The Digital skills will increase and improve quality educational empower youths and young graduates in industry-relevant digital skills and innovation to allow access to local job opportunities for young people .
Contribution to the strategic objective of connecting more children and youths in education and jobs on their doors step specifically address this by tackling the emerging gap between the quality education and mismatch job skills equipped with and what employers say they need.
Enable e-learning and digital generation for children and school students) while youths and young graduates gain 21st Century digital skills for job creation.
Supporting quality education and economic growth in rural Tanzania, addressing children early education and labour market shortages by creating a talent pipeline that will inspire more children and youths to use digital skills.
Digital skills center will convert learning curriculum to meet their talent requirements from local and global labour market.
The digital educational and economy transforming the education and employment landscape across schools ,industries, financial services, health, entertainment, transportation and,need the building blocks of the digital educational and economy, which includes increasing the number of young women and men who possess digital skills. Poor innovation for children,youths and community due to none digital skills,
Challenges in academic institutions and working places around rural communities In Tanzania as an average 10% of urban workers use digital technologies at while 90% lead by children ,youths and young graduates facing employment challenge dues to digital divide while in developed countries specific European Union (EU) around 90 per cent of jobs require at least some level of digital skills.
There is mismatch skills for workers especially those lucky digital skill as created the payment gaps while in developing countries like Tanzania, digital jobs can offer wages up to 5.5 times higher than the official minimum wage
While young people are often considered “digital natives”, the majority of them do not actually possess sufficient job-relevant digital skills to fill vacancies in Tanzania.
The Digital skills will increase and improve quality educational empower youths and young graduates in industry-relevant digital skills and innovation to allow access to local job opportunities for young people .
Contribution to the strategic objective of connecting more children and youths in education and jobs on their doors step specifically address this by tackling the emerging gap between the quality education and mismatch job skills equipped with and what employers say they need.
Enable e-learning and digital generation for children and school students) while youths and young graduates gain 21st Century digital skills for job creation.
Supporting quality education and economic growth in rural Tanzania, addressing children early education and labour market shortages by creating a talent pipeline that will inspire more children and youths to use digital skills. Digital skills center will convert learning curriculum to meet their talent requirements from local and global labour market.
Our digital programs and activities will take place daily but the target is to enroll 180 children every year (Learning through ICT program) for kindergartens and pre primary studies while more than 1000 youths and community will be trained yearly and the minimum of 20 youths and young graduates to be enrolled for Digital skill and ICT for employment programs every month.
The centre also will focus to VET skills using ICT as Dar es salaam region is our target population of 6 million as most of them are school children, youths and young graduates migrating to the city for seeking job.
Thriving in today’s fast changing world requires breadth of digital skills rooted in academic and job competencies but also including such things as teamwork in defined centre with facilities, critical thinking, communication, persistence, and creativity. Tanzanian children and young people will be better able to manage their environment, resources and ability to be agile learners, able to adapt and learn new things quickly in a new fast-changing environment. In short, the project align with world is constantly changing while Many beneficiaries will articulated their need for the breadth of skills approach.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
We focus on global challenge as we target the whole community improving the quality of educational for children and foster digital skills and competences for young people and community from disadvantaged background as the solution for digital divide in Tanzania.
Pave the way for global information access ,digital education and job skills locally and globally as 75% of Tanzanians populations live-in rural areas will use digital skills for job creation for their social challenges.
To foster digital skills for community ,work on digital divide early solution learning benefited and empower more than 100,0000 house hold and more than 2000 children.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
As the innovative resource and training center aiming to focus five competence innovative areas of rural Digital Competence Framework for Citizens: Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation, Safety and Problem-solving.
Moreover, the solution highlights the benefits of a joint digital and soft skills for children and youths in the current economic context as the major innovation gap required in Tanzania.
The solution cast a spotlight on the ongoing information Technology revolution as it offers promising solutions to children, youth unemployment through digital jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities.
The solution is unique as will lead to transformation of three
sectors - early educational for children, agriculture, health, and offshore services - and the creation of emerging work opportunities (from micro work to app development) requiring new skills and new ways of learning
Academic, business, companies and individuals indeed all need the digital economy, as have realized that digital skills are vital for community and employees in the digital era. It is more important than ever that new employees are cross-disciplined and have both hard and soft skills.
Global economy, individual skills/professional, computers and ICT Technology are essential to power the solution as technology increasingly digital skills become the foundation of a competitive economy.
Businesses need to invest in digital training to increase productivity and stimulate innovation, as the rapid pace of digital transformation is changing the nature of community in Tanzania must be equipped to fit the next generation not just with the skills that we know industry needs today but also with the skills they will need for a future.
We found that the digital skills works in all stages include education and training pipeline due to Digital Strategy, and formulation of a coherent cross-Government policy in Tanzania.
The solution works as there is the gap between the digital skills that children and young people take into their working lives and the skills actually needed by the digital economy. It indicates that there is need for Tanzania ’s approach to developing digital skills as government look the way of making the school curriculum integrate with computer, digital degree apprenticeships, and the Tech Partnership especially this time of Covidi-19 error.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
TAREO believe Collaborative model as co-creative between our foundations expertise and stakeholders . The foundation takes the position of a critical friendship with a support and challenge role with stakeholders.
Our project coordination office and community develop run projects or initiate as all are aware of all the things we are doing, and shares those steps of change and impact for each steps during and after implementations We dedicate time to share and make participatory decisions in various elements of the changes.
We always ask ourselves and beneficiaries:
1. What is the situation we face? What are the underlying causes?
2. What needs to change in the long term? How do you want things to be different?
3. How will these changes be made?
4. What actions take? What will participants experience as different?
5. What effect will those actions have? On whom? .By when? What will happen next? What will happen after that?
6. How we know if change is happening? What we see? How will you measure that?
7. What will happen for community or Person A, Person B, etc.
8. What might prevent this from happening?
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- 4. Quality Education
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
The project are target the total population of Saranga ward (50,000) as part of 6 million people in Dar salaam region.
Every year we will enroll 180 children for early educational (learning through ICT)
Every year we will have 500youths graduate VET skills using ICT (Digital skills).
Every month we will enroll 20 young for basic computer application, 10 special computer skills (Programming, web designing, App development ...)
Our proposed project center will have minimum of 1000 beneficiaries’ trained digital skills and program in the center.
- Nonprofit
Tanzania Rural Empowerment Organization also shortly known as -TAREO is
Non-Governmental Organizations established in 2000 and official
registered in 2008 by 4 founder-members. To-date the NGO has grown in
numbers to more than 10,000 members, working in more than 10 regions in
Tanzania mainland and facilitates numbers of local projects with local
and grassroots organizations countrywide.
Our team consist 6 people to work with this project.
Three are full time employed people include Project coordinator Mr Thadei Msumanje, Coordinator for ICT skills and Community development officer.
The other three people include, building estate manager, planning officer and accountant.
Mr. THADEI M MSUMANJE – The founder As the key founder member and the chief operating officer hold Ba rural development and Msc in information managenet he is responsible for planning and operations, including strategic management while lead the team in supporting organization Projects and activities. He also save in other organizations in Tanzania as member and representative.
Mr PAUL JOHN: Web master and Skill training coordinator. Holds diploma in Computer science, high skills in programming and web development brings over 10 years of experience in computer industry training, software and web design strategies include Internet of things Technologies (IOT). Developed geophysical data processing system, Currently developing contents for web based skill learning for VET trainees.
Mrs CHRISTINA V KIMARO: TAREO Administrative officer cum Planning officer.Hold Bachelor degree in Public administration but also diploma in Community development and certificate in accounting with computer .With experiences of more than 17 years in administrative position and leading financial and community development projects and activities. One innovating the new methodology and modal in skill programs offered by our centers.
Mr. BONIFACE MMBANDO: Curriculum and ICT contents developer:Hold two different degrees (Bsc in informatics and Bachelor degree in Information Technology and educational) with experiences in teaching adults ,designing ,curriculum development computer programming and learning through ICT model.
He connects online learning to their target students for the perfect experience using TAREO web portal and still developing and piloting ICT skill to rural communities and encourage VET centers to use digital skills.
We have numbers of partners from individuals, local and international organization that we work together.
Current we don't have collaborative projects we do but still we shore numbers of lessons from past,present and existing projects and activities.
Our main partnership is resources and volunteering work.
Our model work in partnerships and engagement with strong, open-minded and straightforward relations to all partners to optimize work and investments while at the same time reduce risk and uncertainty. With clear goals we share and discuss our projects, ideas and activities with potential partners.
The core activities include:
- Building (digital resource center) with classrooms, teaching and learning facilities include power (electricity or solar) computer and internet.
- Initiate the programs and training through enrollment.
- Update or use existing curriculum from class instruction to digital instruction (learning through ICT).
- Advocate the programs Work partner and close with local authorities in village,ward ,district,regional and national level.
The physical resources are crucial as they basically are the components of the school and center. The building/acquirement of classrooms and venues, ICT tools (computers) and solar panels or electricity to run the ICT facilities. These assets will contribute to the generation of income to the center through school tuition, course fees etc.
The human resources needed are teachers for the classes and courses, administrative personnel working in the office and security guards to gurd the properties and assets during night. Intellectual capital is everything from software to patents and - most importantly – the ICT knowledge.
MARKETING-We believe in a broad communication plan to reach our customers and beneficiaries. Hence, we advertise and market TAREO through local meetings, home visits and other face-to-face-meetings, through local popular media and on the internet
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
TAREO financial model for center sustainability designed to ensure that the center cover the running cost without depending on donors or support with the following procedures;
1.The first agreement to establish center done between TAREO and beneficiaries include local leaders where the project done.
2.The local leaders (Village,ward,District and Regional) agree to offer land for establish infrastructure 9This has already done)
3.TAREO,local leaders through committees and Educational authority set the charges and fees structure for services,training and other related business the center will offer.
4.Center committees is nominated and other reelected to work with local leaders for fundraising and any other future related cost that would be needed.
4.TAREO establish and bet approved from authority the charges and fees basing on beneficiary status as other will be studying free.
5.Other digital and income generation activities introduced include mobile financial transaction,ICT related business activities and TOT for other foundations.
The Money generated in business center gets used to cover costs for running the school, e.g. teacher salaries, education material, maintenance and more.
We ensure that our business is cost driven with a lean cost structure, low price value-for-money-proposition, maximum automation and extensive outsourcing. Our work mindset is value driven focusing on value creation, where every shilling or dollar put into the business shall contribute to providing value for our beneficiaries.
TAREO apply for Solve in order to partner in global challenge solution.Our solution is locally Africa required and to implement we need to apply to solve.
Our solution relate MIT Solve requirements focusing on innovative and skill tech-based to our rural communities .
The solution advocacy initiative driving up digital capabilities across the need communities ,promote digital skills and leadership while directly support digital skills development
Additionally, we will be carrying out a benchmarking exercise
across the sector to measure how digitally confident it is. Taking place
in the first half of 2020, this will also help us identify and
celebrate the great work happening already.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Marketing, media, and exposure
TAREO partnership goal for digital skill project aims to improve the quality of children education and youth work by increasing the capacity of youth workers in innovation and employments within local communities. By so doing partners will contribute to capacity building, the increasing level of recognition for a stronger and better African rural society.
Also partnership develop strategies for delivering digital skills to disadvantaged children, youths and adults including the formulation of digital competency frameworks for educators for relevant digital competencies.
Basing on financial implication, partnership will build capacity in our organization providing financial education by empowering the organization and our staffs to deliver high quality training in digital skills and digital economic literacy.
Working with MIT we also like partners MIT faculty ,Solve Members and others with similar goals without mention.
TAREO through Women’s Organization unit in MAJENGO-KYOMU VILLAGE,KAHE WARDS established under support of Kilitech foundations ( rural women from 8 villages Majengo, Kyomu,Ghona ,Kochakindo, Soko, Mangoto ,Kilototoni and Mwangaria , and other villages out of Kilimanjaro regions. Women department works jointly with other local and non-governmental organizations as well as government agencies and offices involved with the welfare of women and empowerment .(
TAREO Women Organization will use the innovation price for the following Train women using digital skills include mobile to creating awareness and appreciation of the various economical, social and rural problems women face in different societies;
- Creating and promoting digital business understanding and accommodation among different cultures and societies in the community;
- Assisting and providing ICT training for women job creation and income generation activities..
- Promotion of good and beneficial cultures and traditions using digital skills.
- Campaigning against poverty, health and practices affecting the health of women and children in relation to barriers of information access.
TAREO believe that Entrepreneurship and service provide young people with hands-on opportunities to learn and build the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century once combined with digital skills.
Our work also addresses gaps in existing between urban and rural communities in Tanzania educational systems. The GM price will support and run programs that address skills gaps in established education systems, encouraging young people to see entrepreneurship as a viable career.
Our solution will base on VET graduates and university graduates training emphasizes to use digital skills to help build the foundation for sustainable career choices. We also provide financial inclusion and business training to empower women with the skills to manage their own lives, households and businesses through ICT skills.
Founder and President