HR24 Recruiting AI Technology
- Pre-Seed
HR24 Recruiting AI Technology use concept of recruiting by learning (it's follow learning by doing, theory of education). For our platform we provide educational services as a way to hiring employees (especially disadvantaged youth). AI system learns weak sides of person and helps to solve them.
1. What is your solution?
HR24 Recruiting AI Technology. On this platform we realize idea of recruiting by learning which helps to ensure predictability of hiring result and to increase the quality of the skills of hired personnel. In process of education participants pass mini exams as a cases during interviews. As a result before final interview with Human Resources Manager potential employees already have necessary skills, they are involved to corporate culture and show bigger loyalty to company to compare with others.
2. How does it address the challenge question as posed?
It is a platform, an infrastructure solution for employers. Target audience it is not only employers, but people and government too. We will increase the predictability of changes in unemployment, give wishing and disadvantaged youth (especialy HiPo) the opportunity to get a chance for a better life.
3. If scaled, how will it effect change across the world?
Our solution can be used all over the world, especially in places where it is difficult to reach, where communications and roads are poorly developed. We can be in touch with those locations where people have lived their whole lives and are afraid to leave far from home. Our goal is ensure predictability of hiring result for candidates (potential employees) and also for employers (they are need professional and involved personnel) and government labor and social departments (solve the problem of unemployment).
Our solution affects the problems of unemployment, inequality, discommunications. We give a chance to the motivated people to break through the ceiling, get a chance for decent work, improve the predictability of the result. This is a big problem not only the high cost of education, but also its payback. It is a big problem to get opportunities in hard-to-reach locations, in disadvantaged communities. We solve these problems.
Our idea about recruiting by learning is outside academic research, outside business research. We know that impossible to help all people. Howewer we believe that we can give a helping hand to high motivated people. We provide tools to open minded companies and persons who want to use different opportunities, who don't limited to traditional methods and who looks at the world widely.
Our solution is an evolution in the sphere of hiring, we give equal opportunities to the broadest masses of the population. Not only people, but also companies and the government will benefit from our decision. People will get access to and predictability of getting a job (with due effort, of course), companies will receive a reduction in the costs of recruiting and training staff, the government will receive stability and improve the labor market.
We signed 100 contracts - 100 companies used our solution
Track downloads in app stores - 10,000 people from all over the world download our app
We received confirmation from companies about hiring employees - 500-1000 people were hired
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Non-binary
- Rural
- Suburban
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- US and Canada
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
Our solution increases the predictability of the result. We use machine learning, large data, recruitment techniques, learning by doing and we are mobile. We speak the same language as our audience. And under a clear shell - a complex unique Recruiting AI Technology.
We help people who for some reason can not get the necessary knowledge and skills. The purpose of our decision is to involve and help those who have the potential and can be a useful member of society. Our solution is global, but, of course, we will not be able to help everyone. Therefore, we identify a big problem and a specific target group to whom we can help. We concentrate on this. And we believe that we can achieve our goal.
It will be accessible on our website, employer websites, Apple App Store, Google Play and other relevant resources.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- Russian Federation,
Now we are working on the project in our spare time. As far as possible, friends and research students help us free of charge. For sustaining ourself financially as our research, pilot, grow, and scale your solution we need about $60000 for 1 year.
Free time and funding
- 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 3-6 months
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Lifelong Learning
- Online Learning
- Refugee Education
We are already done part of our ideas about open society and new opportunities. We provide target audience in our projects open courses, concultations about career track. We have developed apps which help people to improve their skills and find new job. We are talented, open minded, we look at global trends, we work in different professions. We build a network and exchange knowledge. We want to be involved in global community of leaders and change-makers. We will use the Solve opportunities to accelerate the development of our solution. We will use resources and mentorship to develope our solution rapidly.
Few government departments in Moscow, some universities in Russia, many companies and nonprofit organizations
Perhaps the large classical recruitment companies.