By 2050, more than two-thirds of humanity will live in cities. The current polluting system will have to feed an additional 3 billion people while reducing net emissions to zero.This increases and further burdens overexploited fish stocks, with 30% of food lost or wasted, with no one to feed. Producers are disconnected from urban consumers.Access to commercial aquaculture presents many high barriers to entry and discourages private initiative. Fish consumption deficit in sub-Saharan 10kg\capita\year.
PIAUF AQUARIUM will directly train and manage a community of urban aquaculturists through its platform by providing them with high-performance fry and a personal intensive,intelligent,affordable, ecological and profitable aquaculture farm(100 kg/month all year round). In this way, they meet the demand for protein foods and increase household incomes while recycling their food waste on a daily basis. For a carbon-free world food system.
Anyone, anywhere, can be a fishing entrepreneur.
WHO,eating two servings of fatty fish per week provides the equivalent of 300 to 500 mg of omega-3 fatty acids each day.
However,one in three people do not eat properly,815 million people are hungry,and the population could reach nearly 11billion by the year 2100(UN).
Environment,FAO,estimates that food waste in the world amounts to 1300000000000kilos\year.Aquaculture feed accounts for 50-70% of the investment. Exports of frozen fish reached $136 billion in 2014, creating a large ecological footprint.2050,there will be more plastics than fish in the oceans.
It is estimated that there will be 172 million unemployed people in the world in 2018, before covid.19.Globally, two billion people work in the informal economy(mostly in emerging and developing economies) ILO-COVID19.
As well as a high economic cost for such a fundamental necessity.
Price is an important consumer concern
The live production of the site disconnects you from the city. No easy access to commercial fish farms,appropriate training and technology.
By allowing easy access to agribusiness and fish health goods while remaining environmentally friendly through technology accessible to the greatest number.
PIAUF AQUARIUM "the fresh fish in megalopolis become a commodity".
1.Decentralization of production with the development of the intelligent green energy kit rented to the urban home based fish farming community, reducing the investment cost at the entry and bringing the product directly to the consumers, reducing the purchase cost and the cost of feed by monitoring and automatic production of proteins from the integrated household waste management system.
2.A centralized production in the hatchery of high performance fry feeds up to 10-15g, sold to urban breeders subscribers. Supplied with green energy and inputs provides partners in waste recovery mode.
3.Specific training on the installation is followed by training on the platform.
4.Management by the platform of the farm and the customers by a real time connection. This will allow to produce fish throughout the year and be available directly in the neighborhoods for easy access to fresh fish when needed without having to keep it in the refrigerator and stop being dependent on uncertain electrical energy. example for the mega-cities of Africa. By using household waste and fish cleaning services for the customer, the production of protein-rich larvae that feed the fish and thus reduce household waste by 44%.
PIAUF AQUARIUM aims to address the constraints of the global aquaculture sector to ensure more sustainable, climate resilient and inclusive growth. It also intends to contribute to income diversification and improved food security for urban populations by increasing the production and accessibility of low-carbon animal proteins... This will create a pool of knowledge and skills between producers and consumers, involving all stakeholders, including the least advantaged households, young people and women. The restoration of broodstock and thus the supply of quality juveniles for private breeding centres, the management, supervision and integration of feed through the management of household waste and the improvement of the performance of all operators through the new state-of-the-art technologies made available to them.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Personal intensive aquaculture farm gives a new decentralized configuration of producing fresh fish on a small scale business and makes it scalable.
This removes barriers to entry to commercial aquaculture with a profitable integrated aquaculture project that is a micro win-win by individuals for individuals with macro results,based on the pillars of supporting small aquaculture enterprises,employment, health,marginalized populations,ecology and income;provides economic recovery and employment for communities with a zero carbon footprint.
We have the simple ambition to ecologically rebuild aquaculture value chain so that this new model of commercial aquaculture will be more convenient, safer, more equitable, profitable and sustainable.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new business model or process
P I A U F AQUARIUM is a personal intensive aquaculture farm with a combination of existing technological, economic, social, ecological and cultural elements of traditional intensive commercial aquaculture that is centralized, monopolistic on a large scale due to heavy barriers to entry with a heavy carbon footprint; and gives them a new decentralized configuration on a small scale and makes it scalable.
This removes barriers to entry to commercial aquaculture with a profitable integrated aquaculture project that is a micro win-win by individuals for individuals with macro results, based on the pillars of supporting small aquaculture enterprises, employment, health, marginalized populations, ecology and income; provides economic recovery and employment for communities with a zero carbon footprint.
We have the simple ambition to ecologically rebuild this aquaculture value chain so that this new model of commercial aquaculture will be more convenient, safer, more equitable, profitable and sustainable.
PIAUF AQUARIUM: Le site offre une plateforme de gestion de la ferme personnel aquacole du poisson chat des particuliers qui desire augmenter leurs revenus.
La plate forme monitoring 24h sur 24 la situation de l’élevage du point de la qualite de l'eau,le stock, l'energie solaire et la situation et le processus du recyclage des déchets ménagers qui servent de nouriture en effectuants toute les taches technique
Étape 1
Le client ouvre l'application
il saisis ca commande dans le champ, examine les options disponibles (taille , prix, localisation du fournisseur le plus proche, poisson frais,prépare, nettoyer, a emporter), choisit sons fournisseur, puis confirme la commende.
Étape 2
Le client est mis en relation avec le fermier urbain.
le fermier urbain à proximité accepte la demande.le client choisis le mode de livraison (immediate, l'heure,le jour choisis, recuperation personnelle, consommation she le fournisseur) Celui-ci suit la livraison soit la progression de l'arrive du client et le client suit la progression de ca commende.
Étape 3
Le chauffeur prend en charge le passager
Le chauffeur et le passager vérifient mutuellement leur prénom, ainsi que la destination. Le chauffeur commence ensuite la course.
Étape 4
Le chauffeur conduit son passager à destination
L'application permet au chauffeur d'accéder à un itinéraire détaillé.
Étape 5
Le chauffeur et le passager s'attribuent mutuellement une note et un commentaire
À la fin de chaque course, les chauffeurs et les passagers peuvent s'attribuer mutuellement une note allant d'une à cinq étoiles. Les passagers ont également la possibilité de complimenter leur chauffeur et de lui laisser un pourboire directement dans l'application.
The technology stack of PIAUF AQUARIUM under the platform
- Programming languages - Ruby and Javascript.
- Framework - Ruby on Rails. RoR framework is well known for its awesome capabilities that speed up development and, as a result, reduce costs and TTM (time to market).
- JavaScript framework - React. A JavaScript UI library, React, is a flexible and efficient solution for building sleek user interfaces.
- Web server - Nginx. Nginx is a powerful HTTP and proxy server that speeds up content delivery, ensures Airbnb's security and scalability. Not only Airbnb reaps the benefits of Nginx; tech industry giants like Instagram, Netflix, and Zappos use NGinx too.
- Key-value storage - Redis. Redis provides a scalable cache infrastructure and a key/value database.
- Cloud storage - Amazon S3, EBS. To store user data including millions of user pictures, Amazon resorted to Amazon services.
- Cloud hosting - Amazon EC2. Amazon EC2 is an efficient tool that distributes the incoming traffic and doesn't let the system go down during sudden traffic spikes or any unexpected traffic fluctuations.
- Cloud database - Amazon RDS. Amazon keeps its data in an Amazon's cloud relational database. Earlier, Amazon used MySQL databases, but switched to Amazon RDS to simplify administration and other routine tasks.
- Big Data tools - Presto, Druid, Airpal. Airbnb possesses tremendous volume of user data, so they use various instruments to store, process, analyze, and manage that data.
- Biology - production, transformation of the waste to officiant fish food-production of high performance catfish juvenile in the beginning.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Biomimicry
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Blockchain
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
PIAUF AQUARIUM its a profitable inclusive company for easy access to aquaculture entrepreneur ship and provide solution of heavy consequences of world production freshfish for the planet and fight against the bad food in urban area.
It will provide high performance catfish fry from its hatchery with a smart green personal aquaculture farm that we'll be supply with the daily household waste of the households of farmers and consumers to allow to produce way control by this platform the adequate food and produce 100kg \ month of affordable fresh catfish all the year by individuals for individual and the necessary training. It will provide a training program in appropriate business farming. Deep data will be collected, provided and translated in simple terms so that it is easy to use for urban farmers and consumers and improve quality and expérience. The platform will take care of all aspects of high technology by he' s team and real-time trade for all stakeholders in the value chain who will be able to save money, earn money, sharing an urban culture and improve quality of life to any one any where what ever they social status.
We will thus have a positive impact on the production of fresh fish consumed from production to consumption.
by strengthening the confidence of producers / consumers, thereby increasing aquaculture activity, which contributes to supporting our good diet and the planet, and finally and above all to restoring our immediate food economy.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Congo, Rep.
En effet, ayant passé mon enfance à Kinshasa, au bord du fleuve Congo, en République Démocratique du Congo en Afrique sub-Saharienne, architecte et pratiquant l’aquaculture artisanale en étang en dehors de la ville, non structuré par passion avec mes voisins de ferme. Je me suis progressivement rendu compte, par les plaintes et les lamentations des pêcheurs, des vendeurs et consommateurs, que nos eaux se vident de plus en plus de poissons, ainsi qu’une insuffisance de livraison en continu des produits frais issu des eaux douces...
Voulant toujours pratiquer l’aquaculture, J’ai rencontré beaucoup de barrière à l’entrée et de la pénibilité de créer une entreprise aquacole.
Malgré tous nous avons put constituer un réseau de pécheurs qui nous fournissaient des alevins directement du fleuve et des femmes vendeuses ambulantes très impliquées dans le commerce du poisson frais malgré la pénibilité de ce commerce, quelques agronomes, c'est ainsi qu'a travers nos échanges avec eux nous sommes arrive a cette solutions. Cette communauté est d'environs 800 individus (propriétaires d’étang. pécheurs, vendeurs intermédiaires,quelque agronomes. des détenteurs de diplôme sortit d’école d'entreprise, femmes désirant de faire un commerce) qui on déjà environ 22000 clients(particuliers,restaurants) que nous voudrions dans un an mettre en place et developer cette solution en étant focus sur les retours de cette cible et la mise en place du projet avec une proposition de la solution a 13 000 000 de la population de Kinshasa.
Dans 5 ans, nous visons 20% de la population mondiale touche par l’insécurité alimentaire..
P I A U F AQUACULTURE cherche à atteindre les objectifs suivants en déployant ses premiers pilotes :
La premiere année nous avons comme objectif installer les équipes de développement pour développer et finaliser la technologie et le design fonctionnel acceptable du prototype et finaliser tous les partenariats pour pouvoir affiner le modele d;entreprise, de revenu et scaler et les process pour cela nous devons être dans une ville ou les hautes competences technologiques existent directement, donc Cambridge Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Cultiver une présence marketing et des médias sociaux pour atteindre de nouveaux partenaires et clients
Le test ce ferrons au fur et a mesure sur le terrains africains, kinshasa afin que:
La deuxième année commencer a scaler et participer a tous les programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté, la sécurité alimentaire et de carbone zero', objectif 2050-100 pour les avoir comme clients et toucher le maximum de monde pour que:
Dans 5 ans avoir 20% de la population mondiale comme dans la communauté d'utilisateur producteur\consommateur en développant 5 mégalopoles par an et de pouvoir recycler leurs déchets alimentaires et en se positionnant directement dans les endroits ou la nourriture est directement gaspillée pour donner une valeur ajoutée en produisant du poisson chat frais sain et abordable directement vendable aux consommateurs. Pour avoir un impacte economique et sanitaire local.
Objectif est de pouvoir consommer par semaines 1 usd/kg de poisson chat par habitant.
The first barrier is the development of the prototype, for the moment we have proposed advice to the saleswomen for the conservation of fish, their food, the techniques of sale by sms in short very rudimentary means I pass the details to you.on the other hand if I arrived at this solution it is thanks to the many exchanges and at the time of the harvests that it was structure. We were still able to build 10,000m2 of water but the loading is heavy in investment and 50-70% of the investment would only be for the improved food that needs to be imported to achieve commercial performance, but this has an impact on the price.
No help is available or financing is available and the loans are around 15% with a mortgage of 150% of the borrowed value. Moreover the technology scares everyone yet it is the solution to our problems.
On the other hand any investment in agriculture is tax free for 10 years and those in many African and developing countries.
Technological legislation is non-existent, but increasingly policies have emphasized technological investment while laws are being developed.
The means of development of the concept is the magician's barrier at the entrance.
Technological skills. The best are abroad.
Propose to the investors the land I have available for testing, the HQ of Kinshasa in the largest and most populated commune, dynamic. a real experimentation space with a total of 3500 square meters that I put at the disposal which already includes buildings for sufficient space for offices, training, storage and space to erect the hatchery that will provide the fry. The rest of the investment is the installation and development of technology.
Being able to work with a connected computer, I would take part in the maximum number of competitions to find the maximum of very competent human resources and investments,
I am already writing to embassies and non-governmental organizations, which so far have not answered me: UN, FAO, Action Against Hunger, WFP,
I'm already collecting contact information for the foundations.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
i m alone for the moment
I live myself in the DRC and have been trying to do commercial and profitable aquaculture for 10 years, this experience led me to Solve.
I was able to develop 10,000 square meters of water to realize that I could decentralize and that this problem is global. I searched relentlessly and learned on a subject that was only mine out of passion because I am an architect skill, and I look for the right plan to find the way.
I designed the concept because of this experience with the stakeholders who guide me to find a solution and I think I am not at the end of my surprises and i ll will update gain very soon.
But it s the first time i spoke to professional techno-social-investor so it s verry exited to have an update.
To reach the goals mentioned above, P I A U F AQUARIUM seeks partnerships to:
Mentor and advise product development and strategic planning
Support marketing and communications that clearly distribute data
Build connections to investors and grantors to progress their fundraising strategy
Key Partners
★ urban farmer
★ Investors/venture
★ Lobbyists
Non-key partners:
★ Maps, GPS,Payment,
Cloud storage, Data
analytics platform
★ Financing
partners/banks (manufacture)
★ Hire land space
★ Insurances
Value Proposition
For the farmer:
★ Income generation
★ Ease of joining
★ Flexible schedule
★ Ease of joining
★ Extended market reach
★ Easy of getting clients
★ …
For the consumer:
★ Lower cost
★ Convenience
★ Low search efforts
★ Easy transactions
★ Transparent ratings
★ …
Key Resources
★ The network effects of
your platform (!)
★ Your algorithms
★ Platform architecture
★ Captured data
★ Data analytics capabilities
★ Brand
★ App
key Activities
★ Enhance positive network
★ Reduce negative network
★ Engage the participants
★ Refine value proposal
★ Analyse data & improve
Customer Relationships
★ Own the relationship (!)
★ Manage negative network
Esp for farmer:
★ Responsiveness to issues
★ Guide through joining steps
★ Manage company and image
★ Organic: social media, news
★ Paid campaigns
★ Word of mouth
★ Digital ad campaigns
Transaction management:
★ App (automated)
★ Webpages (first encounter)
★ Engage: mails, notifications
Custumer segment
★ fresh live
★ cook by the farmer
★ PIAUF restaurant
★ Full-time vs part-time
(if other activity but can delegate,manage by app)
★ farmer subscription
vs farmer using
financed the entrance affordable fee
★ Segmentation by
sector location
Cost resources
★ CAC: Cost of customer acquisition
★ WACC: Weighted average cost of capital
★ Legal and settlement
★ Lobbying
★ Platform development & expansion
★ Legal, insurance frameworks
★ Infrastructure costs
Revenue Streams
★ Billing of subscription fees based on savings on :
★ Capital charges on assets
★ Avoidance of licence fees
★ Avoid costs related to employee entitlements
★ Economies of scale on input supplies (fuel, servicing, insurance, maintenance, etc.)
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
