Inner Voice Nepal
Volatile changes in the market, lack of adequate capital, and absence of effective business policies make entrepreneurship a tedious process for women. Women in work or business not only help the country to reduce poverty, it also contributes to economic development.
We plan on empowering and enabling the women from rural area in regards to equal employment opportunities. We also plan in helping them be socially, emotionally and economically empowered.
We are proposing on visiting various rural areas of the country with the motive of providing essential training i.e. kitchen garden training, animal husbandry training, tailoring, beauty palour training etc. Through this we plan on strengthening the economic condition of the women as well as aware them about micro-credits where they can save money.
In Nepal women entrepreneurship is a new concept and has recently gained
recognition. In Developing country like Nepal, micro enterprise make major
contribution in the development and most of the women are engaged in micro cottage and small enterprises (MEDEP, 2007). Women's power in decision making, influence and controlled over resources is also negligible (MEDEP, 2010). Men control over resources and decide its usage as well. Women have no power to invest their resources and raise income. Women must not only prove her worth to her husband,father, brother and son, they must also prove to themselves that they are capable,resourceful and innovative.Women entrepreneurship development path is not easy. There are a number of challenges and problems that hinder the path of development. Different women entrepreneurs have various problems in relation to running their business. The National Workshop on “Women in Cottage and Small Industries” held at Kathmandu in 1994 organized by SBPP, has identified the various constraints faced by the women entrepreneurs. These are (a) lack of managerial skill (b) inadequate level of technology (c) lack of skilled labour (d) difficulty in marketing and distribution (e)financial problem (f) difficulty of getting loans/ credit from financial institution.
We aim to address the economic issue by providing them training on social enterprise. We plan on providing training on Eco-Friendly Reusable Pad for the Mother’s Group or Women’s Group of the areas we cover. This will not only help in bringing an awareness about menstruation hygiene and economic growth but we are also aiming at providing an owner driven approach amongst the women for the sustainable awareness.
Human trafficking is one of the most concerning issues in the context of Nepal. Nepal’s National Human Right Commission’s (NHRC) most recent trafficking in persons report indicates that 78 per cent of identified victims of trafficking in 2017/2018 were female and 25 per cent were children. Mostly, all the female are pushed down on being Female Sex Workers. With more, trafficking is leading to HIV/AIDS and also teen pregnancy in the context of Nepal as 40 to 60 per cent of the female are under the age 19. The connection between trafficking, HIV/AIDS and teen pregnancy are older men, termed “sugar daddies” who often target young girl mostly from vulnerable families. They are lured for financial benefit and are sold to open borders or urban cities. Poverty, unemployment and low literacy were recognized as the main contextual determinants for trafficking among adolescent girls.
- Other
We plan on providing a holistic change in the lives of the women of rural area. We plan on making the change through social awareness, economic empowerment and community engagement. We also plan on empowering the the women through job opportunities by providing a platform for them to showcase their skills. We also want to work on sexual and reproductive health of the girls in general.
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency
- A new technology
We plan on touching various sectors while working for one. For eg. with the situation of Nepal and Nepali women we plan on empowering them and helping them build a market area where they can showcase their products. The products that will me marketed are mainly available to them locally which also helps empower other innovations. This will also help promote the local resources which will decrease the risk of migration and trafficking.
In regards to the Eco-friendly pads, we are planning to use the available clothes that will be used for the pads.
In regards to other innovations like pickle making we plan on providing training on pickle making where they use the vegetables from their own garden. We also plan on providing a platform for traditional pickle making which also has a good market in Nepal.
The other idea is to train the women in tunnel farming which helps in the growth of organic farming. Organic products are on demand in the context of Nepal and is growing its market. Therefore, we plan on providing training and also link the women farmer directly to the farmers market in town.
- Behavioral Technology
Empowering women and help them earn will build confidence will help in speaking for themselves. They will also be able to make their own decision.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Poor
- Persons with Disabilities
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
1 Week
3 Months
1 Year
45 Women/Mothers
405 Women/Mothers
1620 Women/Mothers
As we plan on leading in three places we plan on providing 15 women from each place for three weeks in a month. 3places*15 women= 45 women entrepreneurs
We are in a very initial phase where we are planning to operate as an organization. Right now we are working as a team with the idea of working for women. We plan on building an organization and working for it full time.So, our major barriers is funding to establish an organization.
We are in the process of getting legally registered as an organization. We are also working day and night to get initial funding for the newly established organization.
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