Problem: In Africans - about 260 million people - suffer from hunger and poverty surprisingly, many of them are farmers operating at just 40 percent of their capacity. As population increases drive a growing demand for food, African farmers must increase Production and quality of their crops and size of their harvest.
Solution: We offer innovative irrigation solutions (Futurepumps portable, solar powered loan asset) and agriculture inputs loans and sustainable farming training that make irrigation affordable to smallholders,We provide solar powered pumps and agriculture inputs loans to thousands of farmers who practice horticulture farming.
Positive change:Solar pumps will enhance agricultural production which will reduce poverty and improve livelihood to achieve sustainable developmental Goal No 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere.Solar water pumps asset loan will increase smallholder’s productivity which will enable us meet Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Problem: In Africans - about 260 million people - suffers from hunger and poverty surprisingly, many of them are farmers operating at just 40 percent of their capacity. As population increases drive a growing demand for food, African farmers must increase Production and quality of their crops and size of their harvest. There are many deferent causes of hunger and poverty, crises, conflict, overpopulation and natural disasters lack of employment and entrepreneurship skills Most rural households lack access to reliable and affordable finance for agriculture and other livelihood activities, many small farmers live in remote areas of Zambia where retail banking is limited.
Millions of people around the world live with limited access to water. In many communities, ground water is extracted through electric water pumps, which use diesel to fuel their systems. However, these systems not only require costly, regular servicing and the purchasing of fuel, they emit carbon dioxide polluting the atmosphere.
Solution: Asset-Based Loans. Farmers receive high-quality seeds and fertilizer on credit, and we offer a flexible repayment system that allows them to pay back their loans on agreed amount throughout the loan.We deliver inputs to locations within walking distance of every farmer we serve and access agriculture loans. Farmers receive training throughout the season on modern agricultural techniques.We offer crop storage solutions and teach farmers about market fluctuation so that they can time crop sales to maximize profits. Every link in this chain is important—if one is missing, then the others won’t have as much impact. Financial inclusion of smallholders and rural people through increased and sustainable access to a variety of financial services – savings, credit, remittances and insurance. We Provide entrepreneurship and skills training for smallholders, paying special attention to women and youth, to acquire the skills necessary to improve productivity, start their own businesses and take up employment opportunities. Introducing renewable energy technology as a substitute for fossil fuel (paraffin and diesel) in rural areas remote from the national electricity grid and improving people’s livelihoods by improving their access to and affordability of modern energy service this will be done through provision of asset loans to smallholders.
Potential outcome of the innovation: ( I) increased smallholders’ productivity; (2) increased smallholders’ incomes; (3) diversified rural livelihoods. (4) Increased decent work opportunities in rural areas (5) Improvements in agricultural productivity and livelihood among small scale farmers. (6) Increase in the access to reliable and affordable finance for agriculture among smallholders.(7) Reduction in poverty and improve of livelihood of people in the districts. (8) Increase in food security; contribute to the economic growth, reducing unemployment. Provision of solar energy Futurepumps smallholders we reduce farmer’s vulnerability to climate change which result into hunger, energy-related co2 emissions by introducing renewable energy technology as a substitute for fossil fuel (paraffin and diesel) in rural areas remote, we meet Goal 7.Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Agriculture inputs loans will enhance agricultural production which ultimately reducing poverty and improving livelihood of millions of people in Zambia and meet Goal No 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere. financial services to rural farmers will have positive impact in Higher and more stable income of the community as a whole this will enable us meet Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
as the organization we have developed products to work on rural Agriculture financing and social protection where we offer financial services to small scale framers,The programmer’s main target group comprises women of child-bearing age, small scale farmers,Vulnerable households near or below poverty line: Wage laborers, tenants, smallholders, retail first-level buyers and small entrepreneurs and agricultural produce, Most in this group belong to the absolute poor who have no access to finance due to lack of collateral and mostly affected by malnutrition,This project focuses on the poor, especially women These people live on less $2 PPP to $3 PPP a day.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
Asset-Based Loans. Farmers receive high-quality seeds and fertilizer on credit, and we offer a flexible repayment system that allows them to pay back their loans on agreed amount throughout the loan term. Through this project we want to apply the Use Mobile Banking Apps through use of mobile cell phone including of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This will enable small scale farmers and small entrepreneurs accessing our financial services to receive and pay back loans to us by using mobile banking system through using cell phone (MTN and Airtel Mobil banking services) through using mobile banking services will provides business loans and employee loans to all our customers throughout the country quick and safe.
Delivery. We deliver inputs to locations within walking distance of every farmer we serve and access agriculture loans. Training. Farmers receive training throughout the season on modern agricultural techniques. Market Facilitation.
We offer crop storage solutions and teach farmers about market fluctuations, so that they can time crop sales to maximize profits. Every link in this chain is important—if one is missing, then the others won’t have as much impact.
All these services provided to them will enable farmers to significantly increase their incomes and build paths to prosperity.
We Support financial inclusion of smallholders and rural people through increased and sustainable access to a variety of financial services – savings, credit, remittances and insurance, etc. – to enable them to invest in productive activities, both agricultural and non agricultural, and protect themselves against risk
Tivwane Money Solution Zambia’s strategy is to join the frontier emerging market opportunities by introducing digital banking to extend a full bouquet of financial services to underserved low-income people and communities, These products and services will be launched through key partnerships and collaborations With MTN and Airtel Zambia.
The project will promote AI technology as a whole this will have a huge impact on the mobile banking industry. From taking customer service and user experience several notches up through chatbots, add efficiency, speed, and security.
Chatbots: Through this project will Incorporate chatbots in the mobile banking app this will saves the MFI a lot more money as compared to getting human resource. Chatbots are extremely easy to use and can even be used with ease by those customers who aren’t so technically inclined and aware. It has been established through research that customers are looking for quick and personalized interactions and do not prefer email or online communication.
Better Financial Planning: As customers go looking for better financial plans for their money, as the financial institutions will employ quite complex calculations that is based on a number of variables including their earning, contingency, relevant risks, liabilities, monetary inflation, etc.Personalized Customer Service: The project will promote Machine Learning as one of the most prominent applications of Artificial Intelligence because it help us as the financial institution that owns the app process massive amount of data and come up with insightful conclusions from this information.
Mobile Banking Apps and AI Why is it important in this project?:
Provision of Mobile Banking Apps and AI will enable us meet our customers need, the modern-day consumers have transitioned to mobile banking with great ease. They are aware of the myriad benefits they can enjoy with mobile banking like how convenient it is, how safe it is, and the ease of access it brings to the users
Garnering Customer Analytics: A mobile app will let us garner and analyze actionable data, further enabling us to measure and improve our services and the experiences that we are offering to our customers.
High security: In the current environment of internet and digital vulnerabilities, security is a big concern among the customers. It is true that both, online and mobile banking come with their own set of vulnerabilities, but extra layers of hardware security add to the security offered by mobile banking making it safer than the online version.
Push & In-App Notifications: In-App and push notificationsoffer multiple benefits to both, us as MFI and the mobile banking app users. These notifications will be used to inform the customers about any new (relevant) offers and discounts or to relay any other information like change in credit limits or interest rates, underpayment, date of payment of the loan when it is due, the customers will receive notification during the process of loan when is registered and approved or anything else.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Software and Mobile Applications
Through collaborative and working with NGOs who implement nutrition and Health programs where will taken advantage by providing financial services to beneficially this will enable us meet Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages and achieve Major progress in improving the health of millions of people, increasing life expectancy, reducing maternal and child mortality and fighting against leading communicable diseases. Provision of solar pumps will increased decent work opportunities in rural areas and will meet Goal 8. Promote sustained inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment for all. Local engagement Will work closely with Village heads, Farmers cooperative societies, Agro dealers, Churches, and Agricultural institutes, others. • Local community level. Women and men working with us in the community those going to access solar pumps loans will be brought to business sector and give formal work, steady income and a livelihood. Gender inclusion and women’s empowerment: The project will Improve employment opportunities for women, taking into account local customs and culture and providing measures such as equal pay, child care, and options for part-time work, which tend to enhance women’s participation and can positively impact productivity, incomes and household food security; The project will Improve employment opportunities for young people by establish apprenticeship schemes and skills and entrepreneurship development programmers, and offering employment services with job orientation, job matching and placement throughout Zambia as we expand our operation The project will enable women have Share of women (and share of men) landowners out of total agricultural landowners - Proportion of agricultural land under irrigation - Incidence of the rural working poor (internationally-defined poverty threshold. Strict policies against gender discrimination in the workplace:
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 13. Climate Action
- Zambia
- Zambia
We are currently servicing 2000 customers. in one year will services 1000 customers and in five years will services 5000. customers. and expect to impact about 25,0000 in five years time (9indirect beneficiaries these are children and dependents)
Our Goals:
Resilience to food crises and food and nutrition security for people, above all for women of childbearing age, pregnant women, nursing mothers and small children, are enhanced.To improve financial markets accelerate agricultural and rural growth.To improve smallholder farming, rural transformation and the fight against rural poverty and achieve zero hunger. To significantly broaden and add value to the support provided to smallholder farming and rural transformation, thereby contributing to rural poverty eradication, sustainable agricultural development, and global food security and nutrition. To provide financial services that would assist households in maintaining food security and smoothing consumption, thereby safeguarding or enhancing labor productivity, the most important production factor of the poor Improve employment opportunities for women, taking into account local customs and culture and providing measures such as equal pay, child care, and options for part-time work, which tend to enhance women’s participation and can positively impact productivity, incomes and household food security; To provide support and demonstrate the potential for agricultural practices and technologies to achieve co-benefits for environmental health, and climate change mitigation through provision of asset loan such solar water pumps (providing Futurepumps solar loan to small scale farmers to improve access to irrigation for farmers in water-scarce areas like Zambia, improving resilience to climatic changes such as increased drought frequency and severity) To prevent small scale farmers from prolonged drought across the country which put pressure on farmers to irrigate their crops, an expensive undertaking for smallholder farmers relying on diesel water pumps
Main Barriers that currently prevent our customers from accessing our proven intervention: Lack of support from Government and donors support to subsidized agricultural finance has enabled most of small scales fail to access farming inputs such Fertilizers, irrigation equipment, chemicals due to high cost of farming inputs.
Access to agriculture loans has been difficult to most of small scale farmers due to high cost of borrowing such as high upfront cost of purchasing farming inputs, this has prevent most of customers to get asset loan for agriculture farming.
Insufficient funding by Organization (Tivwane Money Solution) has made impossible for most of scale farmers to access irrigation equipment loans.
Lack of capital to scale up operations for grater impact due to limited resources.
lack of the following : Corporate Finance, Financial Modelling, Networking, Digital Marketing & CRMs.
How will overcome these barriers: Provision of a grant will provide subside to agriculture loans product this will reduce the price of borrowing since the this will enable farmers to access agriculture financing loan products at very affordable price such that will not expect any famer fail to pay back a loan since it will be subsidized and given to small scale farmers at very low price.
The most fundamental part of our new organization is Creation of more jobs at the regional level which will strengthen most of the microenterprise sector which in many developing countries represents the back-bone of the economy, providing up to three quarters of jobs. access to investment to scale up operations, access t o grants to acquire enough capitals to expand our operations.
Access to accelerate program to receive training on the following challenges :Corporate Finance, Financial Modelling, Networking, Digital Marketing & CRMs.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Full time staff: 7
Part time 2.
Hard working: Hard working is a key to successful if you are not willing to make your hands dirty and work in trenches you might not start. a lot of potential entrepreneurs have false senses they think of glorify their star up but it’s not all Lamborghinis and private plans but hard working. It is truly that hard working is a key to success so our team is made up of Harding working and well experience staff who can deliver excellent results beyond the expectation of investors or management.
The right Talent: The long term - successful of your business requires that you assemble the right talent to build the brand of our team as for us we have assembled well matched talent team which will be the backbone of our company. We have matched the right talent with business vision. Our team is very committed to solve all the problems and scale up our operations to improve the lives of millions of people living on less than $5 a day and 2$ 1 day respectively.
We have assembled a team of expert in Business loans and Agribusiness financing with well experience individual in managing Agriculture loan in rural areas of Zambia. Mr. Maposa as the CEO has vast experience in Agriculture financing management since he worked with vision fund Zambia for 5 years where he was actively involved Agribusiness financing this will enable the organization to have capacity to implement the project efficient and effectively
SARO AGRO INDUSTRIAL LTD. This is organization will Supply us with horticulture and irrigation equipment such Solar water pumps and deep Tank, this is company will be engaged to set up the demonstration equipment which will show how solar energy can be solution for rural poverty, our aims also will be to facilitate the multitude training on the use of solar energy for sustainable poverty elimination. PLAN International/CRS Zambia/ DAAP They provide training to all groups doing village banking and they link them to us to access loans SNV ZAMBIA They will provides us support in many ways for the project implementation such education to farmers on conservation farming and horticulture farming training and link their farmers to our organization to get a loan this will enable our organization to have large numbers of clients to grow our portfolio.
KIKI START ZAMBIA / MRI SEED COMPANY: and Agro-dealers these are local companies who shall provide us with agro farming inputs such as seed, fertilize and chemicals. CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES ZAMBIA INTERNATIONAL NGO. Activities they will contribute to the project: •Helping farmers organize themselves. •Building farmers' skills and capabilities in the key agricultural areas. •Connecting farmers with the necessary business development services •Linking farmers with the latest agricultural research • building farmer groups skills in organizational and financial management, experimentation and innovation, market engagement and sustainable production Micro finance services to work with Tivwane Money Solution.
Here’s how our model works: Agriculture Asset-Based solar pumps Loans. Farmers receive high-quality solar equipment asset and seeds, fertilizer on credit, and we offer a flexible repayment system that allows them to pay according the agreement, we Delivery them and provide Market Facilitation. Solar energy use, we will be able to reduce farmer’s vulnerability to climate change which result into hunger, energy-related co2 emissions by introducing renewable energy technology as a substitute for fossil
Business Loans.
Individual entrepreneur loans.
Savings Linkages Loan Product Loan.
Agriculture loans.
Entrepreneurship Training.
Financial Inclusion.
Provision of financial services that Promote adequate, secure and equal access for women and men to land, natural resources, finance, knowledge and technology, infrastructure, services and markets, we provide small loans to small scale farmers and small entrepreneurs as capital to improve access to services in rural areas – health, education, security and utilities, as well as commercial and financial services, Improve access to financial services for both men and women to a range of productive (asset accumulation, working capital) and protective (mitigating risk exposure, including health issues) purposes.
This will help smallholders and rural populations in general purchase stock, equipment, and agricultural inputs; maintain infrastructure; contract labour for planting and harvesting; transport goods to markets; make and receive payments; manage peak season incomes to cover expenses in the low season; invest in education, shelter and health; and, deal with emergencies. Insurance can help protect smallholders’ asset base and increase their productivity.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We focus on already existing customers and potential customer this will enable the project to take short period to break even and make more profit and achieve sustainability for the continuity of operations such that they will no reliance on WFP funding to continue our operations.
Our two most important metric to consider is Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and the Lifetime Value of Customer (LTV). Will ensure lifetime value of customer (LTV) to be much higher than the customer acquisition cost (CAC.)
Customer lifetime value is important because, the higher the number, the greater the profits. This is because will not spend much money to acquire new customers but to retain existing ones which is less costly, will ensure to achieve 85% client Retention and achieve break –even Pont as shown above on the graph.
this is what is going to help us achieve Break–even Point and become sustainable within 2 years this will enable us grow our portfolio to a level that will not need grants because will be sustainable and make more profits such that will able to borrow money from bank and other financial institution to scale up operation throughout the country.
To enable us provide support and demonstrate the potential for
agricultural practices and technologies to achieve co-benefits for
environmental health, and climate change mitigation. To promote innovative, pro-poor approaches and technologies with the
potential to scale up our operations for greater impact. To to significantly broaden and add
value to the support provided to smallholder farming and rural transformation,
thereby contributing to rural poverty eradication, sustainable agricultural
development, and global food security and nutrition which will enable us
achieve its main objective zero
hunger for all.
To enable us have Strong mechanisms for finance, capacity enhancement and technology transfer which is a prerequisites for success.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Marketing, media, and exposure
To enable us provide support and demonstrate the potential for
agricultural practices and technologies to achieve co-benefits for
environmental health, and climate change mitigation. To promote innovative, pro-poor approaches and technologies with the
potential to scale up our operations for greater impact. To to significantly broaden and add
value to the support provided to smallholder farming and rural transformation,
thereby contributing to rural poverty eradication, sustainable agricultural
development, and global food security and nutrition which will enable us
achieve its main objective zero
hunger for all.
To enable us have Strong mechanisms for finance, capacity
Partnership: We are aware of the fact that partnerships are a force that brings together the technical expertise and investment funds necessary to achieve the long term development needs of most African countries.
The objectives of partnership: It will enables us work closely with Village heads, Farmers cooperative societies, Agro dealers, Churches, and Agricultural institutes, other several local companies this will enables scale up operation for great impact. it will enable us designed products for rural agriculture financing which are suitable to reach the low income segments population, through working with other partners it will enable us scale up operation thorough out the country and able to open many branches since agriculture has become the engine of African economy. Our mission is to partner with International organization project developers, entrepreneurs, development to execute sustainable development project in Africa.
SARO AGRO INDUSTRIAL LTD. This is organization will Supply us with horticulture and irrigation equipment such Solar water pumps and deep Tank, this is company will be engaged to set up the demonstration equipment which will show how solar energy can be solution for rural poverty, our aims also will be to facilitate the multitude training on the use of solar energy for sustainable poverty elimination. .
Social out come ( I) increased smallholders’ productivity; (ii) increased smallholders’incomes; (iii) diversified rural livelihoods; and (iv) increased decent work opportunities in rural areas. Improvements in agricultural productivity will ultimately reducing poverty and improving livelihood of billions of people by 5 years will enable women have Share of women (and share of men) landowners out of total agricultural landowners - Proportion of agricultural land under irrigation- Incidence of the rural working poor (internationally-defined poverty threshold.By the end of project will meet Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all this will be achieved upon adoption of solar energy use, will be able to reduce farmer’s vulnerability to climate change.
Entrepreneurship and skills training for smallholders, waged agricultural workers and rural workers in general, paying special attention to women and youth, to acquire the skills necessary to improve productivity, start their own businesses and take up employment opportunities in other sectors of the economy
Entrepreneurship: we train small scale farmers and entrepreneurs in rural communities how to run small business this encourages the poorer individuals in rural villages to begin a program of savings, both to mobilize local resources for their own use and also to reinforce the commitment and discipline needed for such people to become self-reliant and train them through demonstrations, counselling, and instruction in marketing, agricultural production, small animal and livestock care, handicraft manufacturing, simple bookkeeping and other entrepreneurial skills needed to succeed in establishing various small income generating projects that improve livelihood.

CEO and Founder