour market due to the fact that their qualifications do not match the needs of the new system. The lack of appropriate skill-work training educational programs tailored to the needs of marginalized groups which is major cause of social exclusion and the lack of employment opportunities. Also, certain marginalized population groups are discriminated because of various stereotypes, stigma and prejudice.
With these under listed barriers in mind, the partnership would put in place policies aimed at achieving equity and make greater effort to remove the existing obstacles through community wide advocacy awareness creations and capacity building work-shops. This will significantly contribute to the growth of employment, which would give a chance to all unemployed persons who are marginalized on a certain basis to be socially involved and total eradicate the barriers such are gender discriminatory barriers in employment; The issues of determining the form of social exclusion; determining the cause of the faster leaving the educational processes of marginalized groups compared to other population groups; Causes of difficult participation in skill-work training and employment of marginalized group; The economic restructuring and transformation of a system exclude marginalized groups from the labour market due to the fact that their qualifications do not match the needs of the new system. The lack of appropriate skill-work training educational programs tailored to the needs of marginalized groups which is major cause of social exclusion and the lack of employment opportunities. Also, certain marginalized population groups are discriminated because of various stereotypes, stigma and prejudice.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Tailoring training contractors( facilitators) 10; part-time staff working under them 5; Hair-dressing training contractors( facilitators) 10; part-time staff working under them 5; shear-butler production facilitators 10; part-time staff working under them 5; Partnership organization Full time staff 10; 5 Monitoring and evaluation staff,2 project coordinator, 1 administrator, 1 Secretary and 1 program director. Total work force 55 staff.
The Partnership Experience team is aware that Socioeconomic inclusion, skill-work training and integration of marginalized communities has the ultimate goal to provide for such communities an equal access to jobs, education, and health services. Marginalization of population can be determined based on a combination of relevant indicators, such as indicators of high rate of long-term unemployment, low level of education, discrimination, high exposure to health risks or lack of access to health care; Employment is essential not only to achieve economic security of the individual, but also for his or her physical and mental health, personal well-being and the sense of identity. Partnership is aware that the relevant training education can lead to improvements in self-esteem, communication skills, the sense of belonging to a social group as well as the achievement of personal identity; we are Also aware that skill-work education that accompanies the needs of the marginalized individuals, encourages creative and logical thinking Therefore, it can be concluded that proper skill work income generation entrepreneurship education leads to improvements in social, economic and personal lives. Namely, the level of qualification and business skills are directly related to the degree of employ ability. For the marginalized and those young people who have left schools or drop-out, illiteracy and the lack of basic life skills reduce their life chances, including access to employment. Basic life skills may include capabilities such as the development of communication and entrepreneurship skills.
The Partnership organization has partnered with Technical skill-work trainers, they are; Tamale Tailoring training Institute contractors; training young women dress making and entrepreneurship education and monitoring by partnership staff; Ladies Hair-dressing training Enterprise contractors; training young women hair-dressing and entrepreneurship education and monitoring by partnership staff ; Shear-butler production training Company- contractors; training young women shear-butter production and entrepreneurship education and monitoring by partnership staff. The will give entrepreneurship and income generating business for the marginalized people and those young people who have left schools or drop-out, illiteracy and the lack of basic life skills reduce their life chances, including access to employment. Basic life skills may include capabilities such as the development of communication and entrepreneurship skills.
The partnership is working with two models in training and supporting entrepreneurship and business development for vulnerable people and at-risk communities, such as marginalized People such as men and women and those living with disabilities. The Partnership project models are two; trainer’ and ‘learning models methodology that are applied through training the beneficiaries and group them as peer to peer groups as activity-based group model. After learning from the trainer, the Participants work together in small groups to solve problems through sharing knowledge, experiences, entrepreneurs development and help each other understand formal business concepts, like costing or marketing, and develop stronger skills for business improvement; these training tools are designed to accommodate any marginalized individual with an interest in the relevant training topic after he or she received successful skill work entrepreneurship training; when the peer marginalized groups become successful graduated entrepreneurs they can develop their own new training tools kids in the areas of rights, organizing, empowerment, entrepreneurship, business economic development and engage in training broader target marginalized groups in their various communities.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The partners Investors and Marketing companies continue investing in the skill-work training project and financial grant funding from District Assemblies Local Government Youth Fund, and partnership enterprise products income will bring money for partner Enterprise productive and financial growth. Our Average Revenue per User is a measure of a customer’s average contribution to revenue. A rising level means we are getting more sales from each customer. We are aware that some customers are more valuable than others; we get really granular and look at how sales break down by channel and customer type so that we can tease out trends and devote resources to optimizing our customer mix and boosting our share of wallet. We ensure Managing our team's time more efficiently in order to Keep track of our team's important key performance indicators and get an overview of who is working and track both actual and billable time in order to increase income revenue for funding our partnership solutions.
The Partnership is applying to Solve for support of partnership capacity building training and financial funding to enable us solve the problems of under listed barriers;
The barriers are; discriminatory in employment; The issues of determining the form of social exclusion (leaving the educational processes of marginalized groups compared to other population groups); Causes of difficult participation in skill-work training and employment of marginalized group; The economic restructuring and transformation of a system exclude marginalized groups from the labour market due to the fact that their qualifications do not match the needs of the new system. The lack of appropriate skill-work training educational programs tailored to the needs of marginalized groups which is major cause of social exclusion and the lack of employment opportunities. Also, certain marginalized population groups are discriminated because of various stereotypes, stigma and prejudice.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
To understand the problems of marginalized groups entrepreneurs and suggest some measures to overcome the problems; To identify
discriminatory barriers in employment and put in place policies aimed at
achieving equity and economic business development. Improve employment
opportunities for poor, vulnerable and marginalized groups through
access to skills training on enterprise development; Empower vulnerable
groups to start or improve their businesses through the new skills
acquired; create an enabling environment for entrepreneurship through
establishment and strengthening of networks of implementing social
safety net services, providers of working capital, and participants from
vulnerable groups. To scale-up and replicate the marginalized entrepreneurship skill work development to all parts of 36 districts Northern Region.
Partnership with Tamale Tailoring training Institute- training young women dress making and entrepreneurship education and monitoring by partnership staff; Ladies Hair-Dressing Training Enterprise ; training young women hair-dressing and entrepreneurship education and monitoring by partnership staff ; Shear-Butler Production Training Company; training young women shear-butter production and entrepreneurship education and monitoring by partnership staff.
Objectives of the refugees support programme and priority issues; The partnership objective is to contribute to poverty reduction and social inclusion of refgees confined in the informal economy and disadvantaged/marginalized groups through its integration into the formal economy; to improve capacities of social entrepreneurship support structures while fostering the development and/or reinforcement of linkages with the same type of support structure in the refugees communities. Refugee’s inclusive entrepreneurship economic development in the context of Northern Region is a priority for the Partnership organization. Growing attention is being given to Refugees’ entrepreneurship economic development as part of the empowerment agenda and as a means to expand opportunities and benefit from their engagement in productive (self-) employment. Refugee’s entrepreneurs experience more difficulties in starting and expanding their businesses, particularly due to cultural norms, tradition and social attitudes. There is the need to give them training in income generating business activities such as tailoring, hair dressing and shear-butter production to start-up businesses and grow their small firms into larger enterprises and enhance their status and influence in their various communities. This should be achieved through the implementation of Actions aiming at improving the quality of services provided to refugees’ social enterprises, creating a platform of service providers and specialized support structures for refugees.
Objectives of the women support programme and priority issues; The partnership objective is to contribute to poverty reduction and social inclusion of women confined in the informal economy and disadvantaged/marginalized groups through its integration into the formal economy; to improve capacities of social entrepreneurship support structures while fostering the development and/or reinforcement of linkages with the same type of support structure in the women communities. Women inclusive entrepreneurship economic development in the context of Northern Region is a priority for the Partnership organization. Growing attention is being given to women entrepreneurship economic development as part of the empowerment agenda and as a means to expand opportunities and benefit from their engagement in productive (self-) employment. Women’s entrepreneurs experience more difficulties in starting and expanding their businesses, particularly due to cultural norms, tradition and social attitudes. There is the need to give them training in income generating business activities such as tailoring, hair dressing and shear-butter production to start-up businesses and grow their small firms into larger enterprises and enhance their status and influence in their various communities. This should be achieved through the implementation of Actions aiming at improving the quality of services provided to women social enterprises, creating a platform of service providers and specialized support structures for women.
Objectives of the Good Jobs and Inclusive Entrepreneurship programme and priority issues; The partnership objective is to contribute to poverty reduction and social inclusion of people confined in the informal economy and disadvantaged/marginalized groups through its integration into the formal economy; to improve capacities of social entrepreneurship support structures while fostering the development and/or reinforcement of linkages with the same type of support structure in the communities. Good jobs and inclusive entrepreneurship economic development in the context of Northern Region is a priority for the Partnership organization . Growing attention is being given to good jobs and entrepreneurship economic development as part of the empowerment agenda and as a means to expand opportunities and benefit from their engagement in productive (self-) employment. New entrepreneurs experience more difficulties in starting and expanding their businesses, particularly due to cultural norms, tradition and social attitudes. There is the need to give them training in income generating business activities such as tailoring, hair dressing and shear-butter production to start-up businesses and grow their small firms into larger enterprises and to enhance their status and influence in their various communities. This should be achieved through the implementation of Actions aiming at improving the quality of services provided to social enterprises, creating a platform of service providers and specialized support structures for all.