Better jobs for youth with special needs
Youth with special needs in Albania, can not find a working place or even if they are employed they are object of violence and discrimination. People still think that this target group can not work with technology, economy or coordination works.
This project will be totally implemented by youth with special needs.
This project will raise the level of motivation and self esteem, also will be a good example for other companies pushing them to employ persons with special needs.
Also the project continuously will train the staff on their human right and rights at the working place.
We will work that this group will be economically empowered and independent.
We will put pression to the government and local institutions to support youth with special needs.
98 percent of youth with special needs in Albania are unemployed. Even if 2 percent of them are working they are object of discrimination and violence.
This group is poor and dependent from other poor family members.
Even if there are some initiatives this is just on papers. There are laws and strategies written by our state, just to be in the line with UN conventions, but nothing more. This makes this strategies ineffective.
There is the need of changing mentality based on good examples. To show that youth with special needs can run a business in a effective way.
As a start this Solution will employ 20 youth with special needs, living in Tirana.
By growing profits, having more marketing and more clients we pretend to employ for two years 100 persons.
As a start this Solution will employ 20 youth( women and man) with special needs, living in Tirana.
By growing profits, having more marketing and more clients we pretend to employ for two years 100 persons.
This solution will consist on raising chickens, faster, more, with the help of technology. ( poultry science and technology, warm incubator)Selling eggs and chickens.
Project staff will organise selling process on different markets also telephone contacts and social media contacts.
This solution will create working places for youth with special needs, working places were their human rights are respected. This will empower them economically and make more independent within the family and society.
Also, we will sell eggs and chickens with a good price and be strong on the market.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Youth with specuial needs are the group that are facing a lot of discrimination . Women with special needs are double discriminated.They are the poorest target group of the society. They are seen by the family and society as a problem not as resources.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new business model or process
There is not such a initiative in Albania.
Creating a farm with coordination of technology and nature, raising natural products and safe products for our families. Employment of persons with special needs is a new practice in Albania.
Also we will tend to raise the number of families having chickens home
Incubation The physical factors necessary for successful incubation are temperature, humidity, gaseous environment and turning of eggs. Optimum and uniform temperature inside the incubator is very essential for obtaining satisfactory results. The incubator temperature should be maintained as recommended by the manufacturer. It usually varies from 99.5° to 100.5°F (37.2°C - 37.8°C) for forced draft-type incubators and about 1°F higher for still-air incubators. Low temperature slows down the development of embryo and higher than optimum temperature hastens the embryonic development. When abnormal temperature conditions extend over a long period, hatchability is adversely affected by increase in embryonic mortality and weak and deformed chicks.
Humidity in the incubator affects hatchability. Dry and wet bulb thermometers are used for measuring humidity. In fowls egg takes about 21 days to hatch. The relative humidity should be around 60 per cent during the first 18 days of incubation and 70 per cent in the last 3 days for optimum hatchability. In the forced draft-type incubators the· temperature requirement decreases as the humidity increases.
Also we will open a place where people can have a break, take a caffe or tea, also eating ecological products.
Perhaps one of the hardest things about getting a business started is the capital it requires.Poultry farming eliminates that problem, though. In general, farmers need about 20 to 100 chickens to get started on their poultry farm plus a small amount of other capital. This is just a fraction of what entrepreneurs need to start any other type of business. In addition, poultry is not expensive to raise, which helps you keep your costs down and your profits up.
This kind of business has been very successful in Sweden.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
Changing mentality about the importance of jobs done by persons with special needs. Their empowerment with empower families and communities.
Also it is important to connect tradition and technology within one solution.
- Women & Girls
- Poor
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 15. Life on Land
- Albania
- Albania
- Kosovo
As a beginning the project will employ 20 youth with special needs, after 6 months of implementation there will be employed 30 persons.
After 2 years we wish to employ 100 persons
This soluton's objective is changing the mentality about the capabilities of persons with special needs on business management.
We will share this model in Balkan and EU.
Employment fr this target group means independence and self esteem.
Lack of budget.
Society mentality about persons with special needs work.
Fund raising using fund raising channels and during our work we will show that the mentality i wrong.
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
The team is part of Close to Adolescents organisation. Youth with special needs are our project beneficiaries. They are trained and working voluntarily on organisation activities implementation.
It will start with 20 persons beneficiaries, Our objective is to employ people on need and empowering them.
After 2 years we will employ 100 persons.
The project manager has been worked with a similar successful project in Sweden.
Our solution will collaborate at every step with local government institutions, schools and National Employment Agency.
This business model will reach community members Community members will buy chickens and eggs. This business model will sell food with a good quality for all family members.
Also we will have a little caffe were persons, children can enjoy ecological food and drinks and enjoy nature.
This can be as a relaxing time for those coming and visiting our farm.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We need support to start . After we start to work we will sell our products and grow our business, by buying more technology and employ more people.
We have to face barriers created by mentality and this can create financial problems. For this we need advice, support on;
1.on bussiness management;
2. Publicity,marketing within the country and internationally;
3. Financial support;
4. Training of staff.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our solution needs the partnership of Solve for making that solution more visible.
From our partners we need financial help and consulting help.
Employment of refugees coming from Siria, Iran, Irak in Albania.
Women and girls, gender issues are the most important issue of our projects.
Women and girls with special needs are double discriminated in Albania.
Also mothers that have children with special needs are poor and have a low level of self esteem.
Our Solution will create more working places for youth with special needs. Also they will enjoy working rights and be respected theirs human rights.
This solution has the objective to empower this target group by creating better working places and fight discrimination.
Training courses, vocational training courses for youth with special needs and their families.
Employing persons with special needs, making them independent. Also the same project implement in Kosovo.
We need to change mentality.
Executive Director