My Village My Business
Mostly, Women are dependent on their father, Husband, Brother or uncle for their any financial & non-financial requirements. This is because lack of financial independence of women.
Under our solution we encourage women to start business in their village. We provide seed funding, mentoring, training etc. to make every woman a successful. key steps are
- Mobilize & identify women who want to start own business
- Seed Funding of 10000-15000/-per women
- Business promotional activities to increase visibility & income
- Business mentoring to ensure there is a regular income
- Start production of Frocks, Kurta, Bangle etc.
- Market place to buy & sell products products
- Monthly Reporting
Impact (Apr 2018 to Mar 2020)
- Helped 60 housewives to become entrepreneurs in 43 villages
- Women have earned 15.5 lakh net incomes in year 2019-20
- 12000+ people benefited from Medical camps & other relevant workshops
In many parts of India, women are not allowed to go out of the home whenever they want and also female child are not given equal opportunity to get education or professional skills compared to a male child of same family. Mostly, Women are dependent on their father, Husband, Brother or uncle for their any financial & non-financial requirements.
Earning money or deciding how to earn money is generally a male member’s decision and they also decide how to spend that money. Women are not exposed to various great job opportunities in private or Govt sectors and they cannot even think of starting their own small business. We can easily say that women participation in family decision making is also minimal in economically weak community and root cause of this problem is lack of women’s financial independence.
Also due to Covid 19, daily wagers have reached at a level where they are finding it difficult to survive and they are always dependent on donations but it is difficult for Govt, NGO and other donors to help such families for longer time.
Hence we strongly believe that we all should put our efforts to help the 50% population of our country.
We encourage women from villages to start own business in their village and earn livelihood. Under this program we encourage women to start business in their village. We provide seed funding, mentoring, training etc. to make every women a successful entrepreneur in villages. Following are the key steps of this program:
- Mobilize: We identify women who want to start own business e.g. Tailoring, Parlor, Vegetable shops etc.
- Skill Development training is provided to women (if required) at a nearby skill center
- Seed Funding of 10000-15000/- per women provided for machines, furniture etc. required to start business
- Business promotional activities are organized to increase visibility & income from her business. Activities are: medical camps, Women Hygiene workshops, Govt policy awareness camps etc.
- Monthly Business mentoring to ensure there is a regular income from women’s business
- Start production of any products to earn more: Frocks, Kurta, Bangle, Handicraft, Pickle, Papad etc.
- Local skill training : Women are also encouraged to become local skill centers too
- Market place of villages to buy & sell products at shops of women Network across villages
- Monthly Reporting: Every women is trained to report income & business progress
For Women Entrepreneurship development we identify poorest of poor Women from the community who are interested to start their own businesses in their own villages. Women’s should have capability to run small businesses successfully. We give preference to women with low income family, physically disable (if any), single mother, any family member suffering from illness etc.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Our objective is to hit to two goals with this solution:
1. Help poorest of poor women to become financial independent so that they can take right decisions for their family e.g. Education for kids, healthcare etc.
2. Help women in villages to get equal respect by making them change leader in the villages by helping them to organize various activities which would help population at large e.g. Medical camps, financial literacy workshops, govt policy awareness, women & child healthcare etc.
Two steps will inspire many other women to lead the change
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new business model or process
Best innovative part of our model is that it is a end to end business model and just not a skill development or a job provider. In this program we not only mobilize a women but also make sure she is successful in her business and also become part of a larger women network to buy and sell their products across villages without going out of house. With this a women is able to fulfill her commitment for family and also help the family to live a quality of life. We have built a sustainable model which makes a women financial independent within few months.
Many women entrepreneurs would start production of some products e.g. Clothes, Bags, School uniform, Women wear, Dairy products, Pickle, Papad, Bangle, Handicraft items etc. and they would need a market place to sell these products. Hence we have decided to build an online portal / Mobile app which can be used by all women to buy and sell the products within the women entrepreneurs’ network and we provide supply chain support to the women so that women are able to increase their income. Currently Women are placing their order using the whatsapp group and we are supplying the products in other shops as per demand.
So wWe are using whatsapp mostly as of now to share details of products, reporting, learning videos and various other activity coordination.
We have been using Whatsapp in last 2 years so we know about the technology platform we are looking for to support this business model for scaling across 2000+ villages in next 2-3 years time.
We are able to engage all the women, volunteers, mobilizers and other resources using whatsapp but we have lot of limitations that various information which was provided by women but that is not stored and it is still very much person dependent. Hence we are looking for a solutions which enable women and also able to using if artificial intelligence to support a women to run her business successfully.
We are maintaining all data in manual excel sheets so we are looking for automated system which can capture data and also accuracy is improved to scale it
- Software and Mobile Applications
Evidence of traction - In last 2 years (From Apr 2018 to Mar 2020)
- Helped 60 women (housewives) to become entrepreneurs in 43 villages of Noida & Jaipur districts
- Women have earned 15.5 lakh net incomes in year 2019-20 from their businesses.
- Provided Tailoring, Beauty Parlor, Computers & other trainings to 480 youth
- Providing employment to 14 women for making vegetable carry bags to reduce use of plastic bags.
- 12000+ people benefited from Medical camps & other relevant workshops in villages
Over and above these points we believe if any family is financially well to do that it would be able to provide better education, healthcare, food, shelter and other facilities required for quality of life so we have decided to build a model which would help a family to earn livelihood in the village and specially helping women to lead this livelihood so that she is able to take better decision.
Now this model is successful as there are million of people who can make products but not everyone has a marketplace to sell their products so in this model we are not only helping women to earn, manufacture and also become part of larger women network which would help each other without having feeling of competitions.
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- India
- India
- Nepal
Direct - 60 Women and more than 300 family members
Indirect - 8500 people from women's villages
One year
Direct - 300 Women and more than 2000 family members
Indirect - 15000 people from women's villages
Next 5 year
Direct - 3000 Women and more than 20,000 family members
Indirect - 200,000 people from women's villages
Next 3 years : In next three year our plan is to empower or on-board 1000+ women entrepreneurs from the 500 villages and create a market place of more than 500 villages with monthly turnover of Rs. 4 Crore. We shall partner with multiple NGOs & companies which are willing to promote women entrepreneurship and also tied up with FMCG companies to supply their products in the villages with the help of women.
Next 5 years : In next five year our plan is offer this plug and play model for all the women across India who wants to start own business and ultimately help more than 10,000 women to earn livelihood from this model. We want to support women not only with tech solution (like KIVA) but also to provide them seed funding and grow her business from small unit to a big business.
Our biggest barriers are:
1. Right set of People to lead the program
2. Funding to fulfill requirement of expansion
3. technology to scale the program in other parts of India
4. Mobilizing more women to become entrepreneurs
1. Get more CSR funds
2. Rotate the CSR funds to help more women by encourage women to payback the funds
3. Collaboration with Corporate & NGOs: We are now looking to collaborate with FMCG companies & other corporate e.g. Shoes, Stationary, cosmetic, cloths, Undergarment manufacturer etc., which are looking to increase their market share in the rural areas and we can give access of these women’s shops in different villages to such corporate. Additionally we are also working to partner with NGO & corporate which are also working to promote women entrepreneurship
4. Build a technology solution our buy a readily available model with some customization
- Nonprofit
This is our core team for this project
Medha Naruka – Founder: Women Business Mentor & Finance management
Prashant Pal – Founder: Project promoter & Fund Raiser
Nishant Dubey – Business Mentor & Operation Head (Rajasthan)
Bhagwan Singh – Mobilizer cum Field staff (Rajasthan)
Rajiv Bahadur Mathur - Business Mentor & Operation Head (Delhi & NCR)
Pushpendra Singh - Mobilizer cum Field staff (Delhi & NCR)
We are a team of energetic, corporate experienced & passionate young people. We all share the same goal that "Empowering women financially is the best solution to bring a poor family out of from poverty". We believe if a women has money than she would be able to provide quality education to kids and take care of family health and ultimately everyone will be able to achieve a better quality of life.
Our team members have worked in various top corporate brands and lead the work from ground and helped improve top of the companies. We all are well educated, experiences and most importantly working to make a model which would give a win-win solution for all. We have been successfully implemented this program since last 2 years so we have a on ground experience to scale this up. Our team is also matured, professional and have average 15+ years of experience in various industries across India and abroad.
We believe if we will not able to do it than no one would be able to do so we have to do it.
Collaboration with Corporate & NGOs:
We are now looking to collaborate with FMCG companies & other corporate e.g. Shoes, Stationary, cosmetic, cloths, Undergarment manufacturer etc., which are looking to increase their market share in the rural areas and we can give access of these women’s shops in different villages to such corporate. Additionally we are also working to partner with NGO & corporate which are also working to promote women entrepreneurship
We are helping women in India to become financial independence so that first they can improve quality of life of her own family and second to inspire women to help achieve USD 5 trillion GDP goal of our country.
Our business model is to encourage women from villages to start own business in their village and earn livelihood. Under this program we encourage women to start business in their village. We provide seed funding, mentoring, training etc. to make every women a successful entrepreneur in villages. Following are the key steps of this program:
• Mobilize: We identify women who want to start own business e.g. Tailoring, Parlor, Vegetable shops etc.
• Skill Development training is provided to women (if required) at a nearby skill center
• Seed Funding of 10000-15000/- per women provided for machines, furniture etc. required to start business
• Business promotional activities are organized to increase visibility & income from her business. Activities are: medical camps, Women Hygiene workshops, Govt policy awareness camps etc.
• Monthly Business mentoring to ensure there is a regular income from women’s business
• Start production of any products to earn more: Frocks, Kurta, Bangle, Handicraft, Pickle, Papad etc.
• Local skill training : Women are also encouraged to become local skill centers too
• Market place of villages to buy & sell products at shops of women Network across villages in different clusters
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
As the business grows some of women would start production of some products e.g. Clothes, Bags, School uniform, Women wear, Dairy products, Pickle, Papad etc. and they would need a market place to sell these products. Hence we have decided to build a online & offline market place supported by our own supply chain where women can order products from each other and can sell their products at other women’s shop. Women can place such order through us and we shall supply the products in other shops as per demand. We shall have 200 more women’s shops opened in next year so total we shall have 260+ shops supported our initiatives. These 260+ shops will make a good market place of our own women and this will be used to support businesses of each other.
Eventually we planned to create a market place of 2000+ women’s shop at 1000+ villages: This will be a long term goal this project where we shall build a bigger market place which would help women to earn good income from their business. We shall also try to partner with other corporate or NGOs who are working for women empowerment and have empowered such women. We shall try to bring them onboard with us to make a bigger market place for all.
In this model we shall keep our margin over the total revenue to make our NGO operations more sustainable
To get Mentoring, networking & Funding support for expansion and scaling
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
1. Get more CSR funds
2. Rotate the CSR funds to help more women by encourage women to payback the funds
3. Collaboration with Corporate & NGOs: We are now looking to collaborate with FMCG companies & other corporate e.g. Shoes, Stationary, cosmetic, cloths, Undergarment manufacturer etc., which are looking to increase their market share in the rural areas and we can give access of these women’s shops in different villages to such corporate. Additionally we are also working to partner with NGO & corporate which are also working to promote women entrepreneurship
4. Build a technology solution our buy a readily available model with some customization
1. FMCG companies to supply products which can be sold in villages
2. Collaboration with Corporate & NGOs: We are now looking to collaborate with FMCG companies & other corporate e.g. Shoes, Stationary, cosmetic, cloths, Undergarment manufacturer etc., which are looking to increase their market share in the rural areas and we can give access of these women’s shops in different villages to such corporate. Additionally we are also working to partner with NGO & corporate which are also working to promote women entrepreneurship
We shall use the prize money to promote this program in the refugee camps and colonies in India
Many women entrepreneurs would start production of some products e.g. Clothes, Bags, School uniform, Women wear, Dairy products, Pickle, Papad, Bangle, Handicraft items etc. and they would need a market place to sell these products. Hence we have decided to build an online portal / Mobile app which can be used by all women to buy and sell the products within the women entrepreneurs’ network and we provide supply chain support to the women so that women are able to increase their income. Currently Women are placing their order using the whatsapp group and we are supplying the products in other shops as per demand.
So wWe are using whatsapp mostly as of now to share details of products, reporting, learning videos and various other activity coordination.
Mostly, Women are dependent on their father, Husband, Brother or uncle for their any financial & non-financial requirements. This is because lack of financial independence of women.
Under our solution we encourage women to start business in their village. We provide seed funding, mentoring, training etc. to make every woman a successful. key steps are
- Mobilize & identify women who want to start own business
- Seed Funding of 10000-15000/-per women
- Business promotional activities to increase visibility & income
- Business mentoring to ensure there is a regular income
- Start production of Frocks, Kurta, Bangle etc.
- Market place to buy & sell products products
- Monthly Reporting
Impact (Apr 2018 to Mar 2020)
- Helped 60 housewives to become entrepreneurs in 43 villages
- Women have earned 15.5 lakh net incomes in year 2019-20
- 12000+ people benefited from Medical camps & other relevant workshops
Mostly, Women are dependent on their father, Husband, Brother or uncle for their any financial & non-financial requirements. This is because lack of financial independence of women.
Under our solution we encourage women to start business in their village. We provide seed funding, mentoring, training etc. to make every woman a successful. key steps are
- Mobilize & identify women who want to start own business
- Seed Funding of 10000-15000/-per women
- Business promotional activities to increase visibility & income
- Business mentoring to ensure there is a regular income
- Start production of Frocks, Kurta, Bangle etc.
- Market place to buy & sell products products
- Monthly Reporting
Impact (Apr 2018 to Mar 2020)
- Helped 60 housewives to become entrepreneurs in 43 villages
- Women have earned 15.5 lakh net incomes in year 2019-20
- 12000+ people benefited from Medical camps & other relevant workshops
Mostly, Women are dependent on their father, Husband, Brother or uncle for their any financial & non-financial requirements. This is because lack of financial independence of women.
Under our solution we encourage women to start business in their village. We provide seed funding, mentoring, training etc. to make every woman a successful. key steps are
- Mobilize & identify women who want to start own business
- Seed Funding of 10000-15000/-per women
- Business promotional activities to increase visibility & income
- Business mentoring to ensure there is a regular income
- Start production of Frocks, Kurta, Bangle etc.
- Market place to buy & sell products products
- Monthly Reporting
Impact (Apr 2018 to Mar 2020)
- Helped 60 housewives to become entrepreneurs in 43 villages
- Women have earned 15.5 lakh net incomes in year 2019-20
- 12000+ people benefited from Medical camps & other relevant workshops

Founder & CEO