Breakthrough-technology and innovation create outstanding possibilities to tackle this challenge but nevertheless I believe empowering the youth by (simply) combining studies and university-knowledge with vocational-training and work-skills will enable them to be the workforce of the future.
Learning-by-Doing-and-Studying-The-Dual-Concept improves the quality and combination of work and studies, increases soft and hard skills in the real work-environment, shows different professional-activities and capabilities, increases independence and equality concerning e.g. gender/disability/faith/human-rights/reasonable income/employment-contract/occupational-safety/working-hours/child-labor, empowers disadvantaged, disabled and poor young, gives every adolescents a perspective and shows their singularity and unique talents, encourages entrepreneurship, furthermore brings together local producers and consumers, shortens the mostly long/unsustainable production-chain (e.g. transport/processing of food) and focuses on traditional values and strengths and local diversity and cultures.
Young are part of the enterprises and will work half-time in different departments (e.g. sale/marketing/production/finance/innovation) of local enterprises which process, promote and sell regional goods within their communities and will studying half-time (e.g. applied-sciences). The products should be needed by the community (incl. wealthy people) like local e.g. organic food (ice-cream/pastries/dishes), traditional drinks (beer/tea/juice) or fair-trade clothes/shoes. The products will be on sale only in the local community/city/area/region to improve the image and strengthen respect of disadvantaged and poor young on-site and have to be socially, economically and environmentally acceptable.
The vocational training will partly finance the study-fees and is an excellent opportunity to improve skills, gain experiences and find strengths, weaknesses, talents and preferences for the future. The study supports and supplements the apprenticeship and in reverse.
Money and support is needed to initiate, implement and spread the concept. The goal is that the enterprises run by them own and are profitable. Profit will cooperatively be invested to improve the business or spread the concept. Learning-by-Doing-and-Studying-The-Dual-Concept is a win for the (poor/disadvantaged) youth, community, companies, government, society and future.