HootHat Delivery
In today's world E-Commerce & Facebook-Commerce are creating new entrepreneurs and 2/3 of job opportunity around the world. Moreover new technology replace human,So the necessity of semi skilled & low skilled people are decreasing. Industries are getting technology intensive.It's a relief that,Small business are working robustly and creating job opportunity but poor logistic system hinders their growth.
HootHat Delivery come with an easy logistic system, that will solve E-commerce and F-Commerce owners main headache- "How we Deliver our product? ".
we'll provide a common platform that for delivery boy and Merchant. Any business owner can post delivery request here and any available delivery boy near him/her can pic that request and deliver the product to customer. It's mainly work within the city/ Districts of any country. Delivery boys will earn their daily livelihood and business owner will be able to increase their selling more than before.
We are solving two problem in a single solution.
1. The logistic shortage of e-commerce and F-commerce business and
2. Unemployment problem of low and Semi skilled people
According to BTRC, Dhaka, Bangladesh, "At present there are approximately 2,000 E-Commerce sites and 50,000 Facebook-based outlets delivering almost 30,000 products a day".
Presently there are 10,000 Delivery boys but they are only 30% of total demanded delivery boy in the market. Because the demand of home delivery is increasing exponentially worldwide.
According to Global Retail E-commerce sales 2014-2023, Published by J. Clement, Mar 19, 2020,
In 2019, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to 3.53 trillion US dollars and e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 6.54 trillion US dollars in 2022.
There are many factors for this logistics shortage. some of them are listed below :-
a. Capital Shortage of developing own logistic system
b.The imperfect ratio of E-commerce & F-Commerce and Logistic agency
c. Popularity of e-commerce and Facebook business is more than delivery man's job
d. In many society delivery job is not considered as a good job
e. Logistic business requires more capital and security than E-Commerce
f. Lack of automated payment system
HootHat (A Bengali word means "Instantly") Delivery is a mobile platform for e-commerce & Facebook commerce owners and delivery boy.
In a single App user can open his/her account either as a Delivery boy or a Merchant. A merchant can post his delivery request and A delivery boy, who is already registered in HootHat platform, near at 5 km around the merchant can accept that delivery request and deliver the product to customers door by getting a minimum delivery charge. that delivery charge can vary with the distance and weight.
On the other hand the Merchant can track the route of delivery boy because our system has GPS map . He/she can also schedule all of his/her future order and those order will automatically notify to the nearest delivery boy according to schedule time.
After posting each delivery request it will auto generate a bill token that contains all information about the Order, customer information, price, delivery charge , delivery boy information etc.
Delivery boy will provide the product prices to our payment system and we will transfer those amount to Merchant account automatically. Delivery Boy have to pay a minimum service charge to our platform.
In Bangladesh , My solution will serves minimum 1,00,000 online and offline small business owners and improving job opportunity to minimum 7,00,000 unskilled and semi skilled youth,
To Understand their needs we conducted two surveys one is on small business owner and another one is on delivery boys. We analyze their needs based on their feedback. we also take interviews some delivery boys and business owners over phone. Moreover we also analysed other logistics providers who are playing in market right now. by analyzing them we have developed our core competency in our system. that will give us competitive advantages over our competitors .
We are collecting the database of total business owners and existing and interested delivery boys in our country. And we will connect them through our platform by using those database.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new application of an existing technology
Our platform is work on On-Demand delivery solution. that is very unique from existing delivery agencies. we are going to introduce a single platform that will connect Merchants with delivery provider. We are providing facilities for merchants and getting revenue from our vendors( delivery boys) .
our platform and overall business model is very unique in old logistic industry.
We are using mobile app for providing our service. Using mobile app is very popular business technology in today's world.
Currently our mobile application is based on Android platform we are planning to develop iOS and Web platform in Scale up phase.
we have plan for using drone in emergency delivery service. we also using big data for targeting our customers.
Our Solution is quite similar with UBER. They are providing ride sharing service by using their platform. On the contrary we are providing delivery service. UBER is one of the leading business in today's world.
we hope our business will impact in market largely.
- Big Data
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Bangladesh
- Australia
- Bhutan
- United Kingdom
It's a prototype right now.
After piloting we estimate it will serve more than 5 lac delivery orders in 1st year.
Within the next year we will introduce our Delivery API for E-commerce Website.
within next Five years we will introduce Drone Delivery to emergency support in Hospital and other areas.
besides all we have plan to increase our customer acquisition exponentially.
I think , Financial barrier is our key barrier because we already have market for online business. There are no other barrier in our solution.
We are planning to raising funds for achieving our long term goals. we are initially managing our startup findings by ourselves. but we are looking forwards to equity capital and grants.
we hope once we get funding we will cover come our barrier successfully.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
There are four member in my team.
Three of them are full time and one of them is part time.
our team is a combination of one Full Stack developer, One Business developer, One Marketing Expert and one Graphics Designer
I am the Founder and CEO of Synergy Software Park.
Hoothat Delivery is one of the Product of Synergy Software Park.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our vision of Hoothat Delivery System is very big. I want to acquire a large group of customer base. because of that i required a lot of money for marketing and promotional activities first of all.
All of these our basic needs moreover there are so many needs will arise in future. Besides all of our needs SOLVE is a prestigious platform. that will be a motivation factor for any entrepreneur. We don't know how much money we get from here, but this prestigious award will be such a achievement that move us thousand step forward.
- Business model
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our Solution is creating a platform that will be a opportunity of getting jobs for semi skilled and unskilled people. We know technology is getting more faster day by day. but we can't provide technical knowledge largely. because developing that ecosystem is difficult for all. But if anyone don't have sophisticated technical knowledge it doesn't mean that he/she can't earn livelihood. The number of this type of people are so many. we can replace new technology overnight but we can't educate people overnight. it requires huge time. but every people with low skill and semi skill have rights to earn and live a better life.
Delivery Man job is such kind of job that doesn't need much technical knowledge. They may need driving skill or riding bicycle.
On the other hand , Small Business owner are creating job market. there are thousands of women entrepreneurs who sells their product in Facebook. they may not have much educational and technical knowledge. But they are creating value for there customer. they are adding GDP in economy. we are trying to help those E-Commerce and Facebook business owners so that they can sell their product rapidly. we are trying to develop such platform that will bring a secured , smooth and easy delivery system.
Hopefully our solution will make an impact in SME industry
The Vision regarding our Solution is Providing such a platform that can be useful for any country or region of the world. Our system is like a marketplace where anyone can join.
Out platform is open for all. it will create more job opportunity along with it's revenue. the more Order it complete the more revenue it generates. Because the platform will get 10% of each delivery service charge. If we reach large number of customer the growth of this platform will increase rapidly.
After getting fund we will invest we want to build an Automatic logistic System which requires automatic Payment method, fraud tracking system, managing HR, Customer Compliance etc.
we also use those funds for reducing risk for compensation management, Insurance Policy and Providing, personal protection equipment to our delivery boys.
We also have plan for drone delivery in emergency area. And investing on own vehicle for providing more secured logistic support.