skilled in my hand
- Pre-Seed
mobile App that will contain materials in which anybody can subscribe,at end of the course students will be required to attend practical at nearby college.Colleges around the community will be mapped so that by using this app everybody can identify a nearby center and easily access them for practical training.
I will design a mobile App that will have GIS plug-ins to locate all vocation centers around the specific community.
This App will have all vocational materials in which one will study on-line(theory) by subscribing to the modules.He/she will need to pass the Quiz on-line to qualify for next step of studying(next module).
At the end of each course using GIS technology a student will be able to zoom and identify nearby vocation center where he/she will attend the practical session then after he can graduate and get certified.
Also with the use GIS students can share locations so that they can meet and discuss their studies,share new ideas and available opportunities.
This App will easy access to education materials and save time,this means no need to attend at the education centers and meet lectures facetoface for theory,everything will be on-line with current syllabus according to market needs.
The App will enable students taking same course share skills and understandings (discussion).
My solution enables easy access to education materials and time saving.
This is all study materials will be on-line and anybody can access those materials at any time.At the end of theory modules a student can zoom and identify nearby center and attend the practical module.
This App will update a very current available syllabus depending on the market need.
As per now Vocational centers are few and can not handle all students in need of skills especially at remote areas even those vocation centers are not available,my App will give the chance for those who have no access to those vocation centers due to various factors such as economic,distance,time etc to study on-line on their own time and can acquire same knowledge as those attending classes.
This way will break the gap and stimulate equality for education.
Using mobile App that will be available on play-store or iOs any body can download the app and get access to materials any where anytime.this will enable who are in out of reach for education,knowledge and skills (or) those who have no access to updated syllabus ,to have current emerging syllabus skills.
all graduates records will be kept. - App downloads and course attendance
- Adolescent
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Male
- Female
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
My solution involves current technology ( mobile application) which is the mostly used means of commutation.Therefore anybody with smart phone can download the app and get access to studies.
Most of people in todays world use smart phone as their major means of communication,there i will that chance to implement my innovation so that they can use those smart phones to educate them selves and improve their skills.
App will be free available for download to everybody any where.
- 0 (Concept)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- Tanzania
Students will contribute a little amount of money for practical,also as downloads get higher will get ads which i will charge certain amount of money to run the project.
financial factors
- 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 1-3 months
- Technology Access
- Online Learning
i am passionate about social entrepreneurship
i am just alone
not sure