Organic Chicken Production
Problem: Marginalized
populations in rural communities do not have access to jobs because they have
limited capacities and expertise to qualify for formal jobs nor ideas to start
small businesses. Entrepreneurship opportunities are hindered by the protracted
conflict, lack of access to capital, cultural barriers and skills. Traditional
farming methods could not yield enough food and surplus to generate income to
meet basic needs i.e. health care, education. Essential food stuffs are
imported i.e. Chicken meat is imported from Brazil and chicken and eggs from
Solution: Support 100 marginalised
households with skills to produce 500 organic chicken and eggs in a rural
community to supply urban market. This will create jobs and
entrepreneurial expertise to improve the livelihoods of target households.
Impact: Social and economic outcomes created by the project will change attitudes and motivate marginalized populations to diversify, expand or establish new businesses.
Problem: I am working on the Challenge problem on ‘’how marginalized populations in untapped communities can access and create good jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities for themselves through access to capital, networks, and technology’’. Unemployment and inability of marginalised populations to establish small businesses and prosper socio-economically is one of the root causes of poverty. Nearly 10% of the world's population live in extreme poverty surviving on only $1.90 a day, or less. 70% of the world's poorest people live in Africa. In South Sudan, about 82% of the population is poor. Nearly 6.48 million people (55.4% of the population) are expected to face worse acute food insecurity in 2020.
People most affected: Are women and youth.
Factors and effects:
1. Conflict: results in loss properties and businesses, displacement of people and low food production
2. Limited access to capital: Marginalized people does not have collaterals to access credit from financial institution.
3. Low level of education: Literacy rate is only 34.52%. Thus, lack of skills for marginalised people to qualify for formal jobs.
4. Cultural barriers leading to gender inequality i.e. restricted access of women and girls to education and participation of women in small business.
Solution: Support 100 marginalised households
with skills, 500 organic chicken and assorted inputs for production of chicken
and eggs for sales in urban market to generate income.
Procedure: Guli Foods will collaborate with community leaders to select 100 households
Organize 100 household representative into 10 groups. 10 group leaders will work with Guli Foods staff to coordinate activities to ensure participatory implementation of the project.
Establish and equip a training center and demonstration coop for training producers on poultry production and management, business skills, create awareness on gender for 300 participants to understand equal participation of women and men in business. Training on cricket production as a source of chicken feed.
Construct 100 chicken coops. Each coop will be partitioned into three to separate chicken laying eggs, keeping chicks and adults.
Procure and provide each household with 50 organic chicken (45 hens and 5 cocks), 6 chicken drinkers, 6 chicken feeders, 3 egg trays, 5 nesting boxes and $300 for three months chicken feeds.
Use mobile tablets for data collection during baseline survey, monitoring, evaluation and reporting progress.
Link producers to networks for information sharing, learning and marketing of product to Guli Foods meat processing shop, super markets and hotels.
population: Will be marginalised
households selected by five members committee to ensure transparency and avoid
doing harm.
Who: The selection committee will select marginalized households led by:
· Widows
· Widower
· Youth
· Returnee
· Internally displaced person
· People with disability
· Chronically ill persons
Needs: Needs assessment will be conducted to assess specific needs, available capacities, skills and resources, gaps to resolve. This will help in determination of type inputs needed. Baseline information will be collected to measure current status of target households and changes created during and after the end of the project.
Beneficiary Participation: Target household will be engaged in all stages of the project. They will contribute available resources particularly labour and local materials.
Project impact: Self-reliance and resilience of target household reporting:
· An increase in income, living above the poverty line. i.e. sales of 30 pieces of eggs could fetch >$3 per day. Hunger gap mitigated.
· They can access and afford
o Health care
o Send children to schools
o Acquire assets
o Created jobs
o Own capital, knowledge and skills to expand or start new businesses
· Changed attitudes of people to participate in business
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Relevance: The solution to resolve the problems facing the target population is relevant to Elevate Challenge ‘’Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology.’’ Support by Elevate Challenge will create businesses and jobs for 100 marginalized households as organic chicken producers and opportunities for transporters, processors and retailors engaged in the value chain to ensure economic returns. Skills development, networking and mentorship by Solve team will keep target population in business. Target households will advocate for government to ensure security of their businesses and finances.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new business model or process
Innovation: Few humanitarian organizations have tried to provide three to four chicken (one cock) for vulnerable household to multiply as a source of food and income. However, the quantity of chicken or eggs produced does not meet households needs neither demand in the market. This is why consumers in urban areas depends on imported chicken meat, organic chicken and inorganic eggs. The organic chicken supplied does not meet the market demand and its expensive. Although consumers are looking organic eggs, there is no supply in the market.
This solution is unique because provision of 50 chicken (45 hens and 5 cocks) per household will enhance production of egg in a day. i.e. if 30 – 35 chicken can produce an eggs per day, a household will gain more than $4 in a day.
Secondly, the model of chicken coop (7m x 4m) partitioned into three: 2m x 4m for eggs layers; 2m x 4m for chicks run and 3m x 4m for adult and locked at night will protect the chicken from preys such as rodents, snakes, wild cats including thieves. Adult chicken will run freely to feed on insect, grain, and legumes during the day while chicks are kept indoors to protect them from preys particularly eagles. The training to use cricket as chicken feed will be an added value in the chicken production
Together with Skill development and mentoring opportunities, the target household will produce more chicken and eggs for sale, create jobs to improve their livelihoods.
This solution is a business process which is not new in the world but relevant to solve main causes of poverty due to joblessness and continuous food insecurity problems affecting marginalized population in South Sudan.
Technology included in the solution will be hardware construction of the chicken coops (7m x 4m) partitioned into three (2m x 4m for eggs layers; 2m x 4m for chicks run and 3m x 4m). The chicken coop will be made out of iron bars pillars, one-meter cemented wall topped with 1.20-meter rabbit wire wall and roofed with iron sheets to avoid destruction by termites, spill water, protection of chicken from rats, snakes, wild cats, and thieves.
The proposed training on poultry production and management, small scale business skills, awareness on gender and training on cricket production will build the capacity of the target beneficiaries to gain skills for implementation of the solution to attain its objectives.
The training on cricket production will enable Guli Foods staff to acquire knowledge and pilot cricket production as a source of supplementary in the training center chicken feed. This knowledge will be transferred to the beneficiaries to bridge the chicken feed gap.
An existing mobile data collection and analysis applications i.e. KoBo will be used to facilitate the solution data collection and analysis of information to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation to assess progress and reporting of the project achievement.
Technology used
in this solution is not completely new but widely used in developing world due
to lack of skills, capital, infrastructure (electricity to supply light in
coops or brooding chick at the early stage. My technology to improve the chicken
coops will surely work in this way:
· Protect the chicken from preys (rodents, snakes, foxes, wild cats) including thieves especially at night and water spills.
· Partitioning the coop (7m x 4m) into three sections: (2m x 4m for eggs layers; 2m x 4m for chicks run and 3m x 4m for adult) will enable separate management of the poultry production as follows:
o Arrangement of nesting boxes for layers. Eggs will be collected whenever it’s laid. Each household will isolate the number of hens allowed to breed to produce chicks. Hens will be allowed to keep the chicks for two weeks after catching so as to keep them warm as there is no power for brooding the chicks.
o The chicks will be picked and kept in their section and taken care of. This will allow the hens to join the adults chicken to reduce the time for each hen to start reproducing more eggs as opposed to the traditional chicken life cycle.
o Adults will
be released every day to feed on insects, grain, grass etc.
The technology (seek out shade chicken house, feathering the nest, and use predator-proof hardware) used in the link below will be considered to improve chicken productivity in South Sudan.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
Impact: Enhance food security and resilience of marginalized households against social and economic shocks.
Long-term outcomes:
· Improved household capacity to manage, expand or start new businesses
· Reduced vulnerability of marginalized households planning their wellbeing.
· Changes in attitudes for women and men to participate in business
· Improved children (girls and boys) completion high education
· Improved health status of children, pregnant women and lactating mothers
Immediate outcomes:
· Increased household income through sales of organic chicken and eggs
· Increased food intake as target households can consume some eggs and purchase food.
· Reduced risk of child mortality due to household ability to access health care services
· Increased households’ access to assets such as furniture, television for household happiness.
· Increased access of children to primary and high schools
· 100 marginalised households received organic chicken and assorted inputs
· 10 groups of chicken producers formed and 10 group leaders elected to coordinate the solution activities
· 100 chicken coops constructed
· One training hall, demonstration and producers chicken coop established and equip
· 100 producers trained on poultry production, management and business skills
· 300 participants (150 men and 150 women) received awareness on gender
· Two Guli Foods staff trained on cricket production
· 12 mobile tablets procured for monitoring and baseline survey.
· 100 producers networking with entrepreneurs and marketing product
· Mobilization of community and selection of producers
· Training of producers on poultry management, business skills
· Election of producer group leaders
· Procurement and distribution of project inputs
· Construction of training hall, demonstration and household coops
· Creation of awareness on gender
· Training on cricket production
· Procurement and distribution of project inputs
· Linking producers to entrepreneurs’ networks and market
· Conduct baseline survey
· Project monitoring, evaluation and reporting
· Relative peace exists to ensure security of producers, products and finances.
· Knowledge, skills and inputs acquired will increase household’s productivity and livelihoods.
· Improved household relations and active participation of women and men in the business.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- South Sudan
- South Sudan
Direct beneficiaries:
This solution will
be directly serving 100 marginalised households (about 700 people). In year one,
the solution will be serving the same number of direct beneficiaries. This will
enable the producers to consolidate their business to realize the expected
immediate and long-term outcomes.
Indirect beneficiaries year one:
The producers will be able to serve more than 423,300 people in one year.
The estimate is that the 102 producers (including the produce in demonstration poultry farm) allow:
· 25 hens to produce and sell 25,500 or more organic chicken in a year. One chicken can serve 7-8 people in a household, therefore 178,500 will be served in year one
20 hens to produce eggs and sell 489,600 in a year.
One person could eat two eggs at a time, thus, 244,800 people could enjoy
eating eggs in a year.
Indirect beneficiaries year one:
Therefore, more than 2,111,500 people will be served in five-years’ time.
This number of beneficiaries will double (>5,000,000) when a producer chose to allow all the 45 hens to produce and sell the eggs for 1 – three months or all hens to produce chicks to increase productivity.
Goals: My overall goal is to ‘’enhance food security and resilience of marginalized households against social and economic shocks in South Sudan’’. In this solution, my specific objective is to ‘’support marginalised households to improve food insecurity and livelihoods through production of organic chicken and eggs in South Sudan’’.
How to achieve these goals: Guli Foods will support marginalized population to produce organic chicken and eggs though skill development and networking and marketing of produce. The producers will be mobilised to diversify their poultry production through integration of vegetable production in kitchen gardens. They will be trained to use the chicken waste as manure to improve production of the vegetable (i.e. kale, tomatoes, okra) including onions. This will diversify the income level of the marginalized people in the community. Training on food processing skill though drying of vegetables will also be facilitated. An awareness on planting of improved fruit trees such as mangoes, avocado, lemon will be created to enhance achievement of the solutions immediate and long-term outcomes.
I have already acquired 15 acres land to use as a model farm to apply ecological concepts and principles to transfer knowledge and practices for marginalized household to promote sustainable agriculture. Transfer of knowledge to more marginalised people to improve their livelihoods is my dream.
Financial barriers: Financial institution could not give loans to few persons with interests in entrepreneurship due to protracted conflict and displacement of people in the country. Secondly, marginalized people do not have collaterals to guarantee repayment of loans. This is one of the factors that will limit Guli Foods objective of supporting more marginalized households in year one and after five years.
Technical barriers: Lack of technical skills on the improved organic chicken production practices due to low level of target households’ access to skill training of which women are the most marginalized. As such target beneficiaries have different technical knowhow that will require more time to improve their skill product productivity.
Legal barrier: Are not very much recognized to hinder business opportunities or legal registration.
Cultural barriers: Restricts active participation of women and girls in small business. Marginalization of women and girls access to education resulting in their high level of illiteracy will constitute to poor records of daily produce and income. Thus, affecting efficient documentation of the project outcomes.
Market barriers: Lack of transport facilities and public transport for the producers to access market is the main barrier. This will result in high cost of transportation of produce to the urban market, thus reducing their income. Risk of non-repayment of producer if traders are supplied chicken or eggs on credit. Insecurity and theft of the produce will result in financial losses.
Solutions to experienced barriers:
1. Fundraising for other donors to support the address the financial barrier. Mobilize each household to contribute with land, labour and available resources to reduce the cost of construction of coops. Guli Foods will contribute with the land for establishment of the training hall and demonstration chicken coop for training the target households. This venue will serve as a learning centre for other stakeholders to visit hire the hall to support the solution’s growth and replication.
The solution three
years cash flow is estimated to be 440,000. Guli Foods and the producers will
plan and agree on modality of raising $4,314, ($120 in 36 months). This will enable
the solution to support 100 more marginalised households in another community
before five years.
2. Guli Foods will facilitate the proposed trainings and continuously coach the producer to networks, trainings and veterinary worker to gain more skills and knowledge to diversify and manage their businesses in order to raise more income.
3. Marketing of product to Guli Foods meat (minced meat, burger, chicken and fish) processing shop, super markets and hotels to achieve mutual business benefits. Support producers to process legal contractual documents before supply of product to ensure their payment. Lobby for local authorities to ensure security in access markets
4. The awareness on gender is aimed to break some of the cultural barriers that restrict equal participation of men and women, boys and girls access to skill, land and participation in business.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Not applicable
This solution will be implemented by four fulltime staff and three volunteers. The volunteers will be recruited in the community to facilitate close monitoring of the project activities in collaboration with group leaders. The full-time staff will include: The Project Manager, Livestock Officer, Procurement and Logistic Officer and Accountant. Four contracts will be awarded to an engineer to construct the coops, training hall and supplier of organic chicken of related inputs and trainers on business skills, awareness on gender respectively in South Sudan. Two Guli Foods staff will attend the training on cricket production in Kenya.
Project Manager: My skills and background are on natural resources and environmental studies, major crop science and development training and education. My 22 years experiences cuts across community mobilization; needs assessments; development and review project proposals; follow-up grants allocations, transfers and expenditure; participatory monitoring and evaluation of projects in collaboration with stakeholders; participate in coordination meetings with stakeholders i.e. the government, partners (NGOs and UN agencies) and beneficiaries to share information, learning or joint planning of interventions that seek to save lives, build resilient households/communities and fight extreme inequalities of target beneficiaries {Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), refugees/returnees and host communities}. Capacity building and mentorship of local partners, mainly civil society organization staff in all stages of the project cycle management of food security and livelihoods, basic education and peace building projects including partners organizational development. This is to ensure effective and efficient implementation of projects that change lives of men, women, youth (boys/girls) and children and build their resilience to hazards that affect them in South Sudan and Sudan.
Officer: Studied
animal science and specialized in poultry production. He has 10 year’s working
experience with the state ministry of livestock and fisheries and NGOs. He has
the capacity to train the producers in organic chicken production and technical
support in construction of the coops, monitoring and reporting of the project.
Procurement and Logistic Officer: Has worked for 5 years to procure and deliver project inputs. He has extensive knowledge in his fields.
Guli Foods is a member of South Sudan Women
Entrepreneurs Association (SSWEA). SSWEA support capacity building of women on
business skills, food processing, hand crafting, marketing of products as well
as guidance on banking of income.
We network with women entrepreneurs’ organizations
in East Africa community Led by East African Women Entrepreneur Exchange
Network (EAWEExN). The EAWEExN consists of organizations of women entrepreneurs
from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Southern Sudan, and Uganda to
provide women with a platform of trust, strategic planning, resource
mobilization, and programs implementation for a sustainable impact in trade and
economic growth.
National ministry of commerce and industry in
collaboration with World Bank supported Guli Foods meat processing project with
$20,000 grant after winning a business plan competition. Provided training on
business planning and banking skills.
This inclusive business model will support the
target households to be actors; as producers, salespersons or consumers. This
enables them to benefit from the economic development while simultaneously
increasing local food systems in the community and urban areas.
Product value
and impact: Organic
chicken and eggs will be produced by rural marginalized households. This will
create jobs for target household selling the products in urban market to
generate income. An increase in income increases will enable to purchase
household requirements, pay children, healthcare, expand or start new business.
The products will also be consumed to balance household diet.
Consumers: Will be
members of the community, everyone who access the products in urban markets
sales points: Guli Food meat processing shop, retailers’ shops in the market,
super markets and hotels.
Why does
consumers need this product: Eggs are fast to cook and organic chicken is
healthy and more delicious than inorganic chicken because it feeds on unfertilized
nutrients. Producing these products in the community will increase productivity
and supply to the market and also lower prices to meet customers purchasing
How to
provide the product: The products
will be sold to customers in the community or delivered to the market by
individual households. A group of producers can also collect products to supply
customers according to their agreement on quantity of required products.
Retailers can also buy the product in the community and this will save producer
time and cost for transportation of the products to the market.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Guli foods will collaborate and reach agreements with the 100 target
households to raise $440,000 as cash flow through saving of $120 by each target
household and $240 by Guli foods for a period of 36 months. This amount will enable
Guli Food to restart the cycle of supporting more 100 marginalized households
in another community.
Guli Foods will also seek for more funding sources to support continuity
and replication of the solution in other states in South Sudan. Success stories
narrated by target households and stakeholder’s observation of the products
being supplied the solution beneficiaries including sharing of progress and evaluation
reports will convince more donors and organizations to support Guli Foods.
Guli Foods will also acquire loan from financial institutions to
increase productivity of poultry and other food products when this institutions
policies of abolished provision of loans has changed with the relative peace in
South Sudan. This will enable Guli Foods to increase its income as a sole
proprietor while building capacity of marginalised population to grow through
training, mentoring, coaching and observation and replication of best
The producers will also be trained on savings and coached to save their income in the bank. This will enable then the opportunities to qualify and access loans from the bank to diversify their businesses.
Why I applied to Solve: I would like to be a solver in order to create opportunities and solutions to several barriers affecting the most marginalised population in my country. Being a Solver will offer me opportunities to gain skills, knowledge, share experiences and networking opportunities with other Solve winners in the world
What and how can Solve help me to overcome barriers: I would like Solve to build Guli Foods staff technical skills on business planning and management, how to overcome cultural barriers hindering women and youth participation in business and marketing skills through advice, mentorship. This includes linkages to partners to financially and technically support my work in better understanding of business model; solution technology; product/service distribution; funding and revenue model; talent recruitment; board members or advisors; legal or regulatory matters; monitoring and evaluation; marketing, media, and exposure to enhance effective implementation of the proposed solution and new solutions to change lives of vulnerable people in South Sudan.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
Guli Foods seeks for partnership relevant to meeting the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The partnership goals can only be met if we work together to ensure innovative technological development and market access. To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative.
Guli Foods partnership focus is:
Poverty eradication among marginalised population through
business and entrepreneurship skill development, mentoring, funding small scale
businesses and networking. This will greatly support marginalised population to
be resilient to economic shocks.
· Partnership to reduce illiteracy rate among women and girls through adult literacy education will improve the marginalized population to record, plan and report progress of their development projects.
· Partnership to
fight gender inequality due to cultural and traditional norms through learning,
experiences sharing of other countries best approaches to change attitudes and
application to created positive changes in lives of needy people.
Potential partners: Organizations and institutions Guli Foods would you like to work with are not limited to these:
1. MIT faculty or initiatives, or Solve Members to provide technical skill development, coaching, mentoring information and financial support
2. South Sudan Women Entrepreneurs Association (SSWEA) to engage the producers to training opportunities, networking to share information and marketing of products
3. East African Women Entrepreneur Exchange Network (EAWEExN) to share information and experiences and participate in the regions strategic planning
4. African Women Agribusiness Network (AWAN) supporting women and youth led agribusiness organization to share information and mentoring in agriculture and value chain and supply chain
5. Makerere University in Uganda to support Guli Foods training on cricket production for chicken feed.
National Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries technical
staff to provide advice and training producers
Partnership with these institutions will greatly strengthen Guli Foods skills to transfer knowledge to the target households and other marginalized people in South Sudan.
South Sudan just started implementation of its
peace agreement with rebel parties in March 2020 and repatriation of the
refugees has not yet started. People in the neighbouring countries: Uganda,
Kenya and Ethiopia are returning voluntarily. As such more returnees are
expected in the country. However, this will exert more pressure on limited
available resources.
Guli Foods solution has included returnees and internally displaced persons as the primary target group. Thus, The Andan Prize will support reintegration of the returnees through their inclusion in implementation of food security and livelihoods activities such as the proposed solution (chicken and eggs production) and other sustainable agriculture activities i.e. vegetable and crop production and diary goat’s production for household consumption and income generation to enhance their resilience and self-reliance.
Guli Foods will conduct needs assessment to determine the returnee’s other practical needs, capacities and available resources. This is because some refugees had capacity building opportunities in the countries of refugee. This will support Guli Foods in planning of the actual activities to benefit returnees - women, boys, girls and men. Specific skill development activities will be organised accordingly.
Guli Foods has described cultural barriers as the main cause of gender inequality i.e. discrimination of women and girls access to education and participation of women in small business. Guli Foods proposed the following activities to advance the needs of women and girls and promote women’s voices for action:
· An in-depth assessment on genders inequality with focus all forms of discrimination and violence and abuse existing in the community
· One day conference will be organized for 50 participants (20 women, 10 girls, 10 boys and 10 men) to validate the initial findings and resolutions of the assessment.
· Draft report will be shared by two representatives from each cluster (food security and livelihoods, protection, education and health and Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare) to review the findings.
· The final report will be shared by stakeholders (UN, INGO and national NGOs) for inclusion in planning projects
· Guli Foods will collaboration with available mobile network (MTN) in the country to send approved messages on women voices to be send widely to everybody who access the network.
· Three local musicians will be requested compete to compose music on importance of listening to women voices. The music will be played in three local radio networks in the country.
This is expected to create an impact to advance girls and women needs and promote South Sudanese women’s voices to be celebrated and respected.
In this solution, Guli Foods focus is on creating
jobs for marginalised households in rural community to start small scale
business through production of chicken and eggs to supply the urban markets in
South Sudan capital city. In line with this grant on good Jobs and inclusive
entrepreneurship to enable working-age (20 – 65) adults to build the skills and
resources they need to access well-paying jobs in a changing marketplace, Guli
Foods seek this grant to support implementation of the solution through.
Establishment and equipping the training hall for effective delivery of the following skills to the beneficiaries in a safe environment:
· Entrepreneurship skills
· Small scale business skills management
· Poultry production and management
· Awareness on gender
· Training on cricket production
The grant will support Guli Foods in contracting
consultants to deliver respective training and coaching. Cricket production and
processing for both chicken feed and human consumption will also be significant.
As the chicken producers advance and increase
productivity, there is great need for Guli Foods staff to improve their skills
in food processing in particular: processing chicken and other meat products (i.e.
sausage, beef, lamb, fish).
This training center will not be limited to this solution beneficiaries but will serve as a resource center to enhance learning in the community.
Low level of education is one of the barriers for marginalised people to access good jobs in South Sudan. As of 2017, the literacy rate is only 34.52% with more intermediate level of education. The rate is lower among women (<13%) as such they lack skills and training to qualify for formal jobs. The challenge for the solution beneficiaries to record the solution outcomes has been renowned. An opportunity to increase literacy rates among the solution beneficiaries to improve their inclusive economic growth through adult literacy classes including digital literacy will be valuable to achievement of the solution outcomes. The grant will be used for implementation of the following activities in 2021-2022:
· Construction of two classes, an office and wash rooms.
· Procurement of text and exercise books, computers, printer, pens and pencils, board and board markers, furniture.
· Recruitment of two adult literacy teachers.
· Drilling of water bore-hole.
· Solar power connection for computer usage and pumping water bore-hole for drinking and sanitation in the training center.
· Administrative and logistics running cost.
The education level of the 100 beneficiaries will be assessment to enable grading them into the two classes. Guli Food will collaborate with the Ministry of Education for necessary support i.e. adult literacy curriculum and relevant information.
The beneficiaries will attend their classes in the afternoon. This is to allow them to run their household and business activities in the morning hours.
Guli Foods seeks for an opportunity to grow from small scale business to median enterprise to advance economically. Through this grant Guli Foods will be able to expand the poultry production and agroecology initiatives describe in the solution. This will enhance diverse farming with focus on planning trees and fruit trees (avocado, mangoes, oranges and lemon), livestock (poultry, dairy goats and cows) and crop/vegetable production (onions, carrots) and fishing to improve climate change.
