Community Empowering Africa
The center operates as non-profit making non government organisatio that provide non- formal skilled training. The center provides skills to empower women , youths and other vulnerable groups to create employment.
To enhance the capacity of the youth and women for self sustainability and maximise their full potential and abilities in addressing the social - economic challenges that affect them.
To reduce on youth unemployment in the country through skills Development, innovation and creativity.
To introduce and promote non- formal skills based training and education to both women and youths.
Hope, Divinity and respect to humanitarianism are the core steps to success in life and the three aspects can be addressed through the non- formal skills training.
(1) Every person has a right to life- long Skills for increased productivity, gainful employment and new inmovations.
The project is trying to solve the issue of job creation for self reliance among the younger people since its a global challenge.
The solution is a non- profit marking non - government organisatio that provides non- formal skills training. The center provides skills to empower the vulnerable groups like youth women and youths.
The project pass announcements over the radio inviting those who droped outs of schools due to some reasons.
The project uses both electrical physical / manual technology. Like computers, Tailoring machines for wood work.
The Target population is 5000 beneficialies and we are directly changing live of both educated and uneducated.Without any skill no servival to those that droped out of school due to tution problem, younger mothers but single.
We engage them through the project activities by giving them free traing services that motivate them to train in activities.
After the training some are given facilities to start their own businesses like for Hair dressing we provided saloon equipments and every qualified member is monitered and evaluated for effective results.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Unemployment is now a global factor. The best example is Uganda were 76% are youths and unemployed. Now the solution is trying to creat this avenue of training them so that the youths can still earn a living on their own.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new application of an existing technology
First and fore most our solution is unique in such away that it captures the biggest population that's suffering of jobs around the world.
Secondly,it tackles formal and education training and more of practical.
Our project is new application of an existing technology.
We offer Tailoring which requires many types of machine which require electicty plus welding machine and Hair dresing.
Computer :Training also requires electeity.
Bakery: also needs both electricity and other related machines plus process wheat flow and metal fabrication.
Wood work and Carpentry:
It also requires electeity and related machines.
lastly, in keeping the Enviroment, we make paper bags to eliminate polithen bags that would destroy our Enviroment.
This technology works because this is our third year that we are still training people in different hand skilled like Computer traing, Hair dressing, Woodwork and carpentry, Bekary and Whelding.
Photos shall be attached as envidence.
The project on going but due Covid 19 pendemic we are at Lockdown.
However, the type education is informal education although we are looking forward to register with government in order to operate a formal education.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Internet of Things
Our theory of change or impact to the problem is that by the end of year 2025 the following results should have been achieved:
(1) Over 4500 women and younger out of the 5000 trained women to have created their own employment.
(2) The women and younger girls will have access to business and appropriate technology.
(3) The level of unemployement in our community shall have decreased.
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- Uganda
- Uganda
Sofar the solution is serving about 300 beneficiaries now.
In one year the solution shall have serves about 600 per year.
But in five years the solution shall have about more than 4000 beneficialies.
Our goals with in next year and in (5) years are as follows;
(1) 90% of the groups in question shall have acquired skills for their self sustainance.
(2) The rate of the school dropouts because of financial problems shall have decreased because of the vocational education.
(3) The technological growth of of the productive younger women shall have improved greatly
(4) Increasing the level of unemployement hence decreasing the crime rate in our community.
Also in five years the solution must have acquired it parmanent shelters ( parmanent premises)
The number of beneficiaries shall drastically increased due to the high demand of the technology.
Financially, our solution will face it in buying additional equipments/ facilities to manage the over whelming number of beneficialies.
Legally, in the next few years the solution shall face a challenge of registering the solution as Formal vocational institute.
Technical point of view, the solution shall face aproblem of paying the staff since the number shall be increasing.
On Legal paspective, we have to involve in lawyers to make the solution registered as a fully freaged vocational institute.
Financially, we shall ask well wishers, Donors, membership fee to ensure that money is rised through sales from the products of the trainers like paper bags, black books and baked products.
- Nonprofit
The project is None profite and none political and none religous Organisation.
We have about 14(Forteen) working staff members.
(8) are parmanent and volunteers and no parmanent staff.
(3) are full time and founders.
(3) are contractors and instructors as well.
First and foremost our team is able to work on this solution because we have well qualified, trained and established team that's result oriented and hard-working.
Secondly, our team is has different qualified personels in various fields of training like Instructors in Tailoring, Hair dresing, wood work and carpentry, computer training and software and accounting.
We have degree holders, Diplomas and certicates and Social workers.
We do provide value to the people by Skilling them with what we call Non- Formal Skills Training for self sustainability.
The products that are made by the trainers are sold to the community as asourse of in-come for the project.
Our customers are the entire community because our products are human needs like Tailoring, Hair dressing, Metal fublication Bakary and Computer (ICT). All the forementioned program are part of basic human needs.
Lastly our beneficialies prefar this solution because it's on hand skilled training solution which doesn't require academic papers but as long as u can get it into your brain.
Also, after a quiring the skills the starting capital is not much for a beneficially to start on his or her own business.
Last but not least the raw materials used in the solution can be accessed within or around the area at affordable price. That's why our beneficialies and customers prefar the solution.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
(a) Building positive mind towards saving culture among the beneficialies.
(b) Identification of market and produce things for sell during the training period e.g paper bags, Black books, Tailoring products and Hair dresing at a fee.
Ensure that all the trainers by the end of the training have at least the 65% of the starting capital for thier own businesses.
Contracts with Local industries for proper training needs on the market .
Funds collected from well wishers.
Sales from the products of trainees like paper bags, Black books etc
Donors through Grants, gifts, prizes
We are applying to MIT Solve because we need some support in form of materials or funds to help us solve some of the problems we are facing.
Not only in funding but we request Solve to provide us with some technical support if posible and also sharing experiences.
If possible MIT solve should visit us a solver family and see what's realy going on in solving global challenges.MIT solve shall connect us to grant members.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our partnership goal is to connect us to solve granters in areas like financial support, Monitering and Evaluation(M$E) traing of staff,exchange of volunteers.
With the challenges faced by the organisation, we need some funds to expand on the project like buying aparmanet site for the project and also putting up more building for project.
Man power traing is needed in our partnership.
We would like to partner with organisation like MIT facalties or initiatives and Solve members help and advance the solution interms of funding and marketing our solution for financial and materials suport.
As well as visiting the solution site for more technical advises.
The solution handles vulnerable people including refugees.
The refugees that we can cater for are those from Southern Sudan that neighbours Uganda in Northern Region. However, being near the country Southern Sudan has been facing Civil war in the past (8) years and most of it's citizens came to Uganda to seek for refugee and we have them hear most of them.
This gives us oprtunity to give a hand to support them in form of education, social economic and political and human rights support.
The solution shall use Andan prize Innovation for refugees in suport the children studying in Uganda.
The funds shall support in buying scholastic materials and some insetial needs.
Above all we can use the funds to open u a school in the names of our Donor ( The Andan Prize for Innovation for refugees).
As an organisation, we have experience with women and our focus is to empower women and young girls SOCIALY and economicaly and fighting for Injustice among the vulnerable groups
Women and younger girls are facing many challenges under domestic violence.
If given the prize, that money shall be used to open up a financial institution for women so that women come and brow the money in form of a loan at afriendly interest.
This will be a continous program and more than (50,000 people)" fifty thousand women" shall benefit in just two years. Meaning it requires agent attention save women.
However, once given this money, we can support the women and young girls by giving them small loans at a very law interest.
Also we can support women and young girls with seeds like beans, maize and vegetables for Agriculture at a very low price. This posible if funds are available.
Additional training is required among women and young girls especialy in the field of family planing,financial literacy, on how start small business, saving culture and budgeting / minimize expenditure.
We can suport women and young girls with Skills training and in crafts,Hair dressing Tailoring and leadership skills.
Training women how to manage proper hygyen in their homes and over coming domestic violence.
It's beleaved that once educate a woman you educate a nation. Thank you for supporting solve.
We have confident that we qualify for The GM prize on Good Jobs and inclusive Entrepreneurship to advance our solution because we deal with all vulnerable groups including the elderly people interms of social and economic Empowerment.
However, if given the GM prize funds we hope to use the money in the following;
(1) We shall open up for the another income generating activity as additional income.
(2) We shall use the money to register a Micro Finance in the name of THE GM project. The micro finance shall help them to brow the money at any time u need it and pay back with very small interest.
And this can suport them not only once but thought the time." There is a Chinese proverb which "says that It's better to train some one how to fish than providing a fish every day" So in this way we train them how to save, budget, plan and account for his money( financial literacy).
We do believe this method shall change their lives and solution to solve on good Jobs and entrepreneurship.
The major reason as to why we qualify for this prise is because the Gulbekian award prize lies with in our field of operation and focus ie. Education Entprenuire development , Girls education and Women development to advance our solution.
The money shall be used to suport girl education for school on going and those droped out of school to train and do business to sustain them selves.
Women shall be also be supported by providing with them some small loans with the affordable interest. ( We have to open up a Financial Micro Finance support).
We shall buy computers to give them training in Information and communication Technology (ICT) as away of empowering with new and mordern technology.
Our solution qualifie to benefite from Al for humanity prize because this is what we are building to improve on the lives of our people globally.
The only way of providing a continuous support is to open up a money lending institution (Financial Bank) that can provide soft loans to the community. This dream requires about $ 145,500 US Dollars to put it in reality and it will be along term benefiting programm.
If posible baptise this project in the names of our funder ( Al for humanity prize).
Our team shall use the prize to improve on our solution by parchesing for more advanced facilities to enable easy learning like computers and other required machines for business like Internet cafe.