Last Updated June 17, 2020
Good Jobs & Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Cahira Empowerment Project
Team Leader
Judith Nyior
Solution Overview
Solution Name:
Cahira Empowerment Project
One-line solution summary:
Empowerment of rural poor marginalized women and girls through vocational training and the use of digital technology
Pitch your solution.
Within the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja, there are several communities living in deep poverty which women are dis-proportionally disadvantaged. This is exacerbated by their low educational level, lack of basic skills which renders them generally unemployable.
Our proposed solution is a vocational training skills intervention for 500 marginalized women in grassroots areas of Abuja to become more entrepreneurial and generate steady incomes. In addition, we intend to sell their finished products by creating an online marketplace where these products can be sold to a wider range of buyers, thereby reducing the risk that comes from hawking.
If this solution is scaled globally, there will be increased employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for marginalized rural women leading to better education and health care for their children, reduction in poverty level and street begging, a reduction in gender disparity between their male counterparts and a huge reduction in maternal mortality rate.
Film your elevator pitch.
What specific problem are you solving?
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, more than 82 million Nigerians live below the poverty line. Statistics on poverty in Nigeria indicate that 70% of poor Nigerians are women. Indeed more than a half of rural women live below the nationally defined poverty line, lacking access to basic education and income opportunities.
Gender inequalities remain a serious issue in the digital economy, as does the gap between urban and rural populations. Access and opportunities for women and people living in the remote areas of the Federal Capital Territory is hindered by the price of access to ICTs, and by persistent inequalities.
The lives of 70% of women in these remote areas of the Federal Capital Territory Abuja are characterized by illiteracy, limited skills, low/poor income, poverty, hunger, diseases etc. this is due to the fact that the women do not have sustainable income opportunities and access to available information which could help them meet the challenges of daily living. We are burdened by these problems faced by the rural women. It is at the backdrop of these issues, that our solution was birthed. Our solution is to create entrepreneurial and employment opportunities for these women through vocational skills training.
What is your solution?
Our solution proposes to implement vocational skills acquisition and entrepreneurship training in cosmetology and African craft together with financial literacy skills for 500 rural women, to enable them become more economically empowered in generating steady income for themselves and their families. Vocational skill training is all encompassing, very central and expedient for the acquisition of skills, abilities, values, attitudes and competencies essential for purposes of employment, job improvement as well as poverty reduction among these women.
How technology is been used.
Our solution will employ the use of artificial intelligence and digital technology to create an online marketplace. This online marketplace will be an eCommerce store like e-bay, amazon and Jumia developed specifically for the women to offer their products for sale to a wide range of buyers.
The usual method these rural women employ in selling their products is through hawking on the streets or selling in their rural market place.
Hawking exposes these women to numerous hazards ranging from physical violence to loss of products, risk of accidents, robbery, and poor health and even kidnapping.
The services of a web designer will be engaged in designing this online marketplace.
Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?
Our solution serves to impact 500 marginalized young girls and women across 5 rural communities (Gwagwa, Kabusa, Orozo, Karshi and Jiwa) in Abuja. They comprise of those who had early marriages, school drop outs, and teenage mothers tied down with multifarious responsibilities. In these communities, there are multiple incidences of forced labor and child trafficking involving women and the girl child.
Preliminary meetings have been held with community leaders of these communities to ascertain the needs of these women and how they can be impacted. Information gathered from this mentioned that it was a tedious daily struggle to meet their basic need for food, water and health, a situation aggravated by unemployment among these women. As a result of these meetings, the women have been trained in best farming practices and in animal husbandry.
Our engagement with the women includes various development programs ranging from petty trading, adult education and health sensitization.
This solution will impact their lives in the following ways
An improvement in their quality of life
A source of income for the women
Developed self-confidence, protection from sexual exploitation, improved health care, better child education for their children and poverty reduction
Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?
- Other
Explain how the problem, your solution, and your solution’s target population relate to the Challenge and your selected dimension.
Empowering these marginalized women in 5 rural communities in Abuja through vocational skills and the use of digital technology to provide entrepreneurial opportunities for them, relates to the challenges and our selected dimension: Good Jobs & inclusive entrepreneurship focused on aiding marginalized populations access and create good jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities for themselves.
In- line with the challenge requirements on inclusive technology: our solution makes use of technology to create employment opportunities for these women who have limited employment opportunities due to cultural and social barriers, through an online marketplace, thereby reducing the risk of hawking.
In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?
Abuja, Nigeria
What is your solution’s stage of development?
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
Who is the primary delegate for your solution?
Judith Nyior (Project Lead)
More About Your Solution
If your solution has a website, provide a link here:
Which of the following categories best describes your solution?
- A new application of an existing technology
Describe what makes your solution innovative.
Our solution seeks to create an online presence for marginalized young women to sell their product online; this is providing them with an opportunity to move with the trend of digitization. Interventions directed at marginalized young girls and women usually end with acquisition training, our solution however will equip these women with skills and teach them how to market their selves and their products making use of the proliferation of technology.
One solution that can be compared to our solution is the online business platform launched by UN Women in 2014. This online business platform is aimed at bringing companies together to support women’s economic empowerment, and women-led enterprises.
While their solution (UN Women) focuses on enabling entrepreneurs and companies show how they are making gender equality a part of their organizational objectives, our solution is specifically focused on empowering marginalized rural poor women with vocational skills and then helping them sell their products by creating an eCommerce website/ online marketplace specific to them. The exclusiveness of this solution is that it gives every marginalized young woman and girl child irrespective of the race, age, color and region the opportunity to sell their product and service. In essence this innovation is not only benefiting the target beneficiaries but others locally and globally.
Describe the core technology that powers your solution.
The core technology that powers this solution is artificial intelligence (AI) which is most widely used in every sphere of civilization ranging from banking, business, health and education; it has been described as the future of technology. Artificial intelligence makes it possible for technologies to perform human-like functions.
Chess playing computers and self-driving cars rely profoundly on AI, from smart assistants like Siri and Alexa to prediction tools, drones and spam filters on email. AI makes use of deep learning and machine learning, it is a set algorithms and intelligence to try and mimic human intelligence, machine learning and deep learning is one of those machine learning techniques.
Machine learning feeds a computer with data and uses statistical techniques to help it learn how to perform a task without being programmed specifically for that task. It has made life a lot easier for people, organizations, and nations.
Like any other shopping eCommerce platform AI predicts what people buy and when they buy it. For example, if a customer shops for a particular product, the seller can send a personalized offer or send a supplementary product that goes well with what is being bought. This goes to show the intuitiveness of the AI via its machines learning enabled feature.
It can also help to make recommendations to know the type of product that should be put out as the customers shopping data are collected as a result of searched products, recent purchases and online browsing habits.
Provide evidence that this technology works.
From the twentieth century there has been an influx of digital technology allowing for easy user interface, advancement in technology is having an enormous impact with the way people buy and sell. Consumers can connect from anywhere around the world to access E commerce platforms for easy and fast shopping of goods and services.
More than half of the world’s population uses one or more than one form of digital technology from the widely used social media, online games multimedia and mobile phones. A lot of businesses are moving their presence online in order to overcome economic adversity, most of the successful businesses and individual brands in the world make use of this technology.
Companies like Facebook make use of Artificial intelligence in their operation, its features present it users with multimedia social messaging. Artificial intelligence and digital technology enables businesses can sell their merchandise online and there has been an influx these past few months as a result of the global health crisis.
AI has and it stills is used in making shopping easier for people as it provides the chat-bots feature that interacts with the customer online, it’s also a low-cost way of offering customer service. This feature can help these marginalized poor rural women get customers preferences regarding a particular product in addition to suggestions on how they can make a product or service better.
Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
What is your theory of change?
Marginalized rural young girls and women in rural areas of Abuja need to be empowered with skills and tools to enable them generate a steady income for themselves and their families, thereby lifting their families out of the vicious cycle of poverty.
Data gathered from our interview with these women mentioned that it was a tedious daily struggle to meet their basic need for food, water and health, a situation aggravated by unemployment, lack of empowerment, poverty, low educational level and gender discrimination
The Cahira Logical Frame work
Public Rural women CORE’s Capacity
Activities Deepen understanding of the conditions of vulnerable women such as those in the grassroots areas through surveys and assessment that will be carried out
Rural marginalized women are trained in various vocational skills such as cosmetology, African craft in addition to financial literacy and social entrepreneurship
Secure the relevant partnerships that will complement the organizational capacities towards meeting common objectives.
Outputs Developed strategies for better and stronger engagement based on the outcome and recommendations from this project.
The public gains awareness on conditions of vulnerable poor rural women in Abuja.
The women gain competency in the trained vocational skills in additional to knowledge on managing income from proceeds coupled with the use of digital technology to sell their goods online.
Developed institutional capacity to address the social and economic needs of young women at the grassroots and in vulnerable situations.
Short term outcomes: The public demonstrates shift in values towards the empowerment of rural poor marginalized women and how they can assist in lifting them from the vicious cycle of poverty.
Developed capacity among the women to launch/start their own business and use digital technology. Develop strategies for better and stronger engagement based on the outcome and recommendations from this project
Long term outcomes
The public accepts and patronize the products of the women through buying from the E commerce platform and social networks that will be created
Inclusive and sustainable economic growth for these women
Expansion of project to include other rural areas to other states in Nigeria.
Possibility of global expansion of the project.
Select the key characteristics of your target population.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
In which countries do you currently operate?
- Nigeria
In which countries will you be operating within the next year?
- Nigeria
How many people does your solution currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?
Our solution currently serves 500 marginalized rural poor young girls &women, in one year the number will serve 3000 women and in five years 15,000 women.
Graduates of these training will serve as mentors to other marginalized rural poor women in the acquired vocational training and digital technology. This creates a snowball effect in the community and the nation alike. This will lead to a reduction in the number of unskilled marginalized rural poor women both locally and globally.
Initiatives will be undertaken to further empower more marginalized rural poor women in vocational training's according to their various needs assessments in addition to artificial intelligence and digital technology.
The success of the use/introduction of digital technology cannot be over emphasized. It has created job opportunities for millions of people around the world and a source of income to individuals who are tech savvy enough to make use of it and this will be no exception for these women.
What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?
Our solution goals over the next 12 months include
(1) Grow to empower 3000 marginalized rural poor women in Abuja with vocational training, financial literacy skills and the use of digital technology to make them generate a source of income.
(2) Engagement: engage with relevant stakeholders and the public on the issues affecting rural poor marginalized women in Nigeria and especially Abuja
(3) Product and technology: Build a full functional E commerce website specific to the needs and vocational skills of the women enabling them use digital technology in selling their finished goods, thereby reducing the risk associated with hawking
(4) Partnership: secure the relevant partnership to complement our organizational capacity towards common objectives
Our vision over the next five years is to grow and scale and replicate our solution to affect the lives of more rural poor marginalized women not only within Abuja but also Nigeria.
We hope to achieve this through the following means
(1) Build social partnership by involving the Federal Government of Nigerian leadership to facilitate and leverage government policies and instruments towards the alleviation of the plight of marginalized rural poor women and their empowerment.
(2) Grow the number of our institutional partners including non-profits, corporates, financial institutions and international organizations
(3) Creating public campaigns and word of mouth growth on our project
What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year and in the next five years?
Our solution success depends on the use of artificial intelligence to create an e-commerce platform/ market place where products made by poor rural marginalized women are displayed to a large audience thereby reducing the risk of hawking. We lack the required technical knowledge and experience to create a platform of this magnitude. Due to this reason, an IT institution will be needed to create and maintain the platform in order to ensure proper functioning and help avert/minimize system crash and overload common to digital technology.
The funding of this project is of a great magnitude, limited funding sources from our end may be a hindrance to executing and scaling this project.
Price of materials that will be procured for the training as well as startup kits that will be given to the women to start-up their business at the completion of these training may be affected by inflation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government regulation: the government may act as a barrier to entry for this new solution by restricting licensing requirement
Product differentiation: some licensed organizations are already highly involved in the cosmetology and African craft industry. To differentiate our products, we need a strong brand presence and a network effect.
Cultural barriers: Nigeria Due to the patriarchal family system in Nigeria, we may face resistance among some rural communities as the women may only be impacted and empowered with consent from their husbands/fathers.
How do you plan to overcome these barriers?
We are currently applying for grants that will help facilitate this move/solution; new partnership requests are being made with the aim of combining resources in order to help these girls and young women. .
A call for application will be made to MIT companies for the creation of this online market place with a proposed model proposal meeting scheduled to pick which one best fit our solution.
Technical system failures associated with technologies usually happen at a later stage. We will make sure the platform is covered by insurance, this will help mitigate the case of a system crash or failure.
Prices of the necessary market commodities that will be needed throughout the project will be closely monitored from initiation stage of the project to the procurement stage. This will be done so that arrangements will be made for procurements.
Through a collaborate partnership with MIT Communications Initiative: we will brand and market our solution through social media and e-marketing, thereby creating an reaching a larger number of audience, donors and partners
About Your Team
What type of organization is your solution team?
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
If you selected Other, please explain here.
Our solution team is part of a larger organization called CORE Development Initiative, with a mission to assist individuals discover their strengths and talents and appropriate it towards employability and entrepreneurship. This is done via series of initiative programs.
Women empowerment has been central to CORE’s strategic engagement owing to its leverage in expanding the development of our nation. This led to the birth of the CAHIRA empowerment project, a project for young orphaned girls and vulnerable women. This project aims to give them access to vocational skills and life skills to enhance their ability to get an income.
How many people work on your solution team?
Full time staff: At the moment 3 people are on our solution team full time.
Part time staff: There are 5 people.
Contractors: 5 contractors are on the team.
How many years have you worked on your solution?
4 years
Why are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?
Our team comprises of individuals with years’ worth of experience in facilitating personal development trainings, financial literacy trainings, business management and strategies on entrepreneurship in the Non-profit sector especially with women and youth development.
We have personnels that are creatively skilled in writing and content marketing, with the ability to market and communicate online which will be needed in marketing the products and services that these women have.
In addition, our team has an unwavering passion for the empowerment and the girl child and marginalized vulnerable women.
Women empowerment has been central to CORE’s strategic engagement owing to its leverage in expanding the development of our nation. This led to the birth of the CAHIRA empowerment project, a project for vulnerable women.
The projects carried out over the years under this platform has equipped us with the necessary experience and knowledge in executing projects as it relates to our target beneficiaries needs.
Some of the projects executed under this platform include the following
The Cahira Girls empowerment workshop(A project for adolescent girls and young women)
Bead making class for Local Government Agency School (LEA) Durumi
The leader in you in partnership with Strong Enough Girls Foundation 2018 (A project for adolescent girls and young women)
The one skill at a time project in partnership with Muslim Hands Int’l 2018
Sexual Health & Personal Hygiene (a girls empowerment project) 2018
The power of the past-force of the future conference 2018 (An empowerment workshop for adolescent girls and young women)
What organizations do you currently partner with, if any? How are you working with them?
We currently partner with the following organizations
Muslim Hands International
Handz and Mindz
Grand Renaissance International Ltd
Generic Concept Management Consulting International
Jean Paul & Associates
The Esther’s Generation Relief Initiative
Eco diversified
Robotham Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Layer 3 Nig.
Youngstars Foundation
These partners contribute to our projects implementation, execution and success through expertise, facilitation, human resource and cash support.
Your Business Model & Funding
What is your business model?
CORE Development Initiative Business Model
DPI Nig Ltd
Grand Renaissance Int’l Ltd
Muslim Hands International
Edrose Beily Multi-services Ltd
Jean Paul & Associates Ltd
Generic Concepts Mgt. Consulting Ltd
Gender inclusion/empowerment
Personal development
Career planning, job readiness and employability
CORE Development Initiative
We believe that every individual has strengths, talents and abilities which come natural to them and is unique to only them. Therefore understanding this uniqueness will facilitate better self-knowledge and inspire focus in achieving maximum impact
Needs assessment and analysis are conducted to first identify salient needs of our target beneficiaries before intervention programmes.
Intensive and interactive down to earth sessions designed to be engaging, easy to understand and apply.
CORE Development Initiative
Young girls & women
Fresh and Unemployed Graduates
Unskilled Youth
Training Materials/kit
Office Equipment
Training slides
Well trained Facilitators
Social Media Platforms
Print Media
Grant loans
Radio programs
Phone calls
Fixed Cost
Salaries Benefits
Repairs &Maintenance
Training Equipment
Utility bills
Variable Cost
Printing materials
Travel Expenses
Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, or to other organizations?
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
What is your path to financial sustainability?
We have a combination of an integrated and external financial sustainability model. We achieve this through the following platforms.
The CORE Academy: this is an employability and business school that offers soft and hard skills certification programmes to individuals, private establishments, business executives and government agencies. Funds gotten from these certification courses and trainings are incorporated back to CORE Development Initiative as a revenue stream to fund its project activities and in addition maintain and sustain projects after their cycle.
Sale of products; CORE Development Initiative has developed 3 manuals; Personal development manual, financial literacy manual and Entrepreneurship development manual respectively. Sales from these manuals serve as another revenue stream to fund our project activities.
Donations and grants; Donations and grants from existing partners will serve as another revenue stream for CORE
Stakeholder’s contribution; the board of trustees contributes a certain percentage monthly to keep the activities of the organization running.
Partnership & Prize Funding Opportunities
Why are you applying to Solve?
We’re thrilled to be part of a platform with organizations that are doing similar work to interact and exchange ideas, leanings and support.
Solve’s global network will enable us receive mentorship, strategic advice and partnership from different parts of the world, thereby giving us an opportunity to accelerate our work, validate our impact and business model and scale our solution. We are looking to partner with international organizations especially with regards to the girl child, women &youth development
Been selected as a Solver will give us access to significant and additional funding that will enable reach our project and scaling goals thereby impacting more rural poor marginalized women and girls across Nigeria
In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
Please explain in more detail here.
Technology is driving the world today; we would like to partner with MIT organizations locally and internationally that will help better facilitating innovations for marginalized girls and young women. This partnership will help in further making the platform a success with their expertise and knowledge regarding the subject of the project, their guidance will be invaluable to the project of this magnitude.
Mentorship on how to use the media advantageously, in other to attract partners and willing contributors to our cause: Most opportunities, knowledge and experiences can be found through the media, to be able to use it is a skill to be sought-after.
Marketing strategies are constantly changing to suite environments and situations as they arise, we would like to be mentored by organizations on how best to employ a strategy, how to improve working conditions and what policies is best for an institution.
What organizations would you like to partner with, and how would you like to partner with them?
Potential partners we will like to partner with include the following
MIT International Science and Technology Initiative: will help advance our solution by helping us build relationships, connect and develop collaborative ventures with international partnerships and sponsors.
MIT Communications Initiative: collaboration with this initiative, will enable us brand, market our solution through social media and e-marketing, thereby creating an reaching a larger number of audience, donors and partners.
MIT Initiative on Digital Technology: collaboration with this initiative will help us accelerate our organization and human skills to keep us with the quickening pace of digital innovation.
MIT Innovation Initiative: collaboration with this initiative will provide us with the knowledge, skills and confidence to develop, scale and deliver our solution to real world problems.
Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: this collaboration can help advance our initiative through donors and grants for rural poor marginalized women across Nigeria.
BMW Foundation: collaboration with this foundation will help enhance our leadership skills through their leadership programmes enabling us take our solution to the next level across communities, cultures and countries.
DBS Foundation: Collaboration with this organization will enable scale our solution through its solution and grants focused on social enterprises who have a product to market, demonstrated traction in sales and revenue, a clear social impact and ready to scale up
Explain how you are qualified for this prize. How will your team use the Innovation for Women Prize to advance your solution?
Women empowerment and advancement have always been central to our strategic agenda.
Our solution proposes to empower marginalized poor rural women and girls who are economically handicapped in vocational and employability skills and in addition to this leverage technology by creating an ecommerce platform where there products from the vocational skills training would be displayed and sold to a larger audience.
Our team will use the Innovation for Women Prize to advance our solution and impact my reaching more women across the states in Nigeria thereby leading to an increase in income level for the women, better educational opportunities for their children, A decrease in child mortality rate and better health care facilities for them and their families, a reduction in cultural barriers that is caused low income opportunities, poverty and illiteracy level thereby giving them a voice in their communities.
Solution Team:

Judith Nyior
Project Lead
Project Lead